Outer Limits of Reason (72 page)

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Authors: Noson S. Yanofsky

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Abel, Niels Henrik, 306, 316, 374n11

Abstract Algebra, 260–262

Adams, Douglas, 65

Adleman, Leonard, 119

Aesthetics, 38, 352

al-Daif, Rashid, 97

Aleph-null, 72–76

Algorithm, 99, 133, 136

approximation, 126, 129–131, 134, 362n12

binary search, 100–102

brute-force search, 100–102, 110, 114–116, 121

extreme pairs, 130, 131

merge-sort, 104

selection-sort, 102–104

al-Khowârizmi, Muhammed, 98

Allen, Woody, 12, 297, 371n41

Ambiguous statement, 51

Anaxagoras, 161

Anderson, Carl, 254



Apollonius of Perga, 253–257, 264, 266, 269

Argument from design, 280

Aristotle, 31, 41, 48, 50, 62, 247, 248, 357n2, 358n9, 368n7

Arithmetization, 321, 329

Armstrong, Neil, 262

Artificial intelligence, 56, 157–160

Aspect, Alain, 200

Axiom of choice, 89–91, 335, 341


Baase, Sara, 133, 134

Back to the Future
, 359n14

Baker, T. P., 157

Barings Bank, 33

Barr, Michael, xi, 357n7

Barrow, John D., 13, 29, 133, 295

Baxter, Jack, 51

Beauty, 242–243, 252

Bell, E. T., 337

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