Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 16 (7 page)

BOOK: Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 16
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Well, then we

ll have to wait a while because I need a nap

Chad glanced at his watch, confused.

d hardly been awake for an hour.
It was almost four o

and she

d slept most of the day away.

d never heard of that kind of somnolence as a symptom of pregnancy
but what did he know?
Tucking her into the bed, he positioned the bucket nearby just in case.

Get some sleep.

ll go buy the soup du jour at the deli.

ll be easier on your stomach for dinner than anything I can make
and it

ll taste better than canned

Mmm hmm.

she murmured, half asleep already.

On the porch, Chad dialed his mother. Her excited voice sent him into panic mode.

Mom, stop!
I don

t know.
She took the test and it was a dud or something.

re supposed to see lines in two windows and if I held it just right with my right hip cocked and my tongue sticking out
I think I saw a line in each window
but for all I know, it

s just the light shining on whatever chemical makes up that line in the first place

Well, she can take another one.
Did you buy two?

I bought two boxes so we

d have a spare but there are three in each box. Honestly
om, why three in a box?
Do they really need to triple confirm?

I think it

s so if you

re negative one month, you don

t have to go back over and over

The disgust in Chad

s voice was comical.

I think it

s so they can sell the duds and blame it on the consumer.
Willow immediately said she thought she messed up the test

Oh, what did she do wrong?

Come on
, M
om, how hard is it to pee on a stick!

Well Chad,

she began patiently,

Remember how you and Chris used to drop Cheerios in the toilet and try to aim for them.
Girls couldn

t do that.

d be shooting blind

Chad stared at his phone.

Have you been talking to Willow?

No, why?

She said the same exact thing.

s like déjà vu.
I feel like that kid in
A Christmas Story
Is everyone going to tell me she

ll shoot her eye out?

Oh honestly
You are being silly!
Now why don

t you just go make her a nice bowl of soup

Chad interrupted quickly.

Actually, that

s why I

m calling.

m on my way to buy some at the deli.
We don

t have anything light enough for a weak stomach


re calling about soup?

No, I

m calling,

he tried again with practiced patience.
Why wasn

t his mother following the conversation better?
It was as though she

d lost her mind at the hint of babies or something.

Because she

s asleep again.

s slept most of today and all last night

Well, some pregnant women do that.
I remember Libby saying she slept away the first four months of her pregnancy with Corinne

We don

t even know if she
pregnant, M

Marianne reminded her son that after any stomach bug, he

d always slept most of a day away while he recuperated.


ll either be fine and pregnant or fine and ready to handle a miserable late cycle.

s pretty much either
or on that one




At two a.m., Chad strolled into the police station, trying not to worry about his wife, thanking the Lord for the unlikelihood of a drunk tourist, and counting the hours until his lunch break.


re you doing?

but what are you doing here?

Chad pointed to the board where his name had been written, erased, and Waverly

s filled in.

You worked for me yesterday.
Go home

Your wife is sick.
You go home and get some sleep before you come down with it.
That bug is awful

Oh how Chad wanted to deny it was the problem.
He couldn

t wait until he could tell everyone that his wife was having a baby.


he mused to himself.

You sound um… paternal!

re only twenty-six man, get a grip


He glanced back up into Waverly

s concerned face.


Go. Home

I can

t do that to you

Waverly placed his hand on the phone.

Do you go home now, or do I wake up the Chief and tell him you refuse to obey orders

Since when do I take orders from you?

From the chief, you moron,

Waverly spat exasperated.

Get out of here
or I

m calling and you can deal with Sir Sleepless

Sir Sleepless?

Chad couldn

t help mocking him.


s two in the morning
and I

ve almost worked a double shift.
What do you want from me?

You to know how much I appreciate it.


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