Passion and Pain (Dancers and Divas) (4 page)

BOOK: Passion and Pain (Dancers and Divas)
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“I w
nder what plays we’re doing
” Elena asked Sebastien, bringing her focus back to important matters.

“Does it matter? You’ll want the lead either way, right?”

“Don’t you?”

“I wouldn’t mind, but it’s not the end of the world if I don’t. You worry too much.”

Elena leaned her face against her hand and glanced around the room. It was buzzing with anticipation as students waited for the teachers to arrive. Her eyes rested on a stunning African
American girl sitting in the front also looking around her. She was probably as nervous as the rest of
, Elena thought.  For a second their eyes met and Elena offered a smile. The girl responded with a frosty, condescending look and a flick of her long straight hair.
Maybe not.

Elena elbowed Sebastien gently. “Do you know who that diva is, at the front?”

As Sebastien looked up at the girl, her entire demeanor changed. Elena saw her carefully assessing Sebastien from top to bottom. Her face broke into a suggestive grin as her round dark eyes held Sebastien’s.

Sebastien leaned into Elena, his eyes still on the girl. “I have no idea who she is but I think she wants to be friends.”

“With you, maybe.”

Elena sunk her head into her crossed arms on the desk, instantly perking up when the two drama teachers
holding large bundles of papers.

“Good morning everyone!” chirped the female teacher.
”I’m Ms.
Worthington. I hope you are all refreshed from summer vacation and ready for our new productions!”

A few nods of acknowledgement followed but otherwise
there was silence.

“Please remember that even if you don’t get a part in one of these productions, you won’t be idle. Miss Hammersmith will be taking the drama classes and you will still be having fun with technical exercises and script analysis. Plus, we have more shows next year so there are always more opportunities.”

The students whispered to each other, eager for the real announcement. Elena squeezed Sebastien’s arm.

The male teacher continued, “Welcome everyone. I’m Mr. Harding. I know you are all dying to know what shows we are doing, so without further adieu. Drum roll
please.” A couple of the students hit pencils against the wooden desks to imitate drum rolls.

“For our light comedy, we are doing a play called
To Act is to Love.
This play follows the trials and tribulations of two struggling actors in New York, the people they meet and the web of mischief they find themselves in. I thought it would be enlightening at least!” he said chuckling at his little joke.  A low murmur spread through the room.

“There are two main roles, one male and one female, plus a few supporting roles.” Frankie turned to wink at Elena. The female lead had Frankie written all over it. The diva looked bored and continued scanning the room, resting her eyes back on Sebastien every so often. Elena clenched her teeth.

“Our chosen Shakespeare play,” he continued, “is
Romeo and Juliet
.” Elena tapped Sebastien’s arm excitedly. There were a few groans from some of the boys and a few sighs, wolf-whistles and cheers from the other students. “There will of course be two lead roles plus several other major roles. And yes, we are doing the original version, not the twenty-first century interpretation.”

“That is so old school.”

“Romeo and Juliet again?”

“That’s so cool.”

“I’d rather do
Macbeth -
not this mushy stuff.”

“I so want to be Juliet,” Elena said, biting her lip.

Sebastien didn’t reply. He nodded and continued rocking back on his chair

“That’s it?”

all right
, it would be fun to play Romeo.”

“The enthusiasm.”

“Settle down everyone,” Ms. Worthington said loudly. “Settle down.”  The class eventually quieted. She pointed to the two bundles of papers on the desk.

As you may have read in your student packs, there is an audition process for these plays. These are the scripts for the major roles that we would like you to prepare for the audition. They include monologues and duologues. You can pick your partner for the
otherwise we will simply pair people up during the audition. Auditions for both plays will be held next Monday.”

“There will be separate rooms for each audition, and yes you can audition for both,” Mr. Harding continued. “The final casting will be posted on the website on the following Wednesday morning.

Again the class erupted, everyone discussing which play they wanted to do and forming partnerships.

going to practice together
right?” Elena said.

“You bet.”

One of the students raised her hand. “Are we required to memorize the scripts?”

“No,” Mr. Harding replied, “but it will probably help you to audition better if you are very familiar with the material. In the end, the important thing for the audition is performance, not memory.”

“Is there going to be any kissing involved?” asked one of the guys. Everyone laughed except the diva. She turned to look at Sebastien with pouting lips
The girl lacked subtlety.

Ms. Worthington fought a smile. “There may be a simple kiss involved if the actors feel comfortable. Since this is ninth grade, though, we’ll keep it to a minimum.” The kid who asked seemed satisfied. He obviously had his priorities straight. 
“Any more questions?”

Conversations continued but no more hands went up. “You are free to grab scripts and head home.”

The diva stood and presented her fine figure to the room before strutting confidently to Sebastien. Before he had even risen from his chair, she sat elegantly on his desk, dangling her bare legs before him. She leaned in and touched his broad chest gently with her long, manicured nails. “I think you and I would make a great Romeo and Juliet.”

Elena’s mouth dropped open. Was this girl for real?

“We’ll see how the auditions turn out,” said Sebastien and gently pushed her arm away.

“I can make sure we get the parts,” she whispered while crossing her legs.

The word was out of Elena’s mouth before she realized it.

The diva turned. “Was I speaking to you?”

Elena gritted her teeth, trying to control herself.

“Do you know who I am?” the diva continued.

That was it. “I don’t care who you are. You’re talking out your ass.”

Sebastien gave a soft whistle. The diva sniggered, her body tensing as if she was ready to pounce.

“You’d be surprised by what I can do,” she hissed. ”I don’t need to follow the rules. And I don’t like it when people get in my way.”

Elena shifted in her seat. This was not the day to make trouble, but she couldn’t let it go. She had a right to be there just as much as anyone else.

“You want Juliet? You’ll have to be better than me first,” Elena said, regretting the words as they left her mouth. Juliet was a difficult role and she was sure there were many talented students sitting in this room, probably jeering at her conceit. She sensed the increasing number of ears tuning into the conversation.

The diva turned back to Sebastien. “How about we rehearse back at my place?” She leaned in so the top of her cleavage was
her full lips dangerously close to Sebastien.

Sebastien gulped as his face turned crimson. Elena pinched him on the arm.

“I think I’m going to be rehearsing with Elena,” he said, squeaking slightly. “We work well together.
Maybe next time?”

The diva jerked backwards. She scanned the room full of curious stares. Her cheeks hosting two spots of dark crimson, her nose flaring, she turned her head to glare at Elena.

“Let’s go, Sebastien,” Elena said.

“Sebastien,” the diva said, rolling his name off her tongue. “You’re making a big mistake.” She stood in front of him as he rose, her face inches from his.

“I don’t think so,” he whispered quietly and went to move around her.

She placed her hand on his chest. “I’m Letitia Washington. You’ll get to know the name quickly around here and then you’ll be sorry.”

Elena made an exaggerated coughing sound, causing some of the students to giggle. Letitia’s face contorted with rage as
she stood over Elena and hissed, “I don’t know who you are and I don’t care, but I don’t like you.” She stared at Elena from top to bottom, slowly, as Elena wrapped her arms around herself self-consciously.

Letitia scoffed. “In what world would your cheap, lanky ass ever beat me? I would start thinking about a different career if I were you.”

Damn it. She was not going to be spoken to like that. “Oh get over yourself. I’m Elena Martinez. You remember that name because it’s the one going on the program next to ‘Juliet.

So go flick your hair somewhere else, Le-
. I don’t have time for this crap.”

Elena stuck her jaw out and moved forward. Two students clapped weakly but trailed off when Letitia glared at them.

“How dare you!” Letitia stormed to the front of the room, flung the scripts from the desk and turned to face Elena. “You’re going to pay for that, bitch.” With that she stormed out and slammed the door behind her.



The room was silent as they stared at the door.

Elena felt a shiver down her spine.
Letitia Washington.
She had a feeling she would grow to hate that name.

“Well, that’s one way of introducing yourself,” Frankie said.

Elena shrugged, picking up the scripts that were scattered across the room. “I didn’t mean to lose my temper
but I hate it when people think they’re better than me because they have money or fame or whatever she thinks she has.

a good way to start the school year,” Sebastien said.

“I see you were working your charm as always. First day and hot girls are already throwing themselves at you.”

“Hey, I was sitting back there minding my own business.”

“Yeah yeah, all innocence.”

They picked up their scripts and moved on outside.

She held onto hers tightly, breathing deeply to regain her composure. She needed to focus. She had to make sure she got the part now or she would never live it down. She could picture girls making voodoo dolls of her, whispering about how conceited she was.
Which was ironic
considering she didn’t even think she belonged here.

who wants to practice at my house on Sunday?” Elena said. They nodded. “Say 2
? That gives us enough time to memorize our lines.”

“Um, Elena, we don’t need to memorize them,” Frankie said.

“I know that
but I think it will really help. Make us stand out.”


m pretty sure the teachers won’t forget you,” Sebastien grumbled.

“We need to get these parts!”

“Fine,” Frankie said reluctantly.

“Hey! I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation,” said a nearby voice.
A guy with almond-shaped Asian eyes and European features stepped closer.
He was slightly taller than Elena but thinner, standing stiffly with hands in his pockets. “I noticed you were one male short. I don’t suppose I could join you for some run-throughs on Sunday?”

Frankie’s face instantly lit up.

He turned to Elena, imploringly. How could she say no?

“Sure, if you’re not scared I’ll lose my temper again,” she said smiling weakly.

He shook his head.

ful! Frankie said, looking directly at him. “
et’s have it at my place. I live on Long Island and there’s plenty of room.”  

Elena frowned.
Probably better than
her tiny Bronx apartment
she supposed

“Why don’t we meet at my place?” Sebastien said. “I live near the school
which is central for everyone.”

Thank you, Sebastien.

“Sounds good,” the new boy said. “I’m Leon Chan, by the way.”

“Sebastien Duval.
Here, let me text you the address.
You too

I’m Elena.

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