Outside the Box (21 page)

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Authors: H. M. Montes

BOOK: Outside the Box
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2 weeks later


The students filed into the accounting department, I watched as they all took their seats.  “Morning Class, I’m
Mr. Scott.  I’m only here for a week so let’s try to keep things running smooth as usual.  Just so I’m clear you all have covered some of the common Accounting Equations, correct?”

A guy on the front row answered yes and watched intently as I started the overhead projector, “We’ll start with reviewing some of the Q&A’s that are most common.  I’ll write the question, you write down your answers, we’ll discuss them before class is dismissed.”

I wrote the first three questions, 1) What is meant by owner’s draws?  2)What is owners’ equity?  3)What is the double entry system?  I heard students mumble as they racked their brains trying to come up with the correct answers.  I sat down at my desk and wrote more questions down that I would ask throughout the week. 

((click click click)) I looked up from the desk and the clicking stopped.  I looked back down at the paper ((click click click)) I glanced up.  “Can whoever is clicking their god damn pen non- stop please stop?” I said and looked around the room.  Thankfully whoever was a nervous thinker stopped clicking the
ir pen. 

Then there was a tapping on a desktop, “Seriously are all of you nervous thinkers in this room?” I said and laughed.  The tapping stopped, I glanced down at my watch.  “Okay, let’s go around the room and get some of your answers.”

I pointed to a girl that was wearing a pair of black thick rimmed librarian glasses, “You, what do you have for the first question?”

She cleared her throat adjusted her glasses, “Well, before you cussed me out for clicking my pen I was actually on the right track.  I managed to get this much,
Owner's draws are withdrawals of a sole proprietorship's cash or other assets for the personal use of the owner. Each of the owner's draws of cash will be recorded with a credit to Cash and a debit to the owner's draws account…”

I cocked my head to the side, “You’re correct, it’s simple, if I’m here don’t click your pen.  It’s annoying and distracts everybody.”

She rolled her eyes and looked back down at her paper.  I clenched my jaw muscles I stared at her for a few seconds waiting for her to say something else but she never looked back up.  For the last twenty minutes the other students answered the remaining questions.  I dismissed class and was sitting at the desk reviewing the schedule for the week.  Derrick walked in, “What the fuck man, you couldn’t call and tell me you were subbing?”

“Just for this week, what are you doing don’t you have class?”  I asked and shut the laptop.

“I was just checking in with Lexi to see if she was still planning on coming to your party with me.  Is it still okay if I bring her?”

“I don’t see why not, it’s not until next weekend.  You’ll have a new flavor by then.”  I told him. 

“No way, I really like her.  She’s actually smart, down to earth, and sure as hell not the preacher’s daughter.”

Students for the next class started to come in the room so he hurried and left the room telling me he’d catch up with me later in the week. 



I was up bright and early the morning of my first day at the college, I jumped on Destiney’s bed and woke her up.  “Can’t we just cuddle for a little bit?” she mumbled and tried to pull me to lay down with her. 

“No, I want to go for a jog, get some coffee and go to school!”

“Not happening, I had a migraine last night so I’m skipping today.”  She mumbled.

“Uggg, fine.  I’ll text Derrick.”

She waved a hand as I walked out of her room.  I went to my room and sent Derrick a text;


Morning Sexy!  You up for a run before school

After a few minutes he responded;


I’d rather do some other kind of workout with you, come to my apt.  I just woke up


K, be down in 2 minutes

I changed into some running clothes, fed Frank, and went to
Derrick’s apartment.  He answered the door with his toothbrush in his mouth, turned and went to the kitchen sink spit his toothpaste out dried his face and hands then came over to me. 

“Hi.” He said and smiled.

“Hi…are you ready?”

“Why can’t we just have sex?  It’s more invigorating than running.”

I stood on my tiptoes, “If you can keep up with me, I’ll shower at your place.”

“You do realize I play soccer and you will end up showering here right?”

I walked out the door and looked over my shoulder, “You’re already behind!”

He caught up with me just as I stepped into the elevator, he pushed me against the wall and lowered his mouth to mine.  Our tongues met and he moaned
then pulled me against him pressing his hardening cock against my stomach.  The elevator dinged so I pulled my mouth away, “Ready?” I breathed out. 

“Give it a few seconds to go down.” She said and pressed his cock down.  “Okay, I think I can actually run now.”

Forty five minutes later we returned to the apartment building, Derrick was two steps ahead of me.  Once inside the elevator he smiled big, “You’re going to be naked in about two minutes and I’m going to be one very very, happy man.” He said and kissed me.  We went back to my apartment so I could get a change of clothes, Destiney laughed at me when I told her that I had lost a bet.

When we got in the shower Derricks hands were all over me, “I have missed you so fucking much.  I’m glad you don’t work nights anymore.”

He lowered his head and circled my nipple with his tongue, in one swift movement he had me pinned against the shower wall with my legs around his waist. 


“What?” I asked.

“I don’t have a condom in here.”

“It’s fine, I just got my shot last Friday.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yep I remember the poke!” I told him.

He thrust inside of me, it was the first time we had sex without a condom
since I made him wear one the first time.  “Jesus Christ…I’m never going to wear one again with you.” I could feel his cock pulsating inside of me since he had stopped moving.  Every time he pulled out the veins of his cock hit my sensitive nerves.  I tightened my legs around him pulling him deeper inside of me.  With his hands on my hips he would swivel his hips and grind me down harder. 

His pumps grew frantic, drawing my orgasm out of me, within seconds he was cumming inside of me and shaking.  He caught his breath, and pulled out of me.  I stood and smiled at him, “You’re fucking perfect.” He said and kissed me again.  We finished our shower, dressed, then went to Starbucks and got coffee and a muffin. 

“I’ll see you at lunch?” he asked as we walked through the campus courtyard.


He kissed me quickly then ran to catch up with a group of guys that were on his soccer team I recognized from the pictures in his apartment.

My first thoughts when I seen
Mr. Scott was he was entirely way to good looking to be a teacher.  The second was how I couldn’t concentrate when he was talking, then he told us he was subbing for Professor German for a week.  That explained why this sex god was in the classroom and not on a runway in Paris as a male model.  I shook my head and answered the questions he had put on the over-head projector.  I had my reading glasses on that I hated but if I didn’t wear them I would be at home in bed with a migraine.  As I clicked my pen while I tried to think of the right answer the teacher startled me when he told whoever was doing it to stop. 

After class I was walking out of the building when Derrick caught up with me and asked if I was still planning on going to his brother’s party the following weekend.  Before I could answer him that I was, my cell phone rang.  Carter was calling which meant he was probably in town for a few days.  I waved at Derrick and mouthed ‘Yes’ then walked out to talk to Carter. 

I agreed to meet him at the bar not too far from campus, after school.  The rest of the day flew by, I was late getting out of my last class so I had to call Carter back and tell him that I wouldn’t be able to meet with him until later in the evening. 

“It’s cool, I’ll be here all week.  Let’s hit a club up Friday after your last class, how’s that sound?”

“That will work better.  I’m sorry I had to cancel.”

He laughed, “It’s cool Lex don’t worry about it.  If you get some down time just call.”

“K, I’ll talk to you later.”

My week was so busy I could hardly hold my eyes open in class all day Friday,
Professor Scott was walking around the room we had been given some budget sheets to review but my brain wanted sleep.  He stopped by my desk and looked down at me, he rested one hand on the desk and one on the back of my chair.  The hairs on my body stood on end and I felt goose bumps instantly cover my body.  “Too much partying?” he asked in almost a whisper. 

I whispered back and crossed my legs. 

He leaned down to get a closer look at the sheet that had nothing circled on it, no answers written in the margins.  He took a deep breath in, “You’ll need to see me after class if you don’t want Professor German to bitch about this.” He said then walked away. 

I let out a breath, looked at the clock, class would be over in five minutes. 

“You can go class.” He announced.  All of the students gathered their laptops and backpacks.  I sat
at my desk and waited for everybody to leave.

“Come up here so I can help you with that.” He said as he typed on his laptop.  I grabbed a chair and placed it at the end of his desk.  “Do you not know the answers?” he still wasn’t looking at me but I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. 

He stopped typing on the computer and finally looked at me, “I…I do, I’ve just had a really long week.  I’ll have this done by Monday I promise.”

“You have time to work on it now.” He said and leaned back in his chair while staring at me. 

I nodded my head and started reading the sheet, thirty minutes later I had it finished.  He walked around to the side of the desk and leaned over, I brushed my hair behind my ear.

He was quiet, too quiet, “Is it all wrong?” I asked.

“What perfume is that?” he asked from beside me.

“What?” I asked.  “Why does it matter?”

“Answer the question.” He demanded before turning me in my chair to look at him.  With his hand griping my wrist I knew he could feel my pulse racing from his touch, he looked at my wrist up my arm.  “Do I know you?”

“I don’t…no, I don’t think so.”

He narrowed his eyes at me, “Are you sure?”  His thumb rubbed across my ‘Love’ tattoo.  “Never mind, I think I’d remember these tattoos if I had met you before.” He released my wrists.  “You’re free to go.” He said.

I hurried out of my seat, grabbed my stuff and left the room.  Once I was outside of the room I leaned against the wall and took a couple of deep breaths then walked out of the building.  When I looked over my shoulder he was standing at the top of the steps staring at me. 

On the walk back to the apartment I called the beauty school to let them know I wouldn’t be in, I needed sleep and didn’t want to risk screwing up a haircut or perm.  Julie was very understanding and told me I was fine to take the weekend off to spend with my friend that was in town. Before I went to bed, I sent Carter a text to let him know that I was going to rest for a couple of hours and gave him my building name and apartment number so he could just come here and wait for me.  I called down and let Clancy know to buzz him through when he arrived.  I set my alarm for two hours so I could get some sleep before going out for drinks with Carter.  Destiney had text me to let me know she wouldn’t be around this evening because her and William were going to his parents’ house for the weekend. 

I was start
led awake by my phone ringing, I looked at the clock and jumped out of bed when I hear a knock on the door.  Carter was standing with his hands in his pockets and Derrick was standing beside him glaring down at him.

“I’m so sorry Carter.  I didn’t even hear my alarm go off.”

He nodded his head, “Its fine, but you need to call off your guard dog Derrick here.”

“Boyfriend, there asshole.” He told him.

“No you’re not!” I said more rudely than I should have.

“Well this is awkward, I’m just here to visit my high school classmate.” Carter told him.

“Both of you can come in, I’m going to shower then we’ll all three go out.”

“I can’t wait.” Derrick mumbled. 

“Derrick can I talk to you please?” I asked as I walked to my bedroom.  I stood with my arms crossed and glared at him as he walked into my room and shut the door.

“I’m not your boyfriend huh?  I’m still your boy

I shook my head, “I’m not having this conversation right now, I told you, until my schedule slows down, I don’t want a relationship!”

“Is he your ex?” he asked as he walked closer to me.


He wrapped his arms around my waist, “I’m sorry…I just don’t like hearing another man saying he’s here to see you when I can’t get but one day with you.  I really wish you would just give us a chance.  I’m definitely not him.”

“Please don’t do this right now, he knows we are just going to go out for some drinks.  You can go with us if you don’t trust him.”

“No, it’s fine, I’ve gotta catch up with my brother about the party details for next weekend.  Go have fun.  Call me if you need me okay?”  he bent down and kissed me.  Then turned and went back to the living room.  I grabbed my skinny leg jeans, strapless blue top, my black Jimmy Choos and went into the bathroom.  An hour later I was ready to leave, Derrick looked me over from head to toe when I came out of the bedroom. 

“I changed my mind, I think I’ll go with you guys if I’m still invited.”

We went to the Square since it was full of college people on the weekends and I had fun the last time I was there.  We found a table on the second floor like the first night I was there, Derrick left to go get drinks. 

“He’s cool but damn he’s a little over protective don’t you think?” Carter asked me.

“We are just friends.”  I told him.

Carter laughed, “Friends with benefits you mean?  I’m not stupid Lex, that and it’s pretty fucking clear he’s into you.”

“I wish he wouldn’t have come to be honest, I’ve had so much happen I was really wanting to talk to you and get your opinion on some things.”

He cocked his head to the side, “Like what?”

I told him a shortened version of the last few weeks and how I had feelings for Jasper but couldn’t do anything about it since I didn’t work at the ‘Box’ anymore.

“You are fucking kidding me?  You whored yourself out?” he asked in shock.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes, “I didn’t look at it like that Carter, you would look at the club different too if you would go there.”

“Shit Lex I didn’t mean for it to come out like that…let’s go dance so we can talk a bit more before he takes his post as your guard dog again.”

We went down to the dance floor,
’s ‘
Glitter In The Air
’ started playing.

“I’m sorry I said that up there.  I just wouldn’t have pictured you doing that kind of job.”

“I know, but I can promise you it is nothing like what you are thinking.”

“So…this Jasper guy?  You have feelings for him but he doesn’t for you?”

I shook my head, “No, he does but the last night we were together and he tried to say I was his.  It made me mad.  I can’t be his if he doesn’t even know me and I don’t know him, right?”

He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, “I bet he knows you better than
you think he does.  Why don’t you go back to the club and try to see if you can find him to talk to him?”

I shook my head, “I can’t since I quit when I started back to college, once you quit you aren’t allowed to get your job back.”

“I didn’t tell you to take your job back, I said go try to find him.  If he knew you were faking it with the one dude he had to have been watching you.”

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