Paranormal Secrets: Paranormal Werewolf Interracial Alpha Male Cowboy Ghost Erotica (3 Erotic Short Stories)

BOOK: Paranormal Secrets: Paranormal Werewolf Interracial Alpha Male Cowboy Ghost Erotica (3 Erotic Short Stories)
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Werewolf Interracial Alpha Male Cowboy Ghost Erotica (3 Erotic Short Stories)



An Erotic
Short Story of a Paranormal Kind


The intense passion in his dark, mist
laden eyes filled her with dread and also a perverse longing to be taken by
him. She reluctantly allowed his searching hands to roam all over her young
nubile body, the coarse roughness feeling good on her soft skin in a strange
way. Her fears began to ebb as she gave in to the animal instinct that drove
all humans to be one with nature. Her breathing came in short ragged bursts as
the anticipation of his arousal entering her body made her heart race.

She moaned with pleasure into his ear,
encouraging him on. His deep throaty voice felt like an orchestra out of tune,
musical and yet in discord. And when he called out her name…

“Helena Preston!” The sound of her name
made her look up from the small book she was reading and slam it shut.

“Yes, Professor Blake?” Helena answered,
adjusting her glasses and peering up at the stocky little middle aged woman.

“This is a field trip, young lady.” The
college professor standing over her wagged a fat finger. “And you’re here to
know about nature from nature itself… not from that book you keep reading.”

“I’m sorry, Professor.” Helena blushed,
stuffing the little red leather bound book hurriedly into her handbag. “It
won’t happen again.”

“That’s quite all right, dear.” Her teacher
chuckled as the young woman rose up to her feet hurriedly. “Now go on and join
your classmates down by that local village.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The slim brunette nodded and
smoothed down her long skirt.  At twenty two she was a senior college student,
and even though she preferred her books and music over outdoor adventures, she
had a body and looks that attracted many. She tried her best to hide behind
loose old fashioned clothing, but the way she naturally walked, drew much
attention to her.

She looked in the direction of the small
village, if it could be called that, it was more of a ragged settlement. Her
college group had travelled a few hundred miles to come to this remote little
place, far and away from modern civilization.

A handful of tribal tents and tepees made
of animal skins and tree limbs dotted the lush landscape and very few of the
indigenous people took interest in the intrusive college group. They were
accustomed to being a novelty and have occasional visitors come time to time
from the big cities.

was not
particularly fascinated in the trip, but she needed the grades from doing it.
With a deep sigh she slowly walked towards the rest of her group. She looked
around with little interest; everything was well documented by visitors before.
The people there were living the same way they had done for centuries. Modern
civilization had left them alone and they preferred it that way. Helena sighed, feeling awfully bored and wished she could sneak away and read her little
book of mystery and intrigue.

As she stepped up to what looked like a
kind of totem pole of gruesomely painted cylindrical blocks of wood, she felt
as if she was being watched. Quickly scanning the college group, she found them
all engrossed and marveling at some primitive thing or the other.  They didn’t
care much about her, and she liked that. She was a loner by nature.

“It is an artifact of much power… you like
it, yes?” A sudden deep voice behind her made her jump.

“What? Who… how did you…?” She stammered,
whirling around to find herself face to face with a tall native man with
graying hair flowing down to his broad shoulders. He hunched a little and a
scar ran down the left side his weather beaten face. His suntanned face bore
slight wrinkles, but his dark eyes were sharp and piercing.

“My apologies to have startled you, Miss.”
His rich voice had a lilting accent that she found very attractive. It made her
shiver. “I am Holkan, of the Clan Lahkinan, the last of my people.”

“Pleased to meet you, sir.” Helena stammered, intimidated by the feral look he had. “I... I am Helena Preston, and I
don’t think I’ll be buying any souvenirs.”

“I have none to sell.” He grinned, exposing
two very sharp canine teeth that resembled fangs. “But maybe I can offer you a

“Well, I don’t normally take gifts from
strangers.” She shrugged and looked away. No one else was paying any attention
in her direction.

“Ah, a pity.” He shook his large head and
laughed. “And yet you now know my name and I know yours.”

felt a
sudden chill. She couldn’t understand why this strange old man was beginning to
attract her so much. He was handsome, maybe once, but he looked more than
sixty, probably as old as her grandfather.

“Ah, Helena, you keep silent, but I know
your mind seeks to know more.” His dark eyes had a mischievous twinkle that
eased her tension.

“Um, well, yes, now that you’ve got my
attention…”She shrugged. “I guess it would be impolite to not want to know
more… that’s what I’m here for, isn’t it… an education?”

“More than that, little one.” His voice
suddenly grew sepulchral and he touched the totem pole. “I see that this great
totem of my clan fascinates you, it is a symbol of great power and virility.”

“Uh, yeah.” She felt herself blush. “It
does resemble… something powerful.”

“It is the life blood of my Clan… and I am
the last one.” He said with a deep sigh.

“Really, I guess that’s… sad.” Helena nodded. “You haven’t had a wife and children?”

“Aye, once…maybe more,” He looked up at the
overcast sky. “And yet I have been cursed to outlive them all.”

felt her
heart break at the sadness in his voice, the sagging of his broad shoulders. He
looked like a very lonely man indeed; maybe he just wanted her company for a while.
It wouldn’t harm her if she could make his loneliness a little less for a few

“Yes, Holkan, I would be very interested to
know all that you have to tell me.” Helena smiled at him and gently patted his

“Ah, good.” He nodded sagely. “Then come,
we must be on our way before the storm passes.”

“Um, what storm?” Helena looked at him in
puzzlement. “And where must we go?”

“To the sacred stones, beyond that hill.”
Holkan pointed and waved. “Zalban!”

A large stallion, white as the snow of
mountain tops, suddenly cantered up and nuzzled his face. The old man caressed
the horse’s brow gently, whispering in its ear.

“But I can’t just…” Helena looked around
for the others, but she couldn’t see anyone. A mist had formed all around them,
filling the entire meadow with an eerie glow.

“Come!” Holkan cried out and pulled her up
behind him on the bareback horse. She felt breathless by the sudden move and
held on to the old man for dear life as the stallion broke into a tear away

Within moments they rode into a place
surrounded by small hills. Large slabs of stones were laid out on the soft
verdant ground in a sort of ritualistic fashion. Helena could hear her own
heart beating against her chest. She felt terrified and excited all at the same
time. There wasn’t another soul in sight. 

The huge horse cantered to a stop and
Holkan dismounted with the ease of a seasoned rider. Helena looked at the older
man in amazement; there was a sudden spring in his step that she hadn’t noticed
before.  He reached up and effortlessly carried her off the horse. His muscular
arms around her felt like powerful vices and she wondered if she was making a
grave error. She took him for a kindly old man who wanted to regale her with
the deeds of his youth, but now it seemed he was someone else all together.

“Have no fear…” He said as he tenderly
placed her down on the stone slabs.

His eyes looked even more radiant than
before and she felt like he was peering into her soul. Slivers of fear and
excitement warred inside her. She felt strangely drawn towards him, and at the
same time she wanted to run for her life.

“Have no fear,” he said again as if he
could read her mind. “No harm will come upon you.”

“But what are we doing here?” She asked
with trepidation. She noted that the sky had darkened a lot more than it was a
few minutes ago and the coppery hint of impending rain was heavy in the air.

“Ah, yes!” He said; his voice a lot more
powerful than before. “The storm approaches… it is time.”

“Time for what?” Helena cried out against
the loud clap of sudden thunder overhead.

“It is time for me to live again.” She
heard his voice, but it was masked by a strange animalistic growl.

The tall, grey haired man discarded his
robes and stood naked before her. His eyes had a strange glow in them as he
raised his hands skyward and began to chant in a language she couldn’t
understand.  Thunder rumbled over head as if in response to his haunting chants
and bright lightning split the darkness in sudden bursts.

paralyzed. She couldn’t move her limbs. She was transfixed. Before her eyes,
Holkan began to twist and turn strangely and his body grew larger. His head
expanded and dark hair covered his entire face. He was transforming into some
kind of wolf like creature. He chanted more resolutely and thrashed his huge
muscular arms around, beating his chest with savage fury.

“What the hell is this?” Helena screamed,
she thought she was losing her mind. “Holkan, what’s happening?”

He didn’t answer and a dark mist enveloped
him, hiding him from sight. She peered frantically, trying hard to get a
glimpse of him. Her body felt heavy as if she was being weighed down by
invisible chains.  She felt drowsy and slumped down on the flat stone covered ground.


“Helena, my dear.” She opened her eyes to
the sound of her name.

The skies had cleared and a multitude of
stars shone like diamonds against the inky darkness. The full moon dazzled like
the queen of the night amongst the glitter. Helena rubbed her eyes and peered
hard at the silhouette of the tall man against the moonlight.

“Yes, dear Helena, it is I.” Holkan said,
though his voice sounded much younger than before.

sat up
immediately and drew her legs in, wrapping her arms around them. Her eyes went
wide at the handsome, god like man standing before her. The bright moonlight
played on his chiseled features, taking her breath away. His shoulder length
hair was raven black and glistened in the moonlight. He stood erect, powerful
hands on his hips, broad shoulders thrown back and deep chest heaving. His
muscular thighs resembled tree trunks and she noted he was naked.

“Holkan, what the hell is going on?” Helena’s voice trembled. “What’s happened to you?”

“I am yet again what I should be.” He said
with a grin, “and the fates have smiled upon me once more by bringing you to

“But what was that… you were some kind of
animal a few minutes ago…” She stammered, her body shaking with fear. “And now
you’re not old anymore… oh, god, I must be dreaming.”

“Aye, it is my curse… yet this night I will
triumph.” He leaned forward and held out his hand. “Come, Helena, you have been
sent to me by the fates so I may be free of this burden.”

“What, no…” She shied away. “Let me go…
you’re some kind of freak…”

“It is beyond your ken, sweet Helena.” His voice lilted like a melodious flute and she felt herself getting drawn to him
again. “But your part is a necessary one.”

hard and for the first time she focused on his brazen nakedness as he moved
closer. Her eyes trailed down his deep muscular chest, chiseled mid-section and
finally rested on the rising organ between his muscular legs. He intended to
have sex with her, she realized. She felt her heart skip a few beats and
wondered if she could resist his advances. A strange desire to be taken by him
filled her senses and she reluctantly gave in.

“It is time, Helena.” Holkan purred sexily,
leaning over her. “I must take you now, or forever remain lost.”

His breath was intoxicating. It made her
head spin; she reached up and clawed at him. Helena pressed herself back
against the flat stones as his body weighed down on her. She felt the hardness
of his muscles crushing her yielding body. His lips closed in over hers,
sucking and biting her softness. She let his tongue snake into her mouth, she
had no urge to stop him, and she wanted him more than ever. She couldn’t
understand it, and decided not to fight it. Her body responded to him and her
mind followed.

“Helena, you will soon understand, but now
you must let your natural instincts rule…” Holkan whispered seductively into
her ear. “Release your mind, set it free, and let your body fill your senses.”

“Yes, Holkan,” Helena sighed and relaxed,
letting his warm body engulf her senses, body and mind.

She kissed him again, more hungrily than he
had. His breath was like an aphrodisiac to her and she couldn’t help but want
more. His hands traced all over her body and he peeled her clothing away. Her
oversized shirt and long flowing skirt he slipped off her with ease. Her bra
and panties he ripped off with more urgency and she felt his breathing get more
ragged. The anticipation excited her and she looked down at his surging

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