Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances (67 page)

BOOK: Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances
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I just wish she’d return one phone call. Let me stay one night to get Sam to sleep. Give her a break, help her however I can, but in her mind, I no longer exist and that’s what’s been keeping me awake at night. My major life fuck-up has caused me to lose not one, but both of the women I’ve ever loved. I’m beginning to realize that it doesn’t matter if I start over, try to clean up my image, move on from my past, it will always be there to haunt me and remind me that I don’t deserve to be loved. I’m just one giant asshole who will be alone forever.

Buddy calls to me from the back of the store, bringing me out of the pity party I’m throwing for myself. I walk up front and Buddy is staring at a brunette, bending over and showing off her tight ass. He nods in her direction and lowers his voice. “You’ve been walking around here like a broken hearted puppy so I’ll give you first dibs.”

I shake my head, still disgusted at the shit this man does. “No thanks, she’s all yours.”

I turn to walk back to my boxes when Buddy raises his voice. “Trust me, Richards, you’re better off without her. Adam Darbis always gets his way, how the hell do you think he got Laurel to marry him? They were never in love. Get out of that shitstorm while you can.”

I spin around to face him. “What do you mean how he got her to marry him?”

Buddy shakes his head, laughing. “He told her she had to get an abortion if she didn’t marry him. His parents were super religious and wanted to try to right the whole sex before marriage thing. Once the kid was born, they wanted nothing to do with him since he was a result of sin.” I ball up my fists and clench my jaw which only makes Buddy laugh even louder. “Take Kayla there in the back, let her tickle your pickle, and start moving on with your life.”

“Fuck this,” I mutter and walk toward the front door. “I quit.”

“What do you mean you quit?” Buddy yells at me, slightly panicked since I can do the work of three employees.

“I’m taking your advice and moving on with my life. I don’t need this shithole.”

The door slams behind me and finally, for the first time since I tore my ACL, I feel free. I’m not bound to anyone or anything. I can make my own decisions now and I’m making up my mind that I’m going to get Laurel Darbis back so she finally knows what it’s like to be loved.




“You look like a zombie,” Ashley comments, rubbing her small belly that popped overnight.

I stare into my cup of coffee, my head dipping from exhaustion as I do. “I feel like one, too.”

“When was the last time you actually slept?” Ashley asks, refilling my cup.

I shrug. “I had a power nap when Sam was in the shower last night.”

Ashley frowns. “Laurel, you’re killing yourself and if you’re dead then Adam will automatically get custody of Grey.”

“What am I supposed to do, Ash? I don’t have many options here.” I leave my cup on the counter and go lay down on her couch, hoping she’ll drop the conversation and let me sleep just a few minutes since we have the same argument every.single.day.

“You could always call Jace. You know Sam loves him.”

I close my eyes. “Any other suggestions?” A pillow hits me in the head and I make an “oof” sound. When I open my eyes, Ashley stands above me.

“You’re not the only one dragging ass. Have you seen your own son? It’s taking a toll on him and Adam’s going to notice and use that shit against you in court. So stop trying to be fuckin’ Superwoman and call Jace for help.”

I lean up on my elbow. “It’s not that easy, Ash. By law, Sam has to stay with me so I can’t just drop him off at a grown man’s house to spend the night and I sure as shit can’t have Jace spend the night at my place with the custody trial starting next week. You know Adam is watching me like a hawk.”

Ashley sits beside me on the couch. “Then sign custody of Sam over to Jace temporarily.” I start to object, but Ashley puts her finger to my lips. “Do you really think Jen would want you and Sam so miserable when there’s someone who can fix it for both of you? Sometimes when you love someone, you have to sacrifice a little. It’s only temporary and it’ll keep Jace from running off before you get things settled.”

I drop back on the couch because she’s right. I’m not blind, Grey is suffering just as much as Sam and me. He’s trying to be strong, pretending like it doesn’t bother him, but when I lie awake at night, I can hear sniffling coming from his room. These boys are just kids that are being forced to grow up and face issues they shouldn’t have to. I’m doing everything I can to protect them but it just doesn’t seem to be enough.

“I don’t know, Ash. You really think he’d just take Sam in like that? I mean, he never wanted kids so it’s not really fair that I just dump one on him.”

“Is it fair that you made him fall in love with you and the boys and then you pushed him out of your lives when he didn’t do a damn thing wrong?”

I hate when she’s right and now she’s proved two points in less than two minutes. Jace didn’t do a damn thing wrong other than give us his heart. More than I miss him, I need him. I need his support, his love, his strength…and so does Sam and Grey.











Lifting my arms over my head, I wind up and release the ball. It lands dead center in the middle of the strike zone as it hits the old beat up mattress propped up on the tree. I’m not surprised, I’d be pissed if my pitch wasn’t near perfect. It’s been a week since I walked out of Dunn’s Hardware and I’ve done nothing other than pitch in the backyard day after day. I’m in the best shape of my life and for what? Camila still hasn’t called with any news from the baseball commissioner. Grey and Sam’s baseball season ended two days ago and now I really have nothing other than the ball in my fingers and the mattress as my target.

When I quit my job, I vowed to win Laurel back but the more I thought about it, I didn’t want to press my luck and fuck things up for her and Grey. The custody hearing starts this afternoon so hopefully the judge will see through all of Adam’s bullshit and it will move quickly so that I can get my woman back.

Standing up straight, I start to wind up again when I hear a car in the driveway. I toss the ball in the bucket and walk around to the front of the house, stopping in my tracks when I see Laurel on the front porch. She looks stunning in a gray business dress with cap sleeves. I’ve never seen her in anything other than scrubs or casual clothes. Her navy heels add at least four inches to her height and her hair is pulled back into a tight bun. The ache under my pants reminds me even more how much I’ve missed her.

“Hey,” I call out and she turns to face me.

She takes the stairs back to the yard and walks toward me with a folder in her hand. “Hey, sorry for just stopping by. I called and left you a message, but you didn’t answer. I shouldn’t have come—”

I grin, loving her nervous rambling. “I’m glad you did and you look gorgeous.”

Her cheeks flush and she looks at the ground as she mutters thank you. I want to reach out and caress her, hold her, kiss her, but she’s all dressed up and I’m standing here drowning in my sweat. The wind shifts and her perfume teases me, not helping my desire to touch her.

“You said if I needed your help that you’d be there, right?” She glances up at me sheepishly.

“Yeah, of course. Whatever you need, I’m on it.” I can’t help myself. I take her hand in mine and squeeze softly.

“I love Sam, you know that, right? I mean, I’m not trying to pawn him off on you but he doesn’t sleep, he’s giving me total attitude, and it’s really wearing both Grey and me down. Sam asks for you every night and you’re the only one he responds to—”

“You want him to stay with me?”

She nods and pulls her hand back, opening the folder. “Yes, but, well, it’s not that simple. Since he’s in foster care, he can only stay with a foster parent. My lawyer works miracles and was able to get you approved to be his foster father until this custody battle is over and then—”

“And then we can go back to being the family we were before?”

Laurel looks up at me with big eyes, obviously shocked at my words. I smile and kiss her cheek. “Where do I sign?”

She blinks and shakes her head. “Jace, you don’t have to do this. Really, I know it’s a lot—”

“Laurel, would you shut the fuck up?” I sigh and grab her hips, forgetting about my sweatiness as I pull her body against mine. “I love Sam. I love Grey. And most importantly, I love you. I told you before that I’d do anything for the three of you so if that means that Sam and I chill together until you win this case then that’s what we’ll do. Stop freakin’ out that I’m going to run or that I’m going to leave because I’m not. You’re fuckin’ stuck with me, sweetheart.”

She nods, letting my words sink in slowly.

“Good, now don’t ruin your make-up with tears. I’m going to kiss you then you’re going to court to fight for your son. I’ll pick Sam up this afternoon and then you’ll get a good night’s rest tonight so you can go back to court tomorrow and kick Adam in the balls again.”

My thumbs roll over her hips and ever so slightly, I feel Laurel’s body ease up beneath my hands. On the exterior, Laurel’s a strong, independent woman but I’ve learned that hidden under her tough shell, she needs someone to reassure her from time to time. I lean down, lightly brushing my lips over hers, too afraid of messing up her appearance although I yearn for so much more. As I pull away, Laurel’s arms move around my neck and she holds me tightly.

“I’m scared,” she whispers in my ear.

I shake my head against hers. “Don’t be, babe, we’ve got this.”

Laurel nods and kisses my cheek. My stomach flips and I hope like hell that I’m right because no matter how much I love Laurel, we won’t be complete without Grey and Sam to round out our family. In a million years, I never expected that Florida would give me three special people that I would call a family and never did I think that my world would falter without each of them in my life.




“Laurel, are you listening?” Trevor snaps his fingers in my face and lets out a difficult sigh.

“Sorry, I was just thinking about Sam and Jace. That document was approved, right? Jace is allowed to keep Sam for now?”

“I already told you that three times. Now’s not the time to think about Sam, that’s one issue on the backburner right now. We go to battle for Grey in less than ten minutes. Are you ready? I mean
ready because I need you to be present mentally, not just physically too.” Trevor’s voice doesn’t hide his irritation and I don’t blame him. It’s probably not every day that a lawyer has to fight for a woman to keep multiple kids that aren’t completely related to her by blood.

I smooth out the imaginary wrinkles in my dress. “Okay, I’m ready, more than ever. What do we do again if they bring up Jace and his past?”

“We’ll try to redirect and if we can’t then we tell the truth and then tomorrow we’ll call witnesses that have observed him interacting with the kids. Now, let’s make our way to the courtroom so we can show the judge that we’re well prepared with nothing to hide.”

Trevor gathers up his paperwork and I follow him down the long hallway to where the trial will take place. My heels click on the tile floor, echoing loudly and I make an effort to walk on my tippy toes because it sounds like a sonic boom with each drop of my shoe. I haven’t eaten in days and yet it feels like I’ve swallowed a box of razor blades thanks to my nerves. To say I’m on edge wouldn’t only be an understatement but the biggest falsity on the face of the planet. At this time though, there’s nothing else to be done other than to get this started. The sooner we begin, the closer I’ll be to keeping Grey under my roof.

An evil laugh replaces the sound of my heels and the laughter consumes me as it bounces off the tall ceiling and walls. Standing outside the doors to the courtroom, Adam waves his arm. “After you, Laurel, ladies first.”

As I pass him and walk inside, I bite the inside of my cheek so hard that I can taste blood. Trevor pulls out a chair for me, but not before Adam presses against me, our bodies touching, and he whispers, “You took away the best years of my life. Don’t think I’m going to let you have the satisfaction of being happy…ever.”

I spin around to see him sneering as he steps across the aisle, taking a seat beside his own lawyer. My heart races and tears burn in my eyes. The courtroom door opens again and I turn my head in the direction of the sound. Quickly, my tears vanish and my pulse steadies. Taking a seat beside my mother and father, Jace shakes their hands and looks up at me. He lifts his chin in my direction and winks. Similar to the first time I ever laid eyes on him in person, my panties melt and I’m fired up. I’m ready to fight because the sooner I knock Adam on his ass, the sooner I can get back to my boys, my true family.





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