Overture (Rain Dance, Book 1) (Rain Dance Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Overture (Rain Dance, Book 1) (Rain Dance Series)
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But aren't
you glad you didn't stay home today?

I peeked my head out the door, checking to make sure he
wasn't in the corridor. When I was certain the coast was clear, I ran to the
nearest bathroom. I was in desperate need of some mirror time.

As I washed my
hands and wet my face, I tried to tell myself it would be alright.

That's a
lie, and you know it. There are only two ways this can end: a really bad break
up or pandemoniously bad break up.

I had to force
myself not to slam the door closed when I returned to my workspace. When I was
safe inside, I practically pounced on my bag, viciously digging through it to
pull out my lunch. That's what it felt like, at least. In reality, it was too small
for actual digging to take place. But as soon as my sandwich was in my hands, I
was biting into it.

No. It's not the same.

As much as I
loved sandwiches, it just wasn't enough to calm me down. But could I leave to
get what I really needed and then come back? Probably not. The chances of me
deciding to run for it were too high. And as much as I felt like running, I
couldn't do that to him.

It will just
have to wait, then. You know the steps. Focus on your breathing, first.

I took deep, even breaths and began counting.

Good. Now
listen…What do you hear? Who needs ice cream when you have the rain?

I closed my eyes, enjoying the soothing tip-taps of the
falling rain and the quiet music that was still playing in the background.

is okay. You're okay.

No. Everything
had been okay when he was here, but now that he was gone - now that my brain
was actually able to process things…

won't always be like this. Just keep trusting him.

Trust. I
trust him, didn't I? I
felt safe with him. So long as I kept a lock on my emotions, there would be no
reason to fear.
Okay…I can do this. I can pretend to be normal for a little

But what would
happen when he discovered that I wasn't normal? How long could we do this
before he decided he didn't want me anymore? How long before his infatuation
with me ended? And when it did end, how would I ever be able to move on? There
was a reason I didn't do this kind of thing. Change. People. Life.

I was only
truly safe when I was in my bubble, alone. Unlike everything else which was
constantly moving forward, I stood still. I could rely on myself because I was
permanent. And as much as I hated to think about it, I knew that not even Dale
and Jillian would last.

Then why

Why…That was
the question.

Daphne. You already know the answer.

taking one last deep breath, I continued eating, this time in a much calmer
manner. Whatever happened from here on, I wouldn't be afraid. I could say with
certainty that after that kiss, I knew I was stronger now. What I had felt when
I touched him was unlike anything I had ever felt before. Surely a little
heartbreak would be worth feeling it again?




continued sketching chalk on the walls for the next two hours. I drew lightly,
so the lines were only visible from up close. Hopefully, Ethan hadn't noticed
them while I was sleeping. As I began outlining the wings, I couldn't help but
smile. Wings were such lovely looking things. They made me very, very happy. I
couldn't wait to start painting them.

By the time
five came around, it had gotten significantly darker. The clouds were heavy in
the sky and the rain was still going strong. It was becoming too difficult to
see what I was doing, so I decided to call it quits. After cleaning up, I
gathered my things and stepped out, closing the door behind me. After putting
it off for days, I finally walked into the opposite room - the room that Ethan
had said I could use whenever needed.

The main wall
was, of course, one giant window that showcased the city below. The carpet was
black, as were the two sleek sofas that sat across from one another. There was
a desk off to the side with a rather fancy computer and a dartboard on the wall
beside it. On the other side were counters with a sink, a microwave, and a
mini-fridge. In the corner of the room, a TV was mounted onto the ceiling.
Overall, it was the snazziest break room I had ever been in. Checking my phone
for the first time, I found that I still had a few minutes until five-thirty. I
curled up on the sofa facing the window wall and stared at the dreary gray sky.

A few minutes
later, there was a heavy shift in the atmosphere and swear I could feel a
magnetic pull in my body. He hadn't made a single sound, but I knew he was

"Why is
this area closed off?" I asked.

"If you
look carefully, you'll notice that most of this upper floor is closed

"…Really?" I leaned my head back to look at him.

"Most of
the rooms up here are for storage," he explained. "Files of
information, patents and such. That's why it's guarded and only those with
access can enter. Other rooms are kept clear for emergency meetings. Sometimes
this back area is used for special project managers and their team for a short
amount of time. Other times, it's used for a particular group of clients who
value their privacy. Both situations are pretty rare, so usually this area
remains empty."

That made
sense. I wouldn't feel so weird being here by myself now that I knew why it was
so empty. "Aren't you afraid I might steal some precious

He smiled then.
"You wouldn't be able to. But if you attempt to anyway and you happen to
be successful, I'll be sure to reward you for your excellent skills in

"Just wait
and see. So who else is allowed back here?"

"In this
corridor…Douglas and Patricia - with permission, of course. They've been
instructed not to bother you unless it's an emergency."

A bright flash
of light blinded me for a moment. It was followed by the sharp clapping of
thunder as it pierced the sky, its deep rumbling causing vibrations throughout
the room. My insides shook and my heart thudded loudly at the sudden noise. It
wasn't quite as fun to hear the clouds banging each other when I was this high
up. "That was loud."

"Ready to

I stood up and
stretched before making my way around the sofa towards him.

didn't brink a jacket," he said disapprovingly.

I shrugged.
"I thought there would only be drizzle today. Guess I should've checked
the weather."

It was weird
leaving together. He didn't hold my hand, but I could feel the warmth of his
body as he walked beside me. It was in comfortable silence that we made our way
to the elevator. As soon as we stepped inside, my blood fizzed and I felt my
own body start to heat up. I leaned against elevator ramp and tried to focus on
something else. His face provided instant distraction. I took in every single
little detail of it.

really are beautiful," I blurted out before I could stop myself.

He looked at
me, his expression that of surprise. After a second, one of his eyebrows
lowered, almost in confusion, before he simply smiled. "Coming from you,
I'll take it as the highest compliment. Thank you." He took my hand and
kissed it softly, causing me to flush.
What a fucking gentleman.
than letting it go, he continued to hold on to it as we exited the elevator.

I looked
around, perplexed. We weren't in the lobby. "Where are we?"

"Underground parking."

It was amazingly
clean, which I found surprising for some reason. But not only was it clean, it
was also nice. The lights were dim and overlapping, creating a very rich and
calming mood.
The walls weren't
made of cement, but of the cream and dark brown colored marble that was so
common in the building. I'd go so far as to call the lot fancy. But for a place
that had thousands of people coming and going, was it large enough?

"Is it
just the one level?" I asked.

"Yes. Only
those with special privileges get parking here."

I searched the
area again, noticing that there was just the one elevator that we had come
from. The one that led directly to the top floor. The one that was guarded.

"Has the
elevator ever broken down?"

He glanced down
sideways at me, the corner of his mouth curving upwards. "No. We have an
excellent maintenance team. But just in case of emergency, there are other
elevators on the top floor that lead down here, as well as a stairwell."

This was news.
"What? Where?"

"Hidden in restricted areas."

shouldn't I know about them just in case there's a fire?"

doubtful that will ever happen. We also have an excellent fire prevention
system equipped throughout the entire building. But you're right," he said
before I could complain. "Everyone who works on the top floor is shown
where they are as a precaution."

We stopped in
front of a black car. Much to my joy, it was
some ridiculously
expensive luxury or sports car. My knowledge of vehicles was limited to next to
nothing, but I recognized this one. An Audi S4. It was a little on the pricier
side, but not so far out of reach to people with well-paying jobs. Dale was
making good money now and had already begun saving up for a new car. This was one
of twelve on his wish list.

Ethan opened
the passenger door for me and waited for me to get in.

really going to drive?" I asked.

He looked at me
curiously. "Why wouldn't I?"

I bit my lip.
"In the books, all of the building-owning men have drivers."

"I do have
a driver, but today I want to drive you. What books?"

I quickly shook
my head and got in before he could see my face go red. As soon as I was seated,
the air around me changed. I inhaled the comforting scent. Leaning back into
the seat, my body relaxed on its own. I felt safe as a passenger in this car.

I would never
have thought that a man doing something as simple as driving would be worth my
interest, but watching Ethan do it did things to my body. He drove with ease,
maneuvering through the streets and changing gears without a second thought.
His body was lax in his seat, giving off the vibe of leisure confidence. And
watching his hands on the steering wheel...

"What do
you want to do about dinner?" he asked, interrupting me from my thoughts.


"We could
eat out if you want. Or order in - it's up to you."

right. It's getting late now.
"…I'd rather not go out."

He nodded.

The thought of
sharing a meal together brought me back to reality. Could I really do this? Was
I even capable of it?
Don't think of it as a date. Just think of it as two
friends hanging out.

It was still
pouring when we arrived at my apartment. I didn't bother asking how Ethan knew
exactly where I lived. I'd written the address down when I filled out the
information form regarding the project, and I assumed by his driving that he
just knew every inch and cranny of this part of Seattle. Stepping out of the
car, I welcomed the raindrops with open arms and a bright smile. Ethan came to
stand behind me, holding his coat over our heads.

end up catching a cold if you do things like that."

"The rain
would never bring me suffering," I argued, leading him inside the

I began to
panic again on the way up, so I took few deep breaths to try and ease the
tension in my stomach. "You aren't going to kill me, are you?"

"…Are you

I continued
looking at him expectantly, waiting for his answer.

His mouth
curved into a smile. "I promise not to kill you. Not tonight. Not

"Or kidnap
me," I added.

"I promise
not to kidnap you. Tonight." His smile turned into a smirk.

I started my
nervous habit of chewing on my bottom lip. "Alright, then."

We exited the
elevator and made our way to the end of the hallway.

"You have
a roommate?" he asked as I grabbed my keys.

course. I probably wouldn't be able to afford living here on my own."
for an extended amount of time, at least.

"Are they
here now?"

away on business. Should be back in a few days." I opened the door and
held it open, letting him go in first. Once inside, I shut it and flicked the
lights on before taking his coat and hanging it up to dry.

should probably change." I looked down, noticing that my clothes were
soaking. Lifting my head, I looked everywhere but at Ethan. As embarrassing as
it was to admit, I felt like an awkward teenager who had just brought her
boyfriend home for the first time.
You're an adult, Daphne. You're well over
the age to have been doing porn for years. Get your shit together
Eventually, I looked at him.

killing," he reminded me, entirely at ease

Somehow those
words were enough to calm me. I turned and headed to my bedroom, stopping when
my hand touched the door knob. I gazed over at Ethan again, who was now right
behind me.

"What is
it?" he asked gently.

just…not even my roommate comes in here."


I tried to
gather both my thoughts and my wits. "It's my bubble. Once you go
in…that's it, you know?" I desperately hoped that he would get the idea,
even if I didn't. "It's mine.
mine. I don't…" I felt horribly
foolish for not being able to play it cool, and even worse for not being able
to express myself clearly. I could almost feel my eyes starting to sting.

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