Oracle RMAN 11g Backup and Recovery (143 page)

BOOK: Oracle RMAN 11g Backup and Recovery
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Chapter 17: Monitoring and Reporting on RMAN

RMAN> list backup;

BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time

509 12.43M DISK 00:00:04 08 SEP 09

BP Key: 513 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20090908T192844

Piece Name:

/oracle/app/oracle/flash recovery area/ROB1/backupset/2009 09 08

/o1 mf annnn TAG20090908T192844 5bg16fk5 .bkp

List of Archived Logs in backup set 509

Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time

1 7 636872 08 SEP 09 637317 08 SEP 09

1 8 637317 08 SEP 09 637320 08 SEP 09

1 10 637324 08 SEP 09 637349 08 SEP 09

1 11 637349 08 SEP 09 675660 08 SEP 09

1 12 675660 08 SEP 09 676291 08 SEP 09

This first listing is an archive log backup. The backup set key (BS Key) is 509. The size of the backup is listed, and we see that it went to disk, instead of to SBT. The elapsed time of the backup is pretty short, at four seconds, and we see that it was completed on September 8. Later in the report, we see that the backup is available and that it is a compressed backup. We also find the backup set piece name, which tells us where the backup is physically located. Finally, a list of archived redo logs appears. These are the archived redo logs contained in this backup set. Here is an example of the listing of the rest of this backup:

BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time

510 Full 243.36M DISK 00:01:16 08 SEP 09

BP Key: 514 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20090908T192853

Piece Name: /oracle/app/oracle/flash recovery area/ROB1/backupset/2009 09 08

/o1 mf nnndf TAG20090908T192853 5bg16pwv .bkp

List of Datafiles in backup set 510

File LV Type Ckp SCN Ckp Time Name

1 Full 676334 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/system01.dbf

2 Full 676334 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/sysaux01.dbf

3 Full 676334 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/undotbs01.dbf

4 Full 676334 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/users01.dbf

BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time

536 783.00K DISK 00:00:01 08 SEP 09

BP Key: 541 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20090908T193014

Piece Name:

/oracle/app/oracle/flash recovery area/ROB1/backupset/2009 09 08

/o1 mf annnn TAG20090908T193014 5bg196xr .bkp

List of Archived Logs in backup set 536

Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time

1 13 676291 08 SEP 09 676364 08 SEP 09

Part III: Using RMAN Effectively

BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time

555 Full 9.67M DISK 00:00:01 08 SEP 09

BP Key: 557 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: TAG20090908T193017

Piece Name:

/oracle/app/oracle/flash recovery area/ROB1/autobackup/2009 09 08

/o1 mf s 697059017 5bg19b6p .bkp

SPFILE Included: Modification time: 08 SEP 09

SPFILE db unique name: ROB1

Control File Included: Ckp SCN: 676443 Ckp time: 08 SEP 09

This is an actual database backup. The output looks much like the previous output, except that now we get a full list of all the datafiles contained in the backup. We see that the datafile backup consists of one backup set piece (BS Key 510). Of course, when we perform a recovery, RMAN will look for the most current backup. Once it knows that, it will pick the best backups to use to perform the recovery. Perhaps this is a small point, but it’s an important one.

Also in this listing, we find that there is an archive log backup (backup set key 536) with a single archive log in it. On the final section of the report, we find an autobackup of the control file/SPFILE (backup set 555). We know this is an autobackup by virtue of the “SPFILE Included” and “Control File Included” wording in the output.

Let’s look at the archive log backup output a bit more closely:

BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time

536 783.00K DISK 00:00:01 08 SEP 09

BP Key: 541 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20090908T193014

Piece Name:

/oracle/app/oracle/flash recovery area/ROB1/backupset/2009 09 08

/o1 mf annnn TAG20090908T193014 5bg196xr .bkp

List of Archived Logs in backup set 536

Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time

1 13 676291 08 SEP 09 676364 08 SEP 09

This backup set has a backup set key of 536. The header information looks the same as in the previous backup set. However, this backup is an archive log backup, so in subsequent lines, RMAN provides a list of the archived redo logs backed up in the backup set. The thread and sequence number of the archive log are listed, along with the low SCN and time, and the next SCN and time. The low time/SCN and high (or Next SCN as listed in the report) time/SCN ranges allow you to determine when the archive log was created.

Let’s look at an incremental backup set report:

BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time

857 Incr 1 1000.00K DISK 00:00:27 08 SEP 09

BP Key: 861 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20090908T202840

Piece Name:

/oracle/app/oracle/flash recovery area/ROB1/backupset/2009 09 08

/o1 mf nnnd1 TAG20090908T202840 5bg4psxw .bkp

List of Datafiles in backup set 857

Chapter 17: Monitoring and Reporting on RMAN

File LV Type Ckp SCN Ckp Time Name

1 1 Incr 679212 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/system01.dbf

2 1 Incr 679212 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/sysaux01.dbf

3 1 Incr 679212 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/undotbs01.dbf

4 1 Incr 679212 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/users01.dbf

Again, this report is very similar to the other reports. The only differences are that Incr is used in the Type field to indicate that the backup is an incremental backup, and the LV (level) column shows the level of the incremental backup. If the incremental backup were a level 0 backup, then the LV column would show the number 0, which corresponds to a level 0 base backup.

Listing Backups Eligible for Recovery

If you want to see all datafile backups or copies that are able to be used to restore and recover your database, then use the
list recoverable
command. This
command provides a list of all backups with a status of AVAILABLE that can be used to restore your database (this is only for the current incarnation). Backups, image copies, and incremental backups will all be included. If an incremental backup does not have a valid parent, it will not be included in this backup.

RMAN> list recoverable backup of database;

List of Backup Sets

BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time

713 Incr 0 243.27M DISK 00:01:10 08 SEP 09

BP Key: 715 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20090908T202601

Piece Name:

/oracle/app/oracle/flash recovery area/ROB1/backupset/2009 09 08

/o1 mf nnnd0 TAG20090908T202601 5bg4ktk1 .bkp

List of Datafiles in backup set 713

File LV Type Ckp SCN Ckp Time Name

1 0 Incr 678900 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/system01.dbf

2 0 Incr 678900 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/sysaux01.dbf

3 0 Incr 678900 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/undotbs01.dbf

4 0 Incr 678900 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/users01.dbf

BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time

857 Incr 1 1000.00K DISK 00:00:27 08 SEP 09

BP Key: 861 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20090908T202840

Piece Name:

/oracle/app/oracle/flash recovery area/ROB1/backupset/2009 09 08

/o1 mf nnnd1 TAG20090908T202840 5bg4psxw .bkp

List of Datafiles in backup set 857

File LV Type Ckp SCN Ckp Time Name

1 1 Incr 679212 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/system01.dbf

2 1 Incr 679212 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/sysaux01.dbf

3 1 Incr 679212 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/undotbs01.dbf

4 1 Incr 679212 08 SEP 09 /ora01/oracle/rob1/rob1/users01.dbf

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