Parting the Waters (193 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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Henderson, J. Raymond

Henderson, Thelton

Henry, Aaron

Henry the Navigator, Prince of Portugal


Hereford, Sonnie W.

Herndon, Angelo

Hershey, Lewis B.

“He's a Rebel,”

Hesburgh, Theodore

“He's Got the Whole World in His Hands,”

“He's So Fine,”

Heston, Charlton

Higgins, Dewey

student strikes and

“High Hopes,”

Highlander Folk School

alleged Communist activities of

citizenship-school program at

FBI on

raids on

voter registration conference at

High Point sit-in

Hill, Claude

Hill, Norman

Hillman Hospital

Hinds County Jail, freedom riders imprisoned in

Hipp, Mrs. Logan A.

Hiss, Alger

Hitler, Adolf

Hodgkin, Henry

Hoffa, Jimmy

Hollowell, Donald

Holmes, D. A.:

King-Jackson conflict and

NBC elections and

Holmes, Eleanor

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

Holmes County, Miss., voter registration in


Holt Street Baptist Church

mass meetings at

Holtzman, Elizabeth

Holy Family Church

Hooks, Benjamin

Hoover, J. Edgar

Albany Movement and

antagonism toward King of

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham church bombings and

civil rights legislation and

operations authorized by

on Communist infiltration of SCLC

Du Bois's Communist Party application and

FBI investigation of Jones and

FBI investigations of King and

Freedom Rides and

Haywood County case and

J. F. Kennedy-Arvad affair and

J. F. Kennedy-Rometsch affair and

King's criticisms of FBI and

King's private life revealed to

Levison surveillance and

March on Washington and

Parker lynching and

proposed prosecution of Levison and

on Randolph's Youth Marches

R. Kennedy's relationship with

Hoover, J. Edgar (

Rustin's homosexuality and

SCLC targeted by

Sinatra-Mafia-Castro-mistress tangle and

voter registration and

White House channel rebuilt by

wiretap prosecutions and

Hope, Bob

Hope, John

Horace Mann High School

Horne, Lena

Horton, Myles

Highlander raids and

Young and

Hotel John Marshall

House of Representatives, U.S.

Birmingham campaign and

Budget Committee of

Education and Labor Committee of

Judiciary Committee of

racial policy splits in

Un-American Activities Committee of

see also
Congress, U.S.

housing discrimination

Houston Power and Light Company

“How a Christian Overcomes Evil” (King)

Howard, T. R. M.

Howard University

Law School of

School of Religion of

“How to Believe in a Good God in the Face of Glaring Evil” (King)

Hudson, Rock

Hughes, Genevieve

Hughes, Howard

Hughes, Langston

Hughes, Matthew

Hugo, Victor

Humphrey, George M.

Humphrey, Hubert

1960 elections and

Hungary, revolt against Soviet Union by

Huntley, Chet

“Huntley-Brinkley Report,”

Huntsville, Ala., public school desegregation in

Hurley, Ruby

Hurst, E. H.:

Lee murdered by

voter registration and

Hutchins, Robert M.

Hutchinson Street Baptist Church


“I Been 'Buked and I Been Scorned,”

“I Can Paddle My Own Canoe” (Rockefeller)

Ichuaway plantation

“I Got Shoes,”

“I Have a Dream” (King)

I Hope Baptist Church, burning of

Illinois Central Railroad

“I'll Overcome, Some Day” (Tindley)

“I'm Gonna Sit at the Welcome Table,”

Immigration and Naturalization Service

“I'm on My Way to Freedom Land,”

“I'm Pleased Although I'm Sad” (Rockefeller)

Increasing Your Word Power

India, King's visit to

India Afire
(Wofford and Wofford)

In Friendship

Ingalls, Luther

Ink for Jack protest

In Place of Profit

“Integration Song, The,”

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

International Rotary Convention


Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)

bus desegregation rule of

Iran-Contra investigation


Israel, Abner

Israel, Eichmann tried in

Israelites, Egyptian exodus of

“It's Safe to Murder Negroes in Montgomery” (Johns)

“I Want Jesus to Walk with Me,”


Jack, Homer

Jackson, Emmanuel “Bo,”

Jackson, Henry “Scoop,”

Jackson, Jesse

Jackson, J. H.

King rebuked by

King's plans for NBC and

March on Washington and

Montgomery bus boycott and

NAACP addressed by

in NBC elections

1960 elections and

sit-ins denounced by

Jackson, Mahalia

Chicago rally performance of

Freedom Villages and

King's March on Washington speech and

March on Washington performance of

NBC activities of

Jackson, Miss.:

Evers's funeral in

first Negro policeman hired in

Freedom Rides in

Jackson, Nettie Carter

Jackson, Thomas J. “Stonewall,”

Jackson airport, segregated rest rooms and lunch counters of

Daily News

Jackson Memorial Stadium, race rallies at

Jackson movement

boycotts of

demands of

Evers's assassination and

negotiations and

settlement accepted by

sit-ins of

jail-in movement

James, Earl:

libel suit of

Marshall's correspondence with

James, Esther

James, Roy

James, William

Japanese Peace Treaty Conference

Javits, Jacob

Jefferson, Thomas

Jemison, D. V.

Jemison, T. J.

Montgomery bus boycott and

NBC elections and

Jenkins, Herbert

Jenkins, Timothy

on Jackson settlement

King criticized by

voter registration and

Jenkins, William A.

injunction against Birmingham campaign of

Jeremiah X


contradictory accounts of quotations ascribed to

before and after crucifixion

heavenly order awaited by

King compared with

preaching about

“Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross,”


Jewel Sermons

Jim Crow laws

NAACP drive for legislation against

Job, Book of

John XXIII, Pope

Johnny Reb's

Johns, Altona

Johns, Altona Trent

Johns, Barbara

Johns's relationship with

schoool strike led by

Johns, Robert

Johns, Sallie Price

Johns, Vernon

Abernathy on

Baltimore debacle of

Bevel compared with

business enterprises of

congregants criticized by

death of

eccentricities of

education of

heritage of

home life of

lecture tours of

M. L. King, Jr. compared with

M. L. King, Jr.'s trial sermon at Dexter and

M. L. King, Sr. compared with

physical appearance of

R. R. Moton High School strike and

tracking down of

trial sermon delivered by

Johns, Vernon (

victimization of

Walker and

Johns, Willie

Johns Hopkins University

Johnson, Andrew

Johnson, Bernice

Johnson, Frank, Jr.

Johnson, James Weldon

Johnson, June, arrest and beating of

Johnson, Lady Bird

Johnson, L. Warren “Gator,”

acquittal of

Albany Freedom Ride and

Ware charged with assault of

Ware shot by

Johnson, Lyndon Baines

Baker's relationship with

civil rights legislation and

King's meetings with

March on Washington and

presidential campaigns of

vice-presidential campaign of

Johnson, Mordecai

Johns compared with

Johnson, Paul

Johnson, Tom

Johnson C. Smith College

John the Baptist, Saint

Jones, Ann Norton

Jones, Arthur

Jones, Bobby

Jones, C. C.

Jones, Charles

Albany Movement and

arrest avoided by

arrests and imprisonments of

in Freedom Ride projects

King criticized by

voter registration and

Jones, Clarence

Albany Movement and

on allegations against Levison

alleged Communist infiltration of SCLC and

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham church bombings and

Evers's assassination and

FBI surveillance of

“I Have a Dream” speech and

Jackson movement and

King as house guest of

King's Birmingham imprisonment and

King's book on Birmingham and

King's sexual affairs and

“Letter from Birmingham Jail” and

March on Washington and

O'Dell and

R. Kennedy's meetings with

Jones, David “Deacon,”

Jones, E. S.

Jones, Ray

Jones, Walter B.

Freedom Rides and

Jordan, Clarence

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