One True Thing (29 page)

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Authors: Lynne Jaymes

BOOK: One True Thing
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“I’ll check my schedule,” I say, not sure I want to commit yet and ruin our uneasy truce. To Gramps, I’ll always be the black guy who lied to his granddaughter and I doubt he’ll ever be okay with it.

Jenna runs one finger down my chest and hooks it into the top of my jeans. “I’ll owe you one.”

I hand Jenna her helmet. “And I’ll make sure to collect just as soon as we get home.”

She laughs and straps the helmet on while she waits for me to start the bike. It’s just an old BMW that I got last week—big and loud but still not as cool as the Triumph. When Jenna climbs on the back and presses her thighs against my legs, it doesn’t matter anymore. She’s in her right place on the back of my bike as I gun it out of the parking lot and onto the road.


I stretch and pull Jenna closer to me on the bed. I’m sleepy and content as she puts her cheek on my chest and wraps one leg around my thigh. I love feeling her naked body against mine, her damp skin sliding against me as she settles in. I can’t believe I almost lost all of this.

“That was amazing today,” she says, tracing the tattoo on my arm with her finger.

“I aim to please,” I say, stroking her lower back.

“Not that!” she says, smacking my chest and laughing. “Although the sex was great too. I meant the catch today. You climbed halfway up that wall to get that ball—every single person in the place thought it was gone.”

“Rowan too. He was pretty happy about it.”

“I can’t believe what he did! Stewart was totally freaking out.”

I sigh. “I guess it’s all out in the open now. Coach said he’d already gotten a ton of calls for interviews.”

“Good for Rowan,” she says. “He deserves it and they’re really good together.”

I run my fingernail over the delicious curve of her ass and watch her twitch. “I think we’re pretty good together.”

“I think so too,” she says, tilting her head to kiss me. “It’ll be your turn at the majors next year.”

I shift a little on the tangled sheets. “Coach actually said that the Diamondbacks want to see me play again on our trip to Arizona.”

Jenna props herself up on her elbows so she can look at me. “Really? That’s awesome! When?”
“Um…May 18
I think,” I say, trying to remember what Coach said. “We’re playing three games down there.”

Jenna bites her lip and looks down at the sheets. “That’s the same weekend as the American Dance auditions. You said you were going to try to get out of that trip.”

“Shit,” I say, feeling instantly guilty. Jenna asked me to go with her to New Orleans—it was going to be our first big weekend away together.

“It’s okay,” she says, shaking her head and lying back down next to me. “Courtney will come. She wanted to anyway.”

“I want to come too.” I pick up her hand and kiss her palm. “I wish I could. But after last time…”

“You may not get another chance. I know. It’s okay. I probably won’t even make it past the first auditions anyway.”

I put one arm behind my head. “Don’t even say that. You’ve been working crazy hard and nobody is as talented as you are. You’re going all the way for sure. This time next year, you’ll be famous as the winner of this year’s American Dance.”

She laughs softly. “I wish.” She’s quiet for a minute and I start to let the sleep take over.

“Hey Ty?” she asks, and I open my eyes again.

“Mmm hmm?” I ask, pulling her closer to me and burying my face in her hair.

“What if I do make it on the show? What if I make it on the show and you get drafted by the Diamondbacks this summer? What are we going to do?”

“What do you mean what are we going to do?” I ask. “It’s what we’ve both been working for our whole lives. We’re going to be pretty damn happy about it.”

Jenna sits up and leans on one arm. Just the sight of her perfect little breasts is enough to get me started again. “Yeah,” she says. “But I’ll be working in LA and you’ll be in Arizona. We won’t even be in the same state, forget about the same town.”

I put a hand out and stroke her thigh. I hadn’t really thought past making it to the majors. “We’ll figure it out,” I say. “I’ll come see you, you’ll come see me. It took us a long time to get here, you can bet your ass I’m not willing to let you go now.”

A troubled look crosses her face, but she settles herself back down beside me. “What about cheerleaders?”

I laugh. “They don’t have cheerleaders in baseball. What about you with all of the hot dancer guys?”

Now it’s her turn to laugh. “Gay.”

I put my arm around her again. “See? We’ve got nothing to worry about.”

Jenna kisses my neck and puts her head on my chest. “Just us. Together.”

I ignore the tiny seed of worry that her comments have planted in my mind. We were meant to be together, and we’re good for each other. She pushes me to work harder and be better—I want to make it to the majors not only for myself but for Jenna too. I hear her sigh as she settles in beside me and my chest is filled with a sense of belonging. No matter what happens to us in the next few months or the next few years, this is what’s right.

I lean over and put my lips right next to her ear.

“Together,” I whisper.


The End



This is always the hardest part to write because without an army of people, a book would never get done and I’m always terrified I’m going to forget someone.

First and foremost, a huge thank you goes to Ronnie Douglas. When she first asked if I wanted to look into the world of indie publishing, I thought she was crazy but it has changed my life. Equally as important is Lauren Blakely who encouraged me from the start and shared her wisdom and email addresses to help get this book from vague idea to words on the page and in your ereaders. She never thought any question was stupid, and for that, I can’t thank her enough. Jane Lukas guided me through the nitty gritty of indie publishing and was generous with her wisdom. Jessie Evans celebrated with me and ‘liked’ almost all of my posts. A huge shout-out has to go to the  gals of TES— my posse, my support and my cheering section. 

The gorgeousness of the cover of ONE TRUE THING is due to Helen Williams, who with her patience and artistic skill brought this book to life. And a special thanks to the gals from Love Between the Sheets – Natalie, Dina, Jennifer and Meagan who helped get the word out with their passion and commitment.

One last shout-out to my family, who put up with my outbursts of dialogue, my constant inattention and need for reassurance. I couldn’t do it without my boys.

My biggest thank-you is for my readers. There are so many choices in the world about how to spend your time and money, I’m grateful and humbled that you chose to spend some with Ty, Jenna and the gang.

Also By Lynne Jaymes…


(Book 2 in the 
FILTERED series)
by Payge Galvin & Lynne Jaymes

After a night-shift shooting of a drug dealer in The Coffee Cave, thirteen strangers each walk out with more than $100,000 in dirty money, a pact never to meet again, and the chance to start over.

Dillon Varga has always craved the spotlight. Now, with his newfound riches, he jumps at the chance to leave his troubled past behind and take a shot at his future. With his best friend Savanah Miller by his side, the two hit the neon lights of Las Vegas for a chance at a spot on the hit TV show American Voice.

As they both move up in the singing competition, feelings surface between them that make both singers wonder if there might be more to life than just fame and fortune. Together they'll have to dodge the perils of celebrity judges, sexy competitors, and the truth about the past to find the one thing they desire most -- each other.


On sale now at all fine etailers.



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