Our One Common Country (65 page)

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Authors: James B. Conroy

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race relations
, 59
, 68
, 224

Radical Republicans.

Rathbone, Henry
, 287

Raymond, Henry J.
, xii
, 10
, 28–29
, 57

, 9

Augusta and
, 48

Charleston and
, 48

, 267

, 2

pardon of leaders
, 39

peace and
, 12–13
, 28–29

, xviii–xix
, 51
, 85
, 106
, 121
, 244
, 245

punishment of
, 274

slaves and
, 40

states' rights and
, 3

truce and
, xxi
, xxii
, 18

wealth of
, 4
See also

, 10
, 36–37
, 105
, 115
, 165
, 184
, 242

Republican Party
, 9
, 10
, 29
, 34
, 216

abolition and
, 39

Blair, Francis Preston, and
, 21

peace and
, 36

Steward and
, 17

Restored Government of Virginia, The
, 38

, 28
, 29
, 36
, 45
, 59
, 74
, 75
, 98
, 99
, 100
, 101
, 103
, 107
, 111
, 113
, 115
, 121
, 132
, 137
, 158
, 165
, 166
, 179
, 181
, 180
, 185
, 207
, 226
, 227
, 229
, 231
, 234–35
, 241
, 254

Rhode Island
, 163
, 188

Richmond Dispatch
, 219
, 223

Richmond Enquirer

Richmond Examiner
, 14

Richmond Sentinel
, 97
, 124
, 168

Richmond Whig
, 75
, 99–100
, 261

Richmond, Virginia
, 29
, 32
, 48–49
, 50
, 52
, 72
, 73
, 77
, 78
, 79
, 80–91
, 93
, 94
, 95
, 96
, 99
, 108
, 149
, 174
, 179
, 182
, 206
, 208
, 217
, 219
, 241
, 242
, 243
, 249
, 253
, 256–64
, 266
, 268
, 276

River Queen
, 169
, 170
, 173
, 175
, 202
, 206
, 253
, 254
, 255
, 259–60

Rives, Alfred L.
, 100
, 101

Rives, William Cabell
, xvi
, 100
, 251
, 262

Roach, Johnny
, 203

Rome, Georgia
, 35

Russell, William Howard
, 2
, 112


Saulsbury, Willard
, 136

Savannah, Georgia
, 35
, 47
, 73
, 96

Schenck, Robert
, 212
, 213

Scott, Dred
, 21

, 11
, 17
, 19

Seddon, James A.
, xvi
, 43
, 44
, 48–49
, 55
, 56
, 72
, 95
, 98
, 209

Seward, William H.
, xii
, 14
, 28
, 32
, 41
, 79
, 115

accident of
, 270
, 275

Adams, Charles, and
, 222

Blair and
, 23

Congress and
, 134

Cox and
, 51

Davis and
, 2
, 83
, 85–86

dream of
, 76
, 77

early life of
, 15–19

election and
, 34–35

Foote and
, 127

Grant and
, 169

Lincoln and
, 52
, 93
, 131
, 150
, 168

peace commissioners and
, 172–199

peace negotiations and
, 42
, 149
, 151
, 159
, 162
, 163
, 170

post-war life of
, 301–2

Powell and
, 288

NY Times
, 94

Sharp, William
, 203

Shepley, George Foster
, 259
, 261
, 271
, 272
, 274
, 278

Sheridan, Phillip
, 128
, 129
, 256
, 275

Sherman, William Tecumseh
, xii
, xxiv
, 28
, 29
, 30
, 35
, 36
, 49
, 69
, 249
, 304

Charleston and
, 90

Georgia and
, 47
, 49
, 91

Savannah and
, 47
, 49
, 73
, 96
, 255
, 265
, 280
, 289–90

South Carolina and
, 9
, 48
, 49–50
, 221

Shirley Plantation
, 77

Short History of the Confederate States of America, A

Silver Spring
, 20
, 21
, 25–26
, 27
, 43
, 47

Singleton, James W.
, xii
, 35
, 48
, 73–74
, 90
, 101–2
, 151
, 152

7th Virginia Infantry
, 209

73rd Illinois
, 6

60th Ohio
, xix
, 222

, 6
, 13
, 21
, 24
, 28
, 81
, 192
, 193

, 39
, 40

amendment to ban
, 10
, 50
, 51
, 58
, 75
, 121
, 132–34
, 188
, 216

Campbell and 165–66
, 268

compensation for
, 196
, 210
, 212

Davis and
, 101

Democrats and
, 11

freedom from
, 180

Lincoln and
, 39
, 185–86
, 191
, 210
, 226
, 266

Maryland and
, 151

Mexican War and
, 76

peace and
, 36

South and
, 59

Steward and
, 14
, 17

, 20

, 117

compensation for
, 196

education of
, 42

family separation of
, 42

freed Richmond
, 260

North Carolina and
, 45

release of
, 224

restitution for
, 238

as soldiers
, 31–32
, 132
, 151
, 242

Stephens and
, 67–68
, 238

voting and
, 283

Slidell, John
, 51

Smith, Truman
, 176

Smith, William “Extra Billy
,” 218

Smyth, General
, 220

South Carolina
, 17
, 20
, 23
, 48
, 49–50
, 90
, 183
, 221
, 241
, 249


amnesty and
, 36

Congress and
, 65

Davis and
, 107

disarmament of
, 226

existence of
, 23
, 84
, 165
, 188–89
, 190
, 261–62

federalism and
, 124

finances of
, 146–47
, 241

independence, (No Match)6
, 13
, 73
, 82
, 101
, 111
, 116
, 137
, 186
, 209
, 222
, 228
, 250

Lincoln and
, 9
, 198

Mexico and
, 76
, 83
, 179
, 182

North and
, 226
, 240
, 241

peace and
, 99

punishment of
, 180

reunion and
, 36
, 189
, 204

secession and
, 216

slavery and
, 14
, 59
, 197
, 216

soldiers of
, 38

Supreme Court and
, 65

Thirteenth Amendment and
, 152
, 210

treason and
, 195

Union exclusion of
, 291

Southern Recorder

Southern Triumvirate
, 105

Speed, James
, 279

Stanard, Mrs.
, 87
, 103

Stanton, Edwin M.
, xii
, 44

Blair and
, 56

Campbell and
, 79

Grant and
, 128
, 129
, 131
, 143
, 153
, 160
, 163
, 170
, 171
, 187
, 203
, 204
, 214

Johnston and
, 290

Lee and Grant talks and
, 246–48

Lee's surrender and
, 276

Lincoln and
, 253
, 260–61

Ord and
, 121
, 122

peace conference and
, 123
, 126
, 139

post-war life of
, 303

Pryor and
, 250

Rebels and
, 37–38

Seward and
, 270

on South's future
, 285

Thompson and
, 286–87

Virginia legislature and
, 279
, 282–84

state governments, tolerance for
, 269

Stephens, Alexander Hamilton
, xvi
, 62
, 69
, 73
, 112
, 150

Blair and
, 78
, 87
, 100
, 106
, 113

Campbell and
, 223

Congress and
, 64–65

“Cornerstone Speech, The” of
, 68

Davis and
, 238
, 239

Davis and
, 66
, 83

early life of
, 62–64

Hill and
, 111

at home
, 225
, 237–239

Mexico and
, 116

peace commission and
, 107–10
, 113
, 118–20
, 121
, 126
, 130
, 138–42
, 144–47
, 149
, 155–58
, 161–62
, 164
, 166
, 170
, 175–77
, 180
, 181
, 185
, 189
, 191
, 193
, 198–99
, 204–7
, 210–11
, 216–19

peace conference and
, 293

post-war life of
, 297–99

slavery and
, 67

slaves of
, 238

trade and
, 90

Stephens, John A.
, xvi
, 198
, 204–5
, 215
, 229
, 297
, 299

Stephens, Linton
, 64

Stevens, Thaddeus
, xii
, 40
, 58
, 59
, 60
, 75
, 174
, 203
, 221
, 228
, 293
, 305

stock market
, 202

Stoneman, George
, 247

Stuart, John T.
, 50

Sumner, Charles
, xii
, 135
, 214
, 223

Sunset Cox.
Cox, Samuel S.

Supreme Court
, 21
, 41
, 42
, 43
, 65
, 108


Taylor, Richard
, 30–31

Taylor, Zachary
, 61
, 119
, 176

, 30
, 31

, 290

Thirteenth Amendment
, 58
, 151
, 152
, 163
, 189
, 192
, 212
, 214
, 269
, 301
See also
amendment to ban slavery

Thomas Collyer
, 170
, 199

Thompson, Jacob
, 286–87

35th Massachusetts
, 51

37th Wisconsin
, 125

Times of London
, 112

Toombs, Robert
, 105
, 176

, 11
, 73–74
, 75
, 101–2
, 119
, 166
, 180
, 181
, 197

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