Oracle Essentials Oracle Database 11g (18 page)

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is one of the attributes for a
or a variable in a stored procedure.

A datatype describes and limits the type of information stored in a column, and can limit the operations that you can perform on columns.

Youcan divide Oracle datatype su

pport into three basic varieties: character

datatypes, numeric datatypes, and datatypes that represent other kinds of data. You can use any of these datatypes when you create columns in a table, as with this SQL



char_field CHAR(10),

varchar_field VARCHAR2(10),

todays_date DATE)

You also use these datatypes when you define variables as part of a PL/SQL procedure.


Character Datatypes

Character datatypes
can store any string value, including the string representations of numeric values. Assigning a value larger than the length specified or allowed for a character datatype results in a runtime error. You can use string functions, such as UPPER, LOWER, SUBSTR, and SOUNDEX, on standard (not large) character value types.

There are several different character datatypes:


The CHAR datatype stores character values with a fixed length. A CHAR

datatype can have between 1 and 2,000 characters. If youdon’t explicitly specify a length for a CHAR, it assumes the default length of 1. If you assign a value that’s shorter than the length specified for the CHAR datatype, Oracle will automatically pad the value with blanks. Some examples of CHAR values are: CHAR(10) = "Rick ", "Jon ", "Stackowiak"


The VARCHAR2 datatype stores variable-length character strings. Although you must assign a length to a VARCHAR2 datatype, this length is the maximum length for a value rather than the required length. Values assigned to a VARCHAR2 datatype aren’t padded with blanks. The VARCHAR2 datatype can have up to 4,000 characters. Because of this, a VARCHAR2 datatype can require less storage space than a CHAR datatype, because the VARCHAR2 datatype stores only the characters assigned to the column.

At this time, the VARCHAR and VARCHAR2 datatypes are synonymous in Oracle8 and later versions, but Oracle recommends the use of VARCHAR2

because future changes may cause VARCHAR and VARCHAR2 to diverge. The values shown earlier for the CHAR values, if entered as VARCHAR2 values, are: VARCHAR2(10) = "Rick", "Jon", "Stackowiak"


The NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 datatypes store fixed-length or variable-length character data, respectively, using a different character set from the one used by the rest of the database. When youcreate a database, youspecify the character set that will be used for encoding the various characters stored in the database.

Youcan optionally specify a secondary character set as well (which is known as the
National Language Set
, or NLS). The secondary character set will be used for NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 columns. For example, you may have a description field in which youwant to store Japanese characters while the rest of the database uses English encoding. You would specify a secondary character set that supports Japanese characters when you create the database, and then use the NCHAR or NVARCHAR2 datatype for the columns in question.




Starting with Oracle9
, youcan specify the length of NCHAR and NVARCHAR2

columns in characters, rather than in bytes. For example, you can indicate that a column with one of these datatypes is 7 characters. The Oracle9
database will automatically make the conversion to 14 bytes of storage if the character set requires double-byte storage.

Oracle Database 10
introduced the Globalization Development Kit (GDK), which is designed to aid in the creation of Internet applications that will be used with different languages. The key feature of this kit is a framework that implements best practices for globalization for Java and PL/SQL developers.

Oracle Database 10
also added support for case- and accent-insensitive queries and sorts. You can use this feature if you want to use only base letters or base letters and accents in a query or sort.


The LONG datatype can hold up to 2 GB of character data. It is regarded as a legacy datatype from earlier versions of Oracle. If youwant to store large amounts of character data, Oracle now recommends that you use the CLOB and NCLOB datatypes. There are many restrictions on the use of LONG datatypes in a table and within SQL statements, such as the fact that you cannot use LONGs in WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, or CONNECT BY clauses or in SQL

statements with the DISTINCT qualifier. You also cannot create an index on a LONG column.


The CLOB and NCLOB datatypes can store up to 4 GB of character data prior to Oracle Database 10
. Starting with Oracle Database 10
, the limit has been increased to 128 TBs, depending on the block size of the database. The NCLOB

datatype stores the NLS data. Oracle Database 10
and later releases implicitly perform conversions between CLOBs and NCLOBs. For more information on CLOBs and NCLOBs, please refer to the discussion about large objects (LOBs)

in the section “Other Datatypes” later in this chapter.

Numeric Datatype

Oracle uses a standard, variable-length internal format for storing numbers. This internal format can maintain a precision of up to 38 digits.

The numeric datatype for Oracle is NUMBER. Declaring a column or variable as NUMBER will automatically provide a precision of 38 digits. The NUMBER

datatype can also accept two qualifiers, as in:

column NUMBER( precision, scale )



Chapter 4: Oracle Data Structures

of the datatype is the total number of significant digits in the number.

You can designate a precision for a number as any number of digits up to 38. If no value is declared for
, Oracle will use a precision of 38. The
represents the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If no scale is specified, Oracle will use a scale of 0.

If youassign a negative number to the
, Oracle will round the number up to the designated place to the
of the decimal point. For example, the following code snippet:

column_round NUMBER(10,-2)

column_round = 1,234,567

will give column_round a value of 1,234,600.

The NUMBER datatype is the only datatype that stores numeric values in Oracle.

The ANSI datatypes of DECIMAL, NUMBER, INTEGER, INT, SMALLINT, FLOAT, DOUBLE PRECISION, and REAL are all stored in the NUMBER datatype.

The language or product you’re using to access Oracle data may support these datatypes, but they’re all stored in a NUMBER datatype column.

With Oracle Database 10
, Oracle added support for the precision defined in the IEEE 754-1985 standard with the number datatypes of BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE. Oracle Database 11
added support for the number datatype SIMPLE_INTEGER.

Date Datatype

As with the NUMERIC datatype, Oracle stores all dates and times in a standard internal format. The standard Oracle date format for input takes the form of DD-MON-YY HH:MI:SS, where DD represents up to two digits for the day of the month, MON is a three-character abbreviation for the month, YY is a two-digit representation of the year, and HH, MI, and SS are two-digit representations of hours, minutes, and seconds, respectively. If you don’t specify any time values, their default values are all zeros in the internal storage.

Youcan change the format youuse for inserting dates for an instance by changing the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter for the instance. Youcan do this for a session by using the ALTER SESSION SQL statement or for a specific value by using parameters with the TO_DATE expression in your SQL statement.

Oracle SQL supports date arithmetic in which integers represent days and fractions represent the fractional component represented by hours, minutes, and seconds. For example, adding .5 to a date value results in a date and time combination 12 hours later than the initial value. Some examples of date arithmetic are: 12-DEC-07 + 10 = 22-DEC-07

31-DEC-2007:23:59:59 + .25 = 1-JAN-2008:5:59:59




As of Oracle9
Release 2, Oracle also supports two INTERVAL datatypes, INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH and INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND, which are used for storing a specific amount of time. This data can be used for date arithmetic.

Other Datatypes

Aside from the basic character, number, and date datatypes, Oracle supports a number of specialized datatypes:


Normally, your Oracle database not only stores data but also interprets it. When data is requested or exported from the database, the Oracle database sometimes massages the requested data. For instance, when you dump the values from a NUMBER column, the values written to the dump file are the representations of the numbers, not the internally stored numbers.

The RAW and LONG RAW datatypes circumvent any interpretation on the part of the Oracle database. When youspecify one of these datatypes, Oracle will store the data as the exact series of bits presented to it. The RAW datatypes typically store objects with their own internal format, such as bitmaps. A RAW

datatype can hold 2 KB, while a LONG RAW datatype can hold 2 GB.


The ROWID is a special type of column known as a

pseudocolumn can be accessed just like a column in a SQL SELECT statement.

There is a ROWID pseudocolumn for every row in an Oracle database. The ROWID represents the specific address of a particular row. The ROWID

pseudocolumn is defined with a ROWID datatype.

The ROWID relates to a specific location on a disk drive. Because of this, the ROWID is the fastest way to retrieve an individual row. However, the ROWID

for a row can change as the result of dumping and reloading the database. For this reason, we don’t recommend using the value for the ROWID pseudocolumn across transaction lines. For example, there is no reason to store a reference to the ROWID of a row once you’ve finished using the row in your current application.

You cannot set the value of the standard ROWID pseudocolumn with any SQL


The format of the ROWID pseudocolumn changed with Oracle8. Beginning with Oracle8, the ROWID includes an identifier that points to the database object number in addition to the identifiers that point to the datafile, block, and row. You can parse the value returned from the ROWID pseudocolumn to understand the physical storage of rows in your Oracle database.

You can define a column or variable with a ROWID datatype, but Oracle doesn’t guarantee that any value placed in this column or variable is a valid ROWID.



Chapter 4: Oracle Data Structures


Oracle Database 10
and later releases support a pseudocolumn ORA_ROWSCN, which holds the System Change Number (SCN) of the last transaction that modified the row. You can use this pseudocolumn to check easily for changes in the row since a transaction started. For more information on SCNs, see the discus-

sion of concurrency in Chapter 8.


A LOB, or large object datatype, can store up to 4 GB of information. LOBs come in three varieties:

• CLOB, which can store only character data

• NCLOB, which stores National Language character set data

• BLOB, which stores data as binary information

Youcan designate that a LOB should store its data within the Oracle database or that it should point to an external file that contains the data.

LOBs can participate in transactions. Selecting a LOB datatype from Oracle will return a pointer to the LOB. You must use either the DBMS_LOB PL/SQL built-in package or the OCI interface to actually manipulate the data in a LOB.

To facilitate the conversion of LONG datatypes to LOBs, Oracle9
included support for LOBs in most functions that support LONGs, as well as an option to the ALTER TABLE statement that allows the automatic migration of LONG

datatypes to LOBs.


The BFILE datatype acts as a pointer to a file stored outside of the Oracle database. Because of this fact, columns or variables with BFILE datatypes don’t participate in transactions, and the data stored in these columns is available only for reading. The file size limitations of the underlying operating system limit the amount of data in a BFILE.


As part of its support for XML, Oracle9
introduced a datatype called XMLType. A column defined as this type of data will store an XML document in a character LOB column. There are built-in functions that allow you to extract individual nodes from the document, and you can also build indexes on any particular node in the XMLType document.

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