Out of the Shadows (Falcon) (14 page)

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she asked.

“I know. We have to get him out of there.”

“I think you’re right. Instead of waiting for Oscar to come to us, let’s go to him.”

Brody frowned.
What the hell was she thinking? “Not you.”

Kate smiled. “I don’t take orders well.”

“This time you know I’m right.”

, but why don’t we use me like you originally intended?”

Aw, shit. This conversation was taking a detour.

Oscar wants me.”

No shit.
“He almost roasted you in a tunnel.”

“I don’t think that was Oscar
. That’s not his style. He prefers head-on confrontation. He enjoys watching people die.”

what’s up with the tunnel?”

“I don’t know. I
had knowledge that the escape route existed. I’d taken it once just out of curiosity. Nothing was different except the exit was blocked and the vehicle gone. I always thought it was for Oscar to get away should the authorities or anyone come for him.”

“There was no car

“I know. That makes me think that’s how Oscar
got away from Falcon after his men captured A.J.”

“Maybe Chavez put the gasoline in there
in case A.J. escaped and made it to the tunnel.” No matter what happened, Chavez was going to die for that alone.

A.J. didn’t know about the tunnel. I don’t think Oscar wants A.J. to die,” Kate said. “While I was being held with A.J., a man I’d never seen before came downstairs and bragged about everything going according to some plan. Do you know what he’d mean by that?”

Brody looked at the emptiness surrounding them.
Hell, he didn’t know a damn thing. “No I don’t. You figure this guy worked for Chavez?”

, I’m sure of it. But when he went back upstairs I heard him and Oscar talking and I don’t think the guy should have been down there with us.”

“You don’t th
ink Chavez wanted him intruding?”

I don’t think Oscar wanted him down there.”

“Maybe this guy was just taunting you
, and Chavez didn’t want him messing around.”

“You might
be right. I’d never seen this guy before, but the guards were talking about Oscar having big plans for me. It seems everyone has a damn plan, and we don’t know anything.”

We’ll find out. Frank has the president all over this. The last thing the Mexican government wants is an international incident.”

must have something planned for A.J. or he’d be dead.”

“I’m beginning to think they want A.J. as a patsy. Something is going down
, and they want to blame a Falcon agent for the deed.”

“If that’s true, A.J. is a dead man, for sure.”

“I find it strange that the Mexican government authorized the Falcon raid on Chavez. They sanctioned it, but didn’t provide troops they’d promised.”

“They never do. Much better to hav
e another country clean up the mess for you.”

steroid junkie, covered in tats with buzzed black hair, dipped his head and stepped into the hut. With a body the size of a sumo wrestler and biceps big as watermelons, he took up most of the room. “You want to speak to me?”

“Are you Carlos?”


heard you aren’t too happy working for Chavez. Want to help bring him down?”

s studied the toes of his shoes and shifted his feet. “It is not that easy.”

Brody leaned closer. “I’m not asking you do to something easy.”

“Chavez would do more than kill me. He has other ways to make me pay if I become a traitor.” Deep furrows creased between his brows as they drew closer. “It is not wise.”

Brody took a sip of coffee. “If you can
live the rest of your life under those conditions but we don’t have anything to discuss.”

Carlos walked toward the door then stopped. “What do you need to know?”

“How many men are there?”

ing men?”

No dickhead, dancers.

eight, counting the four you killed earlier.”


“Enough for an army twice that size.”

“Do you know what Chavez wants with the prisoner?”

Carlos shook his head and kept his gaze on the dirt floor. “No one does. We have just been told to keep him alive no matter what we have to do.”

Kate spoke up. “I saw a man there. Tall,
slim, dark hair, smoking a cigar, wearing a suit. Who is he?”

“Angel Diaz. He and
Chavez grew up together. Diaz killed the leader of a rival gang that murdered Chavez’s brother, Juan. He showed up at La Hacienda six months ago. Since then, he and Chavez have had their heads together.”

“So, he’s the new lieutenant?”

“Yes, pretty much. But he is a party man.”

“How does Chavez feel about

“I heard h
im tell Diaz to lay off the cocaine or leave.” Carlos shook his head. “Chavez does not allow anyone to dip too deep into the merchandize.” 

But he’s generous with the muscle enhancers, huh?” Without giving him the chance to reply, Brody said, “Thank you, Carlos.”

The informant
shrugged. “I did not say a word.” He turned and walked out into the afternoon light.

Katrina took a basket of clothes and stepped out the door. Brody stood, went over and locked the door. He turned to Kate. Walking toward her, he held out his hand. “We both know there’s something between us. Want to find out how strong it is?”

She gave him a sassy smile that messed up his heart rate. “My, I think that’s the sexiest thing a man’s ever said to me before.”

He bowed. “Thank you. I try my best.”

She stood, walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. A pulse of searing heat burned inside his chest before moving further down. As she lifted to her tip toes, Brody grew hard as stone. He wanted her so badly he could barely wait. When her lips met his, a surge of excitement ran through him like a wildfire.

He deepened the kiss and pulled her closer. His tongue slipped between her teeth as his brashness lent her courage. With her so close, their lips melted together and dance and mated, with their bodies on fire, nothing matter but the two of them.

He picked her up and carried her to the back room of the hut and laid her on the mattress then joined her. He knew this wasn’t the ideal romantic place, but he needed her. Slowly he lifted her shirt and his hand moved to cup her breast.

They broke off the kiss and her breath
brushed his earlobe. Her scent surrounded him, and they both struggled to remove their clothes. When they were finally naked and pressed close, Brody fumbled in his pants for a foil package. She took it from him, ripped it open. Brody held his breath as she slowly rolled it down his thick length.

His eyes slowly took in her b
eautifully open body as she lay next to him. Pleasure brightened her face when he moved between legs. “You are so gorgeous right now I can’t believe my eyes.”

“I’ve never had a man say that to me before,” she whispered, her eyes dark with passion.
“I want you Brody.

He slid slowly inside her warmth she hugged him like a second skin. Passion, tenderness and patience threw them over the edge. He lowered his head and kissed her, their tongues tangling while their body set a tempo of natural rhythm.

He slipped in and out, thrusting and craving more.  Slick and hot the sound of body against body filled the tiny room. She groaned as Brody slipped his hand between them and felt her climax building. She broke the kiss to roll her head from side to side. “Now, Brody, I need it now.”

She tightened around him and they
both went over the edge in slow motion and spiraled into the throes of pleasure and desire. Brody sought out her lips again and filled with incredible emotions he wrapped her in his embrace and closed his eyes.




An hour later Brody stood and held out his hand to Kate. She came off the mattress and they both dressed in silence. Fully clothed, he put his finger beneath her chin and captured her lips again. Stepping back, he said, “Let’s go see what Chavez has to say.”

Kate followed him outside into th
e heat. He called all the villagers from their homes. “We know how many men Chavez has but we can still do what we planned. I’d rather fight him out there, away from the women and children than have him come and destroy the village and murder your families.”

“He has many men.” Alberto said. “I have been inside La Hacienda
, and there are many mouths to feed. My mother is one of his cooks.”

“I just learned he has sixty eight men.

That is a lot of men to fight.”

“You’re right it is
. But those men fight for money. You’re fighting for your families, your way of life and your freedom.”

Without speaking
, the men went into their homes and brought out their weapons. Together they walked to the hidden vehicles.

With his band of fighters,
Brody pulled out in front and set a course directly for Chavez. It didn’t take long before they reached the gates of the huge compound, barely out of gunshot range.

Brody stepped forward and shouted. “I want to talk to Oscar Chavez.”

A moment later the gate opened and Brody stepped forward. Kate fell in behind him. He stopped and turned to her. Tight lipped, he pointed to the group behind them. “Go back where it’s safe. There is a good chance he’ll kill me before I enter the house.”

“You’re right, but you brought me here
, and I’m seeing it through.”

“You’re one stubborn lady. When this is over...”

She smiled, and her battered face glowed. “We’re going to have a romantic getaway, right?”

“Hold on, I have an idea.”

He removed his belt and tied Kate’s hands.

“What the hell?”

“Just go with it.” The hard drumbeat of his heart thundered in his ears.


He shouted to the guard. “Tell Chavez I want his promise he won’t shoot me. I’m here to exchange her for the hostage.” This was either going to work or turn deadly without a moment’s notice.

Her face crumbled. He sm
iled and whispered. “Trust me.”
Yeah, like I’ve kept you safe so far.

“You’ve said that before.”

They moved closer to the center of the courtyard. Chavez stepped out of the house onto the large porch with his hostage. The roof shadowed his face from the setting sun, but A.J. clearly looked miserable.

“You agree to exchange her for him without killing me?”
Brody asked.

pulled A.J. against his body and held a long, dangerous blade to A.J.’s throat. “You come to watch your friend die”

Brody put Kate in front of him and pulled out
his KA- BAR knife, and placed it at Kate’s jugular. Two could play at this game.

Kate quivered
, and blood raced through her veins so fast her ears rang. This was crazy. The smell of doom mingled with the scent of a nearby rose garden. Oscar would call his bluff, and Brody would have no choice but to hurt her.

Kate settled on the balls of her feet trying to center herself. For the first time she felt fragile as crystal.
They make love then he does this?

in the blazing sun, sweat trickling between her breasts and down her back to the waistband of the pants Manny had scrounged for her earlier, Kate trembled.

Hey, shithead, I can stand here all day,” Brody shouted.

They move
d closer. The ugly snarl twisting Oscar’s mouth matched his smoldering eyes. This would be her last day on earth. If Brody didn’t kill her, Oscar would, and he would enjoy every second.

Kate’s father’s words echoed her life. When she’d told him she’d been selected by the CIA, Admiral St
one wasn’t blind with pride as she’d hoped. Instead he simply mumbled, “You’ll get your damn fool head shot off.” So much for trying to be the son he’d always wanted.

Kate glanced at A.J. H
ead lowered, his eyes pulled at her with such magnetized force that she felt compelled to assure him everything would work out. That they’d both go home, and this would only be a bad memory. But in Kate’s heart, she knew that lie wouldn’t fool anyone.

Especially A.J.

He’d spent enough time with Oscar to be acquainted with the hell waiting for her inside La Hacienda. A.J. stumbled as Oscar stepped off the porch. They were no more than ten feet apart. Anger rolled off A.J. thick as a fog and rank as a dead fish.

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