Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3)
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“Hello, Master Nik.” Her words were slightly slurred, as if she were drunk, although Nik knew she hadn’t been drinking. She was drunk on arousal. On being brought to the verge of orgasm over and over an untold number of times without being allowed to climax. And she was exhausted, barely holding on.

“Are you being punished, my love?”

She just stared at him for a long moment through half-lidded eyes, as if she didn’t understand the question. Then she blinked, swallowing hard. “Yes, Master Nik.”

“What did you do that was so horrible?”

“I came without permission.”

He nearly laughed out loud, but managed just in time to keep his expression stern. “You know that is not permitted, little one.”

“Yes, Master,” she said dutifully.

“Tell Master Nik what you did next,” Jesse ordered.

“I…sort of…called Master Jesse an asshole.”

Nik couldn’t help it. He laughed. “She’s got you there, my friend,” he said to Jesse. “You
an asshole.”

Jesse scowled. “You’re not helping.”

All of a sudden Sarah uttered an involuntary little cry and her body jerked, and Nik realized that she was plugged, probably both in her vagina and her ass and that Jesse and Adam had just turned on the remotes.



Nik turned back to Sarah, who was wide-eyed, pressing her trembling lips between her teeth, hardly daring to breathe, fighting the orgasm that beckoned. The look he gave her was filled with sympathy. “And now they are keeping you on edge, aren’t they,

“Yes, Master Nik.”

“They won’t let you come.”

She shook her head forlornly. “No, Master Nik.”

“How long?”

“Since eight this morning.”

He winced. Twelve hours. Twelve hours of constant stimulation and building her up to orgasm, then backing off just as she was about to explode. It had to have been excruciating. “And I’ll bet by now you need to come so badly you think you’ll die if you don’t, am I right?

“Yes, Master Nik.” Her lovely turquoise eyes filled with tears.

He glanced over at Jesse, then at Adam. The tension on their faces and the rigid set of their shoulders told him they were close to the edge themselves. Jesse’s hand was in his lap, the heel of his hand pressing hard against the enormous bulge straining against his leather trousers. He couldn’t tell where Adam’s hand was, but his eyes were half-closed, his neck was arched back, the tendons so taut they could have been made of steel. He could tell they were both about to cave in and give their little sub exactly what she needed. Shit, what all three of them needed.
Oh, yeah
. They were all suffering.

Nik turned his attention back to Sarah. “Be patient,
His smile was gentle. “I have a feeling you will soon be getting what you need.”

Her face brightened somewhat. “You think so, Master Nik?”

“I do, indeed,
You will see.”

Abruptly swinging his legs down off the desk, Jesse planted his feet on the floor in front of him and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his thighs. “Present, Sarah.”

Gracefully, if a bit stiffly, she rose and stood with her feet shoulder-width apart, her arms behind her back, her hands clasping opposite elbows. Her chin lifted and she stared at a spot on the wall above Adam’s head. Her inner thighs were wet down to her knees, glistening with her slippery juice.

Jesse widened his legs and pointed to the floor in front of him. Sarah walked over and stood in that exact spot as he reached around her right leg and unclipped her stockings from the garters.

“Christ, sugar, you smell so delicious,” he said, unable to resist burying his face against her mound and inhaling deeply. “I love the way you smell when you’re aroused. I wish I could bathe in it so I could take you with me everywhere I go.” He rolled the stockings down her legs and tapped the side of her shoe. “Lift.” He removed her shoe and stocking, repeating the action with the other foot. “Turn around, arms at your sides.”

As she did so, he opened the top drawer of his desk and took out a combat knife in a leather sheath. Wielding the blade with consummate skill, he sliced through the criss-crossed, red satin ties at the back of the corset, pushing the two sides apart and letting it fall from her body onto the floor in front of her. For a long moment he admired the deep marks left in her flesh by the corset’s stays, lifting his hands to smooth over them. He bent his head and ran his tongue up and down the bumpy ridge of her spine, sending goose bumps blossoming on her skin and shivery moans tumbling from her throat.

“Master Nik and Master Jay will escort you to the bondage frame and secure you to it. There you will await your fate.”

“Yes, Master.”

Hiding his smile, Jay knifed up from his seat on the leather sofa. Grabbing two gold Dungeon Monitor armbands from the corner of the desk, he went out the door, while Nik took Sarah’s leash and led her out of the office. As soon as they opened the door that led out into the main room of the club, the heavy thump of the techno-pop music blasting from the PA system made itself felt.

The three of them passed several cozy sitting areas, where guests were talking and sipping Perrier. A few Doms had submissives either kneeling beside them or between their legs, sucking them off. One blanket-wrapped male sub was curled up in his Domme’s arms, being cradled like a baby, suckling at her exposed breast. As the three of them advanced into the room, they caught the attention of everybody else who was there. A ripple of conversation preceded them, a quiet hush followed in their wake as people rose from their chairs and drifted after them toward a row of bondage apparatuses lining the side wall.

Nik and Jay led Sarah up the three shallow steps onto a raised dais. They took her over to the bondage frame, a square composed of rough wooden beams that had come from an old derelict barn. Short chains hung down from eyebolts lining the insides of the side beams. There were also eyebolts in each corner and at several intervals along the bottom of the overhead beam. Nik positioned Sarah in the center of the opening. “Spread your legs,

Sarah spread her legs and Nik hunkered down to attach her cuffs to the short lengths of chain at each of the bottom corners while Jay hooked her wrists in similar fashion to the top corners. Nik straightened and stood looking down at her. She was still, calm, her eyes unfocused and unseeing.

“She’s in sub-space.” Jay kept his voice low. Jesse had chosen this particular apparatus for Sarah’s punishment for a reason. The area was mic’ed, thus turning a semi-private interaction between Doms and sub into a public one. Handing one of the DM armbands to Nik, he slid the other one onto his left bicep. “Should we wait here with her until Jesse and Adam get here?”

Nik looked around, pulling the elastic band absently up his arm. “No need. Here they come.”

Adam and Jesse strode across the room, their eyes focused on their target—Sarah, their beloved wife, the woman they loved more than life itself. Their expressions were so grim no one dared speak to them. They were both carrying black leather floggers, swishing the falls against their legs as they walked. As they approached their captive slave, Jesse in front of her, Adam behind, they both pressed their bodies against her, sandwiching her between them. Jesse palmed her mound, thrusting his two middle fingers through her sopping slit, while Adam fingered her anus. Each man palmed a breast. “I want your mouth, Sunny,” Jesse demanded.

Dazedly she raised her head and offered him her mouth, which he took in a carnal, open-mouthed kiss that heated the blood of every onlooker, including both Nik and Jay, who had left the dais, but had turned around to watch. It wasn’t often that Jesse, Adam, and Sarah scened publicly, and Nik and Jay weren’t about to miss a second of it. The other seven DM’s on duty for tonight’s event had gathered behind the rest of the crowd.

Jesse’s hands left Sarah’s body, lifting to thrust his fingers through her hair, his palms holding the sides of her face. She just stared up at him. Nik recognized the look on her face. The look of a sub lost in a haze of lust. Jesse lowered his head to pluck repeatedly at her lips with his, nipping at them with his teeth, gently tugging and releasing them, darting his tongue in and out of her mouth in a seductive dance. Adam’s hand replaced Jesse’s at her breast, squeezing, twisting, and pulling on her nipples, all the while forging a path of wet, open-mouthed kisses from her shoulder, up her neck to her ear. Tugging her lobe with his
teeth, he laved the outer shell with his tongue and lips, making her squirm. Both men raised their heads.

Tucking his elbows against his sides, Jesse hunched his shoulders, looming over her in a posture at once protective and menacing. He stared down into her eyes, swaying slightly as if he’d lost his way in their depths.

She returned his stare, squaring her shoulders and lifting her chin, readying herself to accept whatever punishment they chose to mete out.

“Do you know why you’re being punished?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir. Because I came without permission.”


“And I called you an asshole. Master.”

“Do you have anything to say to your Masters?” Jesse asked.

“Yes, Master. I’m so, so sorry that I called you an asshole.” Her lips curved into a tiny smile. “Although I meant it in the best possible way.”

A titter ran through the group of watchers.

“You are every beat of our hearts, Sarah. Our love, our life. You know we don’t like having to punish you. But you are not allowed to disrespect your Masters. You disobeyed a direct order. As a result, you have earned fifty strokes with the floggers. The first forty will be to warm you up. The last ten will be difficult for you. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Master.”

“We will ask you to count the last ten. And you are to thank us for each and every one. Am I clear?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Remember. This is a punishment. That means you are not permitted to use your safe words.”

She nodded.

“You are not permitted to come.”

Her face fell.

“Not until after your punishment is over. Then Master Adam and I will fuck you to orgasm.”

“Thank you, Master.”

He grinned. “Possibly several orgasms. If you’re very, very good.”

Sarah’s entire body slumped in relief. “Oh, thank you, thank you, Master.”

Adam chuckled. “Thought you’d like that part.”

Sarah arched her head back against Adam’s shoulder, turning to look up at him. “I love you both so much. I hate that I disappointed you.”

“We hate it, too, angel,” Adam asserted. “You are our joy, sweet pea. You give us our smiles.”

“God, I want what they’ve got,” Jay whispered behind his hand to Nik. The vast tide of yearning suddenly expanding inside his chest, pressed against his lungs, making breathing difficult.
Jesus, am I having a heart attack? Maybe I should get Luc to take a look at me.
“Sometimes I get so discouraged,” he went on. “I don’t think we’ll ever find our lifetime sub.”

The two men had discussed their future often. It was understood by both that they were partners in every respect, sharing everything, including the women they scened with and the woman they eventually hoped to meet, fall in love with, and marry. She would have to be one supremely confident woman, to be able to hold her own with two Doms as strong and powerful as they were.

“We’ll find her,” Nik assured him, clapping him on the shoulder. “Who knows, she might even be here tonight.”

The sound of floggers striking flesh brought their attention back to the scene taking place on the dais. And they weren’t the only ones. Nearly every other patron in the club had gathered to watch the sensual scene. Yes, this was the dynamic each and every one of them sought. Each and every one of them craved. It was bondage. It was kinky. It was a darkness that often skirted the edge of danger. But with Sarah, Jesse, and Adam, it was first and foremost, love. A love so profound, it was a palpable presence in the room, seeming to shimmer around them like a halo. A love so eternal, so vast and infinite, it transcended the boundaries of time and space.

Adam stood to Sarah’s left side, Jesse to her right, facing each other. Jesse struck the first blow, square across her bare mound, causing her to jerk and bite her lips to keep from crying out. Then Adam struck the sweet spot where her thighs met her ass. Jesse’s next strike was slightly higher, as was Adam’s. They weren’t hitting her particularly hard, but as their strokes rose up her front to her breasts, and up her back to her shoulder blades, a pattern of red stripes blossomed in their wake. Finally Jesse and Adam lowered their arms to their sides, the floggers dangling from their hands. They lifted their free hands to caress Sarah’s red skin, kneading the heat more deeply into her flesh. “That was forty,” Jesse said, “Now we want you to count.”

Her body jerked and she let out a shuddering scream as Jesse and Adam touched the remotes clipped to their belts, turning the vibrators in her vagina and ass to the highest speed. “Do not come, Sarah,” Adam warned. “Not until you have received the tenth stroke and we give you permission. Do I make myself clear?”

“Y-yes, Master Adam.” But she was panting for breath, already aroused to the point of explosion.

Adam stepped back and let fly with the flogger. The snap of the falls was much louder this time, the blow much harder, wrenching a cry from Sarah’s throat.

“Count, Sarah. And thank Master Adam for loving you enough to give you correction.”

“O-one,” she sobbed. “Thank you, Master Adam. F-for loving me.”

“Loving you is my greatest pleasure,” he responded, rubbing his hand over the spot he’d just whacked.

Jesse’s first stroke was right across her breasts.

“Two. Thank you, Master Jesse.”

Between strokes, they tunneled their fingers through her slit, Adam rimming her ass hole, Jesse toggling her clit, keeping her poised right on the edge of orgasm. Her body tightened, jerked, as she fought her release until she could finally say the magic word—ten.

They alternated strokes, Adam on her ass, Jesse on her breasts. Until his last strike. It was the hardest blow of all and Jesse centered it directly on her pussy. “Ten!” she screamed.

“Come!” Jesse yelled, falling to his knees and sucking her clit into his mouth. Sarah let out an ear-splitting scream and exploded in a full-body contraction. Another scream heralded a second violent contraction, one that had her jerking and convulsing against Jesse’s face like she was having a seizure. Adam was on his knees behind her, gripping her hips. Jesse’s mouth and tongue on her clit and Adam’s tongue rimming her ass, combined with the vibrators buzzing away inside her, kept her going for well over a minute.

BOOK: Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3)
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