Operation: Tempt Me (5 page)

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Authors: Christina James

BOOK: Operation: Tempt Me
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Miller tossed
his laptop onto the cot and grabbed his weapon to go seek out his commander.
Walking out of the tent, Miller scanned the area to ensure no insurgents had
snuck up on them. Caution could never be enough. His eyes caught sight of his

across the sand, Miller stopped a foot away from the man. “Lieutenant
Commander Wallace, have we received the coordinates of our target yet?”

Wallace faced Miller. The two had been best friends since boot camp. Now with
Finn retired they each got turns running different ops. And Chance had been
assigned this one.

“If I did, do
you think I’d keep it a fucking secret, Daly?”

“Don’t give
me any shit. This sun’s baking all of our brains. I think we need to review our
mission and devise another plan since this one hasn’t worked. It’s like we’re
just sitting around with our thumbs up our asses.”

narrowed his eyes. “So now you want to run the show?”

Miller shook
his head and stared at the ground before looking back up and losing formality.
“Shit, it ain’t that, Chance, and you know it. I just want to be doing
something. We’ve trained for months and it’d be nice to finally get to put that
shit to the test. Seems no end in sight.”

“Never heard
you complain before about a mission taking too long.” Chance studied him.
“What’s her name?”

grimaced. “Get fucked. This ain’t about a woman. It’s about progress and I
don’t see us making any.”

“Then don’t
get antsy on me now. Granville has intercepted some static on the radio. May be
talk of an attack. Gear up. Let’s take a walk to the northern side, see if we
can spot any movement and get you some exercise.”

“Will do,”
Miller obeyed, turned and made quick strides to the tent. Chance could be a
prick sometimes. Exercise his ass. What he really needed was Cambrie’s naked
hot body under his while he fucked them both into oblivion.

Dressing in
his BDUs, Miller fitted the seventy-pound backpack loaded with ammo and water
and headed back to Chance. Miller may be dying to meet Cambrie, but he’d never
disobey orders. His missions always came first. No matter what. Cambrie
wouldn’t go anywhere in the next few hours until he could get back online.
Sucks that the Internet here was so damn spotty. If they lost their connection,
it could be days before they managed to get it back. He should’ve told her that
so she wouldn’t think he was ignoring her again. Then again, it may prompt her
to send another hot email.

“Ready when
you are,” Miller said, stepping beside Chance.

Granville, hold camp. Harper, continue staking the coordinates for the village.
Daly and I are headed to the northern post for patrol. Granville, I’ll be
looking for more info on that static, so keep on it.”

“Yes, sir,”
Lynch, Granville, and Harper replied, without interrupting their duties. Lynch
stayed on watch while Granville worked the radios and Harper wrote on a

“Come on,
Daly. Try and keep up,” Chance said, marching away from camp not waiting for
Miller to follow.

ignored Chance’s dig. He wasn’t in the mood to be teased unless it was by
Cambrie’s sexy body. Walking behind Chance, Miller held his rifle steady, his
eyes roaming the land for any combatants. Catching a bullet in the ass now
would severely fuck with his plans to meet Cambrie and get laid.

“Tell me her
name, bro,” Chance said, his sharp words breaking the silence.

“Don’t know
what you’re talking about,” Miller responded without emotion, even though waves
of electricity spiraled through him. He still couldn’t believe he had found the
woman from his dreams.

laughed loud and Miller shot him a warning glare that was ignored because
Chance continued without a flinch. “Shit, tell that to someone who don’t know
you as well as I do. Now we may be stuck out here in the middle of the goddamn
desert, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t found a hottie to play around with. I
know the Internet connections have been pretty steady, so spill it. Who’d you
meet online?”

“Get fucked,
would you?” Miller cringed knowing that Chance wasn’t about to let his
interrogation go any time soon. Not when they were surrounded by sand and no
other forms of life. Miller was prime picking. Great.

“Now that I’d
love to do, bro, but since I ain’t got no hottie chasing me, suppose you dish
on who you got? Does she got nice tits and ass?”

about the way Chance spoke about Cambrie, even if he didn’t do anything out of
the norm when it came to talking about women, had Miller’s blood pressure
rising and his hand tightening on the gun. No way in hell did he want his best
friend to talk about the woman who had captivated his attention since her
emails began. She deserved respect. There was something different about Cambrie
that Miller had sensed immediately, well once he gave her a chance. He sure as
hell didn’t want to have a conversation about her with their typical gutter

“You know,
ignoring me won’t shut me up,” Chance said, interrupting Miller’s thoughts.
“Hell, we’ve got a couple of hours out here by ourselves on this patrol. I’m
damn good at getting information that I want. So you might as well fess up the
juicy details now, Miller, or face my endless, mind numbing questions until you

smirked and pushed his sunglasses up onto his helmet, squinting in the bright
sun. Chance was the biggest asshole when he wanted something. “She’s different.
Don’t talk about her like a slut.”

whipped his head around to face Miller who only offered a grin and returned his
focus back to the horizon in search of enemies. “Oh, Lordy. What the hell have
you gone and done?”

“Don’t know
what the hell you’re talking about. I swear, you talk in circles sometimes,

“I know how
to talk. And you damn well know you’re hiding a lot more than you’re sharing.
Fucking spill.”

Was he that
transparent? “Nothing you need to know. When I feel like telling you anything
then I will. Until then…fuck off.”

grinned and slapped Miller on the back. “You, dawg, you. Getting action even
out here in the middle of no man’s land.”

Before Miller
could reply a bullet whizzed past his head. “Fuck!” He dropped to the ground
with Chance and returned fire, stopping only to yell into the radio attached to
his shoulder. “Taking fire. North ridge. Send goddamn backup.”

“I’ve got
your back, Miller,” Chance yelled while firing. “Don’t you fucking get shot or
I’ll kick your sorry ass.”

understood the danger and Chance’s underlying meaning. This would be one hell
of a battle to get out of without being maimed let alone get out alive. More
bullets whizzed by their heads and into the sand around them. “Looks like only
a few assholes. Let’s show them who the fuck they’re messing with.” Miller
growled, removing his spent cartridge and replacing it with a fresh supply of
bullets. “Don’t you get shot either, Chance. I don’t feel like carrying your
ass out of here.”

When a bullet
landed in front of them, the sand kicked up into Miller’s eyes blinding him.
Son of a bitch! With his vision useless, Miller relied on his other senses and
Chance. “Fuck. Can’t see.”

“Just aim
forward so you don’t shoot me,” Chance replied, his voice edgier than he let
on. “I’ve seen two fall. There’s two more. You take eleven o’clock. I’ve got
three o’clock for getting your eyes.”

Miller aimed
in the direction Chance instructed and emptied his gun. Now what?






Chapter Five


had never been more grateful to cuddle on her couch with her laptop. She had
been too busy after the press conference at the library to write Miller an
email like he had requested. But now the night was hers and she tapped away on
the keyboard.


Miller. Sorry about taking so long to get back to you. Work was busy, but I’m
all yours now. LOL.


She bit her bottom lip. Her inner friskiness warred with the
businesswoman. Miller was a man who had said he had lots of time on his hands
and there was a good chance he was really bored. Did he really want a dull
email? Of course not. He wouldn’t give a shit what she was up to. Cambrie had
to use her vivid imagination to keep his attention or she’d never win the
grant. He had to be thrilled with her. She may have begun this project to keep
her job, but the woman in her wanted to play.


Miller, I’m a bit curious as to how you’d think we’d be potent together. You
sound like a man who knows what he wants and doesn’t hesitate to get it. My
life has gotten a little predictable, so I’m looking forward to spicing it up
with my new friendship with you.

hope we can benefit each other. Hopefully, I’m not being presumptuous in
thinking there’s a level of sexual attraction between us. It would be
fascinating to see how that plays out. Maybe cyber sex is just what we both
need. LOL. I look forward to your next email…and can’t wait to personally thank
you for agreeing to participate in this pen pal program. I promise not to
disappoint. Wink!

for now…Cambrie


hit the send button before she could chicken out and hit delete instead. She
shoved her laptop onto the coffee table and jumped up. Biting her nail, she
stared at the screen.


My. Good. God.

laughed. Wow. She had really done it. She had allowed her inner vixen to take
control and seduce Miller. Now time would tell if it worked or if Miller
thought she was a nutcase.

for a reply was silly since she couldn’t be sure when he’d get the email or
even what time it was wherever he was. Housework wasn’t nearly as inviting as
emailing Miller, but if she didn’t keep herself busy the time would drag by.


froze and stared at the screen. She hadn’t even moved from the living room yet.
Sitting back on the couch, she opened her email.


that’s the way I like to wake up. Getting a hot email from an even hotter
woman. Had a bit of trouble sleeping last night. Thoughts of you wearing
lingerie and high heels kept entering my mind. I’d wake up with a huge hard-on
each time.

baby, I’m game for anything. I can tell you one thing though, I can’t wait to
taste every inch of your hot body. Holding your hands over your head, my mouth
sucking your breast until the nipple stands tight and hard. Yeah, baby. Now
that’s what I’m talking about.

do you like sexually? What would you like to try? Any fantasies or fetishes?
Don’t worry about offending me, cuz you can’t. I’ve got a very open mind and
have learned that my sexual appetite is very hard to match. So when a
beautiful, interesting woman like yourself comes along, I want to do everything
in my power to satisfy her…make her yearn for me. Did you think about me today
after our emails? Mmmm. Hope it was naughty thoughts. Write soon, Miller


Cambrie had
to swallow hard. Now that was pretty straight forward and to the point. How did
Miller manage to arouse her with just an email? Was she so pathetic that a few
erotic words from a man she had never met could make her pussy throb to the
point of aching for his cock? Closing her eyes, she could envision his naked body
hovering over hers while he sucked her nipple. Her hand covered her T-shirt
over her breast. Her fingers rubbed the nipple between them while she imagined
it was Miller’s mouth working her.

that she was about to masturbate in her living room, she opened her eyes and
returned her hands to the keyboard to send a reply. She could at least wait to
orgasm until she could lie in her bed.


Did I think
of you? Of course I did. It’s not every day I get a sexy, handsome pen pal to
play with. And after reading your email, I believe I can match that sexual
appetite you boasted of. You asked what I like sexually and if I have any
fetishes. Well, I don’t like the same boring position all the time. Would love
to find new positions that would allow your cock to stroke my G-spot while you
fuck me harder and harder.


breathed deep and fanned her hot face. She wasn’t sure if she’d complete
writing the email before she burst into flames. For once in a very long time,
she was enjoying herself and nothing would hold her back now. She loved feeling
this aroused and sensual.


I’ve had
fantasies about being spanked, but I’m guessing it would be painful and I don’t
like pain. I’ll admit that envisioning you holding my hands in place made my
throbbing pussy cream my panties. Would you like to tie me up, Miller, and have
your way with me? I bet that would be very kinky and enjoyable. Being at your
mercy would increase my pleasure, I’m sure.

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