Out to Protect (8 page)

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Authors: Amber Skyze

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Romance, #Genre Fiction, #Gay Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #Gay, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Out to Protect
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“What are you accusing me of, Parker?”

“Exactly what I said. I think you purposely had me on the wild-goose chase. You provided Ralph with plenty of time to get away.”

Grant’s fist slammed the dashboard.

“Don’t go accusing me. You don’t know what you’re talking about. I want Ralph caught just as much as you. Maybe more so now that he’s threatened my life a few times.”

Parker watched as Grant nursed his sore knuckles. Parker pulled the car over and looked at Grant. “I’m sorry. Is your hand all right?” Instinctively he reached out and touched Grant’s hand.

Parker expected Grant to pull away, but he didn’t. Parker eased Grant’s hand closer to inspect the damage. He massaged the area Grant used to punch the car.

“Does this hurt?”

“No,” Grant said.

Aside from one knuckle being swollen, it looked like Grant would be okay. “Nothing feels broken.”

“Yeah, I didn’t think so. It’ll be sore for a bit.”

Parker’s gaze moved from Grant’s hand up his chiseled chest to his powerful blue eyes. Parker melted when he witnessed desire in Grant’s eyes. Grant felt the connection too. Ever so slowly Parker watched in anticipation as Grant leaned forward, his lips grazing Parker’s.

Parker thought he’d died and gone to heaven. Grant tasted delicious. He was afraid to move, afraid if he did, Grant would pull away, ending the kiss before it started.

Grant surprised him by moving closer and wrapping his arms around Parker. Parker opened his mouth, greeting Grant’s lips and tongue, welcoming them. Heat mixed with lust consumed Parker with each gentle touch. Grant’s lips were soft. It took all the restraint Parker had to resist the temptation of enveloping Grant.

Desire won over fear. Parker pulled Grant tighter to him. Their mouths blended to one. Hands moved over each of their bodies. Parker exploring Grant’s body and Grant doing the same to Parker. Grant’s five o’clock shadow scratched at Parker’s face, but he ignored it.

The outside world be damned. Parker couldn’t hide his growing feelings for Grant. He needed him. He wanted him. He longed to have Grant naked in his embrace.

He considered asking Grant to move this to a hotel or something, but didn’t want to rush things. Who knew if this would progress to more than the kiss? When Grant placed his hand over his groin and caressed, Parker nearly lost his mind.

A moan escaped his lips, only to be swallowed by Grant. Parker’s cock throbbed, straining against the confines of his pants. If only he could reach the button and release his dick from the pain. His member needed to breathe. It longed for Grant’s mouth wrapped around it.

Grant continued kissing Parker while rubbing his cock. Parker was a puddle of mush in Grant’s strong hands.

Unable to stand it any longer, Parker broke the kiss.

“Let’s go to my place,” they said in unison.

They laughed.

“You first,” Grant said.

“We can’t go to your place. What if Ralph comes back looking for you?”

Grant nodded.

There was the issue with Ralph, but the way Parker’s cock felt, he didn’t care. They could talk it to death later, after he’d had his way with Grant.

“So it’s settled; we’ll go to my place.” Parker couldn’t believe he was asking Grant back to his place. He hadn’t brought someone home in…well, ever. Fear of being exposed kept him from bringing a lover home. Now he was risking everything because of his raging libido. He hoped he didn’t live to regret it, but right now his hard-on reigned supreme, and they were going back to his apartment.

“Works for me.” Grant settled in his side of the seat.

Parker moved so he faced forward and clutched the wheel. His hands at ten and two, he moved his right hand to shift into gear. Once in drive he sped away from the curb. He considered using his lights but thought better. No use in drawing attention to them. He drove, silently cursing the red lights they encountered and any stop signs. Being an officer, he knew he could get away with running them, but again didn’t want to chance having the spotlight on them. After all, they weren’t doing what they were supposed to be—staking out Ralph.

As they drove Parker wanted to question Grant about the man who’d been at his apartment. He wanted to know if the man was someone serious. He’d met a few cheaters in his time.

The questions lingered on his tongue, but he couldn’t speak the words. He didn’t want Grant to tell him that he was taken. He wanted him to be free. Or did he? If Grant was taken, it’d be easier to accept this as a onetime deal.

* * * *

The drive felt like a lifetime by the time they reached Parker’s complex. Grant silently prayed he wasn’t making a huge mistake. He knew he had to fuck Parker and get the newbie out of his system. There hadn’t been another who made him feel this way since Martin. Martin the terrible. The one who broke his heart.

Now here was Parker Sloane making Grant break all his rules. Never date anyone at work. Don’t get involved, and mostly don’t care about anyone. Caring always led to heartbreak. Too late. Grant cared about Parker.

The complex was hidden off the street. If Grant had driven up the road, he’d never have noticed the entrance to the place.

Not two words were spoken as they climbed the outside stairs to the second floor.

Parker put the key in the door. The rattling of keys was the only sound in the eerily quiet night. He turned the lock and swung open the door. Parker stepped in and flipped the light switch.

Fluorescent lights lit up the living room. Grant was taken aback by the cleanliness of the place. It didn’t look like anyone lived there. There wasn’t a speck of dust to be seen, and everything was orderly and obviously in its place.

The deep brown cushions on the sofa didn’t have that sat-in look. The throw on the back of the couch appeared crisp and just out of the bag.

Another thing Grant noticed was that there weren’t any pictures. No family members adorned the walls or end tables.

“Nice place. Is it yours, or the model apartment?” He couldn’t help but ask. It really looked more like a display apartment than an actual rental.

“It’s mine. I know it’s a little clean. I’m a bit OCD when it comes to housekeeping. It’s just the way I am.”

“Understandable.” Grant liked a neat home, but he also liked a lived-in look. This was just a bit too much for him. He wondered if they’d have to lay a towel or something down to have sex.

“I know what you’re thinking.”

“You do?” Grant was sure shock was written all over his face. If Parker could read his thoughts, that would be scary.

“Yeah, I’ll bet you’re wondering if I have something cold to drink.”

“That would be nice.” But so far from what he’d been thinking.

“Are you sure you want to…you know.” Grant followed Parker as he headed into the kitchen. He turned on lights as he went.

“Get busy in my place?” Parker hung his keys on a key rack and walked over to the fridge. “I have ice-cold beer, soda, or water.”

“I’ll take water.” Grant didn’t need to add drinking to this night.

Parker handed him the bottle, and Grant twisted the cap. His long, lean fingers were wrapped around the water bottle, and he imagined them enveloping Parker’s hard cock. His dick filled his briefs, straining to be released.

“To answer your question, yes. Why not?”

“It’s immaculate, Sloane. I’m almost afraid to get it dirty.”

“It’ll be fine. I’m not that over the top.”

Grant hoped he hadn’t offended Parker. He just didn’t know what to make of the totally spotless place.

When Parker closed the refrigerator door, he turned and looked pointedly at Grant. “Do you not want to do this? Are you trying to get out of it? Because if you are, it’s fine. I’m not pressuring you in any way. Shit, twenty-four hours ago I wouldn’t even admit I liked men, let alone kissed you.”

Grant closed the distance between them. “It’s the first time I’ve heard you admit you’re gay, and it turns me on immensely. I’m not looking to back out. I just want to be clear it’s okay to do it here. I don’t want to step over any boundaries you’re uncomfortable with.”

That was an understatement. It surprised him when Parker spoke candidly. He hadn’t expected the acknowledgment, but it was nice. Though Grant had already known Parker was gay, it was nice of him to come right out and say it.

“Besides, the kiss gave you away.” Grant attempted to make light of the situation. He didn’t want this to turn serious. They were there to have a good time. A fun, sexual time. They didn’t need to cloud it up with serious crap.

“I guess it did.” Parker laughed and Grant melted.

The guy had a way with his handsome smile. There was a slight dimple on his left side when he smiled. It could bring a man to his knees—literally.

Grant fell to his knees in front of Parker. With shaky hands, he reached for Parker’s belt and unlatched it. He then eased the button from the hole and slid the zipper down. Grant licked his dry lips as he stared at the bulge waiting inside Parker’s burgundy boxer briefs. The outline in his pants revealed a large penis dying to be sucked.

Without waiting for permission Grant peeled back the undies and freed Parker’s cock from its restraints.

The sound of Parker sucking in a deep breath brought a smile to Grant’s lips. The masculine smell radiating off Parker’s penis fueled Grant’s appetite, leaving him hungry to taste Parker. Grant snaked his tongue out and swiped along the rigid organ. Parker’s taut skin stretched as his cock swelled. Grant blew on the tip before opening his mouth and covering the purple head.

“Christ, your mouth is so fucking hot.”

Grant didn’t respond with words. He moved his mouth down the length of Parker’s cock, taking every inch of his girth. Grant used one of his hands to hold on to Parker’s thigh. He moved the other to Parker’s balls and massaged.

Parker moved backward, causing Grant to momentarily lose balance. Grant recovered nicely as Parker settled against the kitchen cabinets. Hungry like a lion, Grant feasted on the glorious taste of Parker’s dick. He slid his mouth up and then down, swirling his tongue along the slit. Precum covered Grant’s taste buds.

Moans and groans filled the room, signaling Parker’s happiness. Grant lapped up the rest of the pearly dew sprinkling the hearty cock.

“I can’t hold out much longer, Grant. Your mouth is fucking unbelievable.”

The compliment motivated Grant to want to show him more. He swirled the tip of his tongue around the tiny dip just under Parker’s mushroom cap.

“Oh Christ.”

Grant sneaked a peek at Parker. His eyes were closed. His mouth hung open. He gripped the granite countertop. Satisfaction filled Grant. He had Parker exactly where he wanted him. Now to take him over the edge and show him how glorious his orgasm could be with someone who appreciated his lovely dick.

“I’m going to explode.”

Grant felt Parker’s nearness. His shaft had tightened, and the vein that ran up the length began to pulse under Grant’s tongue. Grant enveloped Parker’s cock again fully in his mouth. He sucked lightly, trying not to hurt Parker with too much pressure. Grant reached for Parker’s balls and cupped them. He used gentle strokes to massage them. To add icing to the cake, Grant slipped a finger up Parker’s crack to his rim. He slid a tip of a finger into the tight hole. As he entered a digit to the knuckle, Parker exploded in Grant’s mouth. Jets of hot liquid streamed into his mouth and covered his tongue.

Grant tugged on Parker’s cock with his mouth until he milked him dry. Parker moved his hand to Grant’s head, holding it in place.

“Yes,” he cried until Grant finished licking him clean.

Grant released Parker’s cock, removed his finger, and leaned back on his heels. He glanced up to see a smile of ecstasy covering Parker’s face.

“That’s only the beginning,” he proclaimed.


PARKER THOUGHT HE’D died and gone straight to blowjob heaven. Grant had a way with his mouth. No one had ever made him squirm from rolling their tongue over his cock. There was sweetness to his method. Grant sucked on his cock with such an easy manner, Parker was blown away. It was as if Grant understood if he sucked too hard, it hurt.

Parker offered Grant his hand and helped him to his feet. He inched toward Grant and captured his mouth. He kissed the man who had brought him to heights he’d only imagined possible.

After a moment he broke the kiss and winked. “Follow me and allow me to return the favor.”

Parker moved from between Grant and the counter, headed toward his bedroom. Tonight they would share an amazing time together, and tomorrow they’d pretend it never happened. Parker planned to go back into denial and hiding from the truth. He’d have to be extremely careful because he knew deep down he’d developed feelings for his new partner. Grant had crawled under his skin and pierced his heart. Parker wanted to shut down his feelings and put up all his walls and defenses. He knew he had a job to do, and that was to keep them both safe from Ralph. If he allowed Grant to rule his mind, he might be off his game.

Once in the bedroom, Parker turned and was surprised to find Grant leaning on the door frame. He was so fucking sexy. His mussed hair and sleepy blue eyes brought Parker’s cock back to life. He hadn’t expected to be recharged so quickly, but he wouldn’t complain. He prayed he could recharge over and over tonight.

“Are you just going to stand in the doorway, or are you going to come inside?”

“Oh I plan to come inside.”

Parker shivered when he thought about Grant’s cock buried inside his ass.

“Tonight?” he challenged. There was too much distance between them. He didn’t want to rush Grant. He wanted Grant to enter with his own free will. He couldn’t imagine Grant backing down after the fantastic blowjob. Grant must want some relief too.

A hearty chuckle escaped Grant’s lips. “Don’t worry, Parker. I plan to make the most of the night. I’m just trying to figure out if it’s what you want.”

Had he noticed the struggle Parker felt? He thought he knew how to conceal his feelings pretty well.

“Of course this is what I want. I wouldn’t ask you to my place otherwise. I’ve spent many years hiding my sexual identity, so if I say it’s what I want, believe me, it’s what I want.”

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