Owning Corey (2 page)

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Authors: Maris Black

BOOK: Owning Corey
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I must be having a reaction to the young wolf who’s just been introduced into my pack, because I’ve definitely shifted into alpha mode. I eye the shoes deliberately, feeling even more blood rush to my dick. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Okay,” Christina and Corey both chime in unison. I stare open-mouthed at Corey.

His lips turn up in a sheepish grin. “Oh… You meant just the two of you. Shit, that’s embarrassing. Okay, you kids have fun. I’ll just go eat some reindeer cupcakes and get plastered. ” He gestures toward the dessert table, where three portly nurses are stalking the goods.

Christina laughs, a sultry sound of feminine delight that gets the attention of nearly everyone in the room, especially the men. Of course it gives me a sense of pride that she’s so desirable, but sometimes it can be quite the annoyance... like now.

“Ben, I’ve already invited Corey back to my place with us.” She trails her fingernail down my arm. “He and I were discussing it earlier, before I introduced you. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Guilty as charged.” Corey nods, and an errant lock of wavy black hair falls across his forehead. “We talked about the three of us getting a twelve pack and a movie. She said you like psychological thrillers, same as me. And stout beer.”

“Jesus, how long have you two been talking? Has she told you my underwear size, too?”

Corey smiles and looks at the floor, his face coloring slightly. “Um… we’ve actually talked a few times, Ben.”

Christina slips her arms around my waist, trying to pry me away from the wall. “Come on, Ben. It’ll be fun.” She’s using her sexiest voice on me now, the one she knows will almost surely get her what she wants, but I’m still not sold.

“Look, I know what you’re thinking,” Corey says quietly, leaning in so close to my ear I can feel the heat coming off of him. He glances meaningfully at Christina, then back at me. “It’s not about her. I just don’t have any friends in town yet, and it sounded really good to have a beer and watch a movie— get to know each other. But if it’s not cool with you, I totally understand.”

Against my will, I’m starting to like this guy. I don’t have that many friends, either. It’s hard to make friends when you work like I do. Truth be known, I’m not great friend material. Not with all the shit I carry around inside me. Being a doctor isn’t the glamorous job people think it is. It can seriously fuck you up in the head.

“Alright.” I hold up my hands in surrender. “It sounds fun. I think I’m just in a bad mood from this horrendous party.”



Since Christina hasn’t been drinking, I let her drive my car. She’s been annoying the hell out of me to drive it for the entire two months we’ve been dating, so she’s thrilled.

What is it about a Porsche that gets women so wet? Between the car and the doctor title, I’m a walking chick magnet. Which is not as great as you’d imagine, by the way.

In the beginning it was awesome, but after a while you get tired of the fake shit. Most of these small town women get dollar signs in their eyes every time they look at me. I’m their rock star, their Prince Charming. You can see them get all nervous and fidgety, desperate to say the right thing. They’re all in a contest, and I’m the first place trophy, which makes me extremely uncomfortable.

Maybe I’m two-faced. In fact, I know I am, but I can’t help it. I crave admiration and respect, but not for having money. I certainly don’t want a woman who considers me some sort of financial conquest. I suppose you could say I have a fear of being some woman’s bankroll.

That’s what I like about Christina. She appreciates nice things, loves the car, loves dating a doctor, but she’s much too impressed with herself to consider me her superior. If anything, she thinks she’s bringing more to the table than I am, and that I’m lucky to have her as arm candy. She is a pretty hot piece of ass. But the main thing is I don’t feel like she’s desperate to land me. That means a lot.

I wonder how it would change things if she knew how much money I actually have, and that being a doctor is just something I do to have a sense of purpose. My real money was handed down from my grandfather, but almost no one knows about it. Money earned through hard work is a source of pride for a family, but that’s not the case with my money. It’s more like a dirty family secret.

As we drive from the hospital to the convenience store, Christina and I are comfy in the cockpit, but Corey’s substantial bulk is literally folded into the backseat, and it’s got me rethinking my choice of vehicles. The Porsche isn’t exactly conducive to having friends.

Christina drops the windows, and I let my head fall back, feeling the icy wind whip through my hair and into my nose, stealing my breath. We all shiver and howl in the wind as if we’ve lost our minds, high on adrenaline. It’s exhilarating, and for a moment I’m a school boy again.

“Think it’s gonna snow?” She yells over the rushing of the air.

I laugh. “If it does, we’ll freeze to death before we get to your house.”

“Bring it on,” Corey growls, pumping his fist up through the open sun roof like some misplaced teenage football star. “Woo-hoo!”

By the time we get to the store a couple of blocks down the road, our faces are made of flesh-colored ice. Christina’s long blond hair has been whipped until it looks like white cotton candy. Corey’s longish dark mane is similarly disheveled, though it does nothing to diminish his looks. I wonder what my hair looks like. It’s shorter than both of theirs, so there’s a chance I still look fairly respectable.

We stand shivering just inside the store for a long moment, waiting for the warmth to penetrate our frozen bodies, before we can bring ourselves to go near the drink cooler to grab the beer.

“Hang on,” I call as Christina and Corey make their way to the cash register, Corey holding the twelve pack hoisted on his broad shoulder. “Let me get some Boston Baked Beans. I’m craving something sweet.”

“Ooh, ooh,” Christina cries, running back to join me on the candy aisle, her red heels clicking on the terrazzo floor. “I want some lemon drops. Will you buy me some lemon drops, baby?” She gives an exaggerated flutter of her false lashes.

“I don’t know, Chris. They’re a quarter a box. That’s pretty steep.”

She laughs, grabs two boxes, and kisses me on the cheek. “I’ll pay you back,” she whispers, and there’s promise in her green eyes.

“Mmmm, I think I’ll take it out of that sweet ass.” I slap her on the rear, eliciting a cute little squeal that makes my dick jump in my pants.
You’ll have to wait, buddy
, I tell it.
We’ve got company.

“Hey man, what’s your favorite candy?” I call out to Corey, who’s waiting at the counter. “I’m buying. Sky’s the limit, as long as it’s not over a quarter.”

His face blanks out while he tries to decide if I’m serious or not.

“Just kidding,” I tell him. “What do you like?”

“Um… Nerds. Or anything with toffee. I’ll pay for the beer.”

“No, hell, you won’t. I’m getting it all. You’re our guest.”

I grab a box of Nerds and a chocolate covered toffee bar and head up to the counter. The clerk eyes the three of us over the top of his glasses like we’re a bunch of rowdy teenagers with the munchies. Christina pokes me in the side and giggles, and Corey is stifling a laugh. As for myself, I’ve got a mile wide grin on my face. It’s like the store is piping in nitrous oxide through the air ducts. Or maybe we’re still delirious from the cold air. Or maybe it’s just the Christmas spirit finally kicking in. Whatever it is, I’m liking it.



WE’RE on the road again. This time we’ve kept the windows up and the heater is going full blast.

“I’m stopping at the movie store,” Christina announces as she pulls up to the curb and leaves the car running. “You guys sit here, and I’ll surprise you, okay?”

I groan and hand her my credit card. “As long as we don’t end up with
Steel Magnolias
He’s Just Not That Into You

She laughs and sprints up the steps, giving me— or us— a sexy flash of ass cheek from beneath her short dress as she muscles the heavy glass door open and a gust of wind blows her inside.

Corey turns to me after she’s gone. “I still can’t believe you guys have an old-fashioned video store. Everyone in Atlanta rents their movies from a box.”

“Yeah, we have one of the few remaining mom and pop video stores in the state, probably even the country. But that’s how things are in towns as small as Blackwood. Businesses aren’t corporations around here; they’re someone’s livelihood. The family who owns this store has lived here for generations, and everybody knows them. No way some damn box is going to come in and put Mr. And Mrs. Leroux on welfare. Besides that, they have an unbelievable inventory they’ve been building for decades. If you can’t find it at Leroux Video, you won’t find it anywhere.”

“I know, man. I went in the other day to see if they had a cheap used player, and I couldn’t believe it. Two huge rooms of wall to wall movies. One full of DVD’s, and one full of old VHS tapes. It’s a movie lover’s paradise.”

“Three,” I correct.

“Three what?”

“Three rooms.” I’m looking intently at him now, because I sense he doesn’t know what I’m talking about, and that means I’m about to have a good laugh at his expense.

His eyebrows draw together, and I can see the cogs turning in his brain as he tries in vain to remember a third room.

“The back room,” I whisper with a sneaky smile and watch as realization dawns on his face. His embarrassment is amusing to me, and I prod him a little just to watch him squirm. “You know, triple X movies. Porn.
The Devil in Miss Jones

“Whoa, you had me at
back room
.” He holds up a hand and laughs. “But how long has it been since you’ve watched porn that your example is an obscure movie from the eighties?”

I cock an eyebrow at him. “It’s from the seventies. And you recognized the reference, so I guess you don’t have much room to talk. Which is interesting, because you’re really too young to know that movie. What are you, twenty-five?”

He laughs. “I guess you’re right, doc. And I’m twenty-six. Well into manhood, thank you very much. How old are you?”

“Thirty-three, which officially makes me your superior in all things. And that reminds me… Night shift is my domain, you know. Maybe you want to reconsider working with me. I’ve heard I can be a real bastard.”

He smiles, showing boyish dimples that counter his manly physique. I work out, but this guy looks like he belongs in action movies or something. His muscles aren’t bulky, but he’s broad and cut like hell. And tall. He’s got to be six-foot-four if he’s an inch, because I’m exactly six feet, and he makes me feel pretty small.

It’s embarrassing for me to admit this even to myself, but he’s the most amazing looking guy I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s no wonder Christina is barking up his tree.

“Some of the nurses have actually warned me about you, Dr. Hardy. They say you’re anal retentive, and that you’ll chew me up and spit me out if I don’t do things just so.”

He waits for me to respond, but I’m having trouble finding my tongue. No one, not even Christina, has ever had the gumption to say such a thing to me. The truth stings a little, but I’m impressed by his candor.

“Does that make you nervous?” I ask. “Do
make you nervous?”

He shrugs, flashing the dimples again. “Yeah, a little. But I have a plan.” He rubs his hands together evil villain style. “I figure I’ll watch a movie with you, drink a few beers, ply you with my charm… You’ll be putty in my hands before morning.”

Before I can deliver a smart comeback, Christina climbs back into the car, bringing with her an arctic chill that makes my teeth chatter. “What movie did you get, babe?”

She shoves a plastic bag between the seat and the center console, hands me back my card, and puts the car in gear. “
Return of the Living Dead

“What is this, seventies movie night?” Corey asks.

“Eighties,” I correct, and he rolls his eyes.

“Guys, it’s a fun movie. I want to get wild and crazy.” Christina tears away from the curb a little faster than I would like, barking the tires loudly, and I fear for my Porsche as well as our lives.

“You’d better enjoy driving my car tonight, young lady, because it’s the only time it’s ever gonna happen.”

She pouts. “You’re such a chauvinist.”

“I certainly am not. I believe women are great at lots of things. Driving is just not one of them. See? You almost clipped that curb. Jesus, slow down. You’re about to give me a heart attack.”

“Ben, quit being such a control freak. I’m not going to wreck your precious car.”

“I’m less worried about the car and more about our well-being. I don’t want to end up in the hospital as a patient, okay? Let me enjoy my night off.”

Christina’s house is only a few blocks further, and I hold my breath most of the way there. She’s driving erratically on purpose, trying to push my buttons.

I snatch the keys from her and stuff them in my pocket as we cross the threshold of her small but immaculate house. Inside it is sleek and modern, and expensive. I have no idea how she can afford to decorate and dress like she does on what she makes managing the hospital human resources department. But she’s childless and has few obligations other than overindulging herself, which she does well and often.

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