Parallel Myths (39 page)

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Authors: J.F. Bierlein

BOOK: Parallel Myths
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In Indian mythology a four-headed dog guards the gateway to the Underworld. As we shall soon see, the three-headed dog Cerberus performs the same function in Greek mythology.

Byblos is present-day Lebanon.

Astarte is a form of the name Ishtar; Melkart means “king.”

The story of Aeneas is from the Latin epic the
by the Roman poet Virgil. The story recounts how Aeneas fled Troy after the Trojan War and traveled to Italy, where he was a founder of Rome. The
was the Roman founding myth; Roman nobles strived to trace their ancestry to Aeneas.

The World’s Great Speeches
, edited by Lewis Copeland.


Shades of Freud’s Oedipal theory.

11. The End-Visions of the Apocalypse

When the end comes, Armageddon outta here …!

—J. F. Bierlein





he earth has been created, destroyed, and re-created many times—only the Eternal knows how many times this has taken place. Or perhaps he does not know. The laws of the universe are fixed: the Four Ages of man naturally occur and recur as Dharma—the four-legged stool of truth—is established and disintegrates, one leg at a time, until there is nothing for the world to stand on. However, the destruction of the universe is inevitable in every cycle.

At the beginning of each cycle, the world is created by Brahma; during the cycle, the world is sustained by Vishnu; then, it is destroyed by Shiva.

A cycle, or “Day of Brahma,” lasts 12,000 years of the
, or 4,320,000 human years. At the beginning of each such “Day,” when the Eternal One wakes up, the world is re-created.

Every cycle is divided into fourteen
, each of which is ruled by a dominant
, or “teacher.” Each
is followed by a great flood that destroys all living things, except those saved to repopulate the earth. During these floods, the continents are rearranged.

The Day of Brahma may also be divided into 1,000
with each consisting of the Four Ages, discussed earlier. Four
together last 4,320,000 years—the first, 1,728,000; the second, 1,296,000; the third, 864,000; and the last
, 432,000. The year 1993 was the 5,093rd of the Kali
. This is ominous as Kali is believed by some to be the destroyer of the world.

By the time the last
has come and gone, the earth is completely exhausted of its resources. This is the point in the cycle of history where the universe is eradicated and prepared for re-creation. The god Vishnu now takes the form of Rudra the storm god, the destroyer of all things. First comes a horrible drought that lasts for 100 years, by which all life on earth is decimated if not extinguished.

Rudra then enters the sun, and all the water on earth—the seas, oceans, lakes, and rivers, as well as the water beneath the earth—dries up. All of the water is drawn off the earth into the sky. The ancient teachers called this “the sucking of the waters by Rudra,” for it is as if all of the moisture on earth has been sucked up by a straw. What is left of the earth is then burned and cleansed by the power of the superheated sun, so that all things are purged on earth and then throughout the universe.

Then Rudra breathes out great clouds filled with the moisture drawn from the earth. He begins sending thunderbolts out of heaven, the harbinger of a rain in sheets that lasts for 1,000 years, extinguishing the fires. The water rises and rises until it reaches the realm of the seven sages, far above the surface of the earth.

Then Brahma sends a wind that drinks up much of the water, establishing clouds in heaven. The world is now a watery chaos, the primordial state from which a new world can be created.



he Believer of the True Faith:

O Ormazd, I ask you concerning the present and future
How shall the righteous be dealt with,
And how shall the wicked be dealt with,
At the last judgment?
I ask you O Ahura [Lord], what will be the punishments
    of them that serve the Evil One—
Of them who cannot make their living except by doing
    violence to cattle and herdsmen?
O Ormazd, I ask you whether the well-disposed, the one
    who strives to improve the houses, villages, clans
    and provinces through justice—
Can he become like you?
And when?
By what deeds?
Tell me, O Lord, that I may no longer be deluded;
Be my instructor of Good Disposition!


Ormazd the Wise Lord answers:

O well-disposed believer
Don’t listen to the followers of the Evil One,
For they seek to destroy houses, villages, clans and
They can only cause disaster and death.
Fight them with all your might!
The righteous alone shall be saved from destruction and
From foul food and the worst curses at the time of the
    end of days.
But wicked ones—beware!
For you will be delivered all these foul things because
    of your evil spirit.
He that serves the Wise Lord in mind and deed
To him shall be granted the joy of divine fellowship, and
the fulness of health, immortality, justice and
power and the Good Disposition!


There will be three saviors sent to earth by the Wise Lord before the final, inevitable battle that will result in the ultimate triumph of good over evil, the Last Judgment, and the resurrection of the dead. First will come a period called the Period of Iron, in which demons will attack the earth relentlessly, sparing no one. They will be more interested in causing the faithful to suffer than in killing them. The darkness will be so pervasive that the light of even the sun and moon will be dimmed. At that time a shower of stars will occur to herald the birth of the first savior, the champion of the faithful, named Anshedar.

A virgin, fifteen years old, will bathe in a sacred lake in Iran that has been miraculously impregnated with the sperm of the prophet Zoroaster; the virgin will then conceive the child Anshedar. When Anshedar reaches the age of thirty, the sun will be motionless in the sky in the noonday position for ten days. After the appearance of this heavenly portent, Anshedar will meet with the angels and return to earth to preach the teachings of righteousness—exhorting all humankind to resist evil. When Anshedar leaves the earth, it will be better than when he found it. However, evil will only be temporarily subdued. At the end of this time of Anshedar, people will no longer die of disease, which is now inflicted by demons; they will only expire as the result of advanced age, accidents, or homicide.

A thousand years later, evil will again be ascendant and humankind will experience a hardship that had been long forgotten. Out of nowhere, suffering, disease, war, and hunger will appear. Again, a fifteen-year-old virgin will bathe in the sacred lake, become pregnant, and give birth to the second savior, Aushedarmah. Once more, when Aushedarmah reaches the age of thirty, the sun will remain in the noonday position, only this time for six days. Evil will again be subdued, but not entirely conquered. At the end of this period, no one will eat meat anymore and, as vegetarians, the people will be less aggressive.

But while Aushedarmah is on earth, the evil dragon Azhidahaka will awaken from his sleep in a cave and terrorize the earth, killing
one third of all humans and animals. However, the ancient hero of the Persians, Keresaspa, will be resurrected by the Lord and slay this beast. Good will again be temporarily ascendant over evil.

The third and last savior, Saoshyant, will appear one thousand years after that; it is he who will herald the final judgment of the living and the dead, as well as the unchallenged rule of the Wise Lord over all things. He too will be born of a virgin in the same manner as the first two saviors. All the world will know him as the great champion of good on earth. A great flood of molten metal will sweep over the earth, killing the wicked in great pain; for the righteous, it will seem like a refreshing warm bath.

After this purge of the earth, the bodies and souls of all who have ever lived will be rejoined in the resurrection. After this will come the Final Judgment. The Wise Lord will appear out of the heavens, attended by angels. His light will be reflected in all those who follow good; the righteous will shine like the sun. The evil, on the other hand, will be seen for all the filth that they are.

It is Saoshyant who will preside over the last judgment. The wicked humans and Ahriman, the Evil One, will be consigned to hell forever, even as the Wise Lord rules uncontested over the universe. All death, disease, and suffering shall cease forever. The earth will be re-created and the blessed will enjoy immortality in a new Paradise.

Take heart, O righteous ones, and live in hope!


: For Muslims the Koran (or Qu’ran) is not myth, nor is it even the word of God revealed and written by man. Rather, Muslims believe their Scripture to be the actual words of God dictated to the prophet Muhammad.


n the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. When that which is coming comes—and no soul shall then deny its coming—some shall be abased and others exalted.

When the earth shakes and quivers and the mountains crumble away and scatter into fine dust, you shall be divided into three multitudes: those on the right (blessed shall be those on the right!); those on the left (damned shall be those on the left!); and those to the fore (foremost shall be those!). Such are they that shall be brought near to their Lord in the gardens of delight: a whole multitude from the men of old, but only a few from the later generations.

They shall recline on jewelled couches face to face, and there shall wait upon them immortal youths with bowls and ewers and a cup of purest wine (that will neither pain their heads nor take away their reason); with fruits of their own choice and flesh of fowls that they relish. And theirs shall be the dark-eyed houris,
chaste as hidden pearls; a guerdon for their deeds.

There they shall hear no idle talk, no sinful speech, but only the greeting, “Peace, peace.”

Those on the right hand—happy shall those be on the right hand! They shall recline on couches raised on high in the shade of thornless sidrahs and clusters of [bananas]; amidst gushing waters and abundant fruits, unforbidden, never-ending.

We created the houris and made them virgins, loving companions for those on the right hand: a multitude from the men of old, and a multitude from the later generations.

As for those on the left hand (wretched shall be those on the left hand!) they shall dwell amidst scorching winds and seething water; in the shade of pitch black smoke, neither cool nor refreshing. For they have lived in comfort and persisted in the heinous sin [of idolatry] saying: “When we are once dead and turned to dust and bones, shall we, with all our forefathers, be raised to life?” [from Sura 56].

The day shall surely come when you shall see the true believers, men and women, with their light shining before them and on their right hands, and a voice saying to them: “Rejoice this day. You shall enter gardens watered by running streams in which you shall abide forever.” That is the supreme triumph.

On that day the hypocrites, both men and women, will say to the true believers: “Wait for us that we may borrow some of your
light.” But they will answer: “Go back and seek some other light!”

A wall with a gate shall be set between them. Inside there shall be mercy, and out, to the fore, the scourge of hell. They will call out to them saying, “Were we not on your side?” “Yes,” they will reply, “but you tempted yourselves, you wavered and you doubted, and were deceived by your own desires until Allah’s will was one and the Dissembler tricked you about Allah. Today no ransom shall be accepted from you or the unbelievers. Hell shall be your home: you have justly earned it, a dismal end” [from Sura 57].

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