Passion Abroad: A BWWM Billionaire Holiday Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Passion Abroad: A BWWM Billionaire Holiday Romance
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asked Emilio for your room number,” she said in a low voice.

to come in?” Daniel asked as he stepped aside. She walked into
his suite and he closed the door before turning around. “You
okay?” he asked looking at her. She smiled and nodded before
she brought her hand from behind her back revealing the Trojans he’d
left in her room earlier.

looked at him as he opened his mouth to talk but she really didn’t
want to hear anything. She pressed a finger against his lips and
shook her head. She looked at him and slowly took off her t-shirt.
She could tell by the way he was looking at her that he was
surprised. She handed him the packet of condoms before she pushed off
her tights. She took a step forward and looked into his eyes.

what are you doing?” he asked when she pulled the towel off his

talk,” she said as she let the towel fall to the floor. She
slowly caressed his chest before she started kissing his neck softly,
slowly working her way down his chest. Daniel wanted to touch her but
he was scared that she was going to pull away. She looked at him as
she pulled the towel around his waist and let it drop to the floor.
“Just don’t talk,” she said again as she took his
hand in hers and began walking towards the bedroom. The cold shower
he had taken earlier didn’t seem to matter at that moment. All
he knew was that he was ready to go. Ready for her.

they got to the bedroom, he slipped an arm around her waist and
turned her around to face him. Her skin felt so perfect against his
naked skin. She slowly brought her hand up and held his neck as he
brought his head down to kiss her. Erica felt a tingle go down her
spine when his lips met hers. She was breathing hard as he kissed her
softly. He pulled back and looked at her for a few minutes before he
kissed her again. His lips were mashing hard against hers and his
tongue was seeking hers out. She felt his hand slowly going up her
neck before he grabbed a lock of hair. She shivered in his arms as he
caressed the back of her neck. It was like nothing she had ever felt
before with any man. The way he was handling her with so much care,
so much expertise. She wanted to give herself fully to him.

was slowly backing her up to the wall as he kissed her. She could
feel her heart beating hard in her chest as he caressed her. She
never wanted this moment to end. The feeling of being in a man’s
arms, a beautifully crafted man in all his naked glory. She moaned
softly when he pressed her against the wall and looked up. He could
hear her breath catching in her throat as she closed her eyes and
marveled in the moment. He was touching her and caressing her ever so
lovingly and every pampering touch was almost driving her insane. He
took a step back and looked at her naked body for a long minute
before he began kissing her neck. She moaned softly when he cupped a
feel of her breast and slowly worked his way down her body. She
opened her eyes to find him kneeling in front of her as he pressed
his face into her tummy, kissing her. His cock was uncomfortably hard
thanks to months of not being with a woman. She was breathing more
heavily as she felt him running his tongue along her skin. She
suddenly gasped when she felt him slip his hands under her knees and
lift her up, holding her steady against the wall. She almost lost it
when she felt his hot breath on her pussy.

my God…” she gasped when she felt his tongue lapping at
her. She took long deep breaths as she felt him slowly running his
tongue up and down her already swollen clit. She was trying as hard
as she could to hold herself up but she could feel herself failing.
She was afraid she was going to fall when he finally engulfed her
pussy with his mouth. She moaned out loud when he began sucking her
pussy getting her even wetter than she already was. She ran her hands
on the wall trying desperately to hold on as he kissed and sucked and
licked. “Daniel go slow…I’m going to cum…go
slow…” she begged as he went on sucking.

pleas fell on deaf ears because all he did was continue sucking on
her pussy harder and harder. And true to her word, she suddenly
emptied into his mouth and he never pulled back. He was drinking up
everything she had to offer. She moaned and squealed as he went on
pleasuring her beyond what she could handle. “That’s
it…that’s it,” she moaned as he went on sucking on
her. She wanted to push him off, she’d had enough of his oral
pleasure for a lifetime. She breathed her relief when he pulled away.
But her relief was short lived because he suddenly pushed his tongue
inside her pussy so hard she thought she was going to cum again. She
looked down at him as he used his tongue to fuck her harder and
deeper until she couldn’t take it anymore.

loved the feel of her slippery pussy against his lips, the way she
was moaning every time he pushed his tongue into her pussy. When he
finally pulled his tongue out of her pussy, she was panting and the
sides of his mouth were glistening with her cum. He lowered her legs
slowly until they touched the ground but he quickly had to hold her
when she almost fell over. He grabbed the condoms from the floor and
swept her into his arms before he slowly lowered her on the bed. She
looked up at him as he grabbed the box of Trojans. She wanted to pull
herself up and pleasure him the same way he had but the raging hard
on that Daniel donned made that impossible to even consider.

looked up at him as he rolled on the condom. Her heart beat harder
and faster. She was tense when he got on top of her again. It was
like reliving the moment she had regretted so much earlier.

you sure about this?” he asked as he looked at her.

smiled at him and nodded.

than anything,” she said in a whisper. He was looking at her as
he pushed his cock into her pussy. She gasped and her eyes grew wide
when she felt the head of his cock slip into her pussy. He held back
and began to slowly work himself into her. She appreciated how slow
he was taking her, making sure that he didn’t hurt her with his
massive member. He pulled back a little before he pushed his entire
length inside her, making her hold her breath as she felt him
stretching her out. She slipped an arm around his neck and buried her
face in his shoulder. He began working himself in and out of her
slowly, every second making her feel like she was about to explode.
Entering her so soon after an orgasm was making it almost impossible
for her to hold her cool as he went on. She tried as hard as she
could to hold back when she felt him slamming against her but that
was not Daniel’s cup of tea

don’t do that. Don’t hold back,” he said as he
fucked her. “I need to hear you,” he said in a moan. She
didn’t want to give in yet. She couldn’t let herself but
the way he was going at her made it almost impossible for her to hold
back. Before she knew it, she was moaning out loud making a smile
play on Daniel’s lips as he went on slamming against her pussy.
It was not long before she felt her walls quaking in the wake of her
next orgasm. She shrieked and moaned when she felt his cock exploding
against her quivering walls. She gasped out loudly as he slowly laid
his weight on her.

my God!” Erica said in a sigh.

forced out a laugh.

my name but I’ll take it,” he said as his cock slipped
out of her. She turned and looked at him before she rolled her eyes.


I’m just trying to be real here. It’s not my fault that
was the first thing you thought about when you had a killer orgasm
thanks to yours truly,” Daniel said.

comment,” she smiled before she grabbed the bedding and closed
her eyes. Her mouth was slightly open as she felt another wave exit
through her pussy.

you okay?” Daniel watched her, genuinely concerned.

am. Let’s just say you literally stirred up a storm,” she
said in a low voice.

a good thing, right?” he looked at her and smiled.

a great thing, trust me. I haven’t had that in a long time,”
Erica said with a smile. He planted a kiss on her forehead before he
climbed off the bed. He walked to the bathroom and took off the
condom before he cleaned up. He then took a washcloth and held it
under running water.“What’s that?” Erica asked when
she saw the wet washcloth in his hands.

trust me on this,” he said as he climbed onto the bed. She
looked up at him and felt her cheeks flushing as he spread her legs.
“Really?” he asked as he gently wiped down the wetness on
her pussy.

what?” she asked.

are acting shy after what just happened?” he asked. She shook
her head and then grabbed a pillow as he wiped down her pussy, fold
by fold. She hugged the pillow covering up her breasts as he folded
the washcloth and placed a cool fresh pad on her pussy before lying
next to her. “All better?” he asked.

much better.” She looked at him and shrugged. “I don’t
even want to ask how you knew about the whole wet washcloth thing.”

simple science. Men are good to go after a quick clean up but women
need a whole lot of care. So it just made sense,” he said.

thank you,” she said with a smile. Daniel looked at her and
brushed a hair out of her face.

you’re very welcome,” he said as he looked into her eyes.
“So, I have to ask. What changed your mind?” he asked as
he looked at her.

smiled and shrugged.

don’t know. I guess I thought I was just being an idiot. I mean
I don’t have anyone I’m saving myself for and there was a
good looking guy who was willing to take me to awesome places after
one day…” she took a deep breath and looked at him. “I
need to start living again and somehow I feel like you are a big part
of this,” she added with a smile. She looked at him and felt
herself blush again.

hungry,” he said out of nowhere.

starved,” she agreed laughing. “And there is a good plate
of crispy fries in my room…speaking of rooms. How is your
place so damn huge? I mean this place is like my apartment, actually
bigger,” she said. Daniel laughed. “So is this like the
presidential suite or something?” she asked.

smiled and shook his head.

way. The presidential suite has like two balconies and almost four
bedrooms. They should call it a presidential house or something,”
he said..

presidential suite or not. I need to eat something,” she

got this,” he said before climbing off the bed. She looked at
him as he walked out of the bedroom totally naked. She could not help
but smile as she watched his butt walking away.

Chapter 6

she woke up the next day, Erica was ecstatic. She and Daniel had
ended up staying in for the rest of the day- and night. Daniel even
showed her the ‘true’ meaning of room service. She had
gone up from binging on fries and double cheese burgers to lobster
and champagne. As her eyes fluttered open, she noticed Daniel looking
at her.

long have you been watching me?” she asked.

don’t know,” he shrugged. “And I know that’s
kind of creepy. I heard how it sounded.”

thanks for saying it,” she said as she sat up. She looked
around and shrugged. “I left my phone in my room. I have no
idea what time it is.”

is…” he said as he reached for his phone. “Nine
thirty,” he said before he put the phone down next to her.

really need to get back to my room. If not for anything then for my

you sure I can’t charm you to stay here longer?”

did pay for the room,” she said matter of factly. A smile
played on her face as he leaned in to kiss her. He was just about to
kiss her when his phone rang loudly. He put a hand around her neck
and pulled her to kiss her deeply before he picked up his phone.

he said when he picked up as he walked out of the room.

took a long deep breath and looked around wondering where her clothes
were. She got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. She splashed
some cold water on her face and then looked up at her reflection. A
smile played on her face as she looked at her post coital look. She
had to admit. She loved it. She grabbed one of the bathrobes on the
rack and put it on.

has a rack of bathrobes…I’ve got just the one,”
she thought as she
looked around the huge bathroom. She could literally fit her bed in
that bathroom without a hustle.
that is the difference between a room and a suite,”
thought as she walked out of the bathroom. She picked up her tights
from the floor and put them on the bed before she walked out to the
living room where she found her t-shirt on the floor. She picked up
the t-shirt and the towels she had tossed there the previous day
before she walked back to the bedroom. She sat down on the edge of
the bed and began putting on her tights as the events of the last
twenty four hours replayed in her mind. She was just about to put on
her t-shirt when Daniel walked in looking distraught. “Everything
okay?” she asked as she pulled her t-shirt over her head. He
nodded as she stood up.

BOOK: Passion Abroad: A BWWM Billionaire Holiday Romance
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