Passing Strange (63 page)

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Authors: Martha A. Sandweiss

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as explorer
family duties of
federal funding for
fiction written by
fieldwork by
final days of
finances of
first engagement of
in Flat River, Ariz.
in Florida
formal attire worn by
fossils collected by
friendships of
as frontiersman
funeral of
generosity of
geological formations named by
as geologist
in Georgia
glacier discovered by
as government administrator
grave site of
in grizzly bear attack
in Hartford, Conn.
in Havana
in Hawaiian Islands Hay’s loans to
heart failure of
honors received by
hotel residences of
in Hot Springs, Ark.
ill health of
in Indian attack
James Todd as alternative identity of,
Todd, James
journals of
Klondike investigation of
at Lake George
at Lake Sunapee
leadership of
legal affairs of
in lightning strike
in London
magazine articles written by
malaria contracted by
in Martinique
memorial services for
memorial volume for
in Mexico
military escort for
military service avoided by
as minerals expert
as mining consultant
mining investments of
mortgages of
as mountaineer
musical tastes of
name of
nervous breakdown of (1893)
in Nevada
in New Hampshire in New Orleans
in Newport
in New York City
in Nicaragua
obituary for
in Pacific Northwest
in Panama
in Paris
in Pasadena, Calif.
personality of
personal papers of
in Phoenix, Ariz.
photographs of
physical appearance of
physical stamina of
political views of
King, Clarence Rivers
in Pomfret, Conn.
in Prescott, Ariz.
press coverage of
promissory notes of
public lectures of
in Puerto Rico
racial views of
ranching interests of religious views of
reports written by
as Republican
reputation of
as romantic
in Sacramento, Calif.
in St. Joseph’s, Mo.
in St. Louis, Mo.
in St. Thomas
in Salt Lake City
in San Francisco
as scientist in Seattle, Wash.
secrecy of
Sheffield commencement address of (1877) in Sierra Nevada
“slumming” by
social life of
in Spain
stocks held by
surgical operation of
as surveyor
in Telluride, Colo.
in Texas
tuberculosis of
as U.S. Geologist-in-Charge of U.S. Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel
as USGS director
Vermont hiking trips of
in Virginia City, Nev. volcanoes explored by
in Washington.C.
western travels of
White House visited by
whooping cough of
will of
women as viewed by
writings of
King, David
King, Florence,
Howland, Caroline Florence Little King
King, Grace
King, Grace Margaret
King, James Rivers
King, Leroy,
Todd, Leroy
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King, Samuel
King, Samuel Vernon
King, Sidney C.
King, Wallace Archer
King, William H.
King, William Vernon
King and Co.
King and Talbot
King of the 40th Parallel
Kings Park State Hospital
Kirpae, Frederick
Knickerbocker Club
Ku Klux Klan
La Farge, John
La Grange, Ga.
LaGrange, Oscar
La Grange Reporter
Lake Champlain
Lancaster, Alexander
Larsen, Nella
Lassen Peak
Lawrence, Walter B.
Legal Aid Society
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Rufus P.
Lind, Earl
Little, Robbins
Little, Sophia Robbins
Little, William, Jr.
Littleton, Martin W., Jr.
Livingstone, David
“Locksley Hall” (Tennyson)
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Lodge, Nannie
Logan, William
Logan School
London, Jack
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Love, Nat
Low, Seth
McDonald, Ada King
McDonald, William “Bill”
McDowell, Irwin
McGee, Daniel
McKinley, William
McLean Asylum
Madison, James
Magna Carta
Mailer, Norman
Man Called White, A
March on Washington (1963)
Mariposa Estate
Marryatt, Adaline
Marryatt, Florence
Marryatt, James
Marsh, Othniel
Martin, George W.
Martin, Phoebe
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Maynard, Isaac H.
Melcher, John S.
Mendelssohn Hall
Metallic Wealth of the United States, The
Metropolitan Club
Mexican Coal and Coke Co.
Middleton, G. W.
Mildred (Ada Copeland Todd King’s mother)
Miles, Nelson A.
Millet, Jean-François
Minas Prietas mine
Mining Industry
(Hague and King)
Miscegenation: The Theory of the Blending of the Races, Applied to the American White Man and Negro
(Croly and Wakeman)
Mitchell, S. Weir
Monet, Claude
Moore, James Gregory
Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada
“Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada” (King)
Mount Brewer
Mount Clarence King
Mount Cotter
Mount Davidson
Mount Gardiner
Mount Hood
Mount Rainier
Mount Shasta
Mount Tyndall
Mount Whitney
Mullins, Martha Copeland
Munger, Gilbert
Myrdal, Gunnar
National Academy of Design
National Academy of Sciences
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Bank of El Paso
National Electric Association
National Geographic
Native Americans
Navassa Island riot (1889)
Navassa Phosphate Co.
Nevada Territory
“Newtys of Pike”
New York Age
New York City Bar Association
New York City draft riots (1863)
New York City race riot (1834)
New York City race riot (1900)
New York City race riot (1901)
New York Daily News
New York Freeman
New York Herald
New York Herald Tribune
New York Society for Relief of the Ruptured and Crippled
New York Society for the Suppression of Vice
New York State Survey (1876-86)
New York Supreme Court
New York Times
New York Tribune
Nez Percé Indians
Niagara Movement
Niblo’s Garden
Nicolay, John
Nixon, Richard M.
North American Exploration Co.
North American Review
Oliver Twist
Olmsted, Frederick Law
Olyphant, King and Co.
“one drop” rule
On the Origin of Species
Opelika, Ala.
Ophir House
Oregon Trail
Osgood, James R.
O’Sullivan, Timothy
O’Toole, Patricia
Overland Monthly
Ovington, Mary White
Panama Canal
Pan-American Exposition (1901)
“Pandora” (James)
panic of 1893
Papanikolas, Zeese
Park, Robert
Park, Roswell
Parker House
Parkman, Francis
Parsons, Samuel
Peabody, George Foster
Perry, Rufus L.
Peterson, Deborah
“petter’s shooting” (1929)
Phillips, Ulrich B.
Phillips, Wendell
Plessy, Homer
Plessy v. Ferguson
Plum Bun: A Novel without a Moral
Potawatomi Indians
Powell, John Wesley
Prentice, John H.
Price, James K.
Proctor, Henry Hugh
Promontory Point
Pudd’nhead Wilson
Pullman, George
Pullman Palace Car Co.
Pullman strike (1894)
Purnell, Anne
racial mixing:
in marriages
“one drop” rule of
Railroad Commission of Texas v. Pullman Co.
Rainier Club
Ralston, William
Ramsden, F. William
Randall, Mrs.
Raymond, Rossiter W.
Reid, Whitelaw
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Republican Party
Revelation, book of
Rhind, Frances
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Anti-Slavery Society
Richardson, H. H.
Rivoire, François
Robbins, Asher
Rocky Mountains
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Ross, Mrs. E. Webster
Roth, Philip
Rothschild, Ferdinand James de
Round Table Club
Ruskin, John
Sachs, Aaron
St. Mary’s Episcopal Chapel
Salt Lake Valley
San Francisco Chronicle
San Joaquin Valley
“Santa Rita” (King)
Saturday Evening Post
Schwartz, Herman
Scottsboro Boys
Scribner’s Monthly
segregation, racial
“separate but equal” standard
Sheffield Scientific School
Shientag, Bernard
Shoshone Falls
Sierra Club
Sierra Madre
“Significance of the Frontier in American History, The” (Turner)
Silliman, Benjamin, Jr.
silver mines
Sinclair, Harry F.
Sixty-third Pioneer Infantry Regiment, U.S.
Smith, Gerrit
Smithson, James
Smithsonian Institution
Society for the Advancement of Truth in Art
Society of the Sons of New York
Sombrerete mine
Sombrerete Mining Co.
Sonora, Mexico
Southern Commission on Interracial Co-operation
“South of the Slot” (London)
Spartanburg, S.C.
Speers, T. M.
Stanley, Maude
Stanton, Edwin
Stedman, Edmund Clarence
Stegner, Wallace
Stiles, Samuel E.
Stone, William
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Studio Building
Supreme Court, U.S.
Sutherland, Duke of
Swayze, Minnie
Systematic Geology
Taft, William Howard
Tammany Hall
Taylor, Robert
Teapot Dome scandal
Tenderloin district
Tennyson, Alfred Lord
textile mills
Tharp, Louise Hall
Thaw, Harry K.
Thomas, John Leroy
Thomas, Patricia
Thomas, Thelma Burns
Thorpe, Robert
369th Infantry Regiment, U.S. (“Harlem Hellfighters”)
Three Lakes: Marian, Lall, Jan, and How They Were Named, The
Thrice through the Furnace
Todd, Ada Copeland,
King, Ada Copeland Todd
Todd, Ada N.,
King, Ada N.
Todd, Grace Margaret,
King, Grace Margaret
Todd, James (Clarence King’s alias):
African American identity of
background of

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