Owned by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Mob Romance (11 page)

BOOK: Owned by the Russian Mafia Boss: A Mob Romance
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“Sasha,” Misha said harshly. “Curb your tongue.”

Alek felt a streak of anger, but he controlled it. Holding up his hand to still Misha, Alek cocked his head and stared at his third-in-command. “Are you questioning my actions, Sasha?”

Finally realizing he was on dangerous territory, Sasha began to backpedal. “No, of course not. I’m just saying that maybe you have too much on your plate. I could help you out.”

“That’s not what you were saying. You question my actions, and I have to question your loyalties. With an assassination attempt and Grisha back in the country, I have to wonder if you had a hand in it.”

“He’s not,” Misha said hurriedly. “My brother is an idiot, but he’s loyal to you. We both are.”

Alek studied them both before shrugging. “Go back to the scene and check around to see if anyone saw anything. Get someone on Grisha. I want to know where he is at all times. And from now on, our deposit collection days will be random. Make sure the businesses know that. I don’t like that someone knows my schedule.”

“Yes, boss,” Sasha said as his head moved up and down rapidly like a bobblehead doll. The brother abandoned their lunch and exited the kitchen as quickly as possible.

Alek wasn’t actually suspicious of Sasha. He simply didn’t like the implications that Natalia was making him soft. Still, he couldn’t ignore that the only reason the assassin got as close as he did was because he was tired. What he needed was a good night’s sleep.

And even more than that, he needed to sink himself inside Natalia and stroke the fire of lust between them until there was nothing left but ash. He needed her out from under his skin, and fucking her until she screamed would be the only way to do it.

Tonight. He’d take care of things tonight. He spent the rest of the day avoiding Natalia. He didn’t really think she’d taken a hit out on him, but he couldn’t be too careful. Besides, he didn’t want her to anticipate tonight. When dinner came around, he ordered the staff out. He wanted the dining room to himself even if that meant that they had to serve themselves.

He sent Ana to retrieve Natalia and then told Ana to scram as well. She asked if she should make Natalia change, and Alek shook his head. For some reason, the flannel turned him on. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that she was wearing his shirt. Or maybe it was just that Natalia turned him on.

The faster he fucked her, the better. He desperately needed to get his mind back in the game before the game killed him.

“Dinner is early tonight,” Natalia muttered as she walked in and yawned.

“I think we can agree that we both need some sleep,” he said as he carried the plates out from the kitchen. She watched him set the table with a frown. It wasn’t nearly as classy as when the servers did it, but he managed to find the plates and silverware. The chicken was still warm in the over, and he pulled it out with his good arm and plopped everything on a tray to take to the table.

“Where is everyone?” she asked slowly as she slid into her chair. She looked around nervously.

“I sent them home. Everyone deserves a night off every once in a while,” he said neutrally as he sat down and filled his plate. He’d missed lunch and he was famished.

“Do I get a night off?” He could help but smile at the one, but he refrained from answering. So long as she was under his roof and in his bed, he’d touch her every night. She slowly reached over and grabbed a piece of chicken. She sniffed it. “Are you trying to poison me because you think I tried to kill you?”

He got up from his chair and moved around to her side of the table. Pressing one hand to her abdomen, he leaned down and licked her ear. She gasped audibly, and he pulled the piece of chicken up and licked it. “Satisfied?” he whispered in her ear.

“Not by a long shot,” she muttered and blushed. He chuckled and returned to his seat.

They ate in silence for a bit before Natalia finally put her fork down. “I don’t understand. If Grisha is Grigori’s son, why isn’t he in charge? Did he not want to be?”

Alek shrugged. “I never got a chance to ask. I haven’t laid eyes on Grisha since Grigori’s will reading. Gigori was killed unexpectedly. Murdered. No one ever figured it out.”

“Did you do it?” Natalia asked promptly.

He slowly raked his eyes over her. “Do I need to check you for a wire?”

“I haven’t left this house all day. Where would I get a wire from?” she grumbled, but her cheeks flushed even deeper. She was clearly thinking of him stripping her down.

So was he.

“No. I did not kill Grigori, although most people assumed it was either Grisha or me. After the surprise will reading, Grisha disappeared. I never got to ask why his father chose me, and I spend months searching for him. My people traced him to the US, but he apparently wasn’t doing anything suspicious. They lost him a few weeks ago, and now he’s letting himself into my home.”

“Did Grisha and his father not get along?”

Alek paused mid bite and frowned. “You seem awfully interesting in Grisha tonight.”

“I don’t exactly get to talk to a bunch of people,” she pointed out. “And he was interesting.”

Narrowing his eyes, Alek struggled with the unexpected streak of jealousy in him. He knew for a fact that Grisha was considered handsome. The man had a string of females following him around since puberty. He suspected that hadn’t changed. “If you see him again, you are not to talk to him,” he muttered as he stabbed at the chicken. Perhaps he would need to kill Grisha after all.

Natalia snorted. “Are you saying that because you think he’s dangerous or because you’re concerned that he turns my head?” she taunted.

“I believe I made it clear what would happen if I found you in the bed of another man before this year is up,” Alek said coldly. He didn’t like her tone of voice. It indicated she believed she had found his weakness.

“There are plenty of places to have sex other than a bed. There’s the shower. The closet. The floor. And you have so many rooms in here. Desks. Counters…”

Before she could finish ticking off all the placed she could have sex with Grisha, Alek was out of his seat and pulling her chair back. Despite the pain in his arm, it didn’t stop him from lifting her up to the table. “The kitchen,” he said as he bent his head to ravage her mouth.

He tasted and plundered with his tongue, and when she moaned under him, he finally came up for air. “Were you thinking of Grisha when I kissed you?” he said harshly.

There was both fear and desire in her eyes and as she stared at him. “No,” she admitted softly. The skin around her mouth was raw from his five o’clock shadow. He liked the way she looked right now. Dazed from his kiss.

His kiss. No one else’s.

“Who is the man in the frame?” he whispered in her ear. She froze, but she didn’t pull away.

“I don’t want to talk about this.”

“I do. I know that you feel like you don’t owe me any information on your personal life, but I have to know. I’ve told you about your father. I’ve told you about my recruitment from the orphanage. I need you to give me some personal information.”

“Fine.” She tucked her hair behind her ears and took a deep breath. “Nico was my boyfriend. Before my mother died, before I found my father, he was my boyfriend. I don’t keep the picture because I miss him or because I loved him. I mean, I did love him, but it was a child’s love. We were young. We were in college. He was perfect. Nico was handsome and sweet and attentive and perfect. But more importantly, he was my last touch of normalcy. He was there before my mother died and my world fell apart. He was there before I found out that my father lived only a few miles away. He was there before I got fired and had to work as a temp. And I walked away from him because he was normal, and I just wasn’t the woman who fit in a normal life anymore.”

Of all the answers he’d expected, that wasn’t one of them. He wasn’t the man who would take her in his arms to comfort her. She was in pain, and it had nothing to do with him.

Slowly, he began to slip the buttons of her shirt out of their holes. “Did you really think this outfit would deter me?” he said mildly. Now that he knew she wasn’t thinking of Grisha, he felt more in control of the situation. “You do realize that it’s my shirt. If you wanted to smell like me, there are other ways to go about it.”

“You want to do this now?” she said as she reached up to grab his hands.

Alek took a deep breath. “You’re not the woman who fits in a normal life, and that’s not a bad thing. But, if I want, I can give you one night of normalcy.”

“Did you plan this?” she asked as he spread her shirt aside. “Is this why you sent everyone away?”

He leaned down to nip at the crook of her shoulder and neck. Her head immediately lolled to give him access. “I know you like an audience, but tonight, you are for my eyes only. So tell me, Natalia. Where do you want to be when I finally take what’s mine?”


His lips moved to the sensitive hollow of her throat, and she couldn’t think. The cold air nipped at her skin, and as it mixed with the searing heat of her arousal, Natalia felt dizzy. Every nerve in her body screamed for her to wrap her legs around his waist and draw him closer.

“You didn’t answer me, Natalia. Do you want me to fuck you on the desk in the office? We could go out to the balcony so everyone can hear your screams of pleasure. Or maybe you want me to enter you right here on this table.”

“God,” she muttered. Unable to resist, she began to strip him of his shirt. Here. She needed him right here. Carefully not to disturb the bandage on his arm, she pushed the shirt down and slid her hands over his chest. His skin was warm and taut beneath her palms. “I shouldn’t want you at all.”

“But you do.” He reached back to unsnap her bra, and when her heavy breasts swung free, he leaned down to take a nipple in his mouth. The memory of the way he’d teased and tormented her last night flashed through her mind. He’d discovered just how sensitive her nipples were. She was sure she’d come from his tongue on her alone, but he’d always stopped at the last minute.

Slowly, she pushed him away and leaned back. His hands went to the snap on her jeans, and she lifted her hips as he pulled them down. Soon she was spread out on the table with nothing but a thin strip of black lace across her pussy to protect her.

He stroked her lightly through the fabric, and her hips jumped at the touch. “You are so beautiful,” he murmured softly. “And so responsive to my touch.”

Responsive? That was an understatement. As he continued to stroke her, he leaned over and kissed her again. Unable to help herself, she wrapped her legs around him and moved her hips over his erection. The rough material of his pants scraped over her clit, and she couldn’t help but do it again and again. Her body had a mind of its own and a hunger that would not be refused tonight.

He growled low in his chest and reached up to pinch her nipples. Something between pleasure and pain seared through her, and she cried out. “Just do it,” she pleaded with him. “Please. Just fuck me.”

“I will,” he promised her darkly. “But first you will beg.”

Something snapped inside her, and she pushed him back. “No,” she hissed. “You’ve heard me beg over the past few nights. But tonight, tonight you’re going to admit just how badly you want to be inside me.” She slid off the table and fell to her knees.

“Natalia.” His voice was a warning, but it didn’t stop her. She unbuckled his belt and stripped off his pants and boxers. When he sprung free, she reached up and slid a finger from the base to tip on the underside. His hips jerked in response, and she smiled wickedly. She wanted to feel the power of holding him in her hands.

Of having him in her mouth.

Slowly, she closed her lips over him and took him into her mouth. As her tongue moved in small patterns along the underside of his cock, he hissed loudly and gripped the table.

As she took him deeper, she slowly massaged the base with her tongue and began to move in an alternate pattern. It would drive him to distraction, but it wouldn’t get him off. He grunted and thrust gently with his hips before finally swearing.

“Fuck,” he gasped as he pulled out of her. “You’ve made your point. I do want you, and I’m going to have you. Get up.”

With a wicked smile on her face, she rose. She thought he was going to lift her back onto the table, but he sat on the chair and pulled her over on top of him. Natalia fell into his lap with a shriek of surprise, and felt his erection sliding along her wet slit. It butted up against her clit, and she moaned and rocked her hips on him.

“You’re going to ride me,” he said as he gripped her hips. “You’re going to take me as deep as you can, and when you think you can’t take any more of me, I’m going to make you so wet that I slide in even deeper,” he muttered as he jerked her head to the side and bit her neck.

“Please,” she begged. “Please.” But she didn’t have to beg. She had all the power, and as she planted her feet on the rungs of the chair and lifted herself, she slid down on top of him. As he filled and stretched her, she moaned and froze.

“So big,” she muttered. “Fuck.”

He gasped and gripped her hips tightly. She could see the beads of sweat on his forehead as he struggled for control. She knew he wanted to thrust his hips up and bury himself inside her, and she wanted that too, but it had been a long time since she’d had anyone inside her.

“Easy,” she gasped.

“I am, baby,” he whispered. “Just relax. You can do it.”

Tilting her hips, she slowly took more of him in, and they both moaned loudly. There wasn’t going to be anything quiet about tonight. Wouldn’t Ana be pissed in the morning when she found the dining room smelled of sex as well?

He reached between them and pressed his thumb to her clit. The pressure was just right, and she whimpered as she slid down all the way. Fully flush against him, rotated her hips just a little to get the feel of him. Desire like she had never known burned through her, but she didn’t want it to be over too quickly. She wanted this to last all night.

“What are you waiting for?” he demanded.

Natalia gripped his biceps and moved forward to press her lips to his in another hot and dizzying kiss. While he was distracted, she lifted her hips and plunged back down. “Fuck,” he said hoarsely as he broke off the kiss. The feeling of him sliding over that sweet spot inside her broke all of her control, and she began to move wildly over him. Up and down. In and out. She rotated her hips to the left and then to the right as she adjusted to him. In didn’t matter. Everything was intense, and there was no reprieve. She rode him like the demons inside her demanded, and as he gripped her hips, he forced her to go even faster and harder.

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