Our Bodies, Ourselves (66 page)

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Authors: Boston Women's Health Book Collective

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Among women diagnosed with AIDS in the
United States in 2008, 77 percent of African-American women, 75 percent of Hispanic/Latina women, and 65 percent of white women became infected through heterosexual contact.


Two conditions must be met for HIV to pass from one person to another.

• The virus must be present in sufficient quantity. Five bodily fluids—blood, pre-ejaculate (pre-cum), semen, vaginal fluid, and breast milk—can carry enough virus to cause infection. Saliva, tears, sweat, urine, feces, and vomit (unless they are mixed with blood) do not ordinarily contain enough virus to cause infection.

• The virus must have a way to get into the bloodstream. HIV can enter a body through the mucous membranes that line the vagina and rectum; directly into the blood from a shared IV-drug or tattoo needle; through the skin via any open cut, wound, or scratch; through the mucous membranes in the eyes and the nose; and through the opening of a man's penis. Oral sex, rimming, fisting, fingering, and deep kissing are considered lower-risk activities for HIV transmission than penis-in-vagina and penis-in-rectum sex, unless blood is involved.

The virus can enter mucous membranes more easily if there are tiny cuts, inflammation, or open sores due to another STI or a vaginal infection. Therefore, your risk of becoming HIV infected or potentially infecting a partner is increased if you or your partner has other STIs that are untreated, or if you have untreated vaginitis or bacterial vaginosis (BV), a condition in which there is an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina.

Practicing safer sex is important even when both partners are HIV-positive. Unprotected sex among HIV+ partners can lead to mixing or exchanging viral strains, so one partner may spread resistant viruses to the other. Protection from other STIs is important as well. Barrier methods such as condoms and dental dams are recommended, as appropriate, for every sexual encounter. If one partner is infected and the other is not, using a barrier method can prevent infection of the uninfected partner. (For more information and guidelines on practices to prevent HIV transmission, see
Chapter 10
, “Safer Sex.”)

HIV can also be transmitted by sharing drug needles with an infected user. If you are considering getting a tattoo or a piercing, make sure that you find out what steps are in place at the facility for sterilizing needles between clients.

Pregnancy and Childbirth

HIV can pass from mother to fetus (this is called vertical transmission) during pregnancy and childbirth. If you want to have a child and think you might have been exposed to HIV, get tested before you become pregnant.

In the early days of the HIV infection, women were often discouraged from becoming pregnant, owing to the 30 percent chance of HIV being transmitted to the child before or during birth and the likelihood that the child would be without a parent in the near future. That is no longer the case in the United States. Early testing, rapid testing at the time of labor and delivery, effective antiretroviral medication, and cesarean sections for women with high viral loads have contributed to reducing the rate of transmission from mother to baby to under 2 percent in the United States and other industrialized nations.

Since HIV can pass to the infant through breast milk, the CDC advises against HIV+ women breastfeeding if they live in the United States or other areas where baby formula is
readily available and can be safely prepared. In areas where there is limited access to formula and to clean water, some experts believe that the benefits to the baby of exclusive breastfeeding outweigh potential risks of HIV transmission.
Researchers are currently investigating whether certain types of antiretroviral therapy may help prevent transmission in cases where breastfeeding is necessary.


There is a desperate need for new prevention methods to halt the spread of HIV/AIDS. New kinds of cervical caps and diaphragms are being tested for effectiveness in HIV prevention, and researchers are trying to develop an effective vaccine.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also are involved in several studies looking at the safety and efficacy of certain HIV medications that could be taken daily by people who are at high risk to try to lower their chances of infection if exposed to HIV. This preventive procedure is known as pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP). Breakthrough research published in late 2010 found PrEP to be effective in a group of 2,500 gay men who took a combination of emtricitabine/tenofovir daily.
The men who received the antiretroviral medication, marketed under the name Truvada, experienced 44 percent fewer HIV infections overall than those who were in the placebo (or control) group that did not receive Truvada. Those who took the medicine regularly had much higher levels of protection. Larger studies are under way in the United States and abroad. PrEP has potential to assist efforts to prevent HIV transmission and specifically help women worldwide as a female-controlled prevention method in places or situations where condom use is unavailable or not an option. (For more information on PrEP, see the CDC website at cdc.gov/hiv/prep.)

There is an urgent need for prevention strategies that can be controlled by women, with or without their partners' consent, and microbicides are being developed explicitly for this use. Microbicides are substances that, when inserted in the vagina or rectum, could substantially reduce the risk of getting or transmitting STIs, including HIV. There are no effective microbicides currently on the market, but some are in development. (For more detailed information, see
“HIV Prevention Methods.”

Women with HIV-positive male partners who want to bear children have several options. Some fertility clinics use special sperm-washing techniques that can remove viral particles, allowing the couple to conceive an HIV-negative baby. Other couples choose to conceive using donor insemination from an HIV-negative donor. If you would like to become pregnant and you have an HIV-positive partner, consult with a fertility expert to learn more.

Possible Signs and Symptoms

People with HIV often experience a flulike illness four to six weeks after the actual time of infection. This illness, recognized as acute HIV
infection, corresponds to the seroconversion of the HIV antibody from negative to positive. Symptoms that occur at this time can include fever, swollen glands, rash, sore throat, muscle aches, fatigue, or outbreaks of herpes zoster or aseptic meningitis. The symptoms are often experienced as a bad cold or flu. Once seroconversion has occurred, most patients feel entirely healthy and may have no further symptoms of HIV infection for years. During this period, however, people can transmit the virus to others through unsafe sex or by sharing needles.

Screening and Diagnosis

The Centers for Disease Control advise routine voluntary HIV screening for all persons thirteen to sixty-four years old—adults, adolescents, and pregnant women—as a normal part of medical practice, similar to screening for other treatable conditions, in all health-care settings.

The guidelines indicate that blood tests should be repeated at least annually for everyone likely to be at high risk for HIV, including injection drug users and their sex partners, persons who exchange sex for money or drugs, sex partners of HIV-infected persons, men who have sex with men, and people who have had (or whose sex partners have had) more than one sex partner since their most recent HIV test.

If you are starting a new sexual relationship, it's a good idea for both you and your partner to get tested prior to having sex. If you or a partner has multiple sex partners (or you have reason to think this is the case), consider an annual HIV test. If you are pregnant, the test should be part of your prenatal medical screening. If you go for testing and treatment of another STI, consider including a HIV test.

“HIV Testing,”
, for more information on when and where to get tested. Support groups and counselors are available at some testing sites to help you with testing decisions.

Course of HIV/AIDS

HIV attacks T cells (CD4 lymphocytes), which are central to a healthy immune system. If HIV is untreated, immune function eventually begins to break down. If T cell levels go below 200/mm, symptoms of AIDS start to appear. These include weight loss, fatigue, swollen glands (lumps in the neck, armpits, or groin), and skin rashes. Night sweats, fevers, thrush (an oral yeast infection), headaches, diarrhea, and loss of appetite can also occur.

Opportunistic infections—such as pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), Kaposi's sarcoma (a cancer-causing virus), cytomegalovirus, esophageal candidiasis, or lymphoma—often occur when the immune system has been severely damaged by HIV.

Women with HIV often have unique complications. Recurrent vaginal yeast infections, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, frequently recurring or disseminated genital herpes, or progression of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection can occur—and may indicate that HIV infection has progressed to AIDS.


Antiretroviral therapies (ART) may allow people to live with HIV for decades, possibly for a normal life span. The goal of ART is to reduce the amount of HIV in the blood to undetectable levels. Achieving this usually allows the T cell levels to rise, sometimes back to normal levels, enabling the body to resist opportunistic infections. ART used to require taking multiple pills in multiple doses, but now it is sometimes as simple as taking one pill once a day. The increasing effectiveness of HIV treatment has dramatically reduced death rates and improved quality of life, and HIV is now often a manageable long-term illness. In addition, people who take their ART very consistently, without missing doses, are far less likely to pass HIV to a partner.

Treatment can be challenging, however.
While many people experience initial side effects of the medications, including nausea or diarrhea, some have long-lasting side effects such as fatigue, bone loss, and fat redistribution. Some of the medications have been associated with diabetes and liver disease, and some may interfere with treatments for other conditions. It is important to make sure your HIV medicines are compatible with other medications you are taking, as well as with birth control pills. Tell your health-care providers all the medications you're taking to ensure you are prescribed the right medications at the right doses.

Taking ART consistently, as prescribed, is crucial. It is important to find a medical regimen that you are able to follow and tolerate. HIV mutates very quickly and can become resistant to an antiviral drug if too many doses are skipped or missed. If you don't take the drugs consistently, you may develop HIV strains that are drug-resistant, and you may not be able to use the drugs later in the course of the illness.

Not every person with HIV needs to be on medication; the decision is influenced by factors such as viral load and CD4 count. Current guidelines recommend antiretroviral therapy for those with T cell counts less than 500/mm.
Talk to your health-care provider about how to decide. Everyone who wants ART should have access to it, regardless of gender, socioeconomic or educational status, housing status, or drug use.

To complement the highly effective antiretroviral medications, some people with HIV and AIDS use acupuncture and Chinese herbs, meditation, yoga, massage, and many other holistic approaches to healing.
Some people find that these help reduce the side effects of the medications, bolster the immune system, and help cope with the stresses of illness.

Some AIDS service organizations, hospitals, and clinics provide alternative therapies regardless of an individual's ability to pay. The AIDS Care Project of Boston, for example, draws on federal and local public-health funding to offer acupuncture and traditional East Asian medicine at low or no cost in communities where HIV is prevalent.
If you have health insurance, some complementary treatments may be covered. (For more information, see “Complementary and
Alternative Therapies,”


Participation in a clinical drug trial, which is the last stage of testing to prove drug safety, efficacy, and appropriate dosage, is one way to benefit from the latest research and receive free medicine and medical attention. It involves risks, but some people are more comfortable with taking a new drug that might help than the near certainty of suffering without it, especially if they have a virus that is resistant to approved treatments. For information about clinical trials, visit the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website at aidsinfo.nih.gov, or call 1-800-TRIALS-A (1-800-243-7012 TTY/TDD).

HIV treatments are constantly evolving. For more information, see The National Women's Health Information Center's section on women and HIV/AIDS: womenshealth.gov/hiv/treatment.

How Do I Get Tested?

Testing is available in many hospitals, clinics, test sites, and doctors' offices. Visit hivtest.org (a service of the CDC) for locations near you.

In general, public-health clinics have a lot of experience with HIV testing and treatment, and they often offer post-test counseling, which your
doctor or local hospital may not. Your results there will be confidential—that is, while your privacy is protected, the health-care provider knows your results and can follow up quickly. You can also go to an anonymous testing site or pursue a home test (see below).


In 2006, there were an estimated 233,000 people living in the United States with an undiagnosed HIV infection.
This represents between 23 and 28 percent of the total number of U.S. infections. Knowing your own HIV status and that of your sexual partners is critical. Even though it can be scary to get tested, the sooner HIV is diagnosed, the sooner you'll know whether you need treatment, and you can take action to prevent further spread of the virus.

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