Only One Man Will Do (4 page)

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Authors: Fiona McGier

Tags: #9781629290812, #contemporary, #romance, #sequel, #love, #man, #Fiona McGier, #Eternal Press, #erotica, #interracial, #Harley, #Minneapolis, #Alpha, #biker, #drug dealer, #Russian

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Soon after that, he lay on his back catching his breath, holding her in his arms while she was half-draped over him. He heard her regular breathing indicating she was out.

No round two tonight? Never mind. You are a wild woman even drunk on your ass, Alexandra. I think I proved I can stand up to your other men tonight. You still might not believe I can replace them. But there’s only enough room in your pussy for one dick, and I intend that it will be mine.

He fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Chapter Five

Alexandra was not used to having trouble concentrating when she was at work.

Damn him! Every fucking thing keeps reminding me of him and how good he is in bed! I’ve got to get my head back in the game!

She leaned forward and steepled her fingers together in the
I’m giving you my full attention
pose her father had taught her, but touching her fingers together made her inadvertently look at the fingers on the man who was sitting across the desk from her, explaining what he expected her to produce for his company, now that
father had convinced him she was the best in the business.

Look at those skinny little fingers. I’ll bet he thinks he’s got a big dick, but the women he’s with know better. They ask him, “Is anything going on down there yet?”

She pursed her lips in a frown, so the smile wouldn’t show.

Fingers…the first clue I had that my man mountain had a chubby choad that just won’t stop! What a man! Good thing I’m woman enough to handle all he can dish out! Phew!

“Isn’t that right, Alexandra?”

Shit! Shit! Shit! What the fuck is he asking me about?

She nodded at Bill, her VP of Marketing. He took that as her answer and pointed to the slide on the screen that was a part of his power point presentation. The new client asked him a question and she went back to remembering how good her weekend had been, ending with a perfect day yesterday.

Not only is he an animal in bed, but he’s a fucking chef who works magic in the kitchen too. He let me sleep in so he could create a spectacular brunch. Then he brought in coffee and woke me up by licking and sucking me into being awake, then fucking me until I was screaming myself hoarse again!

Then we stayed naked and ate next to the balcony, enjoying the warm sunshine as we ate that eggy-cheesy thing he baked with potatoes and onions. He had fruit and mimosas ready for us too. After I ate until I couldn’t move, we relaxed in the Jacuzzi, drinking more mimosas. Then we fucked in lots of my favorite positions until we passed out from pleasure. When we woke up later, he made some of the best steaks I’ve ever had, along with all of the side stuff I usually ignore. But he made them good too! If he keeps on feeding me like that I’m gonna gain a ton of weight. I’ll have to work out extra-hard when I get home tonight.

She focused her eyes when the men in the room appeared to be finishing up their discussion. They got up and shook hands with each other. The new client approached her desk and extended his hand to her as well.

“You’ve got enough going on here that I think you can do what we need. I’ll give you sixty days to get some results. If I’m not happy, I’ll have to rethink my decision.”

Alexandra gave him her most persuasive smile, the one she had used to get her dad to buy her anything she wanted…
like my first motorcycle.

“We won’t need that long to prove to you we can do what you want.”

His eyebrows rose, while his eyes bored into her. “I hope so.”

Once the door had closed behind him, Bill launched into his version of what had just happened. Alexandra forced herself to concentrate on his words.

And for a short time, she was able to keep her head in the game and ignore the persistent ache between her legs that reminded her she had done some vigorous and energetic fucking over the weekend.

* * * *

Tuesday afternoon Dmitri returned to the biker bar he’d been introduced to on Saturday night. He’d spent the past two days looking for some kind of employment.

If I’m gonna stick around and try to tame that redheaded wildcat, I’m gonna need a way to pay for shit and a place to stay. I wonder if Ivan knows anyone from around here.

He took a sip from the shot the bartender placed in front of him, then sent a text to Ivan. When he was done he looked up and watched idly as Joe, the bartender answered the phone.

“What? You know what it’s like in here tonight! What the fuck do you mean you can’t come in?”

As the person on the other end of the line spoke, the bartender’s expression got angrier.

“I don’t care how you’re feeling. You just need to grow a pair and tell that bitch you’re coming to work…yeah, I know she’s got an itch only you can scratch.”

Don’t they all?
Dmitri smiled.

“Then fuck you! Don’t bother coming back; jag-off! Consider yourself fired!”

After slamming the phone down, the bartender strode angrily over to the small sink under the bar where Dmitri sat and splashed water everywhere as he took out his bad mood on the glasses.

“Trouble?” Dmitri asked as he watched the second broken glass being tossed into the garbage.

“Yeah. Son of a bitch who’s been my bouncer on weeknights has got himself a new piece. Some young bimbo who keeps him up all night fucking her, then he’s too damned tired to come to work. Asshole.”

Dmitri looked around at the sparse crowd doing some late afternoon drinking.

“Don’t look to me like that’s gonna be a problem tonight.”

“No? Tuesday night is darts contest night. By seven this place’ll be packed. And once they all get good and tanked, they start accusing each other of cheating and the fighting starts. I don’t know how the hell I’m gonna keep up with the drinks
collect the cover charge
keep the peace around here.”

Dmitri leaned forward. “Are your bouncers allowed to have a few drinks while they work?”

Joe looked up quickly. “Why? You interested?”

“I might be.”

He appraised Dmitri’s size and seemed pleased with what he saw.

“You’re the one came in with Alex on Saturday night, right? Hit one of her riders and knocked him unconscious without anyone seeing what you did?”

Dmitri nodded.

“Ten bucks an hour and all the vodka you can drink, as long as you keep everyone playing nice together. You can even order some food while you’re working and it’ll be part of your pay. I’ll throw in ten percent of the cover charge if you stop any trouble before it gets out of hand. Deal?”


Joe’s eyes narrowed. “Why? You illegal?”

Unruffled, Dmitri smiled blandly. “Nah. I just hate having
the man
take a big chunk out of what I earn.”

Joe nodded. “Okay, fine. Cash. Makes it easier for my accountant that way.”

“Deal,” Dmitri said as he shook the hand thrust in front of his face and turned to the door.

“I should go hang around by the main door, right?”

Joe poured another shot in his glass and nodded.

“Five bucks to come in, ten bucks if they’re gonna play. I award cash prizes to the winning teams. Comes out of the take, so you’re gonna need this.”

He reached under the bar and pulled out a strong box with a key in the lock.

“You got it, boss.” Dmitri grabbed the box and sauntered over to the door to settle down on the stool already there, putting the box onto a small table he found between the stool and the wall.

He sat on the stool, took a sip from his glass and looked around expectantly as he arranged his expression into a mean look to discourage challenges to his authority.
This is gonna be easy money.

* * * *

Dmitri didn’t hear his phone ringing over the noise of the jukebox and the yelling of the patrons, but he felt it vibrating in his pocket. He looked closely at it and saw it was after eleven, and that the fiery redhead was calling him. He smiled as he answered.


“Hello, Dmitri,” she purred. “Miss me?”

“I’m hard already just hearing your voice…so yeah.”

“And I’ve got my fingers in my pussy because I’m…hey! Why do I hear so much noise? Are you partying without me?”

“No, I…”

“Bullshit! I hear music and yelling and stuff. Where the hell are you?”

“I’m working.”


“That bar you took me to on Saturday? I stopped here for a drink yesterday and they needed a weeknight bouncer. I got hired on the spot. Tonight’s the billiards contest. Last night was darts. Tomorrow night’s the wet tee-shirt contest with karaoke.”

“Wet tee-shirt, huh? Think I could win?”

“Honey, if you put on a white T-shirt with no bra, I’d be fired for punching out all of the men who grabbed at your tits…or I’d be fired for fucking you on the pool table.”

Alexandra was silent for so long that Dmitri asked, “You still there?”

He heard her moan and smiled.

“You just made yourself come, didn’t you?”

“No, you made me come. I’m tempted to head down there right now in a white tee-shirt just to see what happens.”

“Don’t. So, why’d you call? I thought we were gonna stick to weekends only.”

“Yeah, I know I told you that’s my rule. I don’t combine my biker-self with my businesswoman-self, but I can’t stop thinking about you. My pussy has finally stopped aching from the pounding you gave me, but now I want some more.”

Some guys walked in and Dmitri had to say, “Wait a minute, honey,” while he collected their money and stamped the backs of their hands. Once he had put the money into the lock box he asked, “So what do you want from me?”

“Come over tonight.”

“I’m not done until after one.”

“I don’t care. I’ll wait up.”

“Does that make this a booty call?”

“Yeah, but I’m the one who’s calling, so you’re the one supplying the booty.”

“Whatever you say, babe.”

“So are you coming or not?”

“Not yet, but I will be as soon as I can get there.”

“I’d leave the door open but I know I don’t have to. You just let yourself in and I’ll be waiting for you.”

“Keep it juicy until I get there.”

“Bastard! I will.”

He hung up and smiled at the phone.

How the hell am I going to convince such a horny woman that the only man she needs is me? She’s used to getting what she wants from any man she asks. But playing hard-to-get is impossible. All I can think about is slamming myself into her again until she shrieks out my name. Damn!

* * * *

Shortly after one, Dmitri pushed the door closed and locked it. He listened for a moment and thought he heard a noise from the master bedroom, which was where he was headed anyway. He tossed his leather jacket onto the sofa and headed down the hall. What he saw when he got close to the open door made him stop in his tracks as all the blood in his body raced for his groin.

Alexandra was on her stomach on a weight bench, doing lateral flies. He only glanced for a quick moment at her back as the muscles bulged with each lift of the weights. His eyes grew larger, as did his cock, when he noticed she was wearing a white tee-shirt with a tiny, lacy white thong. Since she was lying on her stomach with her legs spread and her feet on either side of the bench, he had a great view of the area barely covered by the thong.

Holy fucking hell! Woman, you are trying to kill me!

The only noise he made was a strangled moan, but it was loud enough for Alexandra to put her weights down and sit up. She swung one leg around so that she reversed direction and what little ability Dmitri had to think left him. All he could do was stare lustfully at the thin white tee-shirt that accentuated her large, erect nipples, making even the bumps on her areolas harden under his gaze.

“Hi honey,” she purred. “I did some cardio earlier, now I’m finishing up my weight-lifting. Gotta keep myself in shape so I can keep up with you, right?”

She licked her lips and smiled.

Dmitri gave up trying to speak. Instead he strode forward quickly, stopping directly in front of Alexandra. She turned her face up to stare into his eyes, while her hands began pushing her breasts together, then her fingers played with the nipples while Dmitri’s eyes turned black with arousal.

The only noise in the room was his panting as he bent his head and captured one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking it though the tee-shirt. Alexandra sighed as she let him push her backwards to lie on the bench, his lips still attached to her, his teeth now nipping in between sweeps of his tongue. She closed her eyes to concentrate on the immensity of the feelings building in her, but opened them to moan in disappointment when he let go of her nipple with a

His face doesn’t even look human anymore! He looks like lust personified! Ooh, I have a feeling I’m gonna get it good tonight!

Dmitri put a large hand on either side of her ample hips and pulled her down to the edge of the bench before ripping of her thong by snapping the sides open. She watched as he feverishly tore at his pants, getting them open then not even bothering to step out of them. He grabbed her hips again and aimed himself at the inflamed, engorged mouth of her pussy, taking only a moment to rub himself around her opening, spreading their juices around before he pulled her up and stabbed his way into her in one forceful push.

He fills me! Every part of me is squeezing and he’s wide enough to almost split me open when he pushes into me! I feel every ridge and vein on his cock!

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