Out Of Control (41 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

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not an invalid,” she told him.

humor me today, okay?” He kissed her lips, doing his best to restrain himself from
leaping into bed next to her.

he called the office and asked for Gaylen so the man could bring him up to

set here,” the deputy told him. “Tate will be tried in a federal court. SAC Clark
Lorimer is rolling the task force to take down the trafficking ring.”

just can hardly believe it,” Cole said for what must have been the hundredth
time. “I’ve known this man for years. Spent summers at his ranch. God, my
mother will have a stroke when she finds out.”

I hope you don’t mind, but I already called her. She’s flying out today to be
with her sister. She said she’ll call you when she gets in. Your father might
come, too.”

Cole was startled. “Thank you.”

probably should have waited for you, but I didn’t know when you’d leave the
hospital and your aunt and cousins were falling apart in little pieces. And I figured
you could use a shoulder yourself.”

no. That’s all good. My mother’s a tiger. She’ll handle things just fine.”

might be interested to know that Tate Bishop’s father died when he was about
five. He was left alone with his mother who always wanted a girl. She’s the one
who taught him the song, tried to put him in dresses. Made him the object of

never knew. Adele met him when he came to work on a ranch here. One he
eventually bought. He told us all his relatives were dead.” Cole shook his
head. “I don’t give a shit what happened to him when he was a kid. There’s no
excuse for what he is. He’s a sick coward who tormented little girls. Nothing
that happened could ever justify what he did to those girls or their families.”

and I talked to John Garrett. He nearly had a stroke himself when we gave him
the details, but he’ll handle the local story.”

raked a hand through his hair then down his face. “Listen, can you handle the other
media for a little while? They’re gathering outside like a hungry pack of
wolves. If you can stall them, I’ll give them a statement this afternoon. I’d
like Scott and I to do it jointly. But not until we have our facts straight as
to what we’ll tell them.”

problem. He went back to the motel to shower and change. I’ll catch him as soon
as he gets back. Go on back to Dana. I know she needs you.”

I owe you big time for this.”

take care of the lady. She’s a keeper.”

smiled for the first time in hours. “Don’t I know it.”








and Cole pulled their horses to a stop on a slight rise and looked back toward
the ranch house. She didn’t think she’d ever get tired of this view. The ranch
house was lit by the dying rays of the sun, and the horses still frolicked in
the corral, one last romp before being penned for the night. Summer had arrived
like a blast furnace, but this evening had cooled down enough for them to sit

to ride was one of Dana’s greatest pleasures. She wondered if it was the
freedom of racing the horse across the open pasture or watching Cole in his
work shirt and worn jean sitting his fine ass so well in the saddle. Either way
it made her happy.

was actually excited when Cole flew to Florida, packed up what he thought she’d
need, made arrangements to ship the rest, and listed the house with an agent. He
insisted on doing it himself, convincing her she wasn’t strong enough yet. Andi
and Grace took turns stopping by while he was gone.

even set up the third bedroom as an office for her when she was ready to write
again. Each night as they slept in his big bed, he cradled her tenderly in his
arms and let her know she was safe, with him. And that he loved her beyond

media, not unexpectedly, had indulged in a feeding frenzy. Only now was the
story fading from the national news. Tate had yet to come to trial, confined as
he was in a secure mental facility. Cole hoped they never tried him, sparing
Dana the agony of having to testify.

heard from Adele today,” he said, breaking the peaceful silence.

is she?” Dana knew all too well how shattered the whole family was by the

trying to come to terms that the man she was married to for nearly forty years
actually didn’t exist.” He blew out a breath. “It’s been good for her, staying
with my cousin all this time.”

heard the sale of the ranch went through,” Dana commented.

Hard selling property owned by a pedophile.” He lifted his Stetson, raked his
fingers through his hair, and placed the hat back on his head. “Saw Jed Nickels
at the post office.”

Dana lifted her eyebrows. “They should have run
out of town on a
rail, too.”

kidding.” Cole spat on the ground. “Turns out he suspected his friend at the
time and didn’t want to, as he said, ‘cause anyone embarrassment.’ He wasn’t
too happy when I pointed out to him how many little girls died a horrific death
because of that.”

Garret said the Nickels place is for sale, too.”

riddance.” Cole swung down from his horse and helped Dana to Diamond, then led
her over to their usual spot by the creek. “We should talk.”

grinned. “I thought that’s what we’ve been doing for the last few months?”

planted a soft kiss on her lips then held the wine glass for her to sip. “I
mean about the future.”

tensed in his arms.

kissed her again. “Good talk, okay?” He rested his arms on his knees. “The
county commission wants to extend my contract, with a substantial raise.
Margene said they were satisfied with the way I handled the whole situation.”
He snorted. “Satisfied. Now there’s an inadequate word for you.”

think they don’t know what to say to you,” Dana pointed out. “Satisfied isn’t
so bad.”

there’s a point to all this. Point number one. I want to marry you. As fast as
we can get it done.” He kissed her temple. “I love you, Dana. I hope you
believe that.”

grinned. “As many times as you’ve told me the past few months, and for
everything you’ve gone through with me willingly, it would be hard not to know
it.” She slid her gaze to his. “But I hope you know I love you just as much.”

that’s a yes?” he prodded.

smiled again. “Yes. That’s a yes.”

Now, that brings me back to the commission and their offer. We don’t have to
stay here. This place has a lot of bad memories for you. Me, too. And there are
bound to be other opportunities out there for me.”

leaned her head against his shoulder. “You’re right. But you know? This place
has grown on me. And people have been unbelievably wonderful. Not to mention
the fact I think everyone’s learned a good lesson. About protecting their
children as well as protecting their friends. So if you’re asking me if I’d be
happy living here, that’s a yes, too. As long as I’m with you, that’s all that

stood up so he could reach into his pants pocket, pulling out a small box. “I
stopped at the jewelry store today, just in case.” He looked at her. “You know
I like to be prepared.”

laughed, because the phrase brought back one of the first times they’d made
love. And the last, she thought soberly, as her body and her mind had taken the
time to heal. He lifted her to her feet to slip a magnificent emerald cut
diamond mounted on a white gold band on her finger.

Just like you.” He kissed her, a long, lingering kiss.

wound her arms around him, holding his head to hers, her mouth opening to
invite him in.

can think of a better way to seal this deal,” she whispered against his lips. “And
frankly, Sheriff, I can’t wait another moment.”

led her back to their horses. “Then I say let’s go inside and start the rest of
our lives together right now.”

me. Get going, Sheriff. You know how impatient I am.”

laughter echoed in the night air as he carried her inside.



About the


Holt’s writing is flavored with the rich experiences of her life, including a
long stretch in the music business representing every kind of artist from
country singer to heavy metal rock bands. For several years she also ran her
own public relations agency handling any client that interested her, many of
whom might recognize themselves in the pages of her stories.

is twice a finalist for an EPIC E-Book Award, a nominee for a Romantic Times
Reviewers Choice Award, winner of the first 5 Heart Sweetheart of the Year
Award at The Romance Studio as well as twice a CAPA Award for best BDSM book of
the year, winner of two Holt Medallion Awards of Merit, multiple winner of the
Whipped Cream Book of the Week Award and is published by five different houses.
Romance Junkies said of her work, “Desiree Holt is the most amazing erotica
author of our time and each story is more fulfilling then the last.”


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Cocked &




Desiree Holt


When Jamie
Randall kicked the dust of Amen, Texas from her heels, she swore neither the
town nor the bad boy she’d given her virginity to would ever see her again. Yet
here she is, returning under a cloud of disgrace, not a penny to her name or a
soul to welcome her—least of all the sheriff.

Randall—a decade hadn’t lessened the bitter taste of her name. Zane Cameron had
only been good enough for sultry summer sex. But the local hell raiser is the
sheriff now and determined to run her hot little body off the worthless piece
of land her father left her and right out of his sleepy little town. Just as
soon as he scratches a twelve-year-old itch.

passion changes Zane’s mind, but before they can explore their feelings,
strange events threaten Jamie and it becomes obvious someone else wants her out
of the way. Dirty money, cold-blooded murder, and deadly secrets interfere with
Zane’s plans to convince Jamie to give him a second chance.






Chapter One


Zane Cameron
stared at the figure walking out of the supermarket. He lifted his sunglasses
just to be sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. When he heard she’d
showed up two days ago, he was sure someone was pulling his leg. But no, there
she was. Jamie Randall. Big as life. Not even a hint of shame or embarrassment
for either her leave-taking or her current situation.

The last time
Zane saw her she was a flowering eighteen-year-old who’d teased him with her body,
then left town so fast her heels kicked up a cloud of dust. All she left behind
was a drunk for a father and stinging words for Zane. And, of course, a
bitterness and resentment that built up in him all these years.

Now here she
was again and he smelled big trouble.

He watched
her wheel her cart to her shiny dark blue SUV. A symbol of her ill-gotten
success. The worn jeans and old Texas Tech T-shirt were little camouflage for
what had become a lush, ripe body. Thick blue-black hair pulled back in a ponytail
bounced as she moved. Huge sunglasses barely concealed the tight set of her
face. And where he’d expected her walk to still be graceful and tempting, now
it was purposeful and angry.

Five feet
four inches of sexual dynamite that he hoped wouldn’t blow up in his face.

No one could
miss the fact that Jamie was mad at the world, both about being home and the
circumstances that brought her here. Well, no madder than he was at the way she’d
left, despite everything between them. Or everything he’d
between them.

She loaded
the groceries into the truck, climbed in, and slammed the door. He didn’t need
to follow her as she roared out onto the highway. He knew exactly where she was
going. What he needed to do was get his anger under control, the rage that
always bubbled up whenever he thought of her. A rage heavily colored with lust.
In twelve years, that feeling had built itself to quite a level.

Get over it.
She wasn’t worth it then and she’s not worth it now.

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