Operation London (21 page)

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Authors: Elle Hansen

BOOK: Operation London
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"Yeah, I noticed you left the Jone's file on your desk
. I was going to swing by and drop it off," Magdalene said sweetly, holding the envelope out as she winked at Angel. Ava took the stuff with a shaking hand and tucked it under one arm quickly.

"So, you two like working here?" Angel asked, looking around the cubicle with aggravating nonchalance

"Yeah, it's really fun," Magdalene said, gesturing to Ava to bolt
. She shook her head adamantly. There was a real danger involved with being left alone in Angel's clutches.

"You two should come to my house in Mexico
. I invited a bunch of people. You know, parties, dancing, swimming, good food. I'll even throw in your plane tickets," Angel said, looking at them both with a debonair smile.

"You don't even know us!" Magdalene cried, a tinge of real horror in her voice
. How would they sneak out of this one?

"I seen you both at Piper's
. Come on, there's gonna be tons of people there. And I like you two already. I'm real good at reading people. Come on," he pleaded, putting his palms together and flashing that malicious smile that turned Ava's blood cold.

"We can't," Ava said at the same time that Magdalene piped up, "Alright, we will."

"Hey, listen to your friend," Angel said to Ava, writing his number down on a piece of paper to hand to Magdalene. "You call me, and we'll convince her to come and have a good time, right?"  He caressed Magdalene's cheek with the back of his hand.

Turning on his heel, he made for the elevator and Magdalene grabbed Ava and dragged her to an opening in the ceiling
. Standing on the desk she swung herself up and put her hand out for the folder. Ava followed her silently. Using a hand held computer screen, Magdalene shimmied through the passages until they found a vent. She secured a hook to the outside edge and popped the vent out, sliding down the rope.

Cormac was waiting for them
. "Well, loves, is all as it should be?"

Ava held the folder up without a sound.

"Brilliant. Let's agree to meet tomorrow afternoon. I'll keep tabs on the bug tonight. I have a real interest in what Conway and Espino are going to have to say to Angel," he grinned glancing up to the still darkened floor.

"You sure you don't need company?" Magdalene asked carefully.

"No, thanks," he answered quickly, his voice clipped. "I'll call if I find that I need backup."

Magdalene hugged Ava tightly and walked away, not mentioning the Mexico dilemma
. Ava made her way to her car, exhausted beyond her wildest dreams. She would kill for a good night's sleep, but it was only eight thirty, and she really wanted to see Miguel again, even if it was only for a little while.

Taking out her silver phone she speed dialed his number and waited for him to pick up

"Hello, Ava," his strong voice called gently, though the phone rang over and over against her ear
. She stopped walking, willing herself to turn around and look at him.

"Miguel," she said nervously
. How long had he been there?

"Is everything alright?" he asked tensely, his stiff body language preventing her from throwing herself into his arms and wrapping his warmth around her.

"I'm fine. Everything is fine."  She waited a moment, letting the vision of his hard body etch itself into her mind. He seemed to be relaxing, allowing his muscles to ease as he assured himself that she was fine.

"Come here," he ordered, and she was more than pleased to oblige
. Ava threw herself at him, burying her face in his neck, throwing her arms around his chest in a breath-stealing embrace.

He blinked, shocked at her open display of love
. This powerful, tough woman was bear hugging him like a maniac, and it made him feel a warmth that he hadn't experienced in a long time. Lifting her off her feet, he caught her mouth in his, licking and sucking, rubbing his hands along her body.

"Come home with me," she pleaded, pulling at his thick black hair, squeezing the muscles in his back urgently.

"Go to your car," he said gruffly. "I'll follow you."  Ripping away from her was like fanning a fire, but somehow he made his way to his vehicle. Through some miracle he was able to focus his mind on following her car to her house. She drove with speed and precision, like a racecar driver, and he and the aching bulge in his pants appreciated her efforts.

Getting out of her car, she dragged him by one hand into her house, pulling her shirt
over her head and leaving it in the front hallway as they moved through the foyer. It pained him to see that she wore a bulletproof vest, but once she undid the Velcro and let it fall his worry gave way to an extreme need. A silky red bra barely held her firm breasts in. She pulled her hair out of its ponytail, letting it cascade in wild golden waves over her back and breasts. Rushing towards him, she threw her legs around his waist, her soft breasts rubbing against his chest, her sweet mouth exploring his neck and lips eagerly. He wrapped one arm around her backside, pulling her closer to him and worked his free hand down her smooth belly, undoing the buttons on her pants to find the low waistband of her underwear. Working his hand underneath the silky fabric, he pushed his fingers through the soft hair and into the hot, wet core of her sex. Her wild moan nearly brought him to his knees. Pushing his forehead against her softly fragranced shoulder, his teeth bit into her skin gently as his fingers worked to stimulate her with his rhythm. Her body bucked slightly as he found the sensitive tip of her need and gently caressed it with his fingertips. Working his mouth down, he found the peaks of her nipples, sucking excitedly through the red silk. Ava threw her head back, arching her back and thrusting her breast farther into his mouth. Moving to lick and suck at the soft skin between her heavy globes, continuing to work his thumb with torturously slow circles Miguel relished her gasps, every raspy cry and each gentle rush of heat between her legs.

He rubbed his face against her soft skin, pushing her against the wall as she moved her hips against his painfully pleasurable rubbing
. She reached down past his, her slim fingers working to open his pants and release his cock into her waiting hands. He paused for a moment, enjoying the play of her fingers against the smooth length of his shaft. Every cell in his brain was urging him to drive into her, to bring her to the brink the way he had on the bluff. But he knew that they could have so much more together, and he wasn't about to take that away from her.

He adjusted his arm firmly around her and picked her up easily, following the hallway with his feet as he busied his eyes drinking in her fine skin, her glowing silver eyes, the waves of light brown hair enveloping her face and torso
. When he came to the bedroom he dropped her on the bed and made quick work of removing her pants, peeling them back along with the scant piece of fabric that was her underwear. His palms slid over her legs, increasing pressure with each slide up and down. His thumbs rubbed along the inside of her thighs, circled her knees and eased along her shins, then repeated the motions in reverse, this time moving his mouth to her caramel skin. Tiny, soft kisses traced the path his hands had established and Ava felt her body respond to each whisper of his breath on her skin.

She sat up on her elbows, admiring the slice of tanned, muscled chest showing from underneath Miguel's button down shirt
. His hair flopped lazily against his forehead like a strip of midnight on his sun kissed skin. She crawled down the bed, catching him by the collar and pulling him close. Undoing each button slowly, Ava eased Miguel's shirt off of his shoulders, running her hands over the bulge of his muscles. She ran her thumb over his bottom lip, kissed and licked his nipples until they perked with excitement and she could hear his heart pounding in his chest. Pushing him down onto the bed she pulled his pants and boxers over his hips, admiring the generous size of his erection. Both hands worked together to caress him, one sliding along the full length of his cock, the other cradling the full globes hanging behind.

"Oh, Ava," he moaned, pulling her name out with slow passion
. His eyes were mere slits, his lush mouth slightly parted as he breathed in and out heavily. He pulled his breath in with sudden surprise when he felt her lips against his inner thighs, her tongue leaving a wet trail as she inched towards his shaft.

Ava could feel Miguel's legs tense as she made her way closer to his cock
. Her hand was still working him into a frenzy. She wanted to please him as best as she could. The amazing night on the bluffs still shone clearly in her mind, and she needed to let him know that he could expect like treatment from her. Her tongue darted out to wet the tip of his cock, circling it slowly and precisely.

He moaned and muttered in Spanish as she took him into her mouth fully
. The sound of his excitement ignited her own desire, and she had soon established a mind numbing rhythm. All thoughts shot out of his head. There was only Ava and her mouth, her small sweet tongue gliding against him. He could feel the intensity rising, and the last thing he wanted was to leave her unsatisfied.

"Ava," he said, throwing his head back as she increased the pressure
. "Ava come here," he ordered. She moved up towards his face, letting her body press against his as she did. He pulled her to him, smothering her with his kisses, moving his hands hungrily over her breasts. Pulling a nipple between his thumb and forefinger he squeezed and pulled, refusing to let her mouth stray from his. He moved his hand lower, his fingers splayed over her ribs, along her stomach, alongside her hip. With one hand he pulled her closer to his erection, sliding the head of his shaft along her wet folds. Her silver eyes fluttered shut, and she moaned into his open mouth.

Slowly she slid her body down over him, sheathing his cock as she began to rock against him
. She ripped her mouth away from his, bracing herself against his shoulders as she took him inside of her over and over again. Miguel watched the sway of her heavy breasts, the quick fluid movement of her hips as she rode him. He had to fight for every ounce of control. He needed this moment to last as long as it possibly could.

Each rise and fall brought her body closer and closer to the electrifying release she knew was right there
. She shifted her weight, pressing herself into his hips, enjoying the full force of his cock inside of her. Increasing the tempo, she began to feel a quaking sensation that sent ripples of pleasure throughout her body. Over and over again she plunged onto him, frenzied with passion. Finally her release came, flooding her with warmth. She arched back, crying out his name in primal passion. He met her at the same moment, twining his fingers into her soft hair to pull her mouth to his. He had never experienced such complete release or had an opportunity to meet it with such a wild, passionate woman.

Ava laid her body over top of Miguel's, relishing in the sweet intimacy of his closeness
. Breathing in deeply, she filled her lungs with the salty scent of his skin, ran her hands along his body possessively. She had never been so completely taken by one person. It was as if she couldn't get enough of him, couldn't physically be close enough to satisfy herself.

He wrapped his arms around her thin body, crushing her as close as he could, kissing her soft face and neck
. His scent clung to her skin, inviting him to replay the scene of their love making in his head over and over again. Rolling her off of his body, he fixed her head on the pillow and cradled her against his chest.

"I feel so good," she smiled, her thick lips stained a deep pink from their passionate kisses.

"Ditto," he grinned, tracing his finger along the curve of her relaxed arm. "Ava, I know this is not the best time, but I have to get something off of my chest."  He felt her arm tighten like a spring, even though her face kept a mask of calm.

"What is it?" she breathed.

"I know we haven't been together for that long at all....."

"Yes," she breathed, trying to keep still as her heart pounded in her chest.

"I want to go to Mexico with you when you follow Angel."

"What?" she cried, sitting up in bed
. Her mussed hair flopped over her face, and she pushed it back with an aggravated hand. "When did I ever say I was going to Mexico?"

"You didn't, Ava
. And don't lie to me again by saying that you would have told me. Because we both know you never would have." 

Ava opened her mouth to protest, but closed it again as a quick second thought
. She would have gone. She would not have told him.

"I don't know if I can let you do that," she whispered, staring out the window at the black night
. He put his hands on her shoulders.

"Ava, Ava you drive me crazy," he laughed softly
. "Baby, I'm not letting you go to Mexico alone with that crazy asshole. Now I asked because I'm being a nice guy, but I'm going no matter what."

"You can't just decide to follow me," she said, shocked at the mix of anger and excitement his declaration produced in her.

"Oh yes I can," he answered, his voice taking on a razor sharp edge. "And I will."

"This isn't some kind of romantic macho thing Miguel!  I have work to do and your being there will distract me!" she cried, searching for a way to make him understand how frustrating he was being.

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