Pack Law

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Authors: Marie Stephens

Tags: #Romance, #erotica werewolf, #Paranormal, #werewolf

BOOK: Pack Law
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Pack Law

Marie Stephens




Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2012 Marie Stephens

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Chapter 1

It has been a long night here at the
hospital. I have had several code blues in the emergency room. The
moon is full tonight. It seems that anything and everything always
happens on the full moon. I really hate having to work tonight
since it is so busy. The full moon has always been enticing to me.
I love the feeling I get when it is at its fullest. My name is Ava
Lingam. I am a Respiratory Therapist for a small county hospital
here in the mountains in Ashville, North Carolina. We hold maybe
two hundred patients at our fullest. Here lately we do not see that
many patients because of the economy being the way it is. Many
people can’t afford to go to the doctors so they don’t go to the
doctor until it is too late. My job is to treat patients that have
difficulty breathing and attending any and all code blues. I place
breathing tubes in patients that are unable to breathe for
themselves with the aid of a mechanical device called a ventilator.
My job can be exciting at times but lately we have not had any
codes in the hospital until today. I am on my way to start my
second patient rounds when my pager goes off. There is a code blue
in room two in the emergency room. I stop what I am doing and run
down to the emergency room. I open the double doors to the ER and
grab some gloves on my way into room two. What do we have here I
asked the other staff? We have a multiple gunshot wounds to the
abdomen, chest, and back. The patient is a male two hundred fifty
pounds, 6’6” tall, very muscular, with long blond hair. He was
found outside a hotel in town. He has been brought in by EMS.
Someone at the hotel found him outside and called 911. He is a
really big guy and has tattoos all over his chest that run down
both arms. His breathing is shallow and labored. Was anyone with
him that knows anything about him? “No”, replied the nurse. We need
to protect his airway. We are going to intubate this patient so he
can breathe better and get him to surgery to remove all the bullets
to save his life. I pull out my intubation box from the crash cart
and collect all the necessary items to place a tube in this
patient’s airway. After about five minutes I have the tube in place
and taped it to keep it stable so that way it doesn’t get pulled
out. We are going to take the patient to CAT scan to find out where
all of his wounds are and where the bullets ended up. I grab the
ambu bag and begin to ventilate the patient with oxygen by a tank
under the stretcher. I push the stretcher with one hand and bag the
patient with the other. The nurse accompanies me and runs ahead to
let the x-ray technician know about the patient’s injuries. As I
round the corner the patient reaches up and rips out his tube that
is helping him breathe. My only thought is that he can’t breathe. I
try to reach for him and he grabs me by the arm. I don’t know how
he is awake. He is so big that he drags me down the hall like I am
a rag doll being dragged behind a child. I begin to scream but he
squeezes my arm harder and I gasp in pain. I forgot all about
screaming as the tears well up in my eyes from his grip. I can see
the bullet wounds leaking fresh blood from where they entered. I
don’t understand how he is standing let alone how he is dragging me
with him. We come to a door at the end of the hall that is marked
stairs. It leads to the outside of the hospital. Once he gets me
outside it is over for me. Oh God, he is going to kill me. No one
is going to know where I am. I don’t even think anyone would care.
I have been estranged from my family since I was a teenager and I
have lived own my own ever since. “Who are you and where are you
taking me”, I asked? “My name is Tristan and you ask too many
questions. I need you to be quiet so I can clear my head. I need to
be able to think”, he replied. He pulls out a cell phone and dials
a number. I hear him whispering about someone picking him up and
that there will be an extra person with him. I panic and turn to
run from him. He grabs me and throws me over his shoulder like a
sack of potatoes. I try to straighten up and hit my head on the
door frame. Everything starts to go black. Oh shit! I am in so much

I awake to the humming of a vehicle. Oh no, I
am in a car. I can feel my head pounding so loudly in my ears. I
reach up to rub my head and feel a really big knot on the top of my
head. I must have hit it really hard. I think I must have a
concussion. I can’t remember what I did for my head to hurt like
this. I try to move my head and have an overwhelming urge to throw
up. I grab my head to keep it still. “I see that you are awake
now”, replied this voice on the seat beside me. I turned and
recognized the man immediately. It was Tristan the man from the
hospital. There has to be someone driving since he is in the seat
beside me. “Why have you taken me against my will”, she replied? “I
need you to remove the bullets from my body”, he replied. “I am not
a surgeon so I guess you kidnapped the wrong person”, she replied.
“You will do just fine. I cannot heal with the bullets in my body.
The bullets will poison me the longer they stay in my system. I can
already feel the effects of the bullets now, replied Tristan. “Well
I guess you are shit up the creek without a paddle, because that is
not my area of expertise”, replied Ava. You saved my life in
emergency room earlier and you can do it again. We will have all
the necessary supplies you will need ready and waiting for you when
we get there”, he said. We did not speak anymore the remainder of
the trip. I couldn’t stop thinking about how impossible it is for
him to be up and moving around. As I see it he should be dead. I
saw at least ten bullet wounds covering his body. I did not see a
bullet proof vest lying around anywhere. He would have to be
immortal or something else to have withstood all those gunshot
wounds. I must be going crazy. Maybe I didn’t see what I thought I
saw. Maybe that bump on my head did more damage than I thought.

As I lay on the seat trying not to move my
head, the car slows down and we stop at a gate. I lift up out of
the back seat to see this huge metal gate coming into view. I could
barely see it while I was lying down. It looks like it is the
entrance to where ever we are going. We drive down this private
road which seemed like forever. It doesn’t look like something a
kidnapper would own. It is very secluded and the land runs on for
miles in either direction. It seems peaceful and inviting. There
are trees that go on forever. Unfortunately if you are being held
against your will, it doesn’t look that inviting. We pull up to
what looks like a mansion. Oh my, this cannot be. Why is this
beautiful home out here in the middle of nowhere? The mansion is
crafted in stone and brick. It is a two story home with balconies
off each room. There are columns at the front entrance where the
door is. The mansion seems to go on forever. There have to be
multiple people living here. There are tree all around the Mansion.
Down a private road further behind the mansion, you can see homes
in different areas of the property. That sends a scary thought in
my head. If there are all these people here, they are never going
to let me go. I know too much about these people and where they
live for them to let me go. The paranoia is setting in now. Tristan
grabs my arm and I am brought back to reality. The man that is
driving the car gets out and comes around to open my door. I am so
shocked. This man looks completely harmless. He looks to be in his
seventies. He looks like someone’s grand-daddy. He has grey hair
and he has blue eyes. He is about 5’8” tall and has a smile on his
face as he reaches out to help me out of the car. Madam my name is
Jeffery and I will be helping place your bags upstairs. I will
assist you with anything you need. “What I need is to get out of
here and away from these people”, Ava replied. I am sure the sire
will let you leave once he is well again. Sire! Why would you call
him sire? We must hurry madam; his health is declining as we speak.
I start walking toward the door and turn to see two huge males
lifting Tristan out of the car and helping him in the house through
a side door. This all seems to get stranger and stranger. Maybe he
is getting worse. He hasn’t said anything to me in a while. I
haven’t been paying any attention to him since we arrived here at
the mansion. Could something have happened to him and I wasn’t
paying attention? I need to hurry and check on him. Why should I
care if something happens to him? He kidnapped me and brought me
here without my approval. I will help him then ask questions later.
Jeffery please take me to him now because I will not be staying
here long enough to worry about putting my bags away. As you wish
Madam, I will take you to him. The mansion is spacious and
beautiful inside. The place has been decorated exquisitely. Someone
has sophisticated tastes and it shows in the way things have been
arranged and decorated. There is art work on the walls and a nice
cozy fire in the corner of the room with comfy couches with pillows
placed all around it. I follow Jeffery down the hall until we stop
at the last door at the end of the hall. He knocks and someone
yells for us to enter. I enter the room and notice that there are
two huge men in the room with Tristan. They are the guys that
brought Tristan in from the car. The man to his right looks like he
weighs a good two hundred and fifty pounds and is 6’8” tall and
very muscular. He is as big as Tristan. He has long wavy hair brown
and has brown eyes. He has a very rugged handsome look to him. He
has tattoos from his pectoral muscles all the way down his arms.
They almost look like they are some type of tribal markings. The
guy to Tristan’s left is at least two hundred and fifty pounds and
looks to be 6’10” and has long blond hair and blue eyes. He is very
muscular and also has the tattoos in the same places as the last
guy. These guys look like they fell out of a bodybuilding
completion. They are very handsome and are not lacking in looks
department at all. It is unusual to have this many good looking men
in one place. I wonder if they are gay. “We are not gay”, replied
the man to Tristan’s right. “I didn’t say anything”, replied Ava.
“I heard what your mind said. We like women very much and we are
not afraid to show it”, he replied. I am sorry; I didn’t mean to
offend anyone and how did you know what I said, replied Ava? I was
born with the gift of hearing other people’s thoughts. My name is
Zane and my friend here is Christian. My name is Ava and it is nice
to meet you both. “We need you to tend to Tristan’s wounds”,
replied Zane. “I will do the best I can but I am not a doctor,”
replied Ava. We will trust that you will do what’s best for him. “I
need the both of you to lie him down on the bed and strip off his
clothes. I will need your help turning him to get the bullets out
of his back,” replied Ava. “We will do what is necessary to make
him better”, replied Christian. “That is good to hear because he is
going to need all the help he can get,” replied Ava. The guys
unbutton his jeans and pull them off and throw them onto the floor.
Tristan lost his shirt when he was brought in by EMS. They usually
cut peoples clothes off. I guess they only got as far as his


Chapter 2

Beside the bed there is a metal tray with all
kinds of surgical equipment and bandages. They were not kidding
when they said they would have all the supplies I would need. “What
kind of place is this,” asked Ava? “This is our home. We have a lot
of people hear and we usually take care of each other’s injuries if
needed”, replied Zane. I look on the tray and find a pair of
surgical tweezers, scissors, and a suture kit. I grab a bunch of
gauze and lay them out on the tray. I walk over to where Tristan is
laying on the bed and he looks unconscious. I ask for some alcohol
so I can disinfect the wounds. I had seen it on TV several times so
I guess it would work. Zane brings me a bottle of vodka. I guess it
will have to do. I lift the bottle of vodka to my mouth and take a
big gulp. I need this as much as he does. I pour some alcohol on
one of the bullet holes and stick the tweezers inside of the wound.
It is still draining blood from each entrance wound. He doesn’t
even flinch. He must be worse off than I had suspected. I continue
digging in the wound until I hit something that doesn’t feel like
bone. I tried to grab onto the bullet and pull it out. It is hard
to get a grip on it when you don’t have a lot of room to expand the
tweezers. I have the bullet in my grasp. It is a silver plated
bullet. Why in the hell would anyone want to shoot him with a
silver plated bullet? I repeat the same procedure on all of the
other wounds having the guys to roll him over to get the ones on
his back. I poured alcohol on each of the wounds. I make sure each
hole is clean as I place stitches in each and every one of them. I
covered them with sterile gauze to keep them from getting dirt on
them that way they won’t get infected. I grabbed a sheet and began
to cover Tristan with it and realized how handsome he really is.
During this whole disaster, I haven’t really looked at him. He has
the kind of features that have been chiseled by a God. His body is
so beautiful that it looks like one of the statues of the Greek
Gods. He has a light dusting of hair on his chest down to the
center of his belly button and down below to his manhood. I have to
say that his manhood is very impressive and something to definitely
remember. They never put anything that impressive on the statues at
the museums. I shake my head to get the thought out of my head. I
turn around to leave the room and I am stopped by Zane. I know what
you were just thinking about Ava. “It would be smart to stay out of
my head Zane. People do not like to have their thoughts invaded
upon. It is very rude and unwelcomed. Some thoughts should be your
own”, replied Ava. “I will remember that next time. When will he be
better”, replied Zane? “I do not know, only time will tell. He had
a lot of damage done to his body. There are people that do not
survive those kinds of injuries”, replied Ava. “We are not like
normal people Ava. I will take you to your room so that you can
rest considering you have been up all night long”, replied Zane.
“That is alright, I am ready to go home now. I have done what was
asked of me and now I am ready to be released”, replied Ava. “I am
sorry to tell you that you cannot leave just yet. Trinity is still
not better and not to his full potential. He is to be healed
completely before I can let you go”, replied Zane. “His injuries
are so bad that he may not make it through the next twenty-fours
let alone the next couple of days”, replied Ava. “Well it is your
job to keep him alive then Ava. I suggest you get some sleep. When
you wake up I will have someone come and get you to eat,” replied
Zane. I walk to the door and am met by Christian. “I will show you
to the room that will be yours while you stay here”, he replied. We
walk out into the hall and I am led to a room off to the right of
Tristan’s room. “Zane is not himself. He is just worried about
Tristan and has to take on the responsibilities of our brethren
because Tristan is unable to”, he replied. “I can understand how he
feels. What are the brethren”, Ava asked? “It is the members of our
family. We are not all related but we are bound together by
nature”, he replied. “What does that mean exactly”, asked Ava? “It
just means that I cannot tell you anything more than what I have
said. It is not up to me to tell you of our ways. That would be
left up to Tristan”, replied Christian. I walk into the bedroom and
there is a queen size bed on the center wall with a night stand on
both sides of the bed adorned with lamps. The room is painted in a
neutral color and there are beige curtains hanging from the
windows. The bed has a comforter that looks like it was hand made
with accent pillows that match. There is no television in the room
or a radio. I walk into the bathroom that is adjoined to my room.
It has a Jacuzzi style bathtub with heated floors and a stand up
shower. These people really know how to live well. I don’t mind not
having a TV or radio since I like for things to be nice and quiet.
I think that I will take a bath before I go to bed so I can wash
all of the evils of the day away. It has to be better when I wake
up. I turn the hot water on in the tub and begin to get undressed.
I pull off my scrubs from the hospital and place them in the floor.
I take my hair down out of the ponytail. I have shoulder length
brown hair and green eyes. I look at myself in the mirror and
wonder how I get myself into these kinds of situations. I step into
the tub and turn the Jacuzzi on. This is pure heaven. I close my
eyes and relax into the tub as the jets push the water up above my
chest. I turn the water off and soak in the goodness. I can see
Tristan in my mind with his muscular body and handsome features. I
start to remember how well-endowed he is. I start to blush as I can
feel the need starting to build low in my pelvic area. I run my
hands down my breasts and pinch my nipples. This elicits a moan
from me. I take my right hand down below the water and touch my
nether folds and run my finger around my nub. I can see his hands
rubbing all over my body; he sticks two of his fingers into my
sweet nectar. He is pumping in and out with a force that can only
be matched by a man that is starved for sex. I can feel the
sensation building low in my abdomen spreading out to my legs and
below. I burst with the feel of my orgasm releasing. It is so
intense my eyes roll back in my head. I lay there in utterly total
bliss with the after math of my orgasm. I open my eyes and realize
that I am getting myself off fantasizing about a man that has
kidnapped me not to long ago. Could I be anymore messed up than I
already am? I get out of the tub and reach for a towel to dry off.
I walk back into the bedroom and find that my covers have been
pulled back for me. I wonder if they heard me in the bathroom. How
embarrassing could that be? I don’t think I will be able to look
anyone in the face. To my horror I just climb into bed naked to
forget about the day. I close my eyes and all my worries are lost
to my dreams.

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