Oracle Rising (28 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

BOOK: Oracle Rising
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They continued kissing, lips and tongues sliding effortlessly against each other. When his big hand found the back of her head, keeping her mouth locked against his, someone moaned.

It only added heat to the moment.

Rhett had never felt this before. It was something so new, staggering, and awe inspiring, and he didn't want it to stop.

But he knew otherwise.

He couldn’t keep it up. He already desperately wanted her from their simple dinner. The way she wept, smiled, and shared her pizza with him. This woman had drawn him in.

This couldn’t be goodnight.

He wanted so much more.

Rhett craved her.

Juliett couldn’t believe how amazing she felt. It was like she was as light as a feather and floating effortlessly off the ground. While trapped in his big arms, all the cares in the world drifted away.

Here, she was at peace.

Juliett found something that she had desperately been missing for so many years.

She found safety.

When his body tightened against hers, Juliett wanted to drag him into her room and see where it went.

Only, she knew she couldn’t. There was a cabin full of Feds. This wasn’t the right moment, but it would come.

She knew it.

For now, she had to let him go.

It wasn’t going to be easy.

Slowly, he began pulling away. He didn't want to, but he wasn’t going to maul a lady on her porch on the first date. He knew better. When her lips were finally free from his, Rhett stared into her eyes.

“Wow,” she said.

“Yeah, wow.”

“Please tell me that you’ll go out with me again, and kiss me like that some more,” he whispered.


She wanted that in the worst way.

“Are you asking me on a second date?” Juliett inquired. “I’m just curious.”

He laughed. “I’m asking, and I’m more than curious. I’m incredibly intrigued.”

Juliett took a chance.

Gently, she ran her fingers over his cheek and to the dent in his chin. “I’ve wanted to do that all night,” she admitted.

“Well, I wanted to kiss you all night. I guess we both got lucky.”

She smiled when he blushed again.

Yeah, he was way beyond sweet.

Juliett could see herself falling in love with him. Rhett had a good heart.

“Can I see you tomorrow morning?” he asked.

Juliett grinned. “If you come by, I think maybe we can have coffee. Does that count as a date?”

“It does, ma’am.”

They didn't move. She was still in his arms, and Juliett could feel his heart pounding beneath her hand on his chest. She was sure he could feel hers.

“I should go.”

“Really, you shouldn’t,” he stated, “but I know that I have to let you go—even if I don’t want to.”

Juliett still didn't want him to leave.

“Maybe I can make you dinner at my place next time?” he offered. “Your place is crowded.”

Then he realized how that sounded.

“Wait, I didn't mean…I wasn’t trying to lure you…oh, shit!”

She laughed. When the sexy flush creeped up his neck, it was clearly visible in the porch light. “I know what you meant, and you’re right. It is crowded. I’d love to have dinner with you. Maybe, if it goes well, we can spend some more time getting to know each other.”

He waited as she moved even closer, and he prayed she was going to kiss him again. Juliett’s mouth sent chills down his spine.

When she softly pressed her mouth to his, he wanted to beg her to come home with him right then and there. She’d surprisingly fell into his life, and he didn't want to let her go.

Thank God he decided to follow that Hummer and break into it. Who knew a little felonious action would get him close to a woman he could fall for?

Slowly, she pulled away, but not just her mouth. Someone had to break free, and it appeared that it wasn’t going to be him.

Juliett found that sweet too.

This man was not only sexy, protective, and a great kisser, but he filled her with something no one else ever did.

She wanted him.

“Thank you, Rhett, for a really amazing night. This was the best date I’ve ever had. I can only imagine how spectacular dinner with you will be.”

He grinned as she backed away from him.

Rhett was glad she was having a hard time leaving too.

“Sweet dreams, Juliett. I’ll see you for coffee tomorrow morning.”

He was so glad he was helping them with this case.

It was a miracle in the making.

She blew him a kiss before opening the door. Their eyes stayed connected until she was safely locked away.

Rhett let out a breath he was holding.

Now he needed to head home, clean his cabin, and take a really cold shower.

Tomorrow, he was going to put his past behind him and try to give himself a future.


Or at least that was his plan.






* * *
  O R A C L E   * * *





He watched.

This was interesting. The sheriff was cavorting with some woman. He never saw her before, but she felt familiar.

There was something about her that tickled a part of his mind. Now he was curious.

He needed to find out more.

As he hid in the trees, watching the man and the woman on the porch, he began formulating a plan.

He needed to study, observe, and learn a little more.

Tomorrow, he’d find out who was there with her.

Deep down, he knew something was going on in that cabin. The out of state plates on the Hummer cued him in.

The woman who looked familiar made him wonder.

Now it was time to get ready.

He needed to do what he did best.






Chapter TWELVE



When he told Avalon what he wanted to try, she seemed a little surprised. It was something they didn't do anymore because he stopped needing her in his dreams.

Yet, she had to admit that the idea of spending time alone with him, while he slept, made her…giddy. In their dream world, she could see him. The colors were vivid, bright, and she could see his handsome face.

Avalon was excited.

So, they went to bed.

It was hard to fall asleep, since he knew what would be waiting on the other side. Honestly, he loved their little dream world. He wanted to go there every night with her, but he never asked. A part of him knew that it was draining on her, and he didn't want the woman he loved to suffer.

So, he tried to forget how special their tree and dream world was. After all, it was his first gift from his fiancée. Now they were going back to have a special little rendezvous and he wanted to make it count.

He already had something else in mind.

Slowly, sleep crept up on him. He could feel himself slipping into the comforting confines of the dream. As he opened his eyes, there was the dreamscape he’d come to cherish. There was the same old tree, covered in fruit, green grassy hills speckled with flowers, and a sky so blue, it made your heart ache.

He felt safe there.

“Avalon!” he called, waiting for her to arrive. “I need you to find me!”

In the distance, gray tinged clouds rolled toward him. Nate knew they were his fears and panic. Instead of worrying that he would succumb to them, he focused on the love of his life—his fiancée.

That one word brought him so much peace. It pushed back the ominous feelings, leaving his heart light and full.

As he looked around, he heard her laughter. It was whisper soft, and then got louder.

Snow began to fall, the soft white flakes coating the flowers at his feet. It barely hid the vibrant colors of the dancing foliage surrounding him.

She was coming.

His Avalon was on the way.

When he turned, he saw her walking up the hill. Here she looked like royalty. There was a sparkle about her, and he couldn’t look away. Once more, she was wearing her customary flowy white dress, she was barefoot, and she had all that sexy blonde hair.

It caught the breath in his chest. Avalon must still ‘see’ herself with it, or she was giving him one more precious gift. While she was beautiful as a redhead, he still loved those long blonde tresses.

“Avalon,” he whispered, as she moved closer. The pale blue eyes blinded in their reality were gone, and in their place were eyes the same color as his. They shone with love for him, and that staggered Nate each and every time.


He opened his arms, and she went into them. The second they touched, the snow swirled around them. There was no chill, only calm.

Avalon brought him peace.

“Thank you for joining me here,” he said, lowering his mouth to hers.

She would follow him into hell and back. This was her heart. This man was her all.

“It’s my pleasure, Nathaniel. I was intrigued to see what you wanted to show me.”

“I need your help.”

Avalon cocked her head, waiting for him to continue. “You know all you have to do is ask. I’d do anything for you.”

He knew she was speaking the truth.

“I need you to show me what you want as an engagement ring. I need you to see it since it’ll forever be on your finger. I can’t buy you just any ring. It has to be

Her heart flipped. “Oh, Nathaniel, you’re incredibly sweet, and I’m a lucky woman to be marrying you.”

He grinned. “Show me what your heart desires, Avi. Let me see.”

She glanced down at her finger. Slowly, a ring appeared. It was square and had pretty blue stones on the sides of the diamond. “They remind me of your eyes.”

His breath caught in his chest. This smaller woman always undid him. All it took was the simplest words or a look from her.

“Then that’s what you’ll have, Avi. I want to make you the happiest woman in the world.”

Her laughter coated his flesh like her hair once did when they made love. “I already am, Nathaniel. When you look at me, what do you see?”

“My other half.”

Avalon smiled. When she waved her hand, the flowers turned to butterflies, and they swarmed around them. “I love you, Nathaniel.”

He felt the same way.

Here was the woman of his dreams.


“Can we stay here a while?” she asked, looking around. “I don’t mind being blind, but it’s nice to see once in a while. I miss seeing the look in your eyes, and the way your lip curls when you’ve gotten lucky.”

He laughed. “I have that look a lot,” he admitted. “I have a sexy younger fiancée.”

“Do you really want to marry me, Nathaniel?” she asked, catching a shimmering butterfly on the palm of her hand.

“It’s all I want in life. I have perfection, except for that one last thing. I need you to be my wife.”

She smiled and then blew on the butterfly sitting on her palm. It began changing, getting smaller and round.

Then he recognized it.

It was a ring.

“Then when we come here, we should already be married. My heart and life is already yours. This is for you.”

She held the silvery ring in her fingers waiting for him to accept her gift. He didn't hesitate. He held out his hand and she slipped the ring onto his finger.

It pulsed with warmth.

Hers did the same.

“Oh, Avalon, I don’t have the words.”

“I do. I love you, Nathaniel Carter. I’ll love you until I’m dust and bone. I’ll love you into the next life, and the thousands that follow. That’s my promise. It’s my vow.”

His body shook with love.

He knew what he needed now.

Nate swept her up in his arms and moved them to the base of the tree. When he sat, she was cradled in his lap. Her much smaller frame rested against him, giving Nate a sense of familiarity.

He’d never ask how she created this place in his mind, but he was grateful that she did.

“I want to make love to you,” she whispered, forcing his body to react.

“Yes, please,” he replied. “I’m yours.”

As she turned to face him, Avalon straddled his lap. “You are my gift. You’re the one I used to wish for when I was alone and locked in that cage. You were the only thing I ever wanted. I needed freedom to find you, but now that I have, I don’t mind being owned again. I’m yours too.”

He couldn’t think.

Her fingers were working at the buttons on his shirt, and then the material was suddenly gone. As her hands stroked, teased, and tormented him, Nate was lost in the pleasure.

Avalon had never been with anyone but him, but she was a fast learner. She’d gone from virgin to seductress incredibly fast. It stole his breath.

She knew his body better than anyone ever had.

“Oh, Avi,” he whispered, as she lowered her mouth to his chest. With soft, warm, openmouthed kisses, she left a trail down his body.

“Yes, please,” he murmured as her fingers found the button on his jeans.

Then they, too, were gone.

As she stroked him with chilly fingers, he couldn’t help but focus on the woman now kneeling between his legs. She was absolutely stunning. From her tipped up nose, to the fragile looking features, he was lost in her.

Nate could spend hours staring at her, never getting bored. Here in their dream world, she was even more vibrant. Here, she was truly alive.

As she teased him with her fingers, his body reacted, just like it would if he were awake.

He was hard.


And needed her mouth on him.

“Avalon, please,” he whispered, as snowflakes drifted down and into her long blonde hair.

“Please what, Nathaniel?”

“Take me in your mouth.”

She didn't hesitate. In fact, she hungrily devoured him. With lips and tongue, she worshipped his erection. The feel of his wet flesh sliding across her tongue made Avalon wild.

There would never be enough of her sexy man. Before Nate, all these emotions and feelings had been locked within her. Now they were free.

She was free.

As her teeth lightly slid up his erection, he moaned, closing his eyes. Avalon knew how to give him the most pleasure, and she also enjoyed the way it made her feel. This was her power, and now she was in control.

That was the best part.

Before his fiancée, he was dead inside.

Now he was alive.

They were alive.

“More,” he begged, his hand finding her hair. He knotted his fingers in the long silky tresses, giving him the ability to control her oral assault.

He slowed her down, enjoying the way her mouth lured him to the edge. She did something with her tongue that was making his brain melt. Nate was teetering on the edge, and he couldn’t wait for her to push him over.

As his body tightened, he worked her head up and down his erection faster. The wet sucking sound was enough to push him over.

As he felt his body react, she didn't stop.

“Avi!” he shouted, everything erupting in him. As he exploded in her warm mouth, she never slowed down.

She swallowed everything he had, and finally stared up at him. “I love you, Nathaniel.”

He wanted to laugh.

What he felt for her couldn’t be called love. It was infatuation, longing, and an eternal connection with his soulmate. It was so much more than love.

It had no end.

When she moved back into his lap, Nate wanted to see her naked. He loved her body. In a matter of weeks, it went from thin to lush.

She had curves, lean lines, and everything that called to him as a man. She was beautiful, and she was his.

Pulling the gauzy dress over her head, he allowed himself the moment to admire her. “I love you,” he whispered. “You were made to be mine.”

She agreed.

When his hands touched, stroked, and wandered across her warm flesh, she knew what she wanted. He was a giving lover, and she wanted to feel him devouring her.

“Taste me, Nathaniel,” she whispered.

He grinned wickedly, rolling with the woman in his lap. When she was pinned beneath him, he slid down her torso to find the most sensitive part of her body.

With gentle strokes of his tongue, he lapped, teased, and tormented her.

Avalon responded by moaning and arching into his plundering fingers. As the wetness coated them, he stroked and tormented her to release.

“Fall for me, Avi,” he whispered, before going back to his mission.

And she did.

As the snow swirled around them, Avalon came. Her body shook with pleasure that only Nate could give her. He knew every inch of her body.

“More?” he asked, dying to continue. One taste of her was never enough. Honestly, he could spend hours with his head between her long creamy legs. He craved it, and he couldn’t wait to make her come again and again. Her breathy gasps were enough to drive him to madness.

“Yes, please, Nathaniel.”

He didn't hesitate.

Diving in, he whipped her back to the crest of orgasm again, and with the tip of his tongue, he shoved her off the edge.

She called his name, and his heart soared.

This was bliss.

This was what he craved.

She needed him, just as much as he needed her.

As she tumbled again, Nate couldn’t wait. He wanted to be buried in the warmth of her body. He needed to take the woman he loved. He was hard again, and only one thing would satiate his need.


She was his addiction.

“Avalon,” he whispered, kissing up her body.

Immediately, her legs wrapped around his hips, locking her to him. He was poised to take what he cherished. Staring down into her eyes, he saw the emotion there.

“I love you.”

With that, he claimed her. It wasn’t the first time, or even the hundredth, but each one was special to him. They were locked away with his most precious of memories.

Here was his woman.

His Avalon.

His soon to be wife.

As he slid into the tight warmth of her body, his eyes locked on to the rings they now both wore. Oh, how he wished they’d be there when they woke. Just that symbol of undying affection, love, and ownership was more than he ever thought he’d get.

He wanted her wearing his ring.


He wanted to wear hers.

Nearly as much.

As the need overwhelmed him, the tempo picked up. There were flowers encrusted with sparkling snowflakes all around them, and she was pressed into the soft grass beneath him.

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