Passion and Pain (Dancers and Divas) (17 page)

BOOK: Passion and Pain (Dancers and Divas)
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She got up from her bed and rummaged through her wardrobe trying to decide what to wear to a songwriting date.
Jeans she decided. Jeans were comfortable. There was no point trying to be all sexy and stuff. She knew she would only look awkward.

She stood outside the studio, took a couple of deep breaths and walked in confidently. But as soon as she saw him, she felt her knees weaken.

“El, hey, come on in
” he said, waving her over to the piano. “
Good exam week

“As good as can be,” Elena said. “Glad it’s over!”

I’m glad you
here because I need to finish this song for the showcase next week. It’s going to be Letitia’s solo.”

“Why aren’t you singing it?”

“I’m doing another song later, but this one is for her. It’s perfect for her voice and she’ll do a great job of it.”

“Okay, what’s it about?” Elena asked.

“Love and tolerance basically.
You know, despite differences in race, religion, social class, appearances,

Ironic that Letitia was singing it.

He played her some of the music and the ideas he had and she made some suggestions. She also took every opportunity to accidentally touch his leg as they sat side by side. She felt his arm against hers as he moved along the piano and felt the warmth spread across her body. She was amazed she could concentrate at all, considering the utter turmoil her body was in, yet somehow it seemed to energize and inspire her.

“This is sounding great, Elena. You are my savior.”

“My pleasure.”
If only he knew how much it was.

“I will make sure I put your name in the song credits.”

“Thanks. That would be nice.”

“I haven’t told Letitia I’ve been working with you, by the way. I’m thinking I’ll wait until after the showcase or she may sabotage it,” Jay said laughing.

“Good plan.”

Elena placed her hands in her lap and fidgeted. “I guess I should get going, then.”

He stood up as she did and walked with her to the door.

“Thanks for the singing lessons,” she said.

“Thanks for helping me with my songs,” he said as he leaned over her in the doorway. “Maybe we can work on some more material over the summer?”

His face was inches from her and all Elena could think of was touching it. “Um, sure,” she whispered. “I work during the summer but you know

He lean
in and kissed her gently on the lips. “I’ll give you a call after school is over.”

She nodded and slipped out under his arm, willing herself not to faint. She glanced back at him as he stood leaning against the doorway watching her leave. She begged herself not to trip as she made her way to the end of the corridor. As she rounded the corner, she leaned against the wall to breathe for a moment.  Oh my God, he
kissed her.  She touched her lips in amazement. 


, it’s me.”

“Didn’t you have some family thing?”

“He kissed me.”

“Who did?”


Was that at this family thing?”

I didn’t tell you I was meeting him. I was too embarrassed and I couldn’t tell Seb because I knew he would make fun of me.”

You didn’t have to lie.”

“I know.

Elena willed Veronika to forgive her
as she heard the deafening silence on the other end of the phone

“So how was it?”


“What does it mean?”

“I don’t know, but he said he would call during summer so we can work on more songs.”

“But he never asked you for a date?”


“That’s a bit strange. I don’t want to disappoint you
but I’m not sure he’s feeling the same way


“I’m a writer, remember? It’s my job to analyze people. And guys who are interested in
girl ask them on
date, not
work meeting.”

Elena’s heart sank. Could that kiss really have been nothing?

“I guess. I’ll see you tomorrow

Elena went home confused and sat on her bed. She didn’t know what to make of it all. That kiss was intense even if it was light. So why kiss her if he wasn’t into her? But then what did she know?

Elena played with the edge of her duvet. Could he tell she had a crush on him? Was he merely thanking her for her help? She shook her head and changed into her pajamas.

Maybe he wanted to ask her out but didn’t know how to? No, he’d had a girlfriend before so he knew how to ask girls out. Maybe he hadn’t really broken up with

She jumped into bed and yanked the duvet over her. It was all too complex. She needed to focus on her showcases and stop the daydreaming. But then, as she lay her head down, it only took a second to remember that kiss again and she was dreaming of him.




The next two weeks were all about rehearsals. Dance rehearsals, play rehearsals and showcases. Elena and Leon were at dress rehearsals for
Romeo and Juliet
, trying out their costumes for the first time. Elena was swinging in circles in her new medieval costume. The dress was a deep red with puffy loose hanging sleeves. It fitted in at the waist and then flowed down to the ground with a trail at the back that she held in her hand. Black lace and seam lines decorated the bodice and little rubies covered the front. Just wearing the dress made her feel more like Juliet. Leon looked adorable in his black tights puffy green shorts and matching green shirt
with the same
sleeves as Elena’s.

“Let’s show them what we’ve got!” Elena said to Leon as they prepared for their next scene. As they waited behind the curtains, Elena peeked through and saw Sebastien and Frankie sitting in the auditorium watching.  She also caught a glimpse of Veronika with her cameraman, probably filming the

behind the scenes

segment she’d talked about.

Then it was their cue. Leon and Elena were in the most intense love scene in the play where Juliet lets Romeo into her room. They were performing just as they rehearsed it, holding hands and looking adoringly in each other’s eyes. Suddenly, Leon grabbed Elena, pulled her tightly against him and kissed her passionately. Elena squirmed in his arms but could do nothing to stop him. When he finally finished and released her, she stared at him
her eyes wide and her mouth agape
waving her hands frantically at him. She was speechless.

“Leon!” Frankie shouted before storming out. Sebastien gripped the armrests momentarily before also leaving the
. Elena wanted to call out to him but was still unable to speak. The director, Mr. Harding
was clapping in enthusiasm. “Yes! Yes! That was perfect
Leon. You were caught in the moment. Elena
you need to play along.”

Veronika made her cameraman stop filming. “Are you kidding?” he said. “This has been the best part of the segment to date.” Veronika’s glare silenced him into submission.

“Ah, ah, um, I thought this was supposed to be rated for children. My mom will sue the school if she sees me kissing a boy,” Elena said.

“Ah yes
true,” Mr. Harding said, shaking his head. “Right Leon, we may have to try and contain ourselves a little on that scene for the performance.” Leon nodded. “Let’s leave it there for today, shall we?”

Veronika called out to Elena. “I’ll see you outside.” She then dragged the cameraman away as he sighed.

“Leon! What were you thinking?” Elena said to him in exasperation. “Not only did you kiss me without warning, you did it in front of Frankie. Why would you do that?”

“I don’t know. I was caught in the moment. You looked so seductive in your costume that for that brief second, I felt like Romeo. Couldn’t you feel it too?”

“Leon, you

re incredibly sexy and you play Romeo really well, but you’re Frankie’s boyfriend and one of my closest friends,” Elena said in harsh whisper. “I know we are playing lovers, but it’s just a play. That was very stupid. Frankie will never forgive you. Why would you do this?”

“Maybe that’s what I wanted.”

To make Frankie angry with you?”

Leon slumped down into a chair. “No, I wanted Frankie to let me go. She’s been driving me crazy and has become so possessive and jealous, I feel suffocated. I hated letting you all down in that short play and I hate hanging out with Letitia’s friends.”

“So you thought you would give her a reason to be jealous?” Elena slapped her forehead with her hand.
just did not make sense to her. And what was with everyone kissing her this week? For a girl who had never been kissed, this was getting overwhelming.

“I’m sorry Elena. I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t even consider how this would impact you.”

If you wanted to piss Frankie off, you could have at least kissed someone who wasn’t her friend. There’s enough drama in this play without creating anymore offstage. Or you know
you could break up with her.”

“If I broke up with Frankie now, she would completely fall apart.”

“That’s not a good reason to be with someone.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I was taking the coward’s way out, hoping she would break up with me instead,” he said with his head hung low. “It was a nice kiss, though.”

Elena cuffed him across the head. She couldn’t hate Leon
no matter how stupidly he acted, but this was not going to improve her friendship with Frankie. That was already hanging by a thread
thanks to Letitia.

She rose slowly and headed backstage to change out of her costume. Veronika was waiting for her outside.

“What was all that about?”

“Good question. Trust me. I was the innocent party. It was a surprise to me, too.”

“Frankie is furious!”

“I would be too
if I w
her, but it’s just a play. That’s for them to
out anyway.”

“Did he get caught up in the moment or something?”

Elena laughed. “Would you believe he thought it was a way to solve a problem he has with Frankie?”

Veronika shook her head. “Leon should know better.”

“Why did Sebastien leave in such a hurry?”

“Um, because he’s jealous, Elena.”

“Jealous of

“Elena, look at me,” Veronika said as she gripped Elena’s shoulder and looked her directly in the eyes. “Seb is in love with you.”

“No he’s not,” Elena said shaking Veronika’s arm off her. “He’s my best friend. I’ve known him since he was a foot shorter. He’s never acted differently towards me and flirts with half the girls in the school.”

“I’m sure he’s tried to say something to you but you probably missed it because you’re clueless.”

Elena searched her memory for any
but none came to mind.

“But even if Seb were in love with me, why would he be jealous? I didn’t kiss anyone and I’m not the one dating half the school.”

“Well, you know
, not the most logical creatures.”

“I’m definitely learning that this week.” Elena paused for a moment. “Maybe I should tell him about Jay. Then he’ll know I’m in love with someone else.”

“He’s going away to Italy this summer
isn’t he? Maybe wait to see if anything happens with Jay before you tell Seb. I’m not so sure that Jay is the real deal.”

“Good plan.”

“One of us has to be sane around here.”

Elena couldn’t stop thinking about what Veronika said. Could Sebastien really be that upset about a kiss she didn’t willingly participate in? If he did have feelings for her, why
didn’t he ever
say anything? There was so much she didn’t understand. All she wanted was to perform as Juliet in a theat
production at school. How did this lead to all this other chaos? Oh, that’s right, Leon’s moment of inspiration. Elena clenched her fists, frustrated. She had a bad feeling it wasn’t over yet.

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