Papa Sartre: A Modern Arabic Novel (Modern Arabic Literature) (23 page)

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Before I could utter a single word, Nunu spoke up, “This time you’ll get your money in installments.”

The philosopher added in an accent that resembled that of a notable Iraqi man, “We’ll give you the royalties we make from the book as well.”

Lighting a cigarette, I interjected, “Well, we’ll face a problem you may not have thought about.” Nunu rushed to light my cigarette.

“What’s that?” The philosopher asked.

“Who said that Islamic culture marginalizes madness? I don’t think it does. A mad person has a respectable place in society, and the proof is you.”

Both exploded in laughter, “Are you sure?” asked the philosopher, smiling.

“Do you have any doubt?” I asked.

Nunu chimed in, ready to light up another thick cigar, “Please, no mockery.”

The philosopher approved, “Don’t you see that Islamic philosophy did not marginalize madness and as a result fell victim to illogical thinking. Otherwise where in our culture could it have come from? It must have come to us from within our civilization, which did not marginalize madness as western culture did.”

“Sound idea,” I concurred, trying to avoid getting sucked into the project.

Michel explained, “All right. We’ll write a book condemning Islamic civilization because it did not marginalize madness. Had reason prevailed in our civilization, madness would have been marginalized, and because madness has not been marginalized our civilization has became illogical.”

“Great, great,” shouted Nunu and almost sat on Michel’s lap. He laughed loudly, stood up, clapped, and went to the bar. Nunu got up as well. They danced and swayed for joy, holding up their whiskey glasses and drinking to structuralism and the death of existentialism. This crazy man was dreaming of changing the viewpoint of the whole Arab population, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Gulf, by having them adopt structuralism. Men would shave their heads and wear gold-framed glasses. Women would cut their hair short like boys
and wear pants. I didn’t know how to get out of my predicament. I stood up and began dancing with them, drinking to the health of the newborn structuralism. I was shouting, dancing, and rocking back and forth. The chairs in the living room were overturned, and the servants looked on in shock. When both Nunu and Michel fell to the floor, I opened the door and ran as fast as I could.

One day I was walking down the street and saw a black and white stork land on the Turkish embassy. I crossed the street under a soft sun. Traffic was moving smoothly, and I heard the voices of the newspaper salesmen and cigarette merchants and the car horns all around me. A man in white headgear was walking in front of me. He was holding a string of prayer beads, and a woman wrapped totally in black walked behind him. Someone shouted, “Sheikh Jamal, Sheikh Jamal.” I don’t know why, but at this exact moment I thought of Jamal al-Din al-Afghani and how Ismail Hadoub might have been influenced by him. Guided by this philosopher he would likely be wearing a white turban and holding prayer beads, while Nunu would be walking behind him wrapped in black from head to toe.

Modern Arabic Literature

from the American University in Cairo Press

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Wedding Night

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The AUC Press Book of Modern Arabic Literature

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Mohammed Khudayyir

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Naguib Mahfouz
Adrift on the Nile

Akhenaten: Dweller in Truth

Arabian Nights and Days • Autumn Quail • Before the Throne • The Beggar

The Beginning and the End • Cairo Modern

The Cairo Trilogy: Palace Walk, Palace of Desire, Sugar Street

Children of the Alley

The Day the Leader Was Killed

The Dreams

Dreams of Departure

Echoes of an Autobiography

The Harafish

The Journey of Ibn Fattouma

Karnak Café

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Khufu’s Wisdom

Life’s Wisdom

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Voices from the Other World

Wedding Song

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Memories of a Meltdown

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The Loved Ones


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