Origins (A Black Novel, #1) (7 page)

Read Origins (A Black Novel, #1) Online

Authors: Jessa L. Gilbert

BOOK: Origins (A Black Novel, #1)
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She holds them both up slightly. “I thought you might need some accessories,” she says as she hands them to me before reaching to zip the back of my dress. “Hopefully we’re the same shoe size.” I confirm this by slipping on heels that fit perfectly. “Thank you. This dress is beautiful.”

“Glad you like it. It suits you,” she comments with a genuine smile.

“There’s a necklace and earring set in the box for you. They belonged to my mother. I want you to have them.”

“Oh, no, you should keep them.”

“Adelin,” she says patiently. “I am your mother. This is what mothers do. They give their daughters things. I had planned on giving them to you on your sixteenth birthday, back before all this happened. I’m just a little bit late. Open it, please.” Obeying, I open the box and pull out the diamond teardrop necklace and matching earrings. “I love them. Thank you again,” I reply as I slip them on.

“You’re welcome. I’ll be downstairs when you’re ready,” she says as she turns to leave.

“Wow.” My jaw literally drops as we pull up in front of Moira’s house. I had thought Sera’s house was big but you can easily fit two houses the size of Sera’s into this one and still have room to spare.

‘House’ wasn’t the right word to describe it, maybe something a little closer to ‘palace’.

We pull the rest of the way into the drive and park next to a large marble fountain with cascading tiers of crystal clear water. I climb out, gaping, as I take in the sheer size of the house up close. The house itself is made from a slightly faded red brick and white trim, with actual vines and ivy crawling up the outside walls which, in my opinion, only adds to the intimidation factor.

There are more windows then I am actually able to count, each one large and brightly lit with the curtains pulled back slightly to allow the causal passersby a peek into the life of the rich. Even in my fancy new gown I immediately feel underdressed and out of place.

“Bit over the top, huh?” Sera jokes as we stroll up to the door.

“What do you expect when you own an island though?”

“She owns an island?!” I exclaim.

“She’s Moira
,” she says with added emphasis on her last name.

“As in ‘Black Island’ Moira Black?”

“Exactly. She and her husband, Elrich, founded this island in the early sixteenth century.”

I am already nervous enough but now not only am I meeting someone extremely rich and Immortal, they also happen to own the very island I am standing on. Plus, they’re at least 500 and some odd years old. I am so nervous as we wait at the door that I have to constantly wipe my hands together to get rid of some of the sweat coating them. Surprise fills me as the door swings open and I am faced with a woman who bears a remarkable likeness to Dr.

Thorne. Definitely not what I had expected. The woman at the door appears to be in her early to mid-twenties, roughly around the same age as Sera or myself and has the same blue eyes, shiny blond hair and perfect complexion as her sister, Dr. Thorne, although Moira looks younger, more energetic.

“Sera!” she squeals as she steps forward and wraps her arm around my mom. The two women hug briefly before breaking apart and smiling warmly at one another.

“Moira, this is my daughter, Adelin,” Sera informs her.

“Moira Black,” the woman says as she extends her hand for me to shake.

“Pleased to meet you,” I murmur as I quickly shake her hand, hoping mine aren’t noticeably sweaty.

“The pleasure is all mine, I’m sure,” she replies with a smile.

Thankfully she either doesn’t seem to notice how slippery my hand is or she is too classy to wipe hesr off, either way is fine with me.

“Please, come in.”

The house is so clean that it literally sparkles. The bright lights from the chandelier mirror off the white marble floors, twinkling along the expensive glass tabletops and windows. It is absolutely breathtaking. A young woman dressed in a white blouse and black fitted pants appears and takes our coats before announcing to Moira that ‘the young master’ will be joining us shortly.

We remain standing just inside the foyer as we wait, the two women chatting quietly off to the side. I glance up at the sound of footsteps approaching and freeze. At first I almost don’t recognize him. Gone is the usual T-shirt and jeans I have seen him before. In their place he is wearing a pair of black dress slacks and a slate grey button up shirt with the sleeves folded back to reveal his muscular forearms. The top two buttons of his shirt sits open, revealing just a hint of bare chest. The ensemble compliments his golden hair and skin tone, making his blue eyes stand out even more than usual.

“Sera,” he says warmly as he steps up to give her a quick peck on the check, his musical voice melting me where I stand. He takes a step back, his eyes twinkling mischievously as his gaze falls on me.

It’s him- the guy from the woods. He’s here, in Moira’s house.

Chapter Eight

ello, Sunshine,” I remark with a devilish laugh.

What are the odds?
Not once, not twice, but three times now I’ve run into this girl. There is definitely something different about her, something that draws me in and I can’t seem to figure out why she is so different from every other girl I have met. While she’s definitely pretty she’s not spectacular by any means. Her dark hair is long and slightly wavy, her skin a clear pale peach color. She’s by no means tall, the top of her head would fit perfectly tucked into my chin, but she isn’t exactly short either; somewhere closer to average height. It’s her eyes that catch my attention- a clear, shining grey that speak of innocence and happiness.

“You,” she replies venomously, a scowl marring her delicate features as my eyes slowly take in the rest of her.

“You two know each other?” Mother asks surprised.

“You could say that,” I answer with a smirk as I remember just how well we ‘knew’ each other. “We’ve run into each other a few times but we haven’t been properly introduced yet. I’m Vraiden Black.” I flash a taunting smile and offer my hand in a gesture of greeting.

Instead of accepting my outstretched hand she chooses to completely ignore me, causing a grin to spread across my face. I did like her spirit. Behind her Sera nudges her gently in my direction with a questioning look. “This is my daughter, Adelin.”
This girl is the newfound Immortal Mother was telling me about?

Things just got a lot more interesting. Looks like I’ll be staying with
my parents a bit longer than I had planned.
“Adelin,” I repeat as she reluctantly takes my hand.

Surprising us both, I bend down and place a lingering kiss on the back of her hand. The clean, delicious scent of her soap mixed with the tang and sweetness of peaches and honey invades my nostrils and my hunger immediately flares to life bringing with it thoughts of blood and innocence stolen. I keep my eyes locked on hers, noting with satisfaction the blush that begins to slowly creep over her cheeks. Against her better judgment a shiver wracks her body and her cool grey eyes warm even as she gapes down at me with an appalled expression. My lips curve as I think of all the fun we could have together; the things I could do to her.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I respond smoothly as I straighten and politely drop her hand. Annie, my mother’s servant, appears just then and announces “Dinner is served,” before quickly retreating.

“Shall we, ladies?” I ask as I offer an arm to both Sera and Adelin, knowing full well Adelin wouldn’t be able to refuse in her mother’s presence. She steps forwards with a defeated sigh and neatly wraps her arm around mine, all the while refusing to look at me.

I chuckle softly as I lead the two women down the hallway and into the dining room, dominated by the overly large, gleaming solid oak table at its center. Working quickly, I seat Mother at the head of the table with Sera on her right before escorting Adelin to the opposite side. I stop and pull out the chair on Mother’s left, gesturing for her to sit, before plopping into the seat beside her with a small smirk.

Adelin looks around confused as she takes in the place settings.

“Isn’t Mr. Black joining us?”

Mother’s eyes snap up. “

“Your husband, Mr. Black,” Adelin clarifies innocently.

Shit! Didn’t she know
Mother’s going to have a fit
. “Woods,” I murmur beside her, my voice barely audible.

“What?” she asks, eyebrows scrunched.

I sigh and clear my throat before speaking so everyone can hear,

“My father’s surname is Woods. Elrich Woods.” My voice comes out much sterner than I had hoped and Adelin tenses up beside me. I silently curse myself but remain otherwise unresponsive.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Sera- er, Mom, mentioned him. I just assumed his last name was Black,” she stutters looking flustered.

Mother glances at Sera incredulously, “Have you not taught her
?” Her voice resounds harshly throughout the room causing me to cringe inwardly.

“We haven’t had the opportunity to discuss everything yet,” Sera replies meekly.

Mother’s face sets into a stern expression as she turns back towards Adelin. My hands clench the underside of the table firmly to keep from speaking up as she begins to lecture her, “In the case of Immortals, women hold all the power. When a couple marries, if the male is richer or more powerful than the bride, he is allowed to take her name. If not, he keeps his own to distinguish between the two.

Their children automatically take the female’s surname.” She pauses and levels her gaze silently on Adelin for several seconds before continuing, “My husband is known as Elrich Woods, not Black. Your Immortal offspring, should you choose to have any, will be given the surname Wynford, as will you after the change, after your mother.”

“But—” Adelin opens her mouth to protest, a questioning look on her face.

“Don’t,” I whisper lowly as I gently place my hand over hers under the table to silence her. I fix my eyes on her cool grey ones, silently pleading with her, and shake my head slightly. For some reason I want to protect her and I know that if she keeps asking questions Mother will rip her to pieces, probably literally. I’ve seen her do it for a lot less.

Understanding flashes in her eyes at my behavior and her lips turn downward slightly. “I apologize, Mrs. Black. I didn’t know.”

“We shall fix that,” Mother replies before turning towards me.

“Vraiden, after dinner I want you to fill Adelin in on what she should already know.”

The rest of dinner is uneventful. Moira and Sera do most of the talking while I do my best to remain silent, not wanting to give anything away. Adelin is quiet beside me, only politely answering questions when needed. Several times throughout the meal I find myself drawn to her, my eyes lingering on her mouth, her eyes, her throat. The way she savors each bite is enticing and I find myself wondering what it would be like to taste those sinful lips against my own.

“If you’ll excuse us,” Mother says, startling me out of my thoughts..

“Sera and I have some things to discuss. Vraiden, would you please escort Adelin to the library so you can fill her in?”

“Dinner was fantastic, Mrs. Black. “Thank you for inviting me,” Adelin replies sweetly as she pushes her chair back, earning a silent stare from Mother before she disappears from the room. Her long hair ripples down her back as she stands and I have an overwhelming urge to reach out and touch it, to feel its softness.

“I’ll come find you when we’re finished,” Sera replies quietly, her eyes fixed on me as she speaks to her daughter, before she quickly hurries after the other woman.

“Shall we?” I ask, gallantly offering my arm once more, which she again ignores before heading towards the exit. My smile falters briefly before I regain my composure and lead her down the hall to the library, an enormous richly furnished room decorated in dark colors on the other side of the house. Once inside, I shut the doors quietly behind us and exhales a long puff of air, grateful to be away from the prying eyes of our parents.

I prop my forehead precariously against the hardwood, my hands still gently clasping the doorknobs. Sensing a change in the atmosphere I straighten and open my eyes, noticing she has moved slightly closer to me, a look of…. yearning? desire? etched onto her face. My pulse quickens automatically at the thought of being alone with her and I carefully edge nearer to her.

“I’m sorry about all that. My mother can be a bit…..”

“Overprotective?” she offers, causing me to laugh deeply.

“Well, I was going to say ‘an overbearing power hungry bitch’, but I guess that works. And, just so you know,
, she can hear me,” I reply with a mischievous wink, a lopsided grin on my lips as I rake a hand back through my hair. Caught off guard by my statement, she laughs outright before clamping a hand over her mouth to stifle the sound. “So….” I say, the grin now firmly locked in place as I walk towards the leather couch and take a seat.

Adelin crosses the room slowly and takes a seat across from me in a stiff backed armchair before launching a question my way. “What’s the difference between a Made and Born Immortal? Besides the obvious?”

“Well, a Made Immortal is a human who becomes immortal. They are ‘made’ by another Immortal- it’s actually very complicated so I’ll skip that part for now. When a mortal is Made their bodies are, essentially, frozen. They no longer age, they cannot reproduce and they need blood, human blood, to survive. The change is hard on mortals- their bodies cannot process the change at first and tries to fight against it. Large doses of blood, both human and Immortal, help to ease the pain and make them stronger and the more blood they consume, the stronger, healthier they become.”

“A Born Immortal is just that- born. Our bodies prepare for Immortality while in the womb, where we receive blood from our mothers that helps strengthen us. We are born with all of our Immortal ‘gifts’ already in place, our senses heightened. We can age and reproduce, although it must be with another Born Immortal.”

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