Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? (37 page)

BOOK: Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?
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The term New World Order (NWO) was first used, and actual plans laid out for achieving this goal over the next few centuries, in the year 1773, at a meeting of the 13 richest men of Prussia held in Frankfurt by the 33-year-old banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild. … Rothschild turned to a manuscript during the meeting and read his points, which outlined a plan of action for taking control of the entire globe … he emphasized: “The qualification for this aristocracy is ‘wealth,’ which is dependent on us.” He laid down: “Candidates in public office should be servile and obedient to our commands, so that they may readily be used.” He also laid down that their “combined wealth would control all outlets of public information.” And finally came the most inhuman axiom of their policy: “Panics and financial depressions would ultimately result in world government, a new order of one world government.” Modern day USA illustrates all these features with chilling clarity to anyone who cares to read the relevant literature.

Kamran said that the banking families have continued their relentless pursuit of the NWO and that hundreds of millions of deaths in maneuvered wars and conflicts “have not led to an iota of remorse in their hearts, minds and souls. … Like a parasite these families settle themselves or their agents in a healthy host, and having nourished themselves destroy the host. Germany was their host and now the US is their host.” According to Kamran,

The think-tanks that present to the public the goal of global occupation and control by the international bankers in palatable terms include academics who are on their payroll and, among other things, formulate doctrines to give an air of respectability to the program of conquering and controlling mankind like slaves. In 1997, Zbigniew Brzezinski, founding member of the Trilateral Commission and member [of the] Council on Foreign Relations … in his book,
The Grand Chessboard
… stated that in order to rule the world the US must occupy Central Asia. This reveals the continuity of goal, design and effort of the elite—its agents have maintained the same language over a 100-year period. The achievement of this goal will require a major war, a world war, starting most likely from the impending US-Israel attack on Iran. But to wage this war the US must be transformed into a genuine dictatorship. Legislation carried out in the wake of [the] Oklahoma bombing and 9/11 has ensured that the US public lives in constant fear of being arrested.

Kamran pointed to three recent laws laying the groundwork for a virtual police state. One is the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, signed by Bush in 2007, which allows the use of the military against civilians without permission of the governor of a state. The second is the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), signed by Obama in late 2011, which does away with habeas corpus by allowing the president to detain indefinitely anyone suspected of terrorism—no proof required and no appeal permitted. Third, on March 8, 2012, Obama signed into law the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011 which criminalized protest. A response to the Occupy movement, this law provides for fines and imprisonment of up to ten years for anyone engaging in “disruptive” conduct near “restricted” areas.

“Taken together, the three laws indicate that the elite is well prepared to quell any civil unrest ruthlessly. The destruction of the middle class is also being pursued so that it is rendered homeless and hungry and its ability to protest destroyed. All this is part of the final push towards the NWO through a great war,” wrote Kamran.

Kamran is not the only one to see an encroaching police state. Internet commentator Mac Slavo, after noting that gang-related crime in the major cities is on the rise while police personnel and social programs are declining, wrote, “As more cities cut services and hundreds of thousands continue to lose their jobs, the situation across the entire nation will become untenable. Social safety nets will fall apart and crime will become more violent and random as a new paradigm takes hold. Local law enforcement will be unable to control it using traditional policing. The people will not only accept assistance from the federal government in the form of tanks and soldiers on the streets of their neighborhoods—they’ll demand it. Lucky for them—all of the executive orders for declaring a state of emergency are already in place and ready for implementation.”

Led by the United States, the world’s economy is tottering on the brink of collapse. A food and water shortage looms on the horizon. The Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico are becoming bodies of dead water due to human misuse. At the time of this writing, deadly radiation continues to spew worldwide from damaged nuclear plants in Japan, with no end in sight. The world’s wealth flows constantly into fewer and fewer hands as the so-called industrialized nations witness strikes, growing unemployment, and widespread social disorder. Governments, desperate to maintain the old social order, are cracking down on civil liberties and freedom.

The track record of world leaders today is shameful. They no longer listen to their populations but rather to their corporate backers. Corporate leaders, mindful of their precarious position beneath the real controllers, no longer seem to care for anything past their profit line. Their decisions are not about what’s good for the public, the environment, or even any humane concept of morality.

When corporate leaders and their hired politicians speak of the “greater good,” they are actually only talking about their own well-being, not that of the public. In fact, many of the actions taken by the corporate and political leaders of today seem to follow the millennia-long agenda of attempting to subjugate the human population. Their decisions are often contrary to any notion of public health and well-being.

And it may be worse than this. Many see their activities as yet another attempt to reduce the human population. Concern over population reduction and control by a wealthy ruling elite today is taking center stage in the public’s mind, especially after witnessing the bailout of the plutocrats who were the cause of the financial crisis beginning in 2008.

Many, like Internet commentator Alex Jones, believe the New World Order agenda is to “thin the population leaving only an enslaved underclass who are forced to live on the poverty line in control grid cities while the overlords enjoy the bountiful paradise of the earth and evolve into super-beings with the aid of advanced life-extension technologies.” Jones added that this long-term dream of the wealthy elite will become “a nightmare for the rest of humanity unless we rise up now and fight back against the systems of control that are being locked down to transform the earth into a prison planet.”

Economic systems are failing all over the planet, and the only solution seriously considered by lawmakers is to borrow and print more money, leading to a never-ending spiral of inflation. Such “solutions” serve only to accelerate the economic collapse. “It’s not a new world order; it’s the bankers’ order,” observed Gerald Celente, author of
Trend Tracking
. He said control by private bankers has been a “major issue of this country since its founding up until 1913. … They’re moneychangers and loan sharks. Get rid of them.”

In addition to the economic problems of humanity, industrialization is taking a toll on the environment. The weather is becoming erratic. Recent years have witnessed unprecedented tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Flooding and droughts are increasing, creating crop failures, food shortages, and higher costs at the grocery stores.

Whole populations of bees, birds, and other creatures are being wiped out. Many think this is due to the variability of nature, but others, with some scientific support, blame it on the overuse of pesticides or the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Reporting on the lethal failure of nuclear energy has been placed on a back burner by the corporate mass media. The nuclear plants in Fukushima, Japan, damaged from a tsunami created by an offshore earthquake, continue to spew silent and invisible poison into the atmosphere. Right after the disaster, in March 2011, rainwater in Calgary, Canada, had an average of 8.18 becquerels (a unit for measuring radioactivity) per liter of radioactive iodine, easily exceeding the Canadian guideline of 6 becquerels per liter for drinking water. In late 2011, rainwater captured in St. Louis, Missouri, measured a radiation level of 13.3 microsieverts per hour, 130 times normal background radiation.

While the public is told that the radiation seeping from the Fukushima reactors is only at “low” levels and not immediately harmful, they fail to understand that the food supply has also been irradiated and that radioactive isotopes of cesium and other elements may persist for centuries. The cumulative effects of increasing exposure to ionizing radiation over the course of our lives have been noted by many people, like Mike Adams on his Natural News website. He asked, “How is the human race going to survive its exposure to CT scans, radioactive food, chest X-rays, TSA body scanners and even the secret DHS mobile X-ray vans that can penetrate your body with X-rays as you’re walking into a football stadium? The total radiation burden on the human race is now reaching a point of mass infertility. That may be the whole idea, actually.” Recalling the decrease in male sperm count throughout the world today, one may conclude that Adams’s concern is well justified.


Not long before the Fukushima disaster, another maritime catastrophe caused so much pollution that it is considered one of the worst environmental disasters of all time. On April 20, 2010, an explosion at the offshore Deepwater Horizon drilling platform caused untold millions of gallons of petroleum to leak into the Gulf of Mexico. Operated by British Petroleum (BP), the drilling platform disaster caused a number of human deaths and illnesses and eradicated huge swaths of Gulf wildlife. Was this simply a mishap or a plot created by a sinister agenda? If nothing else, it is a classic example of the blending of elitist corporate control and its unceasing demand for profits with a lack of government accountability, leading to tragedy for millions of people.

By the fall of 2010, after the cleanup, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared that air quality on the Gulf coastline was “normal,” and President Obama proclaimed the area safe and “open for business.” But the EPA had made a similar mistake in September 2001, when director Christine Todd Whitman announced in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, “I am glad to reassure the people of New York … that their air is safe to breathe and the water is safe to drink.”

The EPA was wrong in 2001, and it was probably wrong after the Gulf oil spill. According to several published reports, nearly a thousand 9/11 first responders have now died from a variety of unidentified causes, and many New Yorkers claim a variety of illnesses due to bad air that emanated from the wreckage. Similarly, Gulf Coast residents continue to report serious illnesses that they blame on toxic water and air caused by the oil blowout and subsequent cleanup activities. Kim Anderson, professor of environmental and molecular toxicology in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University (OSU), confirmed that toxins were being released into the Gulf. The oil pipe was reportedly sealed on July 15, 2010, but by then massive damage had been done. A study of waters off the Louisiana coast showed a fortyfold increase in carcinogens, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), between May and June 2010.

Even more disturbing, in late 2011, fresh oil was reported surfacing all over the northern quadrant of the Gulf of Mexico, with reports of huge expanses of oil sheen. Francis Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, who served on President Obama’s National Oil Spill Commission, reported that “tar balls were continuing to wash up on shore, and that oil sheen trails were being seen in the wake of fishing boats. Wetlands and marshlands were still in decline and dying; crude oil lay offshore in deep water, as well as fine silts and sands onshore.”

He added, “I have traveled throughout the Gulf Coast, and people routinely tell me that their communities have not recovered economically or psychologically. They are struggling to get their lives back to where they were on April 19—before the oil spill took their livelihoods, clean beaches, productive shrimp and oyster fisheries, and family traditions away from them.”

Many families have also complained recently about the spraying of toxic oil dispersants, such as Corexit. Usually oil floats to the surface of a body of liquid, but Corexit, a product of the Nalco Holding Company, causes the oil to break into small globules that sink to the bottom. One would think that Corexit wouldn’t have been needed after the initial spill, but nearly two years after the explosion, Corexit continues to be sprayed in the Gulf states, according to residents.

Darryl Malek-Wiley, an environmental justice organizer with the Sierra Club, has claimed that the fishing and environmental community agree that the use of the dispersants was not a smart idea for the long-term health of the region.

One point eight million gallons of dispersants into the Gulf of Mexico—nobody’s ever put that amount of dispersant anywhere in the world, so we don’t know what the impact of that is going to be. Some of the people who are sick, they’re taking samples of their blood and they’re finding the chemicals that make up the dispersants in their blood, as well as Louisiana sweet crude, and having serious health impacts … [like] loss of memory, rashes, sinus [problems]. Some folks we’ve talked with, they forget where they’re going. They forget who you are. And these are men, all of them were fishermen in relatively good physical shape. And we don’t know about long-term health impacts, but there’s no immediate health care for folks who need it right now. And that’s a big concern—people have been losing their health insurance because they’re not able to work, and they don’t have money to pay for independent health care … a whole range of things are happening. A number of them have lost their homes because they weren’t able to work and they didn’t get paid by BP like they said they were gonna be, and so, it’s a serious impact on people’s lives.

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