Read Over the Knee Online

Authors: Fiona Locke

Over the Knee (22 page)

BOOK: Over the Knee
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Encouraged by my stillness, Courtney leant forwards and my skin prickled as she pressed her lips to the burning flesh, kissing first one cheek, then the other.

A soft hand found the small of my back and exerted easy force until I obliged her by bending forwards. I braced my hands on the desk in front of me as her other hand slid between my legs. My breathing quickened and I relaxed my thighs to allow it.

I had never been with another girl. I’d fantasised about spanking, certainly, but nothing beyond that. It was uncharted territory and I didn’t know if it was allowed. But at that moment I didn’t care.

Her hand strayed slowly upwards, to where it must feel the heat emanating from my damp little slit. My sex was throbbing with a need that was becoming painful and I willed her to continue. Just half an inch.

When her fingertips grazed my lips I shuddered, bending further forwards in compliance. Encouraged by my invitation, her hand advanced more boldly until the palm rested right against my sex. I rose on tiptoe and she increased the pressure, pushing against me and stroking her other hand down over my punished bottom.

I drew a long shuddering breath and heard her laugh softly. She released me and beckoned me to follow her through the door, unbuttoning her dress as she backed away along the hallway.

We reached the master bedroom and Courtney slithered out of her dress. It pooled at her feet and she stepped out of it, never taking her eyes off me. Her hands moved to her
and unpinned it, releasing it from its bondage and shaking it loose like a 1950s pinup girl. She sat on the edge of the bed – a vision in a red satin bra and matching panties. Nervous and uncertain, I stood watching her with longing and apprehension.

She kicked off her shoes and regarded me with a catlike grin. Her glittering green eyes urged me closer and she untucked my shirt, tugging it up to expose my midriff. I raised my arms and allowed her to pull it off over my head.

Then she unzipped my skirt and it slid to the floor. I was curious and eager, but still hesitant. I didn’t know what to do with my hands. But my shyness only seemed to excite Courtney, who was glad to take the lead. She pulled me towards her until I had to move on to the mattress. I knelt there passively while she stroked my face, sliding her fingers through my short hair and tugging it in mock roughness.

I closed my eyes as she continued down along my throat, making me quiver as though chilled. But her hands were warm. Very warm. And when she stroked them lightly over the lace of my bra I gave a little moan. She slid a hand inside one of the cups, giving me a gentle squeeze. I felt the nipple respond immediately, stiffening to her touch.

Her arms encircled me and unhooked my bra, freeing my small breasts. Suddenly embarrassed, I covered myself with my hands. But she took my wrists and peeled them away, placing them, crossed, behind my back. I surrendered as she caressed me, teasing my nipples into stiff little peaks and lazily circling her fingertips round them.

My breathing grew deeper, heavier, as she awakened my body. I pressed myself down on my heels to rekindle the sting in my bottom just as her lips closed over one erect nipple. A soft kiss, barely there, but then the tip of her tongue began to circle it as her fingers had done, swirling around and across it, stimulating me almost to the point of suffering.

I felt her teeth then, closing just enough to touch without biting. I forced myself to stay absolutely still, expecting a jolt of pain. But with a final kiss she moved to the other
, meeting my frightened eyes with a wicked smile. With her palm she covered the nipple she had been teasing, insulating it from the sudden chill of the air on the damp flesh. I trembled at the tiny act of kindness.

Her tongue continued its keen exploration of the other nipple, subjecting it to the same treatment. I relaxed into the sensation, my wrists still crossed behind me – a good little submissive.

As she flicked her tongue back and forth across my nipple, her hand crept down over my chest and belly, down to my wet and eager sex. I arched my back, an invitation. She obliged me and slid her fingers down along the slick crease, before drawing them back up again with unbearable deliberation. There was a deep ache welling inside me and I knew she was going to release it. I wanted her to. When I sensed she was watching me, my eyes fluttered open.

She stopped her ministrations and guided my hands to her bra. I unhooked it obediently, eager to discover what made her gasp and shudder. Confronted with the soft round fullness of her breasts, I felt a moment’s hesitation. But she’d shown me exactly what to do. Her pink nipples stood out like hard little knots and I pressed my lips to each in turn, tasting her, sucking her, devouring her.

I enjoyed her responsiveness. She was noisier than me, crying out shrilly at each little surge of pleasure. Anyone hearing her responses would have had trouble telling whether she was experiencing pleasure or pain and I was delighted to be the one making her react.

Without warning she fisted a hand in my hair and pulled me up forcefully. Then she guided me down on my back and straddled me, her long hair cascading down on either side of her neck, tickling my chest. She gazed at me, her eyes roaming over my face until she leant down and kissed me.

Her lips were soft and pillowy, not at all like a man’s. I plunged my hands into the mass of her auburn hair as her tongue pushed its way inside my mouth. She tasted rich and wanton, like stolen wine. Her tongue swirled around
my mouth and I clutched her hair, letting go only to grab another handful.

She relaxed on top of me, the beautiful smooth warm weight of her body pressing into mine. I let go of her hair and stroked my fingers along the xylophone of her arched spine, running my nails up and down the length of her. I ran my tongue along the edge of her teeth and she nipped it gently. She withdrew and kissed my lower lip, sucking it into her mouth then releasing it again.

I could have stayed there forever, kissing her, but Courtney wanted more. She wanted everything. Her lips travelled down to my neck, where she nibbled me playfully before moving on. She kissed each breast as she crept further down, heightening the suspense. I knew exactly what she would do next, but her languorous pace was whipping me into a frenzy. It was all I could do not to grab her head and shove her down there.

She curled between my legs, spreading them apart and drawing her fingers along the moist folds. I was a little embarrassed at how wet I was, but it only seemed to excite her. With the flat of her hand she gave me a delicate little smack that made me jump. But it sent a jolt of ecstasy through my body. Clearly enjoying my response, she did it again. And again.

Then she let her long hair fall across my breasts and moved her head slowly from side to side, brushing it over my skin. The sublime softness of it contrasted deliriously with what she was doing with her hands and my sensations didn’t know how to keep up. I alternated between sighs and squeals.

At last, she swept her hair over one shoulder and, with a last flicker of a grin, lowered her mouth to me. Her lips were gentle, just as they had been with my breasts. And when I felt her soft tongue begin to probe the outer folds of my sex I clutched the headboard, suddenly wishing she’d tied me up.

Her tongue moved expertly up and along the sides and over my clit, stimulating me with almost intolerable pleasure. When I thought I wouldn’t be able to take any
she spread me open further and dipped first one, then two fingers inside. Her tongue never ceased its relentless caress and it wasn’t long before I felt the demanding ache inside me begin to intensify. It rose wildly, building and swelling until it consumed me completely. I threw my head back with a breathless gasp as my vision went black and the devastating climax threatened to render me unconscious.

When the spasms began to dissipate I lay helpless, trembling and weak. My body had never felt more alive and I blinked away the startled tears that sprang to my eyes, blurring my vision.

Courtney sat up, staring at me with something like wonderment. Or was it envy? All I knew was that I was desperate to experience giving her the same pleasure she’d just given me. It took me nearly a minute to find the strength to get up, but when I did she stopped me, suddenly looking slightly sheepish.

‘You don’t have to –’

‘Shh. I want to.’

I realised with some surprise that she hadn’t taken off her knickers. And as I pushed her down on her back I saw that they were drenched. She lifted her hips as I eased the sodden scrap of red satin down, revealing a soft downy strip of slightly reddish hair. Smoothing it with my thumb, I slid her knickers down her long legs. I paused to admire her shapely feet and expertly pedicured toes. The nails were varnished in a sleek lustrous red and I couldn’t resist kissing them.

She shuddered and made a low purring sound. Encouraged, I took her big toe in my mouth as I would a cock, sliding my lips up and down the short length of it. Her foot was pleasantly musky and I let my lips travel down further, to the soft flesh of her sole. Courtney writhed on the bed, somehow managing to hold her leg still for me. I trailed my tongue over the bottom of her foot as though licking cream from a bowl. At last I gave the toes a final kiss and moved up between her legs.

She clamped her legs around my wrist when I touched her, pinning my hand against her. I moved my fingers as
as I could, playing with her until she relaxed her grip and her legs opened, inviting me. I smiled, then lowered my head to her. The scent of her arousal was intoxicating – a sharp piquant aroma that made me even more impatient to taste her.

Like a picture frame, the trimmed fluff of hair exhibited the little slit below it, drawing my gaze there and holding it. It looked so delicate and inoffensive, so much less explicit than a man’s cock. Fascinated, I traced my finger along the line of soft creases, enjoying the way she arched her back at my touch.

Her silky folds reminded me of the curved closed shell of a fortune cookie concealing a secret. I splayed her open, touching her as I touched myself. Watching her respond was like watching myself and I badly wanted to see her come.

I pressed my mouth against the hot little hollow and lapped eagerly, savouring the damp silky feel and creamy taste of her. She raised up to meet me, pushing herself against my mouth, grinding her hips hungrily. I knew it wouldn’t take her long.

And, as her moans and cries grew louder and more demanding, she bucked wildly, clutching the duvet so violently I thought she would tear it. She squeezed her legs against either side of my head until the waves subsided and she drifted back down to earth. We lay entwined, sweaty and sated, and with a sigh of exhaustion she threw a limp arm over me.

‘Holy shit,’ she breathed, and it was so unrefined and out of character that she caught herself and laughed.

‘Did they teach you all of that at finishing school?’ I couldn’t resist asking.

She smiled serenely and stroked my face. ‘No, but I think your governess might make it part of your plan of study.’

I hid my face in her waves of hair. ‘Yes, miss,’ I whispered.

Courtney turned up unannounced the next day looking ever so coy.

‘Oh no,’ I said, immediately suspicious. ‘What have you done?’

She gave me her best Southern belle simper. ‘I felt really dirty when I thought about what we did last night. I mean, seducing my best friend and all …’

I blinked in confusion.

‘Only very bad girls do dirty things like that,’ she continued. ‘And – well, I just felt so guilty I had to get it off my chest.’

I realised where this was leading and I covered my face with my hands. ‘You didn’t,’ I groaned, peering out at her from between my fingers. ‘Tell me you didn’t.’

Courtney beamed with perverse delight. ‘I did. Father Michael thought it was most unnatural indeed. Wanna see the marks?’


whether she was relieved or disappointed by the men’s reaction to our little escapade. Peter’s knowing smile told us he wasn’t a bit surprised. Shaun lamented that he hadn’t been there to take pictures. That was hardly unexpected, given what had happened with Lenka. I was just relieved to know we hadn’t overstepped any boundaries or broken tacit rules.

‘While we’re on the subject of pictures,’ Peter said, ‘I think it’s time you and your red bottom graced the pages of’

‘Who, me?’ I asked stupidly.

‘Of course, you!’ Courtney broke in. ‘You have to. You know you want to.’

I peered round the circle of expectant faces. It was true that the exhibitionist in me wanted to come out to play, but the possibility of getting caught filled me with terror.

Shaun spoke up. ‘Courtney and I are shooting Lenka in Cornwall next month. There are standing stones all over Bodmin Moor and around the Land’s End peninsula. The sites won’t be crawling with tourists at this time of year. Why not join us and we’ll make a road trip of it?’

Courtney looked at me with puppyish expectation.

‘It sounds great,’ Peter said. ‘But I have a different location in mind for Angie’s debut.’ At my startled expression he gave my hand a comforting avuncular pat. ‘Trust me. You’ll love it.’

I thought back to the first time we’d discussed the site. I’d mentioned Dartmoor Prison and
HMS Victory
suggested the
Grand Turk
. He had to be joking. Megalithic sites in Cornwall were one thing, but prisons and national monuments were never deserted.

I gave him a pleading, searching look and he relented.

‘There’s a nineteenth-century prison up in Scotland,’ he said. ‘Perfectly preserved.’

‘Go on.’

‘Visitors can go into the cells and lie in the hammocks, turn the crank machine or be locked up in the airing yards.’

I felt myself being won over.

He paused before adding the clincher. ‘Scene of many floggings.’

I was there.

It should have been an uneventful journey. A short flight from London to Glasgow and a drive along the shores of Loch Fyne to the historic town of Inveraray. But enhanced security measures at Heathrow turned the boarding procedure into a nightmare. For me, anyway.

BOOK: Over the Knee
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