Pack Investigator (10 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Pack Investigator
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“Come on, Dad!” Nick grabbed Randy’s hand with his free one before he started forward.

Lily followed behind, and when Garrett peered over his shoulder at her and winked, a slow ball of hot arousal grew in her stomach. She missed a step and almost fell on her face but managed to grab a hold of the railing. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself before she slipped away to the restroom closest to the kitchen. She splashed cold water on her neck and held her hands to make sure she was in control. With a house full of shifters, they’d be able to pick up any change in her scent. What she needed to do was get the paperwork completed and submitted so Randy would have full custody of Nick back. The order from the judge only gave the state temporary custody of him so it would be no problem to transfer the records.

She strolled into the kitchen and right smack into the middle of organized chaos. Cooper and Tom were pulling packages of meat out of the deep freeze as Josiah came up from the basement with two cases of beer. Julie stood at the stove stirring something in a saucepan. Garrett and Randy sat at the table beside Nick. Garrett was peeling potatoes and Randy was holding the stuffed wolf that Lily had purchased.

“Looks like it’s going to be a party,” she commented.

“It is,” Julie said with a wide grin.

“If you don’t mind me taking up some space here at the table, I can go ahead and get Nick taken care of,” Lily said.

“Please,” Julie replied. “Let’s get it all over with so we can really celebrate.”

She grabbed her bag that she’d set aside earlier and pulled out her laptop before taking a seat. She opened the lid of her computer and powered it on. She glanced over the top as she felt Garrett’s gaze on her. She smiled then opened the program to finish the work so she could have a little fun later.


* * * *


It was a good gathering, Garrett mused. Mike had shown up and it had been decided that Randy and Nick would go home with him. Garrett would miss the kid but he knew that it was important that Nick’s schedule went back to normal quickly. Or as normal as it could be under the circumstances. Nick needed to be around the people that were familiar to him. The boy would have more changes ahead of him as he and Randy healed. He didn’t think Nick would ever forget the fear or the confusion that he’d experienced.

He tightened his hand on the beer bottle he was holding as he stood out on the back porch watching his friends talk and laugh. Tom and Steve were throwing a ball around to Nick. Cooper, Mike and Randy were discussing an upcoming Pack meeting and how they were handling the fallout of the mayor’s arrest just months before. Cooper had been responsible for the takedown of the public official who’d been manufacturing drugs that were deadly to shifters. Garrett had moved to town right after so he’d missed the excitement and he was kind of glad about that.

For a town so full of shifters there were a lot of cases for the Clear Creek Police Department. Especially as there was still some fallout from the shifters going public. Clear Creek was also a tourist place and there were a lot of people who acted stupid while in the city when they drank too much. Garrett himself worked more shifts then he had in Kermit. Traffic accidents were common and he saw way too much drinking and driving.

Garrett would have been worried crazy if he’d been around during the investigation into taking the mayor down. Actually, until he’d met Tom and Steve, and Julie had fallen in love with Cooper, Garrett hadn’t given much thought about shifters. Now he felt strongly that the shifters deserved the same rights as he and all the humans. It reminded him that Haas had promised to look into the Kermit Fire Department problems. He’d have to follow up about that. He really wanted to make sure the shifters that were left behind had someone looking out for them.

He’d have to go back to fighting fires full time now that the investigation was complete, until he worked out his certifications and determined whether he could for sure work with Haas. He didn’t really mind since he did enjoy that aspect of his job. But he was still going to finish getting his qualifications. The last few days of working with Haas and having a taste of the job he could do had him wanting more.

The glass door behind him opened so he turned as Julie and Lily strolled out with more drinks. He drained the rest of his beer and set it down on the closest table. “Here, let me take those,” he offered while holding his hand out for the tray. It appeared they’d be moving on from beer to harder liquor.

“Thanks, bro.” Julie grinned at him before skipping off to her lover. Lily was still standing in front of him and he really wanted to lean forward and place his lips over hers. To taste her as he had done before, but he knew that if he started something there at his sister’s house he’d be regretting it later. He wouldn’t be able to stop this time. He wanted Lily under him in a soft bed, craved to taste more than just her lips. His erection was almost painful. Maybe he could talk her into slipping out and they could disappear together. It wouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone at the house. Julie and Cooper had been giving him smug smiles all night, and Tom and Steve had been bumping into him all night with their eyes on Lily. Yeah, it was obvious that he wanted her, and luckily he was pretty damn sure that she felt the same way.

God, he didn’t know if he’d ever wanted anyone as much.

Lily breathed in deeply, and he knew the moment that she picked up on his lust as her eyes widened before dropping down to his pants. Fuck, his cock twitched as her attention narrowed on him. She licked her lips, and he barely held in a moan.

“Hey, bring those drinks over so we can have a toast before everyone starts to leave,” Cooper hollered.

Garrett straightened his shoulders before he leaned closer to her. “One drink,” he murmured. “Just one and then let’s get the hell out of here.”

Her face was flushed. “Please.”

With a nod, he turned and walked to where the others had gathered around. He ignored the knowing looks as he set the tray down.

Cooper poured out shots of whiskey as Josiah handed them out.

“What about me?” Nick asked from beside his dad.

“Not for a few more years,” Randy told him, but Lily passed over a juice box to Nick.

Nick beamed at her.

“To Randy coming home!” Cooper held up his glass.

“Yeah, Daddy!” Nick shouted.

Randy smiled. “To my friends who took care of my boy and reunited him with me.”

Garrett tilted his head and swallowed the liquor down in one shot. The whiskey burned in just the right way.

He set his glass back down just as Lily did the same. They caught gazes and Garrett couldn’t resist moving closer so that he brushed his arm against hers. She shifted just a little so that she could press back into him.

“Well.” Mike cleared his throat while grinning. “I better get Randy and Nick back to my place.”

“Yeah,” Randy said. “I could use a hot shower and a bed.”

“Can I sleep with you tonight?” Nick asked. “Me and Garrett?”

Randy glanced over at him. “I think he’s talking about his wolf,” Garrett told Randy.

Everyone laughed, and Randy picked Nick up in his arms. “You bet, buddy.”

“Yeah!” Nick cried. He looked over at Garrett. “Are you coming?”

Garrett ruffled the boy’s hair. “No, little man, I have to go to my own house. I’ll have to get back to fighting fires tomorrow.”

“Saving people like me?” Nick asked with all innocence.

Damn, Garrett was going to miss him. “Yep, but I’ll see you soon. I told you that I’d be around.”

“Okay,” Nick agreed.

Randy hugged Nick to him. “I’ll check on our house in the morning and as soon as we can move back in and everything is cleaned up we’ll have Garrett and all our friends over for our own barbecue.”

“You can see my toys!” Nick said.

“Of course,” Garrett told him.

“Let’s get your stuff together and get going,” Randy said.

“We’re going to take off too,” Tom stated.

Garrett nodded his agreement. As the group said their goodbyes, he stayed close to Lily. The arousal from earlier hadn’t faded. It wasn’t until they were out front standing alone that nerves hit. Luckily he’d left his vehicle at Julie’s.

Lily paused in front of her own ride. “Are you coming over?” she asked.

Relieved, he nodded. “I’d invite you back to my house but Tom and Steve will be there.” He shuffled closer. “And the plans I have for you require us to be all alone.”

She raised an eyebrow—a perfect arch that was sexy as hell. “Oh yeah?”

He slid up to press her against her vehicle. His cock rubbed against her stomach and that slight pressure was enough to have his knees going weak. He lifted her chin so she could look into his eyes. “That’s a promise.”

He couldn’t resist—didn’t have to—and dropped his mouth on top of hers. She moaned and opened for him. He thrust his tongue inside—her flavor was just as intoxicating as he remembered. There was a touch of the whiskey that they’d all had and a little of the beer that had been passed around. But it was her unique taste that had him deepening the kiss as he ran his hands up her sides.

Before he got carried away, he forced himself to gentle the kiss until their lips just rested on one another’s. “We have to get out of here.”

Her laughter was soft. “Yes, we better. Good thing I live alone. Follow me?”

He nodded then did the hardest thing he could ever remember doing. He drew back from her.

“Okay.” Lily straightened her shirt before running her hand through her hair. “Okay, let’s go.”

Garrett waited until she was inside her car with the engine rumbling before he jogged over to his own ride. He climbed inside and jerked when the radio blared loudly. He chuckled as he turned the volume down. The last time he’d been inside he’d put on some old rock and roll.

Lily was backing out of the drive so Garrett put his vehicle in gear and followed closely. There would be no chance of him losing her. As he drove into town, he tried to think of anything other than what he would be engaging in later. If he didn’t calm down he wouldn’t last long enough to do half of what he had planned.

In less than ten minutes, excitement rushed through him again when, in front of him, Lily’s blinker came on.

The small duplex had two tiny but neat yards side by side with only a narrow strip of concrete between them. A single step led to the front door. The outside looked newly painted in a dark brown shade with white trim. He turned off his vehicle before pushing open the door. Lily stopped halfway up the sidewalk to wait on him.

He walked closer, taking in the way she ran her palms over her jeans. Maybe she was feeling a little bit nervous too. Weirdly, that calmed him a little. When he reached her, Garrett slid his arm around her waist and propelled her forward. “Hope the walls aren’t too thin.”

“Young man, bartender, lives beside me. He works nights,” she told him. “And he’s human.”

So they had plenty of privacy. That was good to know. Lily used the keys in her hand to unlock the deadbolt. He let her enter first but when she crossed over the threshold he reached for her as he kicked the door closed with his foot.

Lily turned in his arms as he pushed her back against the wall. Garrett’s breath whooshed out then she kissed him. He grabbed her wrists and held her close as he plundered her mouth. He quickly moved down her neck to nibble on the flesh there. Her nails dug into his chest but he didn’t mind the sharp bite of pain. No, instead it turned him on further. He whirled them around so that this time it was his back pressed to the wood.

He lifted his mouth long enough to whisper, “Either we need to get to your bed or I’m going to take you right here.” He kissed her again but this time she held onto his shoulders while guiding him down the hall.

Garrett couldn’t stop touching her, and it seemed she had the same thought since they had to take the walk slowly so they didn’t trip. When they did get to the bedroom, Lily gave him a hard shove. He fell back but managed to catch himself just in time to open his arms as she leaped at him.

He staggered, barely kept to his feet then turned still, holding her until the edge of the bed hit his knees. She bounced a couple of times after he dropped her down. Lily threw her head back and laughed while Garrett pulled his shirt over his head.

He made sure to be gentle but firm with his hands as he leaned forward and pulled her down the bed before he brushed his lips against her neck. With both hands, he pushed up her blouse to reveal her soft silky skin. He tasted every inch of her flesh as he removed each garment until she was gloriously naked and panting in need. As he settled on his knees, cushioned on the thick carpet, he lifted her leg to spread her so he could lower his mouth to her sweet wet pussy. He licked one long strip, which caused her to arch. He tightened his hold on her leg then buried his head at her entrance, really getting into pleasuring her. He used his tongue to spear her and Lily couldn’t hold back her moan. When he added his fingers, she lifted her hips off the bed just a little. Garrett growled, bringing his left arm over her waist to hold her down. She tasted sweet and he couldn’t get enough of her flavor. He ran his tongue through her folds causing her to shudder. He added a finger as he sucked on her clit. Lily cried out while bucking up. It took more force to hold her down than he thought. He liked that fight, how she allowed herself to just let go. He wanted more, he didn’t think he’d ever get tired of having her this way.

“I told you that I had a plan,” he murmured. “This is just phase one.”

“I can’t…can’t take more,” she stuttered. “Pl…lease.”

“You’ll take this and more,” he told her. “Now enjoy.” He went back to work until she gripped his head, then she bucked up, almost knocking him back. She climaxed, and he licked up every bit of her juice.

Garrett rose quickly while struggling to unbuckle his belt. His fingers trembled but he managed to undo the buckle and pull it through the hoops of his jeans. Lily scooted up to help with the button and zippers of his pants and he was grateful. Her eyes were wide, sweat had gathered around her hairline, but she obviously still had enough brain power to remove the last of his clothing. He would have to make sure this round took away the rest of her ability to think.

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