Origin (Eternal Sacrifice Saga Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Origin (Eternal Sacrifice Saga Book 2)
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“What about my name. Why Zoe?”

He grinned.


“You allowed me to give you a new name.”

“You named me?” I chewed on my lip. That was seriously sweet.

He nodded. “We agreed our time as Adam and Eve had come to an end. We had evolved. So our titles and our names should as well.”

“So why Zoe? And do I always come back as Zoe?”

“Yes. Zoe means giver of life. And wisdom in some languages. I couldn’t think of a more fitting name for the Eternal Mother.”

“Aw.” I pulled him close.

Cade was amazing. Sweet. Loving. Learning about all the things my head still couldn’t remember was pretty cool.

“As I’ve said, there are perks to this life, many you’ve yet to discover or recall. In time, your memories will return. When you’re ready.”

“What do you mean, when I’m ready?”

“We believe you’re blocking them out. Perhaps even blocking me out for some reason your soul cannot recall.”

Cade led me down the stone path toward the Chayah Fountain while Journey flew overhead, watching.

She was always watching.

“Why would I do that?” I stopped walking and turned to Cade. “That doesn’t make sense.”

Cade shrugged. “In the meantime, I will protect you and nurture our growing bond as best I can. And when your Origin is ready, your memories will return.”

I let out a sigh. “So, I was talking to Julian. He kind of reminded me about Phoebe. Is she really going to die?”

“Damn that boy.” Cade growled. “You have enough to concern yourself with.”

“Don’t be mad at him, I played the Chayah card.”

Cade grinned. “Look at you.” He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close as we started walking again.

“So, Phoebe. She’s going to die, isn’t she?”

“Please don’t worry. First of all, yes. She is going to die. She’s human, love. They die. If she truly is Remie’s Gemini, once she does pass, you’ll be there to match them.”

My heart was in my throat. The idea of losing Phoebe sent it sinking into my stomach. I sure hoped I was right about them being matched. I couldn’t imagine losing my best friend.

“Listen to me.” Cade stopped and pulled me into his arms. “All life is fleeting in the human form. Yours was. You have died many times, but you are still here. Yes?”

“Huh. Yeah, I guess so.”

“Don’t concern yourself with things you cannot control. When we died, we moved on to the Eternal realm. For all intents and purposes, we are both dead in human terms. But look at us. We’re very much alive.”

He had a point.

“Phoebe’s human life will end, whether she becomes Eternal, reincarnates, or goes on to rest with the Evolved. Every soul transcends. It’s humanity. You’re legacy. All life is Eternal, in one manner or another.”

Cade always had a way of explaining things so they made perfect sense.

And made me feel better.

He pulled me into his arms. “I’m confident when she passes, you’ll be there to match her with Remie, as you’ve done with all Eternals.”

“I have no memory of how that works. I kind of feel like a failure.”

“No, Chayah.” He ran his hands over my cheeks. “It’s I who’s failing you. As your Gemini, one with my memories intact, it’s my responsibility to train you. To prepare you for your role, but we’ve had so little time together, I’ve not done my job. I will do better. I promise.”

He kissed my nose, and I nuzzled into his chest, listening to his heart beat beneath my cheek. It calmed me, hearing it beat. Feeling it sync with mine in my wrist. In my chest.

“What were you guys talking about when I interrupted today?”

Cade sighed. “Too much.”

“It’s getting bad, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Border breaches are constant, and we don’t have enough forces to continue fighting them off. We must train the Newborns and form a strategy.”

“Should we really be taking a vacay right now?”

“Vacay?” He narrowed his eyes, scrunching up his nose.

Cade made the cutest faces when he didn’t get my lingo, I just wanted to squeeze his cheeks and kiss those sexy lips of his.

“Vacation. It’s called a honeymoon after humans get married.”

“Ah, yes. Terminology changes so often.” Cade squeezed my hand.

“I just don’t understand where we’re supposed to find time for all this. I feel like I’ve failed you. You tried so hard to get me to go away with you, and I kept pushing you off. Now that I want to spend time together, there is none.”

“Gemini must make time. It’s always been a struggle, but we’re committed to each other, so we take time to forge our bond when necessary. Stolen moments or longer, as we’ll have with our holiday.”

“Well, I’m going to do my part. I promise now that I’ve got my head on straight, you’ll always be my priority.” I stared into his eyes, running my hands through his disheveled chocolate brown hair. I could get lost in his cerulean eyes. “Cade?”


“I know I can’t remember everything yet, but—my body must’ve missed you, because I keep getting these tingly feelings that won’t go away.”

I blushed.

Cade smiled that sexy crooked smile of his. He pulled my hips against his and ran the back of his hand across my cheek, whispering into my ear, sending goose bumps racing through my entire body.

“I know just what you mean.”



Chapter Eleven




“Man, I hate winter.”

After another epic fail at a bridge wind, Cade and I landed on the balcony of my apartment back in Chicago.

“It’s okay, love.” He tried to hide his laugh. “You’ll learn. It simply takes repetition. Better focus. We at least landed in the same city?” He kissed my cheek and pulled open the sliding glass doors, leading me inside.

I followed him in, wandering through my now lifeless apartment. Everything was exactly as I’d left it.


It was weird being back here. Definitely wasn’t home anymore.

A second later, keys jingled outside the front door, and Micah and Julian strolled in carrying boxes with Rainah, Remie and Phoebe in tow.

“What are you doing here?” I sprinted over to give Phoebe a hug. “You’re supposed to be honeymooning, darling.” I pointed at her.

“You’re here, and you should be off, too. So we came to help.”

“What do you mean?”

“You and Cade have better things to do,” Remie said. “So we figured if we all helped get things sorted out, you could be off on your honeymoon, and we can be on ours.”

“Aw.” I smiled. “Thanks, guys.”

I wasn’t happy about being here, but the eradication of my former life had to be done, if nothing more than to move forward. I was glad my family was here to support me.

“Micah’s got boxes. We’ll start with your room, so you two can get out of here.”

“Thanks, Rem.”

“I’ll help in your room.” Phoebe grabbed my arm. “Come on, Rainah. Girl talk time.”

I shrugged back at Cade as Phoebe dragged me down the hall and pulled me into my old bedroom.

Rainah came in and shut the door behind her.

There were boxes lined up along the walls, waiting to be filled with my junk.

Rainah went over to my closet. “What do you want to do with your clothes?”

“Donate them?” I shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t fit into any of them.”

“Yeah, I noticed you’ve grown a few inches, in more than just your height.”

“Hey.” I glared at Rainah.

“Oh, but in all the best ways.” She smirked.

Phoebe laughed.

She was positively glowing, as cliché as that sounded. Her aura was brighter than ever. Married life definitely suited her.

“What do you want to do with this stuff?” Phoebe sorted through boxes piled up in the corner.

“I kind of don’t think I need anything.” I sat on the bed, shoulders slumped. “I have a fully furnished house, and I’m not going back to school.”

My iPad, MacBook and iPhone lay on the bedside table. Dead.

“There’s no internet in Aravot. My cell is dead. What’s the point of any of this?” I shook my head, leaning back onto my bed.

Phoebe and Rainah turned and stared at each other, unsure what to say.

“Good point,” Rainah said, jutting out her foot, her dark auburn hair swinging around her shoulder. “So? What do you want to do?”

“Get rid of it.” I threw out my arms. “All of it.” I stood. “Keep the electronics, everything else that didn’t come from Sophie can go. Time to purge.”

“You sure?” Phoebe scrunched up her face.

I blew out a breath and nodded. “Yep.”

“You have some cute clothes in here,” Rainah said, sifting through my closet.

“I know.” I huffed. Yeah, that kind of sucked. “If anything fits, it’s all yours.”

“Really?” She got excited, pulling things off hangers and tossing them in a pile on my bed. “Hey, why don’t we go shopping before you leave, Zo? Seriously. It’ll be fun,” Rainah said, never taking her focus from my closet of clothes. “I need to make a VS run.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Oh really. Lingerie, huh?” I wiggled my eyebrows.

She got a secretive grin on her face.

“Anything you need to tell me?” I leaned up, tilting my head to the side, widening my eyes.

She rolled hers. “It’s not like you don’t already know.” She swung her hair around her shoulder. “Yes, I like Julian. We’ve been…” She tilted her head back and forth.

“Yeah, no. You can’t hide that either. So, what’s up between you?”

“We’ve been hanging out. Making out.” She bit her lip. “Man, is he a great kisser. And hot.” Her eyes rolled up, and she grinned. “And that accent of his?” She pressed her lips together, a far off look in her eye. “Mmm.”

My eyes went wide, and my smile broke my face.

Rainah’s cheeks turned pink as she stared blankly at the wall, biting her lower lip.

“Rainah loves Julian.” I taunted.

“Shut up.” She rolled her eyes.

“Isn’t this awesome?” Phoebe sat on my bed. “We all have our Gemini.”

I sat beside her. “One more Firstborn, and my work here is done.”

“What?” Rainah stopped closet shopping and glared.

“What?” Phoebe glanced at Rainah, then to me.

“What are you talking about?” Rainah put her hands on her hips.

“Really, Rainah? If you haven’t figured it out by now…”

Rainah stared blankly, then she clenched her fists and grit her teeth. “Son of a bitch.”

Phoebe and I stared as Rainah’s lips pressed closed.

I could relate, having just gone through that myself, but I didn’t expect this type of reaction.

Rainah glared at me. “And when did you plan on telling me?”

I put my hands in the air. “Seriously?”

“You should’ve told me.”

“I thought you already knew. Besides, what difference does it make? You like him, Rain. He likes you. I don’t see the problem.”

“I’m twenty-one. Why would I want to settle down?”

I tilted my head and glared.

Her face turned red as she blew out a harsh breath.

“I kind of felt that way when I first found out about Cade. Just give it some time. Let it simmer. Get to know him.”

“This is so unfair.”

“Oh come on. Julian’s awesome. You see it. I mean, really.” I widened my eyes. “He’s hot as all hell. Funny. Those eyes—man. And yeah, his accent. What about him doesn’t make you melt?”

“That’s not the point. Do I even have a choice?”

“Of course you do. But don’t you like him?”

She sat on the bench of my antique vanity, thinking it through, but her expression said it all.

“Then at the very least, give Julian a chance. It’s not like you have to get married tomorrow, just have fun. He’s awesome. And perfect for you. And you know it.”

She shook her head, staring at the floor. “Fine. But if he thinks I’m doing that ceremony thing like you did, sealing my life to his forever, he’s full of shit.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“You ladies decent? I come bearing pizza.” Julian’s voice rang out from the other side of the door.

Rainah’s face went red, and she growled beneath her breath.

Phoebe and I just grinned, shaking our heads.

“It’s not funny.” Rainah grumbled beneath her breath as Julian walked in.

“What’s going on ladies? Gino’s East is in the kitchen.” Julian flashed his infections smile.

“You.” Rainah pointed at him. “When were you going to tell me about this Gemini thing?”

“I, uh. What do you…” Julian stuttered, then glared at me, like I sold him out.

I raised my hands in surrender. “I didn’t say a word, she figured it out.”

“Damn it.” Rainah stomped her foot, then pushed past Julian and left my room.

“What’d I do?” Julian turned and chased after his reluctant Gemini.

Poor Julian.

“Those two. Sheesh. Glad I’m not on the other end of her wrath,” Phoebe said.

“So.” I leaned in to her. “What about you and your
How was your first night together?” I wiggled my eyebrows.

She blushed. “Magical.”

I nodded, smiling. “So where are you going on your honeymoon? What’d Gabrielle give you?”

“I love that woman,” Phoebe said. “She just said to take care of Remie, to enjoy the time we had together and everything was going to be okay.”

“Gabrielle’s pretty awesome, isn’t she?” I nodded. “She’s like the mother I never had.”

“Yeah. Speaking of.” Phoebe cleared her throat. “I wanted to talk to you about something. So I was wondering if you could help me. I want to find my birthparents.”


She nodded. “Yeah, all this Eternal stuff is wearing on me. I guess I want to find my human roots. And there’s this girl in New York, at Memorial? I’ve been volunteering in the pediatric cancer wing as part of my internship. One of my students, Madie? She’s so amazing. She’s made me question things. I want to know where I came from.”

“I get it. How can I help, sis?”

“Is there any way you can get some information from Sophie? She set up my adoption, I was hoping she could at least lead me to a starting point.”

“Sure, I’ll ask her. Maybe when I’m done with my honeymoon, I’ll come spend a couple weeks with you in New York? It’ll be fun. We can hang out, maybe go see a musical or two? What do you say?”

BOOK: Origin (Eternal Sacrifice Saga Book 2)
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