Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3) (19 page)

BOOK: Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3)
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“With utmost pleasure.” Closing his hands over Nik’s Jay pushed her breasts closer together and bent his head. As his wet lips closed over one peaked nipple, Charlie sucked in a gasp that ended in a moan as the suckling motion of his mouth sent an electric current zapping from her knotted peaks straight to her clit. He went back and forth from one nipple to the other, suckling, nibbling, biting gently, and elongating them by tugging on them with his lips, flailing them with the lash of his tongue.

Holy shit!
Charlie’s breaths were coming in harsh, shallow pants as her arousal soared.

“You like that, don’t you, my beautiful girl? You like having your nipples suckled.”

“Yes.” It was a hiss. Her back arched at a particularly hard draw from Jay’s mouth, followed by a nip then a tongue-whipping, making her writhe as half of her wanted to escape the exquisite torture, while the other half wanted more. Much more. “Yes, like that! Oh, God, Jay. More, please, more.”

“Have you ever come just from nipple play?”

“N-no, I—” It was difficult to think through the fog of pleasure enveloping her just from the actions of Jay’s mouth. “I didn’t know that was—
” A sharp nip to her right nipple wrenched the sharp cry from her throat. But she didn’t pull away. Instead, she pushed her breast deeper into Jay’s tormenting mouth, seeking more, always more.

Nik eased his hands out from beneath Jay’s, letting the younger man add kneading and stroking to the sensations he was delivering to Charlie’s breasts. Bending his head beside hers, Nik placed his lips in the curve where her shoulder met her neck and began to kiss, lick, and nibble at her satin smooth skin. His hands slid together in the center of her belly, sliding slowly downward until he reached her mound.

“Spread your legs,

In a daze, barely comprehending his words, she complied, her movements stilted and uncoordinated.

Nik’s hands slid between her legs, his fingers parting her labia, his thumbs unerringly finding her clit and beginning a slow, hard circular motion that ratcheted up her arousal a hundred-fold.

Her clit burned, her nipples were on fire, she was about to go up in flames. The heavy pressure of the climax building within her had her whimpering, begging incoherently for release. “Please…please…let me come. I need to come, please, please.”

The combination of Jay’s tongue whipping across her nipples as his mouth pulled on them and Nik’s thumbs circling her super-sensitized clit was almost more than she could bear. She was so close…so close, hovering on the edge, until Nik pinched her clit, sliding it back and forth between his thumb and forefinger, ripping a series of sharp cries from her throat. She arched her neck, her warbling cries increasing in volume at the relentless pleasure of his touch.

“Come, little one,” he growled in her ear. “Come for Daddy.”

Charlie’s back arched in a rigid bow. She sucked air into her lungs until she thought they would burst. The cry that ripped from her throat, propelled by all that air, ricocheted around the bathroom. It bounced off the tiled walls as her body exploded in an orgasm that seemed to blast out the top of her head, the ends of her fingers, the tips of her toes. She writhed and bucked as Jay continued sucking and licking her nipples and Nik continued manipulating her clit, until they had wrung the last drop of pleasure from her spasming body. Her legs gave way, but Nik’s hands between them held her up. With a moan of protest, she sagged in his arms, sobbing quietly, utterly spent.

Without a word, the two men lifted her up over the edge of the tub. Before she knew it, she was sitting in the hot tub on Nik’s lap, straddling his legs, her back to his front. Her head lolled back on his shoulder while his arms around her kept her upright. His cock was an iron rod rising up behind her.

Since the bath had cooled a bit while they were giving her her orgasm, Jay added some more hot water, swooshing it around with his hands to spread it evenly.

Charlie felt her body go limp as the alcohol from the wine, the heat from the water and the aftermath of her orgasm all helped any residual tension drain from her muscles, leaving her totally relaxed. Her eyes closed and she let her mind drift as a blissful lassitude enveloped her. She was dimly aware that Nik and Jay were talking, but their words were indistinguishable, eventually becoming little more than a soothing background noise as she floated through a sea of blackness.

“Charlie?” Jay’s voice was an intrusion that echoed faintly around her as though it were coming from a great distance, tugging her up out of the darkness. “Wake up, sweet thing.”

With a tremendous effort, she raised her eyelids, only to find herself looking straight into Jay’s emerald green eyes, watching them soften as his expression of concern changed to one of relief. “There you are, darling girl,” he said, rocking forward to plant a soft kiss on her lips.

“Welcome back, little one,” Nik said, his mouth tickling as it moved against her ear, making her hunch her shoulder and giggle. “Are you ready to help me remove Jay’s plug? He’s been wearing it long enough.”

Remove Jay’s—Holy crap.
“I-I guess so.”

Nik palmed her breasts, kneading and plumping the pillowy flesh, making her breathing stutter. “You only guess so?”

“No. No. I know so,” she amended, gnawing on her lower lip.

That’s when she became aware that Nik had spread his legs, thus spreading hers even wider and that Jay was on his hands and knees between them.

“Turn around,
,” Nik ordered. “We want to see that lovely plug you’re wearing.”

Obligingly Jay turned around and backed up closer to them, the flat end of the butt plug winking between his ass cheeks. Charlie just stared at it in fascination.

“Touch it, dearest girl.”

Putting out a tentative finger, she touched the flat button. When Jay clenched his ass muscles, making it move beneath her finger, she let out a tiny little yelp and yanked her hand back. Giggling nervously, she touched it again, more firmly.

“Now. Grab hold of it and twist it around inside Jay’s ass.”

“Okay.” Gripping the disc tightly, she gave it a quarter turn, wrenching a hissing cry from Jay’s throat. He arched his back and thrust his ass toward her as if begging for more.

So she gave him more. She began twirling it around and around in her fingers.

“Now pull it out, but only partway.”

She followed Nik’s instructions, this time eliciting a moan from Jay, who would have lowered his head if the tub hadn’t been full of hot water.

“Push it in and out.”

The sounds coming from Jay were a series of harsh, guttural growls as Charlie fucked him with the steel plug. “Harder,” he begged. “For the love of God, harder!”

“Stop!” Nik ordered. “Pull it out,



She pulled it out, leaving Jay hanging there, muscles quivering as he teetered on the brink of orgasm. His widened ass hole clenched over and over. But without that final touch, the orgasm never came and his entire body deflated.

“You are not to come, boy,” Nik said, a harsh edge to his voice. “You know pleasure never comes before punishment.”

Jay released a shuddering breath. “Yes, Daddy. Sorry.”

‘Hold still for inspection.”

“Yes, Daddy.” Jay’s hands grabbed his ass cheeks and held them apart. The fact that he couldn’t hold himself up and couldn’t lower his head without drowning put a tremendous strain on both his abdominal and thigh muscles.

“Now, precious girl, reach between his legs and palm his ball sac.”

All the moisture evaporated from Charlie’s mouth. She followed Nik’s instructions, marveling at how utterly soft Jay’s skin was there. And smooth. Hot and tight.

“Rub your hand over his groin, please, Charlotte. Make sure there are no stray hairs.”

Charlie ran her hand all around his cock, his ball sac, even his ass between the base of his balls and his anus. His cock, a granite-hard shaft covered in hot, living velvet, bobbed up and down with every touch. “I don’t feel any,” she finally said, but she didn’t withdraw her hand. Something told her to wait until Nik told her she could. If there was one thing she’d learned from Perry Bradford, it was never to anticipate his next order and never to do anything until he gave it. She’d been harshly punished too many times to forget this particular rule. She didn’t know if all Doms adhered to it, but decided it was better to be safe than sorry.

Jay didn’t move either, also waiting for the go-ahead, proving to her that her instincts had been correct.

“You may drop your hand, Charlotte,” Nik finally said. “Jay, turn around and kneel up, please.”

Jay turned to face them, rising up onto his knees. His penis rose from his groin, curving slightly toward his flat belly. Raising his arms, he threaded his fingers together behind his head, a move which arched his back and thrust his hips forward, angling his penis toward her as if inviting her touch.

In the blink of an eye Charlie’s mouth went from the Mojave Desert to Niagara Falls. “Grab hold of Jay’s cock, Charlotte. Good girl. Now fist it tightly and stroke up and down. Slowly. Slowly. Hold him tighter. That’s it.”

Jay’s twitches and moans and hissing intakes of breath, combined with the expression of agony/ecstasy on his face told her the effect she was having on him. He alternated between closing his eyes and throwing back his head and jerking it forward to look down at her hand fisting his cock, pleasuring him.

In the meantime, Nik was not idle. Reaching between Charlie’s legs, he stroked up and down the furrow of her slit, then plunged two fingers into her vagina, ripping a scream of pleasure from her throat.

“Faster, baby,” Jay croaked. “Harder.”

“Do not come, boy.” Nik’s stern command was a growl. Timing the strokes of his thick fingers in and out of Charlie’s cunt to match the strokes of her hand moving up and down Jay’s cock, Nik began tapping his thumb against her clit.

Oh, God! Oh, God! Ogodogodogod!
The tightening coil deep inside Charlie heralded yet another impending orgasm. And this one was going to annihilate her completely.

A cry shuddered from her lungs as pleasure whipped her into a maelstrom of sensations and emotions like nothing she’d ever felt before. Oh, sure, she’d had orgasms before. But never like the ones these two men were giving her, full body orgasms that swept through her like an avalanche and left her wrecked. And they were about to give her another one.

Muscles tightening, body arching into a rigid bow, Charlie sucked air into the bottom of her lungs as she hovered at the edge of a precipice high above a black abyss. Then the tension shattered and her body erupted in an orgasm that exploded through her like a bomb blast, shattering her into a million scintillating shards and flinging them out into the vastness of the universe.

Spasm after spasm continued to wrack her as the skillful movements of Nik’s fingers against her frazzled flesh kept her pleasure going until finally, with a tiny whimper, her body sagged in exhaustion.

“Come, my precious girl.” Nik stood, water sluicing off his body as he lifted her out of the tub. He stood her on the bath mat and he and Jay dried her off. She didn’t even protest when Jay lifted her into his arms and carried her out to the bed. He laid her gently on the mattress. “Roll over, baby girl. We’re going to give you your meds.”

Within just a few seconds, she was crouched on the bed, hands tucked up under her chest, her legs tucked up under her hips, her naked ass in the air. Someone was alternately sliding his lubricated fingers through her ass crack and circling them around her anus, manipulating her flesh gently. She held her breath, waiting for it to hurt. But it didn’t hurt. It felt…wonderful. The sound she made started out as a sigh, but ended up as a moan.

“Good girl,” she heard Jay’s voice murmuring behind her. Lifting her head from the pillow, she turned to see him lying on his side next to her, a sweet, sexy smile on his face. “You’re doing fine. Here, hold my hand.” He uncurled her tightly fisted fingers and curled his around them.

That meant that Nik was the one playing with her ass. He bent his head to place a kiss on the sweet dimple at the base of her spine. He picked up the tube of nitroglycerin cream and removed the cap. Fitting the slender tip to her anus, he squeezed some inside.

She yelped. “Damn it, that’s cold!”

He chuckled. “Where are you,
?” he asked, squirting a generous line onto his finger.


“Your safe words,” he reminded her patiently.

“Oh. Green.” Definitely green.

Jay laughed. “You sound surprised.”

She laughed too and, like air from a balloon, the last of the tension drained from her body.

Taking advantage of her sudden relaxation, Nik pushed his blunt fingertip into her anus so quickly and effortlessly, her only reaction was another startled “Oh!” and a wriggle of her hips. Then he began circling, probing, spreading the healing cream as far up her channel as he could reach. And she responded with a series of sighs and moans and ass wiggles, as if inviting him to do more, probe deeper.

Which made Nik chuckle. “I think you like that, don’t you, baby girl? Maybe now you’ll be able to believe us when we say that anal penetration can be a good thing.” He removed his finger and wiped it off with a towel. “All done,
Roll over onto your side.”

She laid down so that her back was to Jay’s front. He draped his arm around her abdomen beneath her breasts, tucking her ass into his groin. Nik was facing her. He lifted his hand, stroking the side of his index finger gently down the slope of her cheek.

He lowered his gaze to see Charlie looking up at him, her eyes flickering with some unknown emotion. “What, baby girl?”

“Can I—can you—“

His whole expression softened. “Can I what,
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“Can you…make love to me? Both of you? I want to feel you inside me, making me yours.”

Jay released a whooshing breath and buried his face against the nape of her neck. “Jesus, baby, we want that, too.”

Nik’s entire face creased into a smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes, making her belly do a slow roll. “Oh, baby, can we
do that! Just as soon as Jay receives his punishment. So, if you’re ready, I would like for both of you to stand, please.” He was still smiling. And he’d said ‘please.’ Even so, he was in full Dom mode, no mistake about it.

Both Jay and Charlie scrambled off the bed.

“Jay, would you fetch the black chair from the guest room, please?”

Jay took off to fetch the chair while Nik sat on the edge of the bed and spread his legs, Taking Charlie’s hands in his, he pulled her forward to stand between his thighs. “Are you sure you’re strong enough for this,
milaya moya
? This is your first day out of bed—“

She shook her head. “I need this, Nik. I need to feel that sex is a
thing—normal. And fun. And pleasurable. You and Jay have shown me that men can be kind and giving. I-I’d almost forgotten that was even possible after…” Her voice faltered. She squeezed his hands. “I need to know that I can still do this.” She glanced up, her tone sharp. “But I don’t want this to be a pity fuck. I don’t want you handling me with kid gloves like I’m some fragile, damaged, traumatized…”

“Trust me,
” Nik’s grin was reassuring. “There’s nothing fragile or damaged about you. Traumatized, yes. But that’s something that you will eventually overcome. You refused to let him break you. You had the mental toughness to escape, first chance you got. You didn’t run when you saw him at the club. You confronted him. You even tried to rescue his current victim. You are one of the strongest women I’ve ever met and one day soon we’ll have you believing that. Knowing that. And that’s the day you will finally be free. Free to embrace your submission.”

Jay entered carrying a plain wooden, kitchen-type chair that had been painted black. Just the sight of it accelerated Charlie’s breathing and caused her heart to flutter wildly. It was exactly the same sort of chair Perry Bradford had tied her to every day for three weeks.

Her palms started itching. Without even realizing it, she began twisting her hands, scrubbing her palms nervously with her thumbs.

“It’s all right,
,” Nik said, grabbing her hands again. “The chair is for me, not for you. Breathe in through your nose and let it out slowly through your mouth. Slowly. Count to five. That’s it. That’s it. Now back in, two, three, four, five. Continue. Do not worry about the chair, little one. I know that is one of your hard limits. But it is, after all, an ordinary kitchen chair and that’s a good thing. It has no power to hurt you.”

She nodded, concentrating on counting as she continued to breathe in and out.

Lifting her hands to his mouth one at a time, he kissed her knuckles then gave them a gentle squeeze. “Now, it’s Jay’s turn to be punished. Would you please open the top drawer of my dresser and bring me the wooden paddle you find there? Then you may kneel in front of the chair and watch while I give Jay what he needs. After that, we will both devote our complete attention to you, little one, to give you what
need.” He released her hands.

Slightly breathless, she backed up a few steps, then went over to the dresser and picked up the paddle. Its weight and thickness surprised her, but she carried it over to Nik.

He took it from her. “Go kneel in front of the chair, facing it.”

Struggling to remain calm, she obeyed, then watched Nik get up from the bed and walk across the room toward her. He sat in the chair, back straight, feet flat on the floor, legs together. He leaned the paddle against the rungs at the side of the chair and curled his fingers toward Jay. “Come, boy, you know the drill.”

Jay stood at Nik’s right thigh, facing sideways. He lay down across Nik’s lap, his belly across those powerful thighs, his head hanging down, his ass up in the air. He was so tall, both his hands and toes touched the carpet. Nik put his left forearm across Jay’s back over his shoulder blades and hooked his right leg over Jay’s left leg, anchoring him firmly in place. He spread his large hand flat against Jay’s ass, stroking it, warming up Jay’s skin. “Such a lovely ass,
,” he murmured lovingly. “I cannot wait to see it reddened by your punishment. Do you remember why you’re being given five swats with the paddle?”

“Yes, Daddy. I ate Charlie’s luscious pussy instead of using only the tip of my tongue as you ordered. But, like I said,” he twisted his head to look over at Charlie and give her a wink. “It was totally worth it.”

“You might not think so after I’m done,” Nik observed wryly. “And the five swats with my hand?”

“For trying to sneak an orgasm when she was fucking me with the plug in the tub.”

“Did you have my permission to come?” Nik asked, an edge of steel in his voice.

“No, Daddy.”

“So, it was a deliberate attempt to disobey me?”

“Yes, Daddy. Sorry.”

Nik gazed down at him fondly, still stroking his hand across Jay’s naked ass. “You don’t sound very sorry.” He pursed his lips. “Perhaps five swats is too lenient. I believe ten would be more appropriate. What do you think?”

“I think…whatever you think is best.”

Nik smiled. “Good answer. Ten it is, then.”

Without any warning, he lifted his hand and placed a hard swat across the fullest part of Jay’s ass cheek. The sound was so loud and so unexpected, Charlie jumped. Jay bit his lip to hold back his cry of pain. “Count, boy.”


Another slap landed in the exact same spot.

“Oof! Two.” Jay’s breath huffed in and out of his lungs as he fought to assimilate the fiery pain.

Once again, Nik began stroking his hand over Jay’s ass, harder this time, as if pushing the heat more deeply into Jay’s quivering flesh. Two more rapid slaps came next.

BOOK: Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3)
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