Operation Minotaur (Monstrous Matchmaker Book 5)

BOOK: Operation Minotaur (Monstrous Matchmaker Book 5)
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Book 5

By Kelly Apple

Operation Minotaur

Copyright ©
2016 Kelly Apple

All rights

This book is
a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of
the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed
as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or
organizations is entirely coincidental.


Kelly Apple

Find her at

Edited by
Amanda Shofner

Find her at



Because minotaurs
need love, too!

Chapter One


"You need to get out more," Ari announced.

Every one of her supernatural friends looked at her in
confusion. Well, everyone except Akakios. The minotaur kept his head down and
his mouth shut.

Narrowing her eyes, Ari got up and stomped across the
room. She sidestepped Vane's wings, ignored Michael and Ella's intertwined
bodies on the floor, and avoided Lon's bulk where he stretched out on the

Her destination was the brooding minotaur and she was
not going to get distracted by any of the intriguing things between her and

"Akakios," she said sweetly, "I'm talking
to you."

The room held its collective breath as she stood in
front of him, impatiently tapping her foot. It felt like an eternity until he
raised his head and looked her in the eye.

Ari waited. Akakios stared. Someone behind her sighed in

"Give it up, minotaur. The nymph isn't going to
leave you alone. You know this." Michael, her best werewolf friend and
sometimes partner in crime, untangled himself from his mate and sat up.
"Besides, she usually has good ideas."

Ari shot him a dark look over her shoulder. She
had good ideas. And Michael, the leg-humping fucker, knew that.

“Although there was that one time…” he started.

Hissing out an annoyed breath, Ari turned on the
werewolf and scowled. “Shut up, Mikey.”

Batting his golden eyes at her, Michael settled back and
pulled Ella into his arms. “Face it, Akakios,” he said to the silent minotaur,
“Ari gets her way. Always.”

Leaning against the wall, Liam grunted out a half-laugh.
If the big, green lunk wasn’t her absolute favorite person in the entire world,
Ari would have called him on that laugh. Instead, she settled for a smile that
dried up his laugh mighty quickly.

Yeah, if he hoped to his have knob polished tonight,
he’d best not laugh too hard.

“Akakios, why don’t you help me in the kitchen?” She
phrased it as a question, but it wasn’t. Not really. Curling a hand around his
impressively thick biceps, Ari tugged and pulled until she had manhandled him
into a standing position. “We’ll be back,” she chirped. “Don’t drink my beer.”

Liam’s amused gaze followed her as she dragged the
minotaur down to the kitchen and the relative privacy it provided.

Relative being the operative word. With their
supernatural hearing, it was likely every one of them behind her would known
what they were about to discuss.

Well, what she was about to discuss. Akakios was being
his usual bull-headed self and staying silent.

Getting down one of the oversized mugs Liam used, Ari
poured her minotaur friend a beer. God, he even looked sad when he took that
from her hand.

“Akakios,” she said, snuggling up to him, “are you

The minotaur frowned down into his cup and shrugged.
“I’m not unhappy, little nymph.”

That was a non-answer if ever she’d heard one.

“You’re not unhappy, but you’re not happy either, are

Another shrug. “This world has changed a lot since I
first came to these shores. The labyrinth was all I knew for so long, I find it
hard to take in at times.”

Sadly, Ari understood that. Akakios had known the way
out of the labyrinth under the college, but he’d had no reason to leave it.
He’d hunkered down and made the dungeon-like place his little kingdom. He
hadn’t been happy there, either.

As one of the last of his kind, there was little hope
he’d find a mate. Years upon years of being alone could wear on a man.

Beast or not, Akakios was a gentle soul and he deserved
more than he currently had.

“Do you like living with the wolves?”

The minotaur didn’t answer right away. The local werewolf
pack had taken him in and given him a sanctuary of sorts on their land. But he
wasn’t like them. He couldn’t step out into public like the wolves could. He
stayed hidden for the most part, only coming out to see her and the others on

“The wolves treat me with respect. The little ones have
learned to get over their fear.” A slight smile creased his wide mouth for a
moment before it fell.

Ari echoed his smile. The young wolf pups were adorable.
Rough and tumble, they were as likely to gnaw on your fingers as curl up in
your lap for a nap.

“You could move here.” At Akakios’s sharp look, Ari
rested her chin on his arm and smiled. “Liam and I don’t mind. Max is already
making plans to expand the grounds, make them more supe friendly.”

With his girlfriend in the area, the big dragon had been
visiting more often and had decided to sink some of his immense wealth into
making their home safe for those without a human form. It hadn’t surprised Ari
to see the changes. Max had been the one to push through the original building
plans and he’d added to and refined them since then.

The house might be hers and her mate’s, but the land
they lived on was for all of them.

Akakios shook his head. “I wouldn’t want to intrude.”

The sound of derision Ari made echoed in the huge
kitchen. “Please. We want you here. If you’re not comfortable in the house, you
can use the cave. You’ll have to share with Max when he’s here, but it’s
doable, big guy. Totally doable.”

As the minotaur considered it, Ari went up on her
tiptoes and brushed a kiss against his cheek.

Then she went in for the kill.

“Plus, I might have someone I think you’ll like.”

It was almost funny how a monster as big as a minotaur
could freeze so completely.

Chapter Two


“Are you sure this is a wise move, Arabella?”

Wise move? Pfft. Of course it was. Akakios was lonely.
They had room. She had a motherfucking dating agency.

This was the wisest move in the history of wise moves.

She would have told Liam that if his big, muscled body
hadn’t distracted her. Instead she watched him walk around their massive bed,
his ass flexing with every step.

Holy wow, she was one lucky nymph.

Her Guardian was a beautiful, beautiful specimen of
manliness. Long, thick cock. Muscles on top of muscles. Enough tentacles to
keep a girl satisfied.

Bouncing onto the bed, Ari flung off her clothes as
quickly as she could manage. Liam hadn’t given any indication he was looking
for some lovin’, but when the two of them were in close proximity to a bed,
there was an inevitable pattern they followed.

Sex. Followed by more sex.

The type of sex that left Ari weak kneed and blissfully
happy. The type that made her incredibly pleased she could take everything her
green love could give her.

“Hey, sexy,” she purred.

Liam raised an eyebrow, his
more active as he surveyed her wanton sprawl across the bed. “If you think you
can distract me from discussing your latest plan with your delectable body, you
are correct, mate. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t plan on revisiting this
idea you have regarding Akakios.”

God, she loved the way he talked. He’d been so formal
when they first began dating. The more time they spent together, the more
relaxed his speech patterns had become.

Still, his rough, deep voice made her hot. Wicked hot.
Cream her panties and gush like a geyser hot.

Not that she was wearing panties.

But if she was, they’d be drenched.

“You are aroused, mate.” Liam planted a knee on the bed
and loomed over her. “Perhaps I can help you with that.”

Wriggling, Ari let her knees fall apart so he could see
every wet inch of her. Liam’s impressive cock lengthened and thickened at her
movement. His
pumped the impressive rod of flesh in a way that
made her salivate.

God, she wanted to put her hands on him. Or her mouth.
Or just shove him onto his back and cram his thick man-meat into her depths.

She’d ride him so hard and fast they’d come in no time.
They could always go slow for the second round. Fast for the third. Have a
mutual round of oral for the fourth.

One of his more adventurous
around her knee, holding her open for him. Ari bit her lip and waited for the
others to join in.

Sure enough, three, then four tentacles found their way
onto her body. They pinned her down and made sure she had no chance of escaping
her love’s amorous advances.

Not that she would. She loved everything Liam did to
her. She loved when he went down on her. She loved when he fucked her ass. She
loved missionary and doggy and riding him reverse cowgirl.

She loved him. Completely.

When he lined up his monster cock and pushed in with
little foreplay, Ari didn’t mind in the least. They knew each other well enough
now that Liam was well aware of how turned on she got just by standing beside
him. He didn’t need to dip a finger into her lady garden and check for arousal.

Hell, her man could probably smell how turned on she was
as soon as he walked into the room.

And she loved the feeling of fullness as he penetrated
her too much to ever demand he stop.

His cock spearing into her was a goddamn revelation. A
masterpiece of hard flesh and harder thrusts.

Her love was also an unerring marksman when it came to
teasing her g-spot. How many women could say that? She never had to ask for
more. He always gave her everything every time they were together.

Her first orgasm caught her by surprise. It boiled up
and sent pleasure shooting down to her fingertips.

Liam grunted and thrust harder, hammering her into a
second orgasm before she’d fully come down from the first. Or was he simply
stretching the first into something mere humans would goggle over?

As her body convulsed and clamped down on his plundering
cock, Ari gave up thinking. Her disjointed thoughts weren’t doing anything
except distract her from the magnificence of Liam’s lovemaking.

Her inner teen giggled over that word.

They fucked like animals most of the time, but there was
more to it than that.

Fucking gained another dimension when you involved your
heart. Ari had given hers to Liam without hesitation. She loved the big, green
monster. She adored him. She worshipped him every chance she got.

They’d even discussed the possibility of children

Which… whoa. A year ago, kids weren’t even on her radar
and the thought of being a mother terrified her. But with the love of her life
by her side, she knew she could conquer that fear.

Liam would make an excellent father. He was patient and
kind and put up with all sorts of idiocy from her already. Their kids would
grow up knowing they were loved from the moment they bellowed out their first

The relentless cock inside her hadn’t slowed. He’d
thrown his tentacles into the mix now and tormented her clit to tease another
round of violent orgasms out of her.

Ari met Liam thrust for thrust. She wanted him to come
with her this time. The feel of him letting go and unloading inside of her made
everything she was feeling ten times better.

She loved the sticky feeling between her thighs after.
She loved how he’d give her time to come down before slipping his fingers
between her legs and toying with her clit again.

She loved the feel of him tensing against her, cock
going wild.

She loved him. She loved him. She loved him.

He grunted something low and deep. The grip on her hips
would leave bruises on a lesser woman. Then she felt the tell-tale pulsing of
his cock that signaled he was coming.

Surrendering to it, Ari let one last orgasm wash over

Pleasure was so much better when shared.

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