Passion Patrol 2 - a Sexy Police Romance Suspense Novel With a Touch of Humor: Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance. (26 page)

Read Passion Patrol 2 - a Sexy Police Romance Suspense Novel With a Touch of Humor: Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance. Online

Authors: Emma Calin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Mystery, #Suspense, #Romantic Erotica, #Romance, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: Passion Patrol 2 - a Sexy Police Romance Suspense Novel With a Touch of Humor: Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance.
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“How can you know?”

“I’ve talked to the officer in the case. He had a tip off and that same informant planted the stuff.”

“Who would do such a thing?”

“Someone ruthless and ambitious.” She tightened her grip on his hand. “I don’t want to tell you but I have to.”

“Who, who?”

“Jasmine. The cop who arrested Ben is her lover. She tricked him and still blackmails him. Ben hates her and she wants him sent away. She wants you and your title Spencer. Your attachment to your son stood in her way.”

He pulled his hand away from her and held his head. All color had drained from him.

“I’m sorry, Spencer. It’s the truth. That police officer is her lover.”

“This isn’t possible. This is

“It’s hyper possible. That’s what happened. She is a present danger to him and to me. She’s trying to find a way to frame me or somehow do me down, Spencer. She’s a mortal enemy and you must see it and support me.”

“Shannon, she’s been an absolute brick. She’s a top barrister, tipped as a high court judge. She’s seen us through everything since Saskia’s death.”

Now she was starting to lose control. All the tension of the day and everything she had learned was beginning to fall out of her at once. She wanted to slap his face so hard and bawl into his ears that Jasmine had murdered her wonderful best friend. She mustn’t do that. She was beginning to lose it!

“You’re a wonderful man. I don’t blame her for wanting you. I want you for me. To believe me. To put your utter total fucking trust in me. Your total faith in me. Do you get it? Do you? Do you? She’s a top this! She’s a top fucking that! She’s a top posh slag who fitted up your fucking son.”

She shut up. She was sounding irrational. She was angry beyond reason and she knew it was nasty. She was disgusting and ugly like this.

“I’ve known her family since I was a boy. I’ve known her all her life.”

“People knew the Yorkshire Ripper all his fucking mass murdering life, Spencer. That’s pathetic. Do you believe me or not? “

He shook his head.

“Then you’ll be better off with your posh life and send Ben away. Marry the bitch and give her what she wants. That’s the only way you’re safe.”


“Tell me you believe me now. Now! Now!”

She knew she wasn’t thinking. She loved him so much and she was out of control. She didn’t want him to see her like this. Maybe she was foaming at the mouth? She was afraid she could attack him.

He stared at her but didn’t speak. Her red mist was answering his silence.

“You’re weak. You’d last five minutes where I come from mister. You’ve gotta wise up while you’ve got the chance. This is your chance.”


The car had pulled up at some traffic lights. She pointed at them.

“There’s no amber light on trust, Spencer. It’s stop or go. I’m glad we’ve had this little chance to test the strength of our relationship. This is over. Don’t follow me.”

She opened the door and stamped away, gasping at the evening air. She saw the taxi office of Circuit Cars. She needed a cab and stepped inside. She heard him calling behind her. She didn’t look back. Five minutes later she was on her way to Mel’s flat in Battersea. She calmed enough to think rationally. She sent a text.

“Spencer, I’ve one very important request. Don’t tell Jasmine I’ve found her out. Ben’s future depends on that. My job and maybe more are at risk from her. Soon I’ll prove the facts to you but it will be too late for us. I needed your unquestioning trust. You can trust without love but you can’t love without trust. I would always trust you with my life.”

Then, she turned off her phone. She felt exhausted and ashamed. What on earth had she done? Was she just looking for an excuse not to go further with him? He wouldn’t want her as an action cop and she could see how and why he would feel that way. But, but—he hadn’t trusted her. Did he think she was making it up? This could have been, should have been a wonderful night. The loss of it was another bullet in the gun pointing at Jasmine.

Her anger boiled as Mel opened the door. Now her storm of tears broke. He held her as she sobbed.

“Why does everything mess up?”

“Well, it all started with snakes and apples and ended up with quantum theory, causality and determinism,” he said.

“’You’re a smug highbrow snob,” she said.

“Mainly I’m completely uninformed.”

She had to smile. He hadn’t been expecting her. She hadn’t even checked to see if he was at home. She sat down, accepted a generous glass of scotch and poured out the whole story, starting with Saskia’s accident. Mel listened carefully, reaching out to touch her hand and pass tissues.

“I just needed him totally on my side, then and there,” she said finally.

“He needed time, that’s all. He got it wrong but that’s just because he’s not seen your passion before. Put yourself in his shoes.”

“I have already. I trust me completely.”

“Look, the guy’s not a cop. We fill up with shit like other people fill up with petrol. He’s never had to think that way. Those brain pathways don’t exist for civilians.”

“He can understand me telling him something. If I tell him it’s true, it’s true.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I know this isn’t the right time but perhaps this is a good day to get all the shit news out of the way. There’s something I’ve always wanted to tell you.”

Her heart sank. What could be worse?

“It’s about your dad. I’ve never wanted to tell you but he’s gay.”

“Fuck off—of course he isn’t.”

“Trust me.”

“You’re just trying to win an argument.”

“Looks like I’m doing OK. You don’t believe it do you?”

“Of course not. I know him.”

“You’re his child, I’m a big hairy gay guy. Who should know best?”

“I know he isn’t that’s all.”

“Why do women marry men who end up battering them? How do all con men operate?”

“People are fools and optimists.”

“Spencer’s a noble guy. His life has this code of honor and chivalry. He respects everyone. People flock to his business. I’ve learned a lot from Tim. Believe me, at this moment he will be turning all this over in his mind. He will evaluate it all. About now he’s starting to work out that Jasmine killed his wife.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“No, I suspected it straight away. An experienced skier leading a novice at speed off piste? Tim’s part of that set. There’s plenty of whispers. Deep down I bet that lad Ben suspects it.”

“So why doesn’t Spencer see it?”

“His whole system of loyalty doesn’t permit it.”

“I know his business is based on honor and loyalty. What happens when some regular smartass greedster rips him off?”

“That happens. And they never trade again. He’s as famous for being ruthless, as he is for being fair.”

She thought for a moment. She’d always noticed that Jasmine would never push him if he so much as raised an eyebrow. When he told her to go away, she went.

“Oh Mel, am I too hasty and wild?”


“He had flowers and he looked so gorgeous.”

“And now you’re here with me and an empty glass.”

He poured her another large drink. “Look Sugar, I can cheer you up.”


“Your dad’s not gay. I lied.”

“I love you, Mel.”

“You’re a proud fiery animal but I love you too,” he said.

He moved beside her and stroked her hair. It calmed her. It was strange because his touch evoked merely a neutral pleasure.

“I’ve got to make a call,” he said.

“I’m sorry Mel. Were you going out—was it Tim?”

“Yup, but it’s cool. I bet he’s already heard from your man.”

“He’s not my man.”

“Well, you’ve got him and possession is still nine parts of the law.”

“You’re a slippery bastard.”

He went to the kitchen and closed the door. She heard his conversation.

“Can you let him know? You’ve got his number ... yeah she’s fine with me. Tell him to chill, OK. Love you too.”

He came back.

“I know you will have heard what I said. He’ll be distraught. I wanted him to know you’re safe.”

“I don’t need anyone to make me safe.”

“No one’s safe from love.”

“I know, it mugs you if you go out, it slides under the door if you stay in. That’s my phrase.”

“You know it’s true then.”

“You promise my dad’s not gay?”


She remembered eating baked beans on toast. It was 3 a.m. when she awoke on the couch. Mel must have tucked her in with a duvet. She was crying and he must have heard her. He came with tea and a pack of ibuprofen.

“Detective’s banquet,” he said.

She lay back as the medicine reduced the thumping in her head. He massaged her temples. “Shannon, the day we met was the last day of loneliness for me in this world. A mixed up wild girl and a middle-aged gay guy. Man, that’s weird. They send in social workers and priests to stop stuff like that. I owe you, Sugar. If ever Tim and I do anything official, there’s just one person who has to be there.”

“You’re a sentimental, decadent slob,” she said as she kissed the palm of his hand and tears ran down her cheeks.



She turned on her phone and handed it to Mel as she walked up the path to the door of the police house.

“I don’t want to look at it,” she said.

He took it and sat down. Waves of messages hit the beach.

“This’ll be private stuff.”

“I was horrible wasn’t I?”


“I don’t want to read that I’ve hurt him and that Jasmine’s family arrived with William the Conqueror. I don’t care if her greatest great-uncle Ethelred the Snotgobbler fired the arrow that hit King Harold in the eye and received the County of Hampshire as his garden.”

“Wow! You know some history baby.”

She poked out her tongue.

“I can tell you’re feeling better.”

“I love him. I’ve never been so sure of something.”

He looked kindly at her and handed back the phone. She flicked through the messages.

“It’s all he loves me. Not a single he loves me not.”

“That’s because he does love you. Who wouldn’t?”

“I don’t.”

“How you gonna handle this, Sugar?”

“I’m gonna call the police. They’ll say it’s a domestic and fuck off.”

Mel went to the kitchen and made a proper brew of tea. She swallowed it gratefully and thought carefully.

“Spencer is one issue and Jasmine is another. I’m gonna fix her up, hopefully tomorrow. I won’t bore you but I’ve got half a plan. I want to go to Spencer, tell him I love him and ... I know it doesn’t sound like me, but say sorry....”

“Why don’t you just do that?”

“Because with that cow in the picture there’s no hope. I’ve got to finish her once and for all.”

“You be careful,” he said.

She could hear the concern in his voice.

“If it comes to the worst, I’ll nick her for perverting the course of justice and give it a run.”

“Why not do it?”

“Cos Gary Woods wants to get his life back and he won’t do that giving evidence of his sex life with Jasmine. I can’t prove she planted the cannabis either, so it wouldn’t get Ben off the hook and probably wouldn’t get her convicted.”


She hugged him as he left. Now she did feel alone. She told Control she was working a late shift and took a cup of tea and more ibuprofen to bed. At 1 o’clock she took a cool shower, dressed in her police uniform and prepared to face her public. There was already someone at the door.

The garage sergeant stood in front of her. His slashed peaked white-topped cap was pulled down to his mirrored sunglasses. His uniform was pressed and immaculate.

“Jawohl mein fuehrer,” she said.


She was not in the mood for a patronizing black rat traffic cop. Over her shoulder she could see a police car.

“Ooh! Is that for little me?” she said.

“People—senior officers unaware of your driver record, believe you should be issued with another vehicle.”

“It’s a bit small.... Will it take all my shopping, Sarge?”

“Your previous
level vehicle is a write off. Even the steering wheel is destroyed. The manufacturers refuse to cover it under warranty and I’m not surprised.”

“The windscreen wasn’t spade proof either,” she said. “You could take that up with them. Could be a big selling point.”

“That was a top level advanced-driver vehicle. You only had it a week.”

“It only lasted about thirty miles.”

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