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Authors: Avery Gale

Out of the Storm

BOOK: Out of the Storm
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Out of the Storm by Avery Gale



Out of the Storm

Masters of the Prairie Winds Club

Book One




by Avery Gale




© Copyright 2013 JK Publishing, Inc.

ISBN# 9781310668586

All cover art and logo © Copyright 2013 by JK Publishing, Inc.

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Edited by Caroline Kirby

Artwork by JK Publishing, Inc.

Published by JK Publishing, Inc.



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A huge thanks to Clint and Kimberly Bollinger in Sealy, Texas, for their technical advice and permission to use that great fence on the cover.  Oh yes, they are very real and just as helpful and talented in real-life as they are in the book and I can’t tell you how much their friendship means to me. 

For all the great metalwork described in Out of the Storm or anything else your imagination dares…be sure to contact Clint at







Table of Contents



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three


Books by Avery Gale

Excerpt from Mated

Excerpt from Cadence of Love

Excerpt from Rane’s Giants



Chapter One



Kyle West couldn’t remember the last time he’d driven in a worse thunderstorm. The lightning was flashing so close that it was blinding him for a few seconds after each strike and the thunder cracks were jarring his damned teeth.  The pounding rain was coming down in sheets and looking as if it was blowing horizontally.  It was also falling faster than the water could drain from the black asphalt so his truck was continually right on the verge of hydroplaning.
Damn it, I should have left that meeting when I wanted to. Hell, I’d already be home and changed out of this fucking monkey suit.

There wasn’t much in the world Kyle West hated more than meetings with investors and advertisers that he didn’t need or want, or city traffic, and wearing a damned tie.  And today he’d had to deal with all of the above and his patience was about as thin as it could get without him going off the deep end. The local weather forecasters had been talking about a chance of sudden cloudbursts, but this was far beyond that lame-assed description if you asked him. Kyle had decided years ago that forecasting the weather anywhere in the central part of the United States had to involve a monkey on crack in the backroom of the television station with a quarter for flippin’. He’d seen all those fancy storm chaser vans racing around the countryside the past few years, but he hadn’t noticed the forecasts getting any more accurate. Yep, a monkey and a coin could probably save the taxpayers millions.

Pressing the button to connect to his hands-free phone, he wasn’t surprised when he got the automated message saying he didn’t have any wireless service. Hell, service out in the boonies of Texas hill country could be spotty on a sunny day and with this kind of torrential storm, he would have been more surprised if he’d
service. Kyle wanted to call the club and let them know he was only about an hour out, but it didn’t look like that was going to happen. Hopefully their housekeeper had left him something to eat because he hadn’t wanted to stop in Austin before heading home.

His brother, Kent, was going to owe him big for this one, yes indeed. Usually his twin went to these meetings and rubbed elbows with the rich, famous, and annoying. But Kent had promised to help a couple of their buddies settle into one of the cabins that had been fixed up behind the club. Both Ash and Dex had been on their SEAL team, and when the pair of Doms decided they weren’t going to re-up, Kyle and Kent hadn’t wasted any time signing them on as security and Dungeon Monitors.

After talking to owners of other BDSM clubs all over the globe, they’d decided to avoid volunteer dungeon monitors and instructors if possible. Their membership fees were high enough that it would easily cover the salaries of trained personnel. Both he and Kent wanted to do everything they could to make the club a model for safe, sane, and consensual play, and having experienced staff was essential to meeting that goal. The safety of each one of their members would always be their number one priority and every decision they made was to that end.

When he and Kent had first started scouting locations for the club they’d envisioned, real estate agents had shown them every piece of shit warehouse their companies had listed. Most of the buildings they had looked at would have needed to be completely razed and rebuilt in order to meet safety codes.  However, a casual conversation with a fellow Dom led them to the perfect property. The Dom was one of the few commercial bankers Kyle had ever met that he thought actually had a conscience.  The man was in the process of closing down a middle-aged couple’s dream project because they’d fallen victim to the economic downturn that had turned the average person’s vacation money into gas and grocery funds.  Kent and Kyle had expressed an interest when he’d described the property and he’d set up a meeting for the next day.  When they’d met Don and Patty Reynolds, both he and Kent had liked the couple immediately and it had been easy to see why the banker had felt so bad about pulling the plug on the dude ranch and retreat center the Reynolds had been building.

It was instantly apparent that Don Reynolds was a Dom and that his lovely wife was his submissive. When he and Kent explained their plans for the property, both had eagerly asked if there was any chance they could stay on as employees and the West brothers had hired them on the spot. Don had proven to be an amazing carpenter, mechanic, and landscaper.  His lovely wife, Patty, was working as their housekeeper and cook even though her cooking
was something of a running joke. Kyle chuckled to himself thinking back on all the times they had all eaten absolutely horrible food simply because no one had wanted to hurt her feelings. Kyle was glad that Ash and Dex were finally here, because both men were amazing cooks and they’d already been told helping Patty was their number one priority.

The compound sat on sixty acres and well hidden from the main road by rolling hills and well placed rows of trees. The acreage was bordered with a slow moving cliff-lined creek along the back property line, that creek eventually fed into Lake Travis near Austin. They had one of the few open water level access points to the creek for miles in either direction and they hadn’t hesitated to take advantage of it by building a large covered dock for entertaining. To the left as you drove down the long white slate drive was a small lake with water so crystal clear that you could easily see to the bottom despite the fact it was nearly thirty feet deep. They’d installed a lighted fountain in the center which was controlled by computers in the security office. Setting up the fountain had been fun for two former Special Forces soldiers who had been trained to work in any type of water conditions. Despite the fact their friends hadn’t understood why they’d been like kids with a new toy project, it really had been like Christmas morning when they’d gotten to “play in the water” as Patty had called it. Kent and Don had laughed when Patty visibly paled after Kyle had told her the only thing missing was a good explosion.

BOOK: Out of the Storm
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