Oswald and the CIA: The Documented Truth About the Unknown Relationship Between the U.S. Government and the Alleged Killer of JFK (85 page)

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60. WC vol. XXV, CE 2195, p. 58.

61. Oswald letter to Vincent Lee, undated; see WC vol. XX, Lee exhibit 4, pp. 518-521.

62. The letter was obviously written after Oswald picked up the handbills, June 4, and before he leafleted the USS Wasp on June 15. Oswald said he had "picketed the fleet" in a letter to Lee dated August 1, 1963; see WC vol. XX, Lee exhibit 5, pp. 524-525.

63. Oswald letter to Vincent Lee, undated, see WC vol. XX, Lee exhibit 4, pp. 518-521. For a cleaner retyped version of this letter by the FBI's New York office, see NARA, JFK files, RIF 124-10160-10437. For Vincent Lee's testimony, see WC vol X, pp. 86-95.

64. WC vol. XVI, CE 115, p. 486; WC vol. XXVI, CE 3119, p. 770.

65. WC vol. XVI, CE 115, p. 486.

66. WC vol. XVII, CE 826, p. 753; WC vol. XX, Johnson exhibit 1, p. 257; WC vol. XXII, p. 166.

67. WC vol. XIX, pp. 568-569; and WC vol. XX, Lee exhibit 8-C, p. 532. On July 8, Oswald notified the Worker of his new address; see the Kaack report of October 31, 1963.

68. WC vol. XVII, CE 780, p. 658.

69. WC vol. XX, Lee exhibit 4, p. 518; New York Times 12/9/63, p. C-38.

70. Ramparts, January 1968, p. 47.

71. HSCA vol. X, pp. 128-131.

72. HSCA vol. X, p. 128.

73. HSCA Report, p. 219.

74. HSCA Report, p. 218.

75. HSCA Vol. X, p. 128.

76. CD 75, p. 222; WC vol. VIII, p. 170; WC vol. X, pp. 54-58; and vol. XXVI, pp. 705-791.

77. CD 75, p. 517.

78. FBI draft message from New Orleans SAC to FBI director, 89-69, document 138; NARA, JFK files, RIF 124-10248-10191.

79. CD 75, p. 699. FBI report, New Orleans office (NO 44-2064, NO 89-69) report, by special agents John W. Smith and Dean S. Lytle, November 26, 1963.

80. WC vol. XXVI, CE 3029, pp. 575-576.

81. WC vol. XXVI, CE 3029, pp. 575-576. The FBI report summarizing a telephone interview with Alderman claims he said the post office box was 30061. While this number was Oswald's true box number, Oswald never used it. Oswald instead used the false number 30016. All extant copies of the handbills and application forms that have a post office box number stamped on them are "P.O. Box 30016." The FBI, not Alderman, probably made the mistake of using the right box number.

82. It would be even stranger if the Tulane FPCC handbill had, as was alleged in the FBI report, "P.O. Box 30061" stamped on it.

83. FBI memorandum from supervisor Leon M. Gaskill to SAC New Orleans (89-69), November 26, 1963; NARA, JFK files, RIF 124-10261-10044; see also Paul Hoch, item 1904.

84. The typed version in Gaskill's memo is probably erroneous in that Gaskill added punctuation; it probably read, "FPCC - A.J. Hidell, P.O. Box 30016."

85. ONI document dated July 14, 1964, written by "DCG," who is not further identified. See the Church Committee documents in the National Archives; unfortunately, much of the Church Committee documents were erroneously photocopied with the HSCA record group number, 233, superimposed and, as a result, the author's copies were misfiled as HSCA documents. The National Archives is attempting to relocate the Church Committee copy of the "DCG" memo and the attached report of Patrolman Ray of June 16, 1963. Both of these documents can also be found elsewhere in the JFK files, such as in box 3 of the NIS/ONI boxes released in 1994. The problem, however, is that-so far-the Church Committee copies are the only place where there is a handbill attached.

86. Oswald letter to Vincent Lee, August 1, 1963, WC vol. XX, Lee exhibit 5, p. 525.

87. New Orleans FBI office memo on Lee Harvey Oswald, dated July 22, 1964; WC vol. XXII, CE 1412, p. 805.

88. FBI memorandum from supervisor Leon M. Gaskill to SAC New Orleans (89-69), November 26, 1963; NARA, JFK files, RIF 124-10261-10044; see also Paul Hoch, item 1904. Gaskill also acknowledged that Major Erdrich had dropped off two copies of the handbill on November 26, 1963.

89. See footnote 85, above.

90. FBI New Orleans office memo on Lee Harvey Oswald, July 22, 1964, WC vol. XXII, CE 1412, pp. 805-806.

91. Memo from Patrolman Girod Ray to Chief L. Deutchman, June 16, 1963; NARA JFK files, NIS/ONI box 3. In his 1964 interview with the FBI, Patrolman Ray gave a slightly different account; the man responded that "he did not have permission to do this and felt that he did not need anyone's permission since he was within his rights to distribute leaflets in any area ha desired to do so." See WC vol. XXII, CE 1412, p. 806.

92. FBI New Orleans office memo on Lee Harvey Oswald, July 22, 1964, WC vol. XXII, CE 1412, p. 806.

93. FBI, San Francisco office, report of SA John P. McHugh, June 17, 1964; see WC CD 1204.

94. FBI Houston office, report of May 25, 1964; see WC CD 1033.

95. Note by "DCG," subject: Lee Harvey Oswald, July 14, 1964; NARA, JFK files, RIF 173-10011-10075; see also 1994 NIS 3 boxes release.

96. FBI document, Washington field office 105-37111; WC CD 1484, p. 2.

97. An exhaustive search has so far failed to turn up the location for this copy of Patrolman Ray's report. It is authentic, as discussion with the National Archives staff confirm. This copy has handwriting on it possibly describing Oswald as being 5' 6" to 57" tall, 2 to 3" shorter than Oswald.

98. Marina's testimony to the Warren Commission, WC vol. I, p. 44.

99. For the application itself, se WC vol. XXIV, CE 2075, pp. 509-510; for an undated FBI report-probably from the Washington field office-on Oswald's passport his application, see WC vol. XXII, CE 1062, p. 12.

100. See WC vol. XXIII, CE 1969, pp. 817-823.

101. Oswald letter to Soviet Embassy in Washington, July 1, 1963; WC vol. XVI, CE 13, p. 30.

102. Dallas FBI letter to New Orleans FBI office, July 29, 1963; Paul Hoch, item 987.

103. FBI memorandum from SAC New Orleans (100-16601) to SAC Dallas (100-10461 and 105-1435 [Marina], August 13, 1963; Paul Hoch, item #988.

Chapter Seventeen

1. WC vol. XVII, CE 826, p. 754. Emmett J. Barbe, general maintenance foreman for Reily testified that he fired Oswald; New Orleans TimesPicaYune.

2. CIA memorandum from Raymond M. Reardon, Security Analysis Group/ OS to the CIA deputy inspector general, February I, 1977.

3. CIA request for investigative check, from chief, CI/Operational Approval and Support Division to deputy director for Security IOS, June 1965; see NARA, JFK files, CIA, January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release; this document may also be associated with R1F 1993.06.29.16:23:07:500150.

4. FBI airtel [air telegram] from SAC, New Orleans (89-69) to director, FBI 62-109060)) March 8, 1967, Subject: Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy; NARA, JFK files, FBI New Orleans office, 89-68. This March 8, 1967, FBI air telegram from SAC New Orleans to Bureau contains information from an October 3, 1963, report of New Orleans FBI SA Warren C. DeBrueys entitled "Anti-Fidel Castro Activities." This DeBrueys report has not been released to the public.

5. WAVE 8611 to HQS, December 6, 1963, NARA JFK files, number files, boxes 51-53.

6. Noon's CIA request for operational approval, dated September 6, 1961, can be found in the CIA's January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release.

7. The author's copy of this CIA cable was obtained from the National Archives but the exact location is unclear. It is a "desensitized" version of WAVE cable 9537 to director CIA. The exact date is also unclear, but this handwriting appears on the bottom of p. I: "30 Dec 67." A handwritten file number is below the date: "100-300-17."

8. FBI airtel [air telegram] from SAC New Orleans (89-69) to director, FBI (62-109060), March 8, 1967, Subject: Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy; NARA, JFK files, FBI New Orleans office, 89-68. This March 8, 1967, FBI air telegram from SAC New Orleans to Bureau contains information from an October 3, 1963, report of New Orleans FBI SA Warren C. DeBrueys entitled "Anti-Fidel Castro Activities." This DeBrueys report has not been released to the public.

9. Church Committee memorandum to files, from Dwyer and Greissing, Subject: Interview with Carlos Bringuier regarding New Orleans Cuban group and Oswald, January 12, 1976; NARA, JFK files, RIF 157-10007-10121.

10. Testimony of Carlos Bringuier to Warren Commission, April 7-8, 1964, WC vol. X, p. 35.

11. Testimony of Carlos Bringuier to Warren Commission, April 7-8, 1964, WC vol. X, p. 35.

12. Testimony of Carlos Bringuier to Warren Commission, April 7-8, 1964, WC vol. X, p. 35.

13. WC vol. XXVI, CE 3119, pp. 767, 771.

14. Testimony of Carlos Bringuier to Warren Commission, April 7-8, 1964, WC vol. X, p. 35-36.

15. WC vol. X, pp. 35, 76; WC vol. XIX, Burcham exhibit 1, p. 240; WC vol. XXV, CE 2548, p. 773; Saturday Evening Post, 12/14/63; Life, 2/21/64, p. 76.

16. Testimony of Carlos Bringuier to Warren Commission, April 7-8, 1964, WC vol. X, pp. 36-37.

17. WR, p. 728.

18. CIA memo, CUR&A, Garrison and the Kennedy Assassination, June 1, 1967.

19. Enclosure 6 to CIA CI/R&A memorandum for the record; Subject: "Possible DRE Animus Towards President Kennedy." April 3, 1967; see NARA, JFK files, RIF 1993.06.28.15:55:39:460280.

20. Enclosure 6 to CIA CI/R&A memorandum for the record; Subject: "Possible DRE Animus Towards President Kennedy," April 3, 1967; see NARA, JFK files, RIF 1993.06.28.15:55:39:460280.

21. CD 11, p. 2; CD 928, p. 18.

22. WC vol. X, p. 37; WC vol. XXVI, CE 3119, p. 768.

23. WC vol. X, p. 37.

24. JFK NARA RIF 124-10062-10049. To chief, from SAIC John W. Rice, New Orleans; Subject: Assassination of John F. Kennedy.

25. JFK NARA RIF 124-10062-10049. To chief, from SAIC Rice, New Orleans; Subject: Assassination of John F. Kennedy.

26. WC vol. XXVI, CE 3119, p. 768; New Orleans Times-Picayune, 2/28/69.

27. WC vol. XXV, CE 2210, pp. 90, CE 2548, 773; WC vol. XXVI, CE 2888, pp. 343, CE 3032, p. 578.

28. WR, p. 728.

29. Martello testimony, WC vol. X, p. 61.

30. WR, p. 728.

31. SA Callender to SAC New Orleans August 1963; NARA, JFK files, RIF 124-10228-10044. Note: the Callender memo is cross-filed into deBrueys's FPCC file 97-74; and has a handwritten note at the bottom reading, "Indices contained no information identifiable with Hernandez or Cruz."

32. The report stated:

1. Lee H. Oswald, white, male, age 23, born 10/18/39, New Orleans, residence 4709 Magazine, New Orleans, lower center apt. Oswald informed arresting officer that he is a member of the New Orleans chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee with headquarters at 799 Broadway, New York City. Lt. Galliot informed that Oswald was handing out yellow leaflets with inscription 'Hands Off Cuba, Viva Castro.'

2. Carlos Jose Bringuier, white, male, age 29, 501 Adele St. Apt 1, New Orleans, who informed he is the Director of the Cuban Student Directorate [DRE] for the New Orleans area. He informed he immigrated to this country on 2/8/61 INS # A125456223 and has a clothing shop at 107 Decatur St.

3. Ceflo Macario Hernandez, white, male, age 47, 519 Adele St. Apt. E. He advised he is a member of the same group as Bringuier.

4. Miguel Mariano Cruz, white, male, age, 18, 2526 Mazant, Apt. C, who advised he is also a member of the Cuban Student Directorate. According to Lt. Galliot, all four individuals were arrested for disturbing the peace when Oswald became involved in an argument with Bringuier, Hernandez, and Cruz and that a crowd developed. Lt. Galliot informed that he had no further information at this time.

33. August 9, 1963 (Friday at 1:15 P.M.)-NO T-6 reports to FBI that she sees Oswald distributing handbills; see CD 12, p. 4. This NO T-6 might have been a Department of Employment security employee.

34. WC vol. XI, p. 328; WC vol. XXVI, CE 3094, p. 705.

35. WC vol. XI, p. 358.

36. WC vol. XI, pp. 343, 356; WC vol. XXV, CE 2477, p. 671; WC vol. XXVI, CE 2902, p. 358.

37. Pena is a white male, DOB; 8/15/23, 5' 8", 140# POB: Colon, Cuba, brothers: Ruperto, 117 Decatur; Andrea, Las Americas Bar, 407 Decatur; see WC vol. XXVI, CE 2902, p. 359. Orestes Pena applied for a passport in New Orleans on June 24, 1963, the same day that Oswald applied. Pena's passport is #92577 and Oswald's is #92526, both issued on June 25; see WC vol. XI, pp. 349, 360; WC vol. XVI, CE 239, p. 666; WC vol. XIX, Cadigan exhibit 10, p. 283, WC vol. XXI, Pena exhibit 1, p. 43; WC vol. XXII, CE 1062, p. 12; WC vol. XXIII, CE 1969, p. 818; WC vol. XXIV, CE 2075 p. 509; WC vol. XXVI, CE 2754, p. 134, CE 2755, p. 136, CE 2787, p. 177 and CE 2902, p. 358. Orestes Pena plans to go to Spain in August 1963, but he postponed that trip and went to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic instead (between August 13-27). Orestes Pena went to Spain in May of 1964; WC vol. XI, p. 351; CD 984h, p. 104.

38. Yet later, on 6/9/64, Orestes Pena cannot recall Oswald; See WC vol. XXVI, CE 2902, p. 358.

39. While Orestes Pena was out of the country between August 13 and 27, his brother Ruperto Pena saw the two Cubans in a car. Since Ruperto could not speak English, he told Carlos Bringuier about seeing the two men. Bringuier then reported the sighting to the FBI. Both Penas denied that either of these two Cubans was Oswald's companion at the Habana Bar; however, Bringuier says one of them was Oswald's companion: WC vol. X, p. 45; WC vol. XI, pp. 349, 351, 367.

40. Rodriguez said it was around 2:30 to 3:00 a.m., but he had difficulty remembering the date, variously placing it somewhere between 5 and 12 August. On 5/12/64, Rodriguez described Oswald's companion as a nattilydressed white male, 32, 5' 7", medium build, spoke Spanish well; WC Vol. XXV, CE 2477, p. 671. Carlos Bringuier, a Cuba refugee leader in the New Orleans Cuban Student Directorate, thought this event occurred between August 15 and August 30; WC Vol. X, p. 45.

41. A transcript of Martello's August 10, 1963, report can be found in WC vol. X, pp. 53-56.

42. WC vol. IV, p. 437; and vol. XVII, CE 826, p. 762.

43. Prior to Magazine, Oswald had lived at 4709 Mercedes in Fort Worth and worked for a sheet metal company for several months; CD 87 SS 449, p. 3. Lie. Moved from 2703 Mercedes, Fort Worth, on 10/8/62. (Newman, at page 45, stresses that Oswald wants to hide all Dallas connections.) 10.Two brothers: Robert Oswald in Fort Worth, 27, and John Oswald in Arlington, 32. Lie. Robert is in Arkansas and John Pic is in USAF in San Antonio. 11. SS# 433-54-3937; Sel. Ser. # 41-114-39532 12. Lutheran 13. Worked at Reily Coffee Co. from May until July 17. Lie. Last day was July 19. 14. Prior to Reily, worked at Jackson Brewing Company, New Orleans, for 1-1/2 months. Lie. Did not work for Jackson Brewing Company. 15. Oswald does not reveal his Russian trip; WC vol. IV, pp. 431, 435, 437; WC vol. X, p. 51; WC vol. XVII, CE 826, p. 757; Dallas Times Herald, 1/26/64; Houston Post, 11/27/63 p. 16. Oswald says that he does not want his family to learn English as he hated USA; WC vol. XXV, CE 2548, p. 773.

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