PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella) (69 page)

BOOK: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella)
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“Yeah...I've done stuff with boys and girls...” Lisa said, then quickened her pace and walked off. Natalie didn't know what to say to that remark. It was said so casually and yet she couldn't help but think that there was a hint behind it. She shook her head as she watched Lisa's hips sway in front of her. The light was dim as they were shaded by the trees, and it seemed like a place where anything could happen.

Lisa turned and flashed Natalie a smile, then ducked into the trees where she ran through the trunks, trying to hide from Natalie.

“Catch me if you can!” she squealed. Natalie grinned and followed her, rushing breathlessly through the thicket. Dry leaves crunched underfoot and the two young women stumbled through the seemingly endless forest, losing all sense of direction.  Despite not being in as good a shape as she would have liked, Natalie was buoyed by the thrill of the chase and she managed to keep up with the lithe and sprightly figure of Lisa. She was blur of color in the earthy forest, and the only sounds were their laughter. Eventually Lisa could run no longer and Natalie caught up with her. Lisa hid behind a tree and teased Natalie, the two of them ran around the thick trunk, their hands planted against the rough bark, until Lisa finally surrendered and Natalie had her in her clutches.

“Gotcha,” she said, and smiled wickedly. The two of them stared at each other, both of their chests were heaving and they couldn't take their eyes off of each other. There was a strong connection between them and Natalie could barely believe it, this gorgeous nymph was at her mercy, they were alone, and it was all so tempting, so deliciously tempting that she found herself controlled by something deep and inexorable, and soon enough their lips had pressed together in a long, deep kiss. Lisa was pushed against the tree as Natalie pinned her to it, their hands linked together and their bodies melted into each other. The heat rose between them as their tongues explored each others' mouths. Their breaths and moans burst out of their hungry and eager lips, and their bodies trembled under the force of their passion.

“My sister would be so angry if she found out,” Lisa gasped, arching her head up, presenting her neck to Natalie, who dove down and kissed on it, nibbling at the skin gently, enjoying the feeling of Lisa's body tingling.

“Then I guess it'll be our little secret for now,” Natalie said. Lisa's eyes had a playful glow and her arms wrapped tightly around Natalie. Her hands ran down Natalie's curves, and Natalie felt the arousal surge through her as different sensations exploded within her mind. She gasped loudly and her body shuddered as Lisa groped her breasts and squeezed, her small hands taking as much of the fleshy mounds as possible. Lisa drew her leg up and wound it around Natalie's like a snake. Natalie clamped her hand on Lisa's ass and then moved it down, feeling the glorious curves that led to her thighs. They kissed frantically and fervently, their bodies getting hotter and hotter, their faces flushing red. Then Lisa, caught in the throes of primal delight, thrust her hand down in between Natalie's legs. Lisa felt the burning heat and smiled. Natalie's eyes shot open at the force of the pleasure and she groaned loudly, burying her head in the nape of Lisa's neck as she felt pleasure surge through her.

Chapter 5

“We'd better be getting back,” Natalie said with halting breaths. She panted against Lisa and the two of them held each other tightly. The sun had set completely now and the a few twinkling stars were visible through the canopy of trees.

“I'm not sure I know how to get back,” Lisa said. Natalie looked at her and the two of them lost each other in their eyes again, and surrendered to another long kiss. With a heavy sigh Natalie tore herself away.

“No, it'll be time for the first dance soon and they'll kill us if we're not there.” She grabbed Lisa's hand and attempted to drag her away, but the younger woman only pulled her back in for another long embrace.

“You're so bad,” Natalie said, smiling.

“You have no idea,” Lisa replied. Natalie shook her head in astonishment at this girl who had turned her world upside down. Part of her knew that the night would  have to come to and end at some point, and they would both have to go back to their normal lives, but a wedding was a place where magic could happen and Natalie wanted it to last for as long as possible. She promised herself that she would enjoy every kiss as if it was the last, and on their way back out of the forest the two women stopped often for another kissing session. The heat between them was palpable and it was difficult for them to concentrate even on walking. They strode hand in hand and stumbled along as their minds were hazy with lust and desire but eventually they reached the edge of the trees and emerged again into the open.

Now that they were back they could see the stars up in the sky.

“It's so beautiful. Don't get this view in the city,” Natalie said. They spun around and took a moment to look up at the sparkling shimmering lights above them, until Natalie noticed that tears had formed in Lisa's eyes, and were rolling down her perfect, flawless cheeks.

“What's wrong?” Natalie asked softly.

“It just reminds me of Europe. We had nights like this all the time, all of us, staring up at the stars, imagining all the endless possibilities of life. We felt eternal, like nothing could ever stop us and now I'm over here and it seems so far away, almost like it didn't happen.”

“You were in love over there, weren't you?” Natalie said, suddenly comprehending Lisa's problem. She nodded, and sniffed away her tears. Natalie took a moment to process the confession.

“Do you still think of...him?”

“Her. Yes. But I know I shouldn't. We both agreed that it wouldn't do any good. I just...I don't know if I can.”

“It'll be okay. You're with me now and under these stars anything can happen. Just for one night, forget about the past and focus on the present. You're at your sister's wedding and it's not the time to think about a love lost, only about the love all around you.”

Lisa smiled, and at that moment they heard music emerge from the hall. They suddenly realized that they were the last two people outside, and giggled to themselves as they made their way to the large bay windows where they could see the bride and groom enjoying their first dance. Natalie and Lisa stood with their arms around each other. Lisa rested her head against Natalie's shoulder, and the two of them sighed gently, taking great comfort in being with each other. The scents of their perfume mingled with the outside air creating a perfect ambiance. The song continued, the lilting music drifting out of the hall and enveloping Natalie and Lisa. Inside, others were joining the bride and groom.

“May I have this dance?” Natalie asked, taking Lisa's hand.

“You may,” Lisa said, curtsying. They drew each other in close and fed off the heat of each others' bodies, slowly moving around the soft patch of grass they had found, closing their eyes and enjoying the solace that came from the other. They breathed deeply and lulled each other into a tranquil state of mind. Their hands roamed around each others' bodies and gradually they felt themselves getting turned on again. They moved their heads slightly so that they were looking at each other, and in each others' eyes they saw the universe. Their lips met once again for a hot, steamy kiss, and they knew that it was only going to lead to one place.

The two of them walked back into the throng of people and paused for a moment to watch the married couple bask in the glory of their live. Through the crowd Tom saw his best friend standing hand in hand with Lisa, and he winked at them. Natalie returned the gesture and then she and Lisa disappeared from the wedding celebrations, onto a celebration of their own.

Chapter 6

The room was filled with stifling heat caused by the two pulsating, throbbing bodies. Lust flowed through their blood and it all boiled within. Their kisses were hot and frenzied, as though they had both been possessed by an uncontrollable desire that had seized their souls and was leaving no prisoners behind. They slammed each other against the wall and tore away each others' clothes as though they were animals, surrendering to the primal desire that screamed in their minds. The window was open a crack, letting in some sweet night air and the sighs of the stars but Natalie and Lisa barely registered anything but their own hot bodies.

They stripped each other down until they were naked and both gazed in the glow of each other, then fell into each other once more, kissing and licking and sucking. Lisa moved down Natalie's body, and the elder woman was at the mercy of Lisa's energetic hunger, she lapped at forbidden places and used her tongue and fingers to make Natalie shudder and tremble like she never had before. Though they had only met that day it was as though the two of them knew each other intimately for every touch brought with it unbearable pleasure and torturous delight, they knew exactly where to touch each other and how to stimulate each other. They bit each others' lips and sucked on the hard nipples. Lisa buried herself in Natalie's huge breasts and then slid down her body, burying herself in between Natalie's legs, tasting her feminine sweetness, gorging on the hot liquid that poured out and stained Natalie's thighs.

Natalie grabbed Lisa's head and pulled her up, kissing and tasting herself on Lisa's lips, she turned her body around and lowered Lisa on top of her, and the two of them pleasured each other simultaneously. Their hands slithered around their legs and they rolled onto their sides, their hair fell and brushed over their skin as their heads bobbed back and forth, their tongues aching and their pussies twitched but neither of them were going to stop until they were both rendered powerless by crippling desire. Their bodies were entwined and joined together in such a way that neither of them knew where they ended and where the other began.

Their breaths were hot and heavy, their hearts filled with lust and when they locked eyes with each other they saw the same look in each – a look of complete abandonment of all inhibitions. They had no secrets with each other and were completely naked and vulnerable in a way that neither of them had been with anyone. They could still hear the rhythm of the party downstairs but they were dancing to their own rhythm. Their bodies sang the sweetest melody and reached a powerful crescendo as they convulsed violently. And yet they still did not stop, wanting to drain each other and continue until they died of an overload of pleasure.

The two women lost themselves to a world of complete and utter lust. The room and everything else around them melted away. It was only the two of them and the sighing stars above. They kissed and grabbed each other, nails scratched at the soft, delicate flesh. They scorched each other with their blazing kisses and endured the powerful explosions that erupted all over their bodies, their skin was slick with sweat and their hot breaths washed over each other. Goosebumps prickled over their skin as they took each other to the highest heights and then dove down the abyss together, clinging to each other as the orgasmic energy curled around them and dragged them down into an oblivion from which there was no escape.

“Europe may have been great, but America isn't so bad,” Lisa said in between gasping breaths. She kissed Natalie deep and lovingly.

“Just so you know, it's not going to be as easy to leave as you think. I don't plan on letting go any time soon,” Natalie replied, and with that she pinned Lisa down to the bed and crawled on top of her, beginning the cycle of pleasure once more.  







Catálogo de bonificación de libros de muestra (por tiempo limitado )


Dos de la sangre


Mi nombre es Andrea. Se pod

a decir que puedo vivir una vida normal; al menos, esa es la manera en que se ve en el exterior. Pero las cosas no son siempre lo que parecen. Mi marido es Alvah. A
í me encanta-ME-pero las cosas han cambiado a lo largo de los


Cuando me reu
í con Alvah, instan

neamente me enamo
l me tra
ó como su reina, siempre pasar tiempo conmigo y me compra todo lo que pude siempre quiso. Oja
á me hubiera alojado al igual que siempre, pero no tar
ó aproximadamente dos

os en nuestro matrimonio, realmente antes de qu

l comen
ó a centrarse

s en ganar dinero y menos en nuestra relac


 No es como nosotros necesitamos el dinero; de hecho, tenemos

s que suficiente para apoyar a varias familias de varias vidas. Pero eso no importa a Alvah

l que


s. Yo me pregunt
é hice mal, q
é camb

, y l

nico que puedo pensar es mi peso. Cuando me reu
í con Alvah, yo era lo que llama

a extremadamente delgado. Nunca co
í y traba
ó todo el tiempo, pero con el paso de los

os, he encontrado otras cosas para ocupar yo. 

Yo no lo llama

a la mayo

a de las personas obesas, pero soy muy sinuoso, lleno-figurado de mujer. Tengo pechos grandes, gruesas en los muslos y las caderas son redondos. Nunca pen
é que ganar un poco de peso tend

a mi marido tan lejos de

. Estos

as nunca verlo

l va a trabajar antes de que el sol sale y llega a casa mucho desp

s de que yo haya ido a la cama. Me he preguntado s

l es
á teniendo una relac

n amorosa, y yo llo
é yo a dormir, porque me sen

a muy solo. 

Me do

a sentir su tacto y

n me sale nada d

l. Me que
é despierto hasta tarde una noche la semana pasada, como que

a sorprender

l. Ese mismo

a, yo ha

a ido de compras y adquir
ó el nightie

s sexy que po

a encontrar. Se fue la luz rosa y v

a hermosa contra mi tono de piel. Ha

a plumas alrededor del escote y alrededor de la parte inferior. El resto fue completamente ver a tra


Yo velas y espe
ó a qu

l vuelva a casa. Cuand

l ent
ó en la habitac

n esa noche, la mirada sobre su rostro era uno de asco. Cami
ó alrededor de la sala de soplar las velas y deslizarse en la cama. Cuando lleg
é a tocar

l dijo que estaba demasiado cansado y te

a que trabajar en la m


Nunca se sabe c

nto me hir
ó esa noche. Ya

a al
í y el pensamiento acerca de cuando nos conocimos,

mo no po

a mantener sus manos fuera de

. Nuestra relac

n comen
ó de una manera que muchos llama

an raro, pero para
í era perfecto. Cuando me reu
í con Alvah, pare

a ser el tipo de hombre que no se acercaron a muchas mujeres. Era

mido y tranquilo. Tuve que dar el primer paso, pero una vez que lo hice fue una aventura incr


Un par de semanas en nuestra relac

n, me pregun
ó por q
é no ha

a Alvah nos alojamos la noche conmigo toda

a, y yo pod

a decirle algo estaba apagado. Me dijo que te

a un secreto que nadie sa

a, y que di

a yo, pero si alguna vez me de
l tend

a que morir. 

é que estaba bromeando y le con
é a decirme. Alvah dijo qu

l era un vampiro y tuvo que salir por la noche para cazar. Necesitaba la sangre para vivir. Recuerdo estar sentado al

, preguntando si ha

a al

n tipo de inestabilidad mental que le ha

a pensar qu

l era un vampiro. No me po

a creer

mo siempre me pare

a atraer a los hombres

s loco, pero luego me dijo que si me iba a dejar qu

l se alimentan de

, no tend

a que cazar. 

í que esto era al

n tipo de juego sexual y acordados. Volvimos a mi casa y me ente
é que no estaba mintiendo. Me permit
ó Alvah para alimentar cada noche y cuando fue hecho

l siempre iba a hacer el amor para

. A diferencia era algo que nunca ha

a imaginado, y sen
í que tuve la suerte de haber encontrado


Cuando se detuvo la alimentac

n es cuando realmente me empe
ó a ganar peso

l no sabe que s


lo alimentac

n de nuevo, las cosas pod

an volver a la manera en que estaban? A menudo he pensado acerca de q
é o qu

n fue alimen

ndose de cuando lle
ó a casa tarde en la noche. Me preguntaba si ha

a encontrado a alguien

s, alguien que quiso

s que yo, pero yo no enten

a por q
é o

mo que iba a suceder. 

Yo le ha

a dado todo, incluyendo la vida a tra

s de mi sangre, y estaba demasiado preocupado por el dinero incluso para pasar tiempo conmigo. No po

a culparlo

l iba a vivir para siempre y que necesitan el dinero para sostenerse, per


lo me te

a por un corto tiempo y sa

a que. Me ha

a hablado de Alvah pasado ama y


l ha

a visto crecer viejo,

mo ha

a que decirle a la gente que su esposa era su madre para que no pudieran obtener sospechosas d


mo ha

a enterrado previas esposas, a
í como n

os, y pude ver el dolor en sus ojos cuando hablaba. 

Nunca pude imaginar mi vida sin Alvah, pero me sen
í tan solo, tan impopular y tan perdido. A
í fue como empe
ó todo. Uno de mis amigos vinieron a mi casa. Su nombre era Alissa, ella era e

nico amigo que yo pod

a decirle nada y no tienen que preocuparse por alguien averiguar. Tamb

n sa

a que ella estaba dispuesta a ayudarme y darme consejos porque lo ha

a hecho tantas veces. 

Como dije Alissa acerca de lo di

cil que era estar sola todo el tiempo y c

nto me molestaba el dinero que Alvah tr

a a casa, ella empe
ó a decirme una historia de su propia. 

Ella me dijo que ella ha

a estado en la misma situac

n (que yo dudaba, porque ella no sa

a Alvah era un vampiro), y ella me dijo que cuando su marido no preste atenc

n a ella, simplemente encontrar a alguien que lo ha


Yo no po

a creer lo que ella me estaba diciendo. Me encan
ó Alvah, y yo nunca pod

a tener un romance. Alissa me dijo

mo ella fue a un club y ha

a hombres literalmente babeando sobre ella
Realmente no era un asunto, sino simplemente una forma para ella para conseguir la atenc

n que necesitaba desde que su esposo fue siempre tan ocupado con el trabajo. Mirando at

s, ahora
é que no suena como algo que cualquier mujer casada debe hacer, pero yo estaba solo y lo que dijo hace mucho sentido en ese momento. Ahora deseo nunca me ha

a involucrado en toda la situac


Alissa me dijo que po

a unirse a ella que el viernes por la noche, que estaba bien porque yo era simplemente ir a echar un vistazo y que nada de lo que iba a suceder. Acep
é y ella me recog
ó en 8 o'clock. Yo esperaba que el club se

a uno de los muchos que se encuentran en el strip en nuestra ciudad, pero ella me lle
ó fuera de la ciudad y en un p

s por carretera. Ella me dijo que este era un club exclusivo que no todo el mundo lo sabe, pero que yo se

a su invitado y que no me preocupe. 

Hace que me preocupe


s. Me preguntaba

mo ha

a encontrado sobre este club, y cuando le pregun

, me dijo que uno de los amigos de su esposo le ha

a dicho acerca d

l. Resul
ó qu

l era uno de los hombres que frecuentaban el club, y uno de los hombres de Alissa. Yo no pido

s preguntas. Yo estaba aprendiendo mucho acerca de alissa que yo no ha

a conocido antes, y no estaba seguro de que que

a saber


Cuando llegamos al club, era un edificio normal en el exterior. Nada que gritaban
 Alissa estacionado y caminamos hasta la llanura gris con una ranura en la puerta, de modo que la gente po

a mirar hacia fuera. Alissa llamaron a la puerta. La ranura abierta, y pude ver dos ojos mirando a nosotros. La ranura cerrado

pidamente y abr
ó la puerta. Al otro lado de la puerta era un alto, guapo

l era muy musculoso con cabello oscuro y ojos oscuros. No pude sino pensar a
í mismo que si todos los hombres pare

an que bueno, yo iba a tener un tiempo di

cil permanecer fiel a mi marido. 

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