Pandora (13 page)

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Authors: Jilly Cooper

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Literary

BOOK: Pandora
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‘Freud cured Mahler’s impotence,’ observed Galena.

‘He’d better cure Raymond then.’

‘Freud’s dead, stupid. Ven I marry Raymond I told him I must have freedom to do vot I like.’

‘To have and to cuckhold.’ Rupert shook his golden head. ‘I couldn’t cope with an unfaithful wife.’

He picked up Galena’s sketch.

‘That’s good, can I have it?’

‘Ven I’ve signed it.’ Galena scrawled G.B. on the bottom.

‘Thank you.’ Rupert laughed. ‘We should all have G.B. tattooed on our bumpers to show we’ve been to bed with you. Now that
nice.’ Rupert had just noticed the Raphael Pandora, on the right of the bed. ‘Where did Shrimp Villy find that?’

‘In some flea market in France.’

‘Did he buy that little flea who tried to stop me coming up here? Who is he?’

‘David someone, Raymond hired him for the summer to coach the boys. Are you jealous?’

‘Of that?’ asked Rupert incredulously.

I love his arrogance almost more than his beauty, thought Galena, holding out her arms. ‘Come back to bed.’

Her breath reeked of drink and fags. Fucking Galena, reflected Rupert, was like going to the pub. They were interrupted by thunderous banging.

‘Bugger off!’ Rupert hurled the empty champagne bottle at the door. ‘Mrs Belvedon! Galena!’

‘Go away.’

‘I’m sorry to bother you, the boys are back, and Sir Mervyn Newton and his daughter, Rosemary, have been downstairs for half an hour.’

‘Tell them I’m vorking.’

‘They’ve come all the way from Cornwall to see you.’

‘Well, tell Mrs Robens to give them a drink and get rid of them.’

‘You gave the Robenses the day off. She’s gone to see her sister. Sir Mervyn’s expecting supper.’

‘Oh, you sort something out.’

Having left Sir Mervyn and Rosemary on the terrace with more huge drinks, David belted back to the kitchen. Perhaps supper had been left, but as he opened the fridge, only a large raw fish, as balefully uncooperative as Mrs Robens, glared out at him.

He telephoned Raymond’s favourite local restaurant, the Lark Ascending, only to be told they were fully booked.

‘It’s for Raymond Belvedon,’ protested David.

There was a pause, followed by a different voice.

‘We’ve got a wedding party, but we could fit Mr Belvedon into our private room any time after nine.’

It was only seven now. By nine, Sir Mervyn would be horizontal in the delphiniums.

‘Leave it,’ snapped David.

When he was rich and famous, he vowed, people would empty restaurants to accommodate him and his guests. He was roused by an excited squeak as Maud heaved herself out of her basket and limped out of the kitchen. For the second time, Galena and Rupert were interrupted by thundering on the door.

‘Mrs Belvedon, Mr Belvedon’s home.’

‘Holy shit.’ Rupert ran to the window. ‘Holy even shittier.’

Seeing Maud joyfully dancing on her rheumaticky legs to greet her master, Badger, Rupert’s Labrador, bored of being confined to the Rolls, had wriggled through the lowered black glass window, and was now cavorting on the lawn with her.

Examining the label on Badger’s collar, Raymond read: ‘Campbell-Black, Penscombe 204’. So that was why Galena had been so manic recently.

Having yelled to David that she’d be down in a minute, Galena ordered Rupert to stay put.

‘Raymond’ll change in his dressing room, then go back downstairs to sell pictures. The deal is all. I’ll smuggle you out later.’

Drenching herself in Mitsouko to disguise the reek of sex, Galena slipped into her flamingo-pink dress and, not bothering to wash or comb her hair, ran downstairs out onto the terrace.

‘Forgeeve me, Sir Mervyn, I have been painting since early this morning.’ She clasped Mervyn’s hand, then, turning to Rosemary: ‘This must be your charming daughter. Vy have you got empty glasses, vy didn’t anyone tell me you vere coming? I sack my housekeeper. You should have known!’ She turned furiously on David.

Fortunately at that moment Raymond came through the french windows. His suit was crumpled and much in need of Sir Mervyn’s pressing services, his eyes bloodshot, his face grey, but his smile as warm as ever.

‘My dear fellow, how lovely to see you, and dear Rosemary.’ He bent to kiss her.

‘No-one told me they vere coming,’ snapped Galena.

‘Never mind, we’re all in one piece,’ said Raymond evenly. ‘I’m late, Mervyn, because I’ve been looking for something really nice for darling Margaret. Why don’t you go along to the warehouse and browse around while I get out of this suit? David, dear boy, could you unload the car?’

By the time Raymond rejoined Mervyn, the dealer had reasserted itself. The barn which he used as a warehouse was high and cheerless. Normally Raymond would have turned off the overhead lights, and orchestrated the viewing, placing one carefully lit picture on an easel, its colours enhanced by some specially chosen flowers on a side table. Now he had to plunge straight in. He found Sir Mervyn rootling through stacked-up canvasses, frustrated they didn’t have any prices. One didn’t like to admit that one’s choice was determined less by a picture’s beauty than by its likelihood of rocketing in value.

‘Good trip?’ he asked.

‘I think so,’ said Raymond lightly. ‘Grubbing around a sale room in Paris, I found a picture listed as a copy of a Gainsborough. I’ve got a gut feeling it’s the real thing. Can’t wait to get it back to my restorer in London. Now, about Margaret’s picture.’

But Sir Mervyn’s purple-veined nose was twitching.

‘What sort of price were you thinking about?’

‘If it were the real thing, about twenty thousand. Probably isn’t. Now, this is something Margaret might like.’ Raymond picked up his feckless wife’s painting of the wild-flower meadow. ‘I’m not going to tell you who this is by, a contemporary artist, very talented.’

‘Beautiful,’ Sir Mervyn murmured, ‘very serene.’

He mostly bought contemporary work, but also considered himself an authority on early English paintings. After all, a wife wasn’t sixty every day, and Margaret had been a tower of strength.

‘Could I have a look at the Gainsborough, even if it is dirty?’

The subject was a handsome couple, their children and a supercilious King Charles spaniel grouped in lush parkland. Age had turned the husband’s breeches yellow. The spaniel looked as though it had been rolling.

‘Stunning,’ gasped David, who’d popped in with bottles to check drinks.

Raising a hand to hush him, Raymond moved next to Mervyn, seeing who could maintain a silence longest. The ice melted in Raymond’s whisky.

‘Interesting,’ said Mervyn non-committally.

Raymond shook himself out of a trance, and smiled gently. ‘Indeed it is.’

Another silence ensued.

‘Can I see it without its frame?’


Sir Mervyn put on his bi-focals, examining the picture on both sides. What’s he looking for? A sticker saying Woolworths, 5s 6d? wondered David. Turning, Raymond gave him a wink.

‘It’s not signed.’ Mervyn puffed out his cheeks importantly.

‘No, but the husband looks rather like Gainsborough in the early portraits. These artists love including themselves. And a very happy charming couple like you and Margaret.’

‘If it was Gainsborough, it would go up in value?’

‘Oh certainly. But I’m hoping whoever buys it appreciates it as great art.’

Like myself, thought Sir Mervyn smugly. People would certainly sit up to learn he’d bought Margaret a Gainsborough.

Raymond changed tack.

‘Probably isn’t a Gainsborough, but I know how Margaret loves dogs. Maybe a pupil did it. I’ll be able to tell you more next week.’

Mervyn took a gulp of his freshened gin and tonic, and pursed his lips.

‘I’d like to chance it.’

Once again Raymond raised his hand.

‘No, no, I can’t let you, we’ve got till the end of August. Now, what else have we got that Margaret might like?’

‘Promise not to sell it to someone else?’

‘I promise.’

There was lots of hearty laughter as Sir Mervyn accused Raymond of being too honest.

‘I’d never give you a job in my company,’ then, picking up Galena’s
Wild-Flower Meadow
, he said, ‘I’d like to buy this picture as well. And while we’re here, have you got any early Casey Andrews?’

David was enraptured – never had he seen such an example of grace under pressure. A thunderous rumble from Sir Mervyn’s large tummy brought him back to earth. Rosemary’s drink must be empty by now. He raced back to the terrace to find her alone. Galena must have buggered off upstairs.

‘Like a Pimm’s?’

‘Oh, how delicious. Shall I come and help you make it?’

For a moment David’s panic about dinner subsided. The Belvedons were always comparing people to characters in paintings. Now he had the fleeting pleasure of recognizing Rosemary Newton as the bouncy grey horse in Raphael’s
St George and the Dragon

In the picture, the horse looked very secure, almost smug, as if he knew his master was a dab hand with a sword, and wouldn’t let the fierce dragon bite even a fetlock. Like Rosemary, he had merry, knowing, round, rather small eyes, a curly forelock, and a long white face capable of jauntiness but never beauty. From what he could see, Rosemary also had St George’s horse’s strong white cobby body. David guessed she was about twenty-nine.

‘So kind of them to invite us to kitchen sups,’ she was saying as she followed him into the kitchen. ‘Daddy so adores his sessions with Raymond.’ Then, seeing David’s face: ‘They forgot we were coming?’

David deliberated.

‘Well, Mrs Belvedon’s been away too and someone’s torn off July from the calendar.’

‘I’ll help,’ said Rosemary, in her brisk Roedean voice. ‘I’ve been a chalet girl for the last three years. Let’s see what we can rustle up.

‘There’s a lovely sea trout in here,’ she said, opening the fridge. ‘I’ll gut it and take its head off.’ For a second she cradled the fish in her capable white hands. ‘It’ll take about forty minutes. Let’s see if we can find a fish kettle. We’ll need half a bottle of cheap white and lots of herbs from the garden. I know a quick mayonnaise which we can turn into
sauce verte
while the fish is cooking.’

‘I’ll dig up some potatoes,’ said David gratefully.

‘And get some mint too.’

Rosemary was absolutely wonderful and when Jupiter and Alizarin staggered up to the kitchen door, bearing half Raymond’s herbaceous border to match David’s colour chart, she praised them to the skies. Then she averted Raymond and Robens’s wrath by putting the flowers in vases and decorating the dining-room table with the broken flower heads.

‘You’re both staying up for supper,’ she told the delighted boys.

Judging by the laughter on the terrace, Galena was down again.

‘Raymond speak of you often, he tell me you are great collector and connoisseur,’ she was lying to Sir Mervyn.

‘I collect for the sheer pleasure of possessing beauty,’ Sir Mervyn lied back. ‘I’ve just bought your flower meadow. You stand in front of a picture like that, as Paul Mellon, a good friend of mine, is always saying, and you think: “And what is money?”’

‘Vot indeed?’ purred Galena. ‘I would love to meet Paul Mellon.’

‘I’m sure it can be arranged,’ said Mervyn warmly.

Leaving them, Raymond found Rosemary and David in the kitchen.

‘Let it cool,’ Rosemary was saying as she lifted the sea trout out of the fish kettle, ‘and I’ll skin it. If you could chop up some cucumber, David.’

‘I’m so sorry about the cock-up,’ said Raymond. ‘You two children are such bricks.’

‘It’s our secret,’ whispered Rosemary, ‘we mustn’t tell Daddy, he doesn’t understand about being forgotten. Dinner’ll be ready in ten minutes.’

Outside two magpies were having a domestic and big black clouds were moving in like gangsters. It was growing even hotter. As Rosemary laid the sea trout on a big green plate shaped like a lettuce leaf, and decorated it with chopped cucumber and slices of fennel, David told her about Prometheus carrying fire from Heaven in a fennel stalk.

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