Owned: A Mafia Menage Romance (74 page)

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Auger shot Bryce a look as everybody got their gear in the lockers and stood up to go. Trent and Nickie rolled their necks and stretched their arms, bouncing in place. Bryce still looked away, so Auger got right up next to him.

“A grand a round?” he growled. “That was not our deal.”

“Keep your voice down,” Bryce muttered, trying to edge away. He nodded as the other guys filed out of the tiny, smelly room. “So you’ll hang in there for two rounds… What’s the big deal, man?”

Auger’s fists clenched at his sides, straining the tapes. “The big deal is that I have no intention of staying in the ring longer than two minutes.”

“Well…” Bryce tried to get a breezy tone into his voice without making direct eye contact. “Dude, just make it up in sponsorships, then. You’ll get paid even if you tap out. I mean… he won’t like it…”

“Who won’t like it?”

“Orion! I mean… but whatever.”

“Fuck Orion!” Auger snarled and grabbed Bryce by the elbow, turning him around so their eyes met.

Bryce tried to dodge but couldn’t escape the steel grip of the larger man. Finally he just set his jaw and met Auger’s eyes. A light shine covered his face. Auger’s eyes flickered back and forth as he inspected Bryce’s expression.

He maybe isn’t high, but he is something. Scared? Jonesing for the fight? Or scared of me, maybe?

Bryce twisted meekly, hoping to be let go. “Listen, I didn’t want to mention this, but these sponsorships can get pretty… substantial,” he said in a low voice. There was a light in his eyes.

Auger held his arm until everyone else had left the room, then released him roughly.

“We gotta get out there, man,” Bryce whined.

“This is bullshit,” Auger spat.

“I know, I know, I know…” Bryce said quickly. “But…. two rounds is two grand… Sponsorship is maybe another two grand…”

“That’s fucked up. I’m out.”

Panic flashed across his face. “No! Come on, man,” he pleaded. “It’s for charity or some shit…”

“Oh fuck off.”

“OK, OK… yeah what do I know about charity…. right…” Bryce admitted, backing away with his hands up. Auger hadn’t actually hit him since middle school, but he never wanted to go through that again. He looked around the small room desperately.

Auger shook his head, rage building in his chest like a tidal wave. A sponsor was not a one-time deal. Bryce was trying to rope him into Orion’s crew, and he knew it. Once a sponsor invested with Orion on his behalf they would expect to own him, and he wasn’t about to be owned by anyone.

Never again.

The door burst open and Jimmie stuck his head in. “Get your asses in the line, NOW!” he yelled with a surprising amount of authority.

Bryce spun to face Auger, clapping his hands together in a praying gesture. “Please, man.
 I am begging you!”

Auger’s stomach heaved as though he might be sick, but the look of desperation on Bryce’s face tugged at him.

One thousand is better than nothing
, he reminded himself.
Just tap out, fuck the sponsor, move on.

Nostrils flared, he took a few more breaths to make Bryce suffer. Jimmie bounced impatiently in the doorway.

“Fine,” he growled under his breath and shoved past him.


They walked out into a huge room filled with people craning their necks around to get a good look. Auger stood up straight, letting all the fury show on his face and posture as he followed Bryce and Jimmie to the front of the room where Nickie, Trent and Twister were already standing.

Despite everything, his senses were electrified like he was turned on way too high. Every pair of eyes seemed to singe his skin, and even the sensation of not having shoes on bothered him with too much texture. He felt trickles of sweat already falling in crooked paths down the back of his shoulders as adrenaline began its predictable upward surge. He could hear every light buzzing faintly, and every whisper that discussed his brooding, hulking body as he walked past.

A light, leaping feeling swept through his heart and he stamped it down viciously.

Do not enjoy this,
 he repeated to himself over and over.

But still, just knowing he had to tell himself that felt like a failure.

Shaking his head to clear it, Auger found Twister and scowled at him. Twister curled one half of his lip up and looked Auger up and down, measuring him out. Auger focused on that: watching Twister size him up. It should have triggered his defenses, making him nervous or angry. But instead it reinforced the part of him that really thought this was…

Get serious!
 he shouted to himself.
This is not a game!

Orion grinned widely as he came up, staring at the guys like beauty contestants along the wall. Auger swallowed a mouthful of stomach acid and managed to keep his expression unchanged.

“You made it,” Orion purred in his deep, oily voice.

Auger nodded shortly and looked for an empty spot in the row.

“Bryce tells me you’re going to save his ass… Again,” Orion said.

Auger glanced at Bryce, who frowned immediately and shook his head.

“What the fuck does that mean?” he growled.

Bryce stepped into the line and turned to face the crowd. “Get in line!” he muttered insistently, pointing to the far end.

Auger stepped forward and pushed Trent firmly aside, taking a place beside Bryce.

“You’re supposed to be down there,” Bryce objected, trying to shoo him toward Twister at the end of the line.

“What is Orion talking about?”

Bryce shook his head, smiling thinly at a fat old guy in shirt sleeves and suspenders. “I have no idea.”

“You’re fucking lying to me!”

“Fuck! Keep your voice down!” Bryce glared, clenching his jaw as the old guy shuffled away, scowling. He paused, clearly fighting the urges in his mind and choosing his words carefully. “Just… yes. I need you here. Just win. OK?”

Auger turned to the crowd, watching them mill around, their eyes roving over each fighter like they were sizing up race horses or 4-H pigs at the county fair.

“You need me here for what, exactly?” he said through clenched teeth. “What are you into?”

“Ehhhhhh,” Bryce groaned, trying to keep his voice down. “I’m a little… behind. I’ve been having a rough month.”

“Behind who?”

He took a determined stance and stared out at the crowd.

“Behind on what?” Auger insisted, raising his voice. He knew the answer already but wanted Bryce to admit it. Bryce just shook his head silently. “How much?” he asked finally.

Bryce sighed through his nose. “Ten.”

“What?!” Auger bellowed. Trent flinched next to him and a couple of charcoal-suited gamblers shot him a snarky expression.

“Ten grand. Yes. But tonight, I am clear. This is it. It doesn’t cost you anything, man… Just…
. Please.” He finally turned and looked at Auger, his eyes bright and desperate. Auger could see the pride it took for Bryce to admit it, but still.


“God I hate you sometimes,” Auger muttered, flexing his pecs and trying to calmly breathe through his nose. A trio of identically blonde women in designer cocktail dresses strolled by, inspecting him. One gave flirty, subtle sniff. Auger clenched his jaw.

“I hate you right back,” Bryce sighed, blowing out his cheeks.

Some big part of Auger wanted to just knock him out, leave him on the carpet and go home. Finish it. It would be for his own good and he wouldn’t be able to get into any more trouble, at least not tonight. But Auger had made that stupid promise to Callie and wanted to keep what was left of it. Treating Bryce like a little kid was never going to teach him anything.

So he just stood there, trying to shake out his muscles, trying to feel his body all fall in without getting too happy about the prospect of beating somebody’s ass in a few minutes.

It was like second nature. As soon as he allowed it, all his nerves converted to the bright, sparking vibration of energy ready to be unleashed. The sound turned up the joy in his heart, no matter how hard he tried to tamp it down. The anticipation was thrilling.

He didn’t even notice he was smiling until the man in the expensive suit turned around and smiled suddenly back. Auger flinched and corrected his expression to something more serious. The man took a half step forward, his perfect white teeth gleaming. He had a twinkle in his eye and cocked one eyebrow curiously, but he was close. Way too close.

Auger returned his stare with a confidence he wasn’t sure he felt. Something about his three-piece suit and slicked-back hair set Auger slightly off his game. He figured the smile did it. Everything about the stranger looked super-controlled, but the smile cut through like the brightest bulb in a string of lights. Instinctively, Auger refused to look away. Alpha male rules are clear: you don’t back down.

“Odin!” Orion said with a slimy grin, sliding into view. “Mr. Cooke would like a word.”

Auger felt himself hesitate as the man stuck out his hand formally. The pinstripe suit hugged his bulky bicep, and he wondered why Cooke wasn’t heading for the ring, himself. But his mission was obvious, and Auger fought to control his disgust.

“Winsor,” he said with his hand out. Auger shook it without enthusiasm.

“Uh, Odin…” Orion stammered, sensing a change in the mood. “Mr. Cooke has offered to sponsor you. Winsor

Auger shook his head automatically. “No, thank you.”

Orion barked out a surprised laugh, tipping his head back far enough to reveal his molars. “Oh ho! I don’t think you understand!” he said hurriedly. “Odin just joined us… he’s not familiar…” he stammered.

Winsor nodded and raised his eyebrows without breaking Auger’s gaze. Auger knew they were going to have to start throwing punches very soon.

“Oh, I know,” Winsor nodded with a deep, confident voice. His hazel eyes bored into Auger’s, daring him to make a move as he spoke in a slow, arrogant drawl. “I would have remembered seeing someone like this.”

“Oh, yeah, he’s something else,” Orion purred proudly. Auger ignored him and gritted his teeth. He was determined to keep on track.

Get in, get out,
 he repeated to himself.

Winsor took another half step. Auger wrinkled his nose and tipped forward ever so slightly, the threat plain in his posture. In his electrified state, he could smell the warm, starchy aroma of Winsor’s pressed shirt collar where it met his neck.

Auger assumed Winsor either didn’t know that he was making a primal, physical threat by being so close, or he didn’t care. Or else… he liked it.

“He’ll take the sponsorship,” Winsor said confidently. Auger flinched.

thank you,
” he repeated, his voice inadvertently plunging to a growl.

Orion rolled his eyes, suddenly desperate. “It’s twenty thousand,” he said incredulously, as though Auger didn’t understand what they were talking about.

Jesus... Aug
,” Auger heard Bryce breathe beside him, pleading.

Auger looked at Orion slowly, letting his gaze drop to his feet and back up again. Though Orion was big, he was soft and lazy. He shifted his weight from foot to foot in purple suede loafers. He seemed to crumple slightly under the Alpha male’s scrutiny.

“I’m just here for one night,” Auger said finally, through clenched teeth. “I am honored by your offer, Mr. Cooke, but I’m afraid I can’t accept.”

Orion glared at him dangerously, but he couldn’t feel anything but amusement. Who did he think he was dealing with?

“You’re turning me down?” Winsor said, laughter coloring the edges of his voice.

Auger nodded.

“Well, I really don’t think you know what you’re missing,” Winsor said slowly, his eyes twinkling. He looked like a cat with a toy just out of reach. Auger knew that look, but he didn’t feel like mentally wrestling with some spoiled rich kid who thought he was a new game to play.

Get in, tap out.

Auger forced himself to stare over Winsor’s shoulder as though he had better things on his mind. But he had to admit to himself: some part of him was excited. He knew that the chase was on. If he could tell anything about this Richie Rich jackass, it was that he didn’t give up easily.

He pushed that thought down and tried to settle his nerves, center himself and get ready for the bout.

Get in, tap out. Get in, tap out.

Get in, tap out.

“Should I back Twister then?” Winsor crooned.

Auger swallowed hard and let his weight sink, finding his feet. He knew Twister didn’t have a chance. Every part of him hummed with strength and confidence.

“You do what you want,” he said finally.

Orion huffed disgustedly and tried to guide Winsor toward Jimmie and Nickie at the end of the row. Winsor stared at Auger for an uncomfortable few more moments as though he had already bought the fight, then let Orion lead him to the end of the row.

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