Paradise Lost (Modern Library Classics) (76 page)

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Authors: John Milton,William Kerrigan,John Rumrich,Stephen M. Fallon

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for on Earth … Infallible?:
a dismissal of the idea of papal infallibility. See
A Treatise of Civil Power
(Yale 7:244).

Here we print “Will” (1667) rather than “Well” (1674).

Under her own weight groaning
: a groaning that began with
at the moment of Eve’s fall (9.783) and continued with a
second groan
at the moment of Adam’s fall (9.1001).

: breathing space.

: terminate. It is impossible to decide on the basis of this one verb whether Milton has here altered his opinion on the endless sufferings of the devils in Hell (
1.33 in

New heav’ns, new earth
: See 2 Pet. 3.13.

stand fixed
: stands out clearly.

: human being.

Merciful … works
: “His tender mercies are over all his works” (Ps. 145.9).

with good … evil:
“Overcome evil with good” (Rom. 12.21).

things … strong:
“God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty” (1 Cor. 1.27).

only add … rest:
A similar list of virtues, also emphasizing charity, appears in 2 Pet. 1.

: corresponding with.

paradise within
is not biblical. It is Milton’s addition to the largely traditional, biblical, Pauline spiritual vocabulary of Book 12, and has behind it the entire weight of his poem; cp. Satan’s Hell within (4.20). See Duncan (257–68) for analogues.
happier far:
happier than continuing, having fallen, to live in Eden (for which Adam and Eve yearned at 11.263–333).

stay: go
: Note the conjunction of these words, for they will appear in Eve’s forthcoming speech; see 9.372 for the first conjoining of

With cause for evils past
: “With good reason (referring back to
sad in
l. 603), in view of past misdeeds.”

ran before
: who had run before (to the bower);
found her waked:
In the prose Argument, Adam
wakens Eve

Now the words linked at 9.372 (see note) and 12.594 (see note) are woven into a beautiful love lyric, full of internal rhymes and repetitions, in which the
paradise within
widens to include their love and marriage:
with thee to go,/Is to stay here
, in Paradise. Cp. Shakespeare,

: above the ground; see Hill (in Hill and Kerrigan 117–28) on the word’s associations with Aristophanes, Plato, and Luke 12.29.

: marsh.

laborer’s heel
: Milton’s myth spills out into everyday reality: Adam, and all after him, bear the curse of laboring, and their
, in the terms of the protevangelium (see 10.175–81n), will one day feel the serpent sting of death.

: burnt up, scorched.

: lying beneath.

: sword.

The end-words of the last two lines quietly, satisfyingly rhyme with
(see ll. 615–20n).

hand in hand
: See 4.448, 689, 739.


We are grateful to our editor, Judy Sternlight, for her numerous good turns, and to the crack production team at Random House for the superb detailing and overall beauty of the published book. We were ably assisted in our editorial work by Phillip Albonetti, Yaser Amad, Joel Dodson, Jonathan Lamb, Mary Maddox, Jennifer Nichols, Shea Suski, Natalie Tenner, Claire Fallon, Joseph Rumrich, and Amelia Kerrigan.

I. E

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