Outcasts (40 page)

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Authors: Susan M. Papp

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Yitzhak Livnat first came to the closing ceremony of the Students Without Boundaries program in 1997 after hearing of the program from his sister, Hedy. Since that time he has become an ardent supporter of the program and sponsors many of the students from Karpatalja. Each year, all of the participants are told what he went through when he was fourteen. He is a member of the board of directors of the Rakoczi Foundation of Canada, which is the sponsoring organization of Students Without Boundaries.

Bela Aykler and Yitzhak Livnat have both been granted the Officer's Cross of Merit from the Republic of Hungary for their outstanding business accomplishments. Neither has been acknowledged for their support of the education of Hungarian youth worldwide.

In addition to the citizenship from their adopted countries, Aykler and Livnat have requested the return of their Hungarian citizenship. Both applications have been denied.

suggested further reading

Applebaum, Anne.
Gulag: A History
. New York: Anchor Books, 2004.

Bacque, James.
Crimes and Mercies
. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2007.

Other Losses
. Toronto: Fenn Publishing Company, 1999.

Bakó, Ágnes, and Éva Szabó and Verõ Gábor, eds.
. Budapest: Magyar Auschwitz Alapitvany-Holocaust Dokumentácios Központ, 1995.

Braham, Randolph L.
The Politics of Genocide
. Vols. 1 and 2. New York: Columbia University Press, 1981.

Carp, Matatias.
Holocaust in Rumania 1940-1944
. Budapest: Primor Publishing, 1994.

Csernicskó, István, and Ildikó Orosz.
The Hungarians in Transcarpathia
. Budapest: Tinta Publishers, 1999.

Dupka, György.
Kárpátaljai Magyar Gulag Lexikon
. Budapest: Intermix Kiadó Ungvar, 1999.

Keressétek fel a sirom, Szolyvai Emlékkönyv 1944-1959
. Budapest: Intermix Kiado, 2004.

Fedinec, Csilla.
A kárpátaljai magyarság törteneti kronologiája 1918-1944
. Budapest: Nemzeti Kulturális Örökseg Minisztériuma, 2002.

Iratok a kárpátaljai magyarság történetéhez 1918-1944
. Budapest: Fórum Kisebbségkutató Intézet, 2004.

Friedrich, Otto.
The Kingdom of Auschwitz.
New York: HarperCollins, 1982.

Gilbert, Martin.
The Jews in the Twentieth Century
. London: Endeavour Group, 2001.

Gutman, Israel, and Bella Gutterman, eds.
Az Auschwitz Album: Egy transzport története.
Tel Aviv, Israel: Yad Vashem and Auschwitz-Birkenau Állami Múzeum, n.d.

Hokky, Charles J. Senator.
Ruthenia: Spearhead Toward the West
. Gainesville, FL: Danubian Research and Information Center, 1966.

Jan Van Pelt, Robert, and Deborah Dwork.
London: W.W. Norton, 1996.

Jelinek, Yeshayahu A.
The Carpathian Diaspora
. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007.

Kertész, Imre.
. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1992.

Kontler, László.
A History of Hungary
. Budapest: Atlantisz Könyvkiadó, 2002.

Lendvai, Paul.
The Hungarians: A Thousand Years of Victory in Defeat
. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999.

MacMillan, Margaret.
Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World
. New York: Random House, 2003.

Magocsi, Paul Robert.
Historical Atlas of Central Europe
. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.

The People from Nowhere
. V. Padiak Publishers, 2006.

Marrus, Michael R.
The Holocaust in History
. Toronto: Key Porter, 2000.

Megged, Aharon.
The Story of the Selvino Children: Journey to the Promised Land
. London: Vallentine Mitchell, 2002.

Muller, Filip.
Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers
. Chicago: Ivan R Dee in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1979.

Nemeskürty, István.
Requiem egy hadseregert
. Budapest: Magvetõ Kiadó, 1972.

Perenyi, Eleanor.
More Was Lost
. Boston: Little, Brown, 1946.

Porter, Anna.
Kasztner's Train: The True Story of Rezso Kasztner, Unknown Hero of the Holocaust
. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2007.

Szakály, Sándor.
Hadsereg, Politika, Társadalom
. Budapest: Lánchid Kiadó, 1991.

Ungváry, Krisztián.
Budapest Ostroma
. Budapest: Corvina Kiado Kft., 1998.

M. P
is a television producer, director, and writer, who, after working for the CBC for fifteen years, founded Postmodern Productions, her own television production company. While at the CBC, she was awarded the prestigious Michener Award for her outstanding investigative work. She has written and published widely on Hungarian immigration to and settlement in North America. She lives in Toronto.

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