Parting the Waters (179 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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his fourth child: Int. Clarence Jones, Aug. 18, 1986.

“I mean you!”: Int. Marion King Smith, July 31, 1986.

“trying to do his job”: Int. Marion Cheek, July 11, 1985.

pro forma responses: Although Agent Cheek recalls a mixture of anger and cooperation on the part of those at Slater King's home on the night of Marion King's beating, the reports out of FBI headquarters emphasized the surliness of the Negroes while glossing over the alleged damage to Mrs. King. This is another illustration of the way FBI information was shaped by sensitivities at headquarters, which in turn affected the Justice Department. See Director Hoover to the Attorney General, “Racial Situation, Albany, Georgia…,” July 24, 1962, FA-515.

“the internal administration”: Marshall to King, two telegrams dated July 26, 1962, both in A/KP24f19 and Marshall Papers, Box 16, JFK.

“Rules with Negro”: AH, July 24, 1962, p. 1.

“Albany Will Stand”: AH, July 25, 1962, p. 1.

“We…beg you”: King and Anderson to Kelley, July 24, 1962, 1:46
, CRA.

only Abernathy even mentioned: Int. C. B. King, July 10, 1985; int. Charles Jones, Nov. 23, 1986; Rosen to Belmont, “Racial Situation, Albany Georgia…,” July 24, 1962, FA-494.

a near riot: NYT, July 25, 1962, p. 1, and July 26, 1962, p. 1; AH, July 25, 1962, p. 1; AJ, July 25, 1962, p. 1;
, Aug. 3, 1962, pp. 12-13;
, Aug. 3, 1962, p. 19; Watters,
Down to Now
, pp. 210-12.

peacemaker's tour: Watters,
Down to Now
, pp. 213-15; int. Charles Jones, Nov. 23, 1986.

remarkable news dispatch: NYT, July 27, 1962, p. 1. Also described by Pat Watters in
Down to Now
, pp. 164-68.

descended on Terrell County: Int. John Doar, May 12, 1986; Doar, “Monday Report” to RFK, Aug. 7, 1962, and Marshall to RFK, Aug. 29, 1962, Marshall Papers, Box 16, JFK.

“by gracefully retiring”: ADW, July 26, 1962, p. 4.

“when the world's on fire”: NYT, July 28, 1962, p. 44; Lewis,
, p. 164.

“immediate steps to assure”: Rockefeller to RFK, July 27, 1962, RAC; NYT, July 28, 1962, p. 44.

discussion with Spivak: King handwritten jail diary, BUK16f9; excerpts of jail diary published in
, Aug. 23, 1962, pp. 14-21; int. Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker, Aug. 20, 1984.

“C.B., who did this?”: NYT, July 29, 1962, p. 1; AJ, July 29, 1962, p. 1.

Campbell was old-school: AH, Sept. 15, 1962, p. 10. Former police chief Pritchett recalled that as a young police officer Campbell had been convicted of murder in a nearby county, and that he had worked his way into the sheriff's office from jail (int. Laurie Pritchett, Nov. 25, 1986).

“Yeah, I hit him”: Int. Marion Cheek, July 11, 1985.

Spivak bore in: “Meet the Press” transcript for July 29, 1962; a copy is in King's files, A/KP1f26.

Martha's Vineyard, where King: King log, BUK6f151;
, Aug. 16, 1962, p. 16.

President ran aground: NYT, July 30, 1962, p. 12.

“called at a propitious moment”: Int. Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker, Aug. 20, 1984.

“find it wholly inexplicable”: NYT, Aug. 2, 1962, pp. 1, 8.

“We earnestly desire”: Anderson and Slater King to Kelley, Aug. 2, 1962, 3:41
, CRA.

“violent, calculated campaign”: AH, Aug. 3, 1962, p. 1; NYT, Aug. 4, 1962, p. 11.

“Negro-wooing Government”: AH, Aug. 10, 1962, p. 1.

“not Roy's style”: Int. Burke Marshall, Sept. 26, 1984.

“if our hands weren't tied”: Kunstler,
, pp. 118-19; Doar to RFK, Aug. 7, 1962, Marshall Papers, Box 16, JFK.

“Martin King kill himself”: Levison intercept, Aug. 3, 1962, 5:03
, FL-NY-5-NR.

“let alone 20 million Negroes”:
, Aug. 3, 1962, pp. 12—13.

silk pajamas: Int. McCree Harris, Jan. 24, 1986, and James Gray, Jan. 24, 1986; C. King,
My Life
, p. 211.

sung out and prayed out: City Manager S. A. Roos memorandum, Aug. 4, 1962, CRA.

wrote in his diary:
, Aug. 23, 1962, p. 20.

unearthed glimpses: Summers,
, passim, esp. pp. 353-56.

“sententious poppycock”:
, Aug. 20, 1962, p. 29; Seattle
, Aug. 7, 1962, p. 1.

“Bobby and I engaged”: Schlesinger journal, Aug. 6, 1962; Schlesinger Jr.,
Robert Kennedy
, pp. 636-37.

“Poor Marilyn Monroe”: McDonald to King, Aug. 8, 1962, A/KP15f9.

“with clean hands”: NYT, Aug. 9, 1962, p. 9.

Mothers' March: C. King,
My Life
, p. 212.

trial before Judge Durden: NYT, Aug. 11, 1962, p. 1.

“suspended sentence on Martin”: intercept of Levison conversation with Toni Hamilton, Aug. 10, 1962, 3:28
, FL-NY-7-1440.

closed the city library: NYT, Aug. 12, 1962, p. 1.

“King or No King”: AH, Aug. 11, 1962, p. 1.

“You hear that, deacons!”: Kunstler,
, pp. 125-26.

“I am M. S. Page”:
, Aug. 27, 1962, pp. 25—26; Page statement, Aug. 15, 1962, CRA.

charred remains: NYT, Aug. 16, 1962, p. 1; King statement, Aug. 15, 1962, A/KS2.

including nine rabbis: NYT, Aug. 17, 1962, p. 8; AH, Aug. 29, 1962, p. 1; NYT, Aug. 30, 1962, p. 17; S. A. Roos memorandum, Aug. 28, 1962, CRA; list of “Religious Arrested August 28, 1962,” A/SC1f26.

“at least ten years”: AH, Aug. 15, 1962, p. 10A.

“only if the objective”: Lewis,
, p. 169.

encompassed nearly all: “Albany, Georgia,”
, February 1963, pp. 69-78.

“Albany remains segregated”: NYT, Aug. 18, 1962, p. 44.

King told his audience in Birmingham: NYT, Sept. 27, 1962, p. 29.

“fireman anymore”: Int. Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker, Dec. 21, 1984.


thickened in Greenwood: NYT, Aug. 16, 1962, p. 12;
, January 1970, pp. 16-17; Forman,
The Making
, pp. 283-86.

“kind of guy this Bob Moses”: Forman,
The Making
, p. 286.

colleagues to Highlander: Ibid. Also confidential report by Bernice Robinson (Septima Clark's partner at the Highlander citizenship school) dated July 19, 1962, and Robinson to Moses, July 19, 1962, both SHSW/HP.

“‘this is my school book'”: Block to SCLC, July 16, 1962, A/SC33f12.

O'Dell urged James Bevel: O'Dell to Bevel, Aug. 8, 1962, A/SC135f7.

Wiley Branton: Sketch from Branton, CRDPOH; int. Branton, Sept. 28, 1983.

they founded COFO: Forman,
The Making
, p. 288; Carson,
In Struggle
, p. 78; Watters and Cleghorn,
, p. 64; int. Wiley Branton, Sept. 28, 1983.

rearrested in Sunflower County: SNCC booklet,
Mississippi: A Chronicle of Violence
, p. 9, A/SC16f15.

classes around Ruleville:
, January 1970, p. 17; Forman,
The Making
, p. 91; Robinson to Myles Horton, July 30, 1962, SHSW/HP.

Hamer fled: Raines,
My Soul
, pp. 271-74.

vigilantes poured gunshots: NYT, Sept. 1, 1962, p. 20.

two fresh burnings: NYT, Sept. 10, 1962, p. 1.

two girls went to the hospital: NYT, Sept. 11, 1962, p. 20;
, Sept. 27, 1962, pp. 14-21.

usual detailed report: Memo from Bob Moses and Charles Cobb, “Shooting Incident in Ruleville,” A/SC141f4. The copy in King's files is marked “Attn: Andy” in King's handwriting, indicating that King assigned the response to Andrew Young.

from faraway Baltimore: Watters and Cleghorn,
, p. 139.

They chopped wood: Carson,
In Struggle
, p. 79.

“the deeper the fear”:
, January 1970, p. 17.

Operation Mongoose: U.S. Senate (Church Committee), Report No. 94-755, Book III, pp. 135ff.

“any more outrageous action”: NYT, Sept. 14, 1962, pp. 1, 12.

pledged $10,000: NYT, Sept. 15, 1962, p. 12.

I Hope Baptist Church: NYT, Sept. 18, 1962, pp. 1, 26.

“specifically to intimidate”: Navasky,
, pp. 119—20.

“protection guarantees”:
, Oct. 4, 1962, pp. 3-4.

Four more Negro churches: NYT, Sept. 26, 1962, p. 23.

USIA Director Edward R. Murrow: Golden,
Mr. Kennedy
, pp. 123-24.

“We were amazed”: Rep. Fred Schwengel to O'Donnell, Aug. 24, 1962, Lee White Papers, Box 20, JFK. A previous miscommunication is reflected in Lawrence O'Brien to Rep. James Roosevelt, April 7, 1962, Box 1478, Name File, JFK.

wiretap on Stanley: Levison intercept, Aug. 14, 1962, FL-NY-7-148a.

“Anything they hate”: Levison intercept, Aug. 27, 1962, FL-NY 7-161a.

centennial celebration: PC, Sept. 22, 1962, p. 4.

“A structure of segregation”: NYT, Sept. 22, 1962, pp. 1, 50.

Kennedy praised King's: JFK to King, Sept. 24, 1962, A/KP14f4.

“real mobilization”: King to Shortridge, Sept. 4, 1962, Shortridge Papers, in the possession of Mrs. W. E. (Pinkie) Shortridge.

“connectional man”: Shuttlesworth remarks at Shortridge funeral, May 2, 1964, Shortridge Papers, ibid.

Shortridge had dived: Shortridge statement to FBI agents, May 29, 1962, re shooting of March 28, 1962, Shortridge Papers, ibid.

small extra bedroom: Int. Pinkie Shortridge, July 29, 1986.

Connor's image problems: BN, Dec. 26, 1951, p. 1; BN, Jan. 7, 1952, p. 1; Corley, “The Quest,” pp. 159-61.

“silk-stocking people”: David Vann, Duard LeGrand Lecture of 1978, collected by the University of Alabama in Birmingham, Center for Urban Affairs, pp. 14-15.

emissary secretly to Atlanta: Lee E. Bains thesis, BIR, p. 9; int. David Vann, Aug. 1, 1986.

“wrong meeting”: Fred Shuttlesworth, A/OH; Shuttlesworth, CRDPOH; Raines,
My Soul
, pp. 168-69.

“We have to have toilets”: Ibid.

“were all trained”: Savannah office report, Aug. 29, 1962, cited in Garrow,
, p. 52.

confidential contact from Seigenthaler: Int. John Seigenthaler, Dec. 15, 1987, and Jack O'Dell, July 1, 1986.

O'Dell chafed at: Int. Jack O'Dell, July 1, 1986.

“to ride the Bull!”: Police notes of mass meeting, Sept. 24, 1962, BIR/BC6f14.

Tuesday, September 25: Meredith confrontation from Lord,
The Past
, pp. 139-43; Meredith,
Three Years
, pp. 193-97; Navasky,
, pp. 185-92, 199-204; NYT, Sept. 26, 1962, p. 1.

Meredith's third retreat: NYT, Sept. 27, 1962, p. 1; Watters and Cleghorn,
, pp. 144-45.

Christmas shopping boycott: Int. Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker, Dec. 21, 1984.

“soon as you leave”: Ibid.

“Hello, General”: Navasky,
, p. 209; Watters and Cleghorn,
, p. 147.

“thinks we're compromising”: Navasky,
, p. 215.

defiant holiday mood: Watters and Cleghorn,
, pp. 150-52.

stoically apprehensive Meredith: Meredith,
Three Years
, pp. 205-6.

triple-tier headlines: NYT, Sept. 28, 1962, p. 1.

“loony”: Schlesinger Jr.,
Robert Kennedy
, p. 342.

DEFCON 3: Charles Vanderburgh, “A Draftee's Diary from the Mississippi Front,”
, February 1964, p. 37.

dull by comparison: NYT, Sept. 28, 1962, p. 23.

landed on King's left cheek: Account of attack drawn from int. Septima Clark, Dec. 17, 1983, Edward Gardner, Jan. 21, 1986, and John Drew, Jan. 21, 1986; int. Clark, HOH; Robert Brank Fulton to King and Walker, Oct. 4, 1962, containing Fulton's statement dated Sept. 29, 1962, A/SC33f15; Ann Braden to King and Walker, Oct. 6, 1962, with enclosed draft, A/SC34f15.

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