Outside the Box (8 page)

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Authors: H. M. Montes

BOOK: Outside the Box
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This time Carter interrupted me, “No Lex baby I didn’
t, I’ll be there in a few weeks, we are going to talk this shit through.  I was stupid for what I did and I regret every single day that I tried to force you to be with me.”

I let out a breath, “What do you think you’re doing now?  You’re trying to MAKE me feel something that isn’t there Carter.  You’re young and good looking, you’re not even close to wanting to settle down and I’m not either.  I want to go to college, get a good paying job, THEN hopefully find the RIGHT guy.  You’re not him…I’m sorry Carter.”

There was a long silence, “Did you ever have feelings for me or was that why you wouldn’t have sex with me?” he finally said.

“I liked you but something just didn’t seem right Carter, I just didn’t feel like you were the right guy.  I haven’t been here for long but what time I’ve been here I really like it.  I’m going to finish cosmetology school while I wait for an opening in the accounting department.”  I told him.

“Can I at least come see you?  Just to hang out as friends, I miss that beautiful smile…fuck Lex you have no clue how much I miss YOU.”

“I don’t think you should, you’ll come here and try to win me back and I
don’t want to be the bad person.  We can only be friends Carter, I’m sorry.”

“I said we’ll hang out as friends, I promise.  Please?”

I paused, “I guess, but nothing is going to happen just to make it very clear.  Friends Carter, that’s all we are ever going to be…just friends!”

“Okay okay!” he laughed.  “I hate hearing you saying that but I know that you’ll stick to it.  I’ll be there in a
few weeks.  I’ll text you when I get to town.  And Lexi, I’m sorry, I really am.”  He said.

I smiled, “Okay, I’ll talk to you when you get here.”
  We both hung up.

My bedroom door swung open, “I’m going to pretend I wasn’t just eavesdropping on that conversation.  One (Destiney held up a finger) He is NOT staying here!  Two, I’ll make god damn sure you don’t give in to him.  I REALLY don’t like him and I sure as hell don’t trust him.  Enough about him though, tell me all about Derrick!  Did you two spend all night talking or texting?” she asked and sat down on the bed. 

“No, we text for a while then I fell asleep.”

She yanked my phone out of my hand, “I have to read what he said!”

“NO…NOnononono!  DO not open those messages!” I yelled and dove across the bed at her. 

She raised an eyebrow at me then smiled big, “OH MY FUCKING GOD…you were sexting him weren’t you?!”

I looked at her then looked away, “Uhmmm…”

She busted up laughing, “I won’t look but after you two have sex I expect full details!” she said and threw my phone down on the bed.

“Yeah, about that.” (I wrinkled my nose up), “He said he won’t be the one to take my virginity because the last girlfriend he had was one then cheated on him.”

Destiney stood there blinking and staring at me, “Ohhkay…”

“He also said that after we have sex for the first time, that I’ll be HIS and nobody else’s.”

She sat down on my bed again, “Lexi I believe him I just want you to be careful.  Heartbreak sucks big time!”

I smiled at her, “I know but it’s going to happen until I find the right person.  So how was YOUR night with William?  I expected I’d hear all kinds of noises but I didn’t hear anything.” I said and winked at her.

She flopped back on the bed and smiled big, “He is UHHHMAAAZIIING!  I swear he knows my body better than I do.  You won’t hear anything because we get pretty kinky
.” She looked over and smiled at me. 

“I don’t even want to know!” I nudged her with my elbow.  We laid there staring at the ceiling.  “I have a job offer at that place called ‘The Box’. I told her.

“Really?  That’s awesome!  What do they do there?”

“Welllll…It’s a uhm…sexclub.”

Destiney busted out into a fit of laughter, when she caught her breath she looked at me, “Oh my god, you’re serious?”


“Not only NO but HELL NO!  I mean, I’ve been to some with William that’s where we learned our Kinky stuff from.  You are NOT taking a job like that!” she told me and stood up from the bed. 

“Just hear me out, then help me decide.  Okay?”

“No.” she shook her head.  “Why would you even consider it?  You have NO clue what they do in those clubs Alexia!”

“Yes, actually I do.  I watched what my job would be.”

“You…you watched?!” she practically screamed at me. 

I nodded my head, “Bliss and Cally were the two that were in the box together.  It was SO sensual, so sexy.” I told her all the details about the job. She listened and kept shaking her head.  “It’s all invite only and I NEVER have sex with a different guy,
Jasper, will be the only one.”  I told her.

“I don’t know Lexi, you are a virgin, wouldn’t you rather lose it to somebody you can actually try and have a relationship with?  You aren’t wanting to take this just fo
r the money you’ll make are you?  I’ve told you not to worry about it.  I just don’t think it’s a good idea.  Besides what if this guy “Jasper” (she said using air quotes), ends up being some big hairy mid fifty’s guy that sounds like an ape during sex?”

“Okay you just totally ruined the images of Bliss and Cally, I highly doubt
Jasper is a big ape looking guy!  I look at it this way, I can either lose my virginity to some guy I meet at a bar and we both have too much to drink.  OR, I can have sex with a guy that I KNOW is clean and we will both know what is happening.  I can try it and if I don’t like it, I’ll quit.”  I said and stared at her waiting for her response. 

“How about this, BEFORE you agree to the job William and I will go check the place out. So get us an invite, if he thinks it’s safe then you can make the final decision.  I’m not even going to tell him why we are going, or he’ll react the same way.”

“I’ll text them and have you an invite for this evening.”

She shook her head, “I see now why there was no business info on that place.  I wonder why they targeted you though.”

“Supposedly it’s somebody that has seen me a time or two, kinda creepy but I’ll wait to see what you guys think first.”

“Okay, only you would end up in a dilemma like this.  I can’t even believe you are considering it.  If there is any chance that they are doing drugs out of there it’s going to be a great big, fat, NO WAY in hell!”

“Well duh!” I said with a laugh. 

“Okay, well, I guess I’m going to go start breakfast.  Text whoever you need to.  This was not at all the kind of conversation I was expecting to have.  I was simply coming to ask if you had fun last night!”  Then she walked out of the room.

I pulled the business card out of my night stand and text the number on the back, a reply came through a few minutes later. 
*Will have reserved visitor pass at the window*

I grabbed some clothes, went into the bathroom and showered, got dressed, then joined Destiney at the bar for breakfast. 
I put an egg and two pieces of bacon on my plate then Destiney slid a Starbucks to-go cup at me.  “There’s the GOGO juice you didn’t get to have the other day.  I have a day at the spa reserved for us too.”

“I love you SO much!” I took a sip of the steaming liquid and sighed.  “What is this?  I could drink this every single day!”

“That’s the Caramel Macchiato I told you about.  Our reservation is for eleven so after we eat we’ll head over there.  We’ve got a day of mani’s, pedi’s, waxing, and massage.  When we are all done your skin will practically glow.  Maybe while William and I are out at the “Club” you and Derrick can watch a movie or something.”

“That’s a great idea, I’ll text him and see if he’s busy or not.”

We finished our breakfast, while she showered I text Derrick;

Rise and Shine stud muffin!

Good morning beautiful, did you get some sleep last night?

A little…I was wondering what you are doing this evening.  Destiney and William are going out.  Maybe we could watch a movie or something?  If you’re busy I totally understand.

I will always have time for you, what kind of movie?  I’m out and about I’ll pick something up.

You pic

Getting ready to go have spa day w/ Destiney, I will let you know when they leave.  Our place or yours?

I have a huge flat screen w/ surround sound

Your place it is then!! TTYL


I cleaned up the breakfast plates and put them in the dishwasher, Destiney came out dressed in yoga pants, a t-shirt, and her flip flops.  I laughed and pointed out that we were both dressed for a day of relaxation. 

The trip to the spa was amazing, the Swedish mud bath was by far my favorite.  The Brazilian wax was for sure my least favorite.  Destiney was right, by the time we left my skin was so soft and smooth it seemed to glow in the sunshine.  After we left the spa we went to a deli and had a small sub sandwich that was delicious.  Carol called me to see if everything was going okay and to let me know that she was going to put all my mail in a box and send it to me, and to let me know her and Harold missed having me around.  Harold wanted to make sure I wasn’t letting all the boys chase me around and that he had utilities shut off at the house.  “We miss you baby girl…I’ll let you get back to your busy day.” He said while trying to choke back his emotions. 

After we hung up I started to cry, Destiney grabbed my hands, “What’s wrong?” she whispered.

“I just…hearing him say he had the utilities shut off…I think about mom and dad every single day, I wish they were still here.  I don’t even know what they would think about me living here.” I wiped the tears away.

“Lexi, they would be proud of you, I know they wouldn’t want you to stay in that small town and never get to experience life in a big city.  I miss them too, we’ll go visit them soon.”

I nodded my head and wiped away more tears, “They would KILL me if they knew I was looking at the job in ‘The Box’.”

Destiney smiled, “If it makes you feel uncomfortable don’t do it.”

“No, I’ll see what you guys think of it.  If you think it’s okay and somewhat tasteful I’ll do it.”

“Okay, just promise me that IF, and that’s a pretty big IF, you do take the job and ANYTHING feels wrong about it…you’ll quit!”

I nodded my head again and stood up to leave.  In just a couple of hours her and William would be going to the club and I’d get to have a relaxing evening with Derrick. 


William showed up right when he said he would, so I buzzed him up to the apartment.  When he came in he smiled big, “Date night with Derrick huh?  I don’t know where we are going so hopefully one of us is going to have a good time tonight.”

“She didn’t tell you?” I asked in shock.

“Nope, just said it was for research.” He replied.

I laughed, “Of course, it’s research.”

Destiney came out wearing a black knee length tube dress and black stilettos heels, I was beginning to think that all she owned were stilettos, one pair of flip flops, and one pair of running shoes.  William smiled at her, “You look fucking hot!  I can’t get even a clue as to where we are going?”

“Hmm, nope!” she smiled at him.  Turned to me, “I’ll text you later.” She kissed me on the cheek then walked out the door with William behind her.  I decided to take a quick shower before Derrick called or text me, I wasn’t going to dress up so I put on a pair of Sophie shorts, a tank top, my flip flops and left my hair down.  I rolled on some of my ‘Basic Instinct’ from Pure Romance, making sure to put it on my wrists, behind my ears, on my neck
, and again on my wrists. Just as I finished he text me *
Aprtmnt 9 Floor 17
* I grabbed my cell phone and my purse and left for his apartment. 

When Derrick answered the door, h
e was wearing a pair of gym shorts that reached below his knees and hung oh so low on his hips showing every.single. ripped muscle on his chest.  The corded muscles that disappeared below the waistband made me want to run my tongue down them to the amazing cock he had sent me pictures of.  “You look fucking sexy no matter what you wear!”  Derrick said causing me to snap my eyes up to look at him, the smile on his face told me he had enjoyed me checking him out.  He stepped out of the way so I could walk in, before I got past him he grabbed my hand and shut the door then pushed me up against it.  His mouth covered mine in the blink of an eye.  He smiled when I let out a soft moan, then started kissing me again and lightly biting on my bottom lip.  “Jesus, I just attacked you but fuck…I don’t know what your perfume is, I’m never letting you leave.” He whispered against my lips. 

“It’s Basic Instinct from Pure Romance, you wouldn’t want to keep me here.  Frank would get pretty jealous.” I said with a smile.

“Frank?  Do I need to be worried about this Frank?” he asked with a grin.

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