Paula & Her Professor

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Authors: Charles Graham

Tags: #Erotica

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Paula and her Professor

by Charles Graham


A Pink Flamingo Ebook Publication

Copyright © 2015, All rights reserved

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For information contact:

Pink Flamingo Publications

P.O. Box 632 Richland, MI 49083


Chapter One

Paula had no idea what she was getting herself into when she challenged her psychology course tutor’s assertion that hostages in a long-term kidnap situation occasionally found themselves becoming so sympathetic to their captors’ political views and even forming such close emotional attachments, that they had been known to resist the efforts of rescuers to free them.

She found the whole idea of what he called, “The Stockholm Syndrome” so bizarre and far-fetched that she made the mistake of calling his knowledge and expertise into question.

Professor Goss, her tutor, hid his annoyance at her skepticism, but after the lecture, he asked her to remain behind to discuss the matter further.

Unlike the others in his class, Paula was a mature student of twenty-six with a shapely figure, long blonde hair and blue eyes and ever since she had enrolled in his course almost a year before, he had been so strongly attracted to her that it bordered on an obsession.

Unfortunately, she did not appear to share his feelings and he had not yet managed to find a way to move beyond the usual tutor and student working relationship, to the much closer and far more personal level that he wanted.

In a long, intense one-to-one debate after the lecture, Professor Goss argued strongly for his case, but she would not be moved, contending that no woman in her right mind would ever take the side of someone who had kidnapped her and subjected her to captivity.

It didn’t take long for him to see that mere words would never succeed in changing Paula’s mind and as he watched her animated face and gestures as she tried to convince him that she was right and he was wrong, he began to realize that the only sure way to settle the matter once and for all, was to persuade her to subject the disputed theory to a practical test.

Continuing to listen to her arguments with only half of his brain, he let the seeds of an outrageously daring plan take root and flourish in the other half.

Paula’s deeply-held opinions might just give him the opportunity he had been looking for and as a scenario began to unfold in his mind, he knew that no matter how great the risks involved, the prize for success was far too tempting to ignore.

His agile mind raced at top speed, sketching the broad outline and then filling-in the details of what would be required to implement a plan that he was convinced would overturn her arguments and prove to her that her opinions were entirely mistaken.

And, not entirely coincidentally, have the considerable added benefit…for him at least…of placing Paula into a situation where her curvaceous body would be entirely at his disposal for an extended period – just as he had imagined and dreamed of since first seeing her walk into his lecture-class.

If…and it was a very large if…he could persuade her to take part without raising her suspicions about his real motives and objective.

“Well, it seems to me, Ms. Bailey, that we have reached an impasse,” he smiled warmly, “I cannot seem to persuade you that the Syndrome exists and you have not convinced me that it does not. Therefore, the only logical way to go forward is to carry out a live experiment. The summer break begins next month, so if you have no other plans, I suggest you permit me to set up a real-life scenario where you and I can investigate the truth of the matter.”

“I don’t see how,” Paula responded, “you can’t very well have me kidnapped just to see what happens, can you?”

“Not exactly kidnapped, no,” he agreed slowly. “However, it would be possible for me to borrow a small research facility I know of where it would be perfectly feasible for us to simulate the conditions of a genuine kidnapping.”

Paula’s lower jaw dropped as he hurried on, “It’s only a small place, but it does have comfortable accommodation and excellent facilities for our research, including a laboratory, computers of course and even an underground testing room that would make a very secure cell. If you were to agree to play the part of hostage to my kidnapper, I could arrange for us to have sole use of it for the entire period of the summer break, which would give us a realistic period of experimentation.”

For almost a full ten seconds, she simply gazed at him in dumbstruck amazement, unable to believe that such an incredible suggestion should have come from a man she had always thought of as a rather shy and inoffensive “nerd” – albeit quite good-looking in a “bookish” way.

“You mean,” she gasped at last, “you want me to let you kidnap me and keep me locked up for the whole summer, just to settle a silly argument?”

He frowned. “I do not consider the pursuit of knowledge, silly,” he replied frostily, “such an experiment would enable us to discover the truth and that is, after all, why we are both here on campus. While I am fully prepared to back my beliefs with my time and effort, it seems that you are not. So, if you do not wish to avail yourself of my suggestion and put your arguments to the test, then I fear we have nothing further to discuss. I wish you a good day, Ms. Bailey.”

Paula felt her cheeks redden at his curt dismissal, her embarrassment and anger at his assumption that she was not fully committed to her views outweighing her usual common-sense and understandably cautious view of what he had suggested, “I didn’t say I wouldn’t agree,” she snapped waspishly, “I’m just as convinced of my opinions as you are of yours. I still say that your lecture today was complete nonsense and I’m not backing down. I do have other plans for the break, but if necessary, I can easily change them. Naturally, I would prefer not to spend the summer locked in a cell in order to prove to you that I’m right, but if that’s what it takes, then I will. You’re on, Professor Goss, and we’ll see who’s right, won’t we?”

Professor Goss gave a nod and smiled, “Well said, Ms. Bailey,” he replied approvingly, concealing his surprise and delight that she had accepted his spur-of-the-moment plan rather than angrily rejecting it as he had fully expected she would, “You clearly have real spirit and commitment to your hypothesis and I apologize for doubting it. So it seems we are agreed then. I shall make all the arrangements at once, for our experiment to begin immediately after the final lectures of the spring. I suggest we meet at my house at four o’clock on that day, at which time, you will begin your period of captivity. I take it that is acceptable?”

Paula hesitated, realizing that their heated discussion had spiraled out of control and led her into accepting a challenge she didn’t even know if she was equipped to handle and which would mean cancellation of the relaxing holiday she had been looking forward to taking.

It certainly wasn’t what she had intended or expected, but she wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of seeing her back down.

Taking a deep breath, she tossed her head as if to demonstrate a nonchalant confidence she definitely did not feel, “That will be perfectly acceptable,” she stated coldly, “I’ll be there, but don’t expect me to be a timid little mouse.”

“Of course not,” he agreed. “Although hostages are generally frightened of what has happened and of their kidnappers, many attempt to make some form of resistance and even seek to escape. I would expect nothing less from you and will do my utmost to play my part as thoroughly as you clearly intend to play yours. I am sure we will both learn a great deal from this experience and I am indebted to you, my dear. It promises to be an interesting and most instructive summer, don’t you think?”

Walking away from the lecture room where she had just entered into the strangest and most bizarre agreement she had ever imagined, Paula didn’t know what to think.

Professor Goss’s challenge had come as a complete surprise to her and she knew she should have taken time to think through the implications before impetuously agreeing to accept it.

But she had been too carried-away and convinced by her own arguments to stop and give proper consideration to her decision and now she was stuck with it.

She respected Professor Goss for his knowledge, of course, but had never really thought of him as a man.

It wasn’t that he was unattractive or even particularly old…late thirties or very early forties perhaps and in very good shape…but, well, he was a Professor and it simply hadn’t occurred to her that he might have any other life than the one she saw every day on the campus.

He was single, she knew that, but she hadn’t heard of any relationships or girlfriends and there certainly hadn’t been any of the rumors that were often associated with older men working alongside young female students.

Just the opposite in fact, because although several of the other girls in her class had made it quite plain that they definitely found him sexually attractive and tried to flirt, he had always remained a perfect gentleman, polite and courteous and totally professional, somehow managing to refuse their advances in a way that didn’t hurt their feelings and retained their confidence and trust.

Maybe he was gay…?

It might be best if he was, if she was going to spend all summer working with him on their experiment.

Obviously he couldn’t really mean to keep her locked in a cell, of course.

Not all the time.

She definitely wouldn’t put up with that.

It might be a valuable experiment, but Paula had no intention of letting things get that far out of hand and anyway, how could she assist him if she was locked up?

It was an exciting idea, though, being locked up as a helpless prisoner and at the mercy of Professor Goss.

In an odd sort of way, she was quite looking forward to it.

Especially if it turned out that he wasn’t gay………………

She smiled and shook her head at her foolish imaginings, reminding herself that she was not some love-struck teenager sneaking off for an illicit rendezvous with her boyfriend.

The experiment he had suggested was a serious scientific investigation and that was all it was…no matter how odd it might appear to anyone else.

As befitted a serious investigation, she would remain cool and detached and unemotional and most definitely not permit any form of physical involvement to develop between herself and Professor Goss.

Unless, of course, she chose otherwise…

It was a sound, logical and eminently practical response to a highly-unusual situation and provided Paula with a reassuring sense of security, but unfortunately, it couldn’t possibly take into account the fact that, unknown to her, Professor Goss had radically-different plans for the part she would find herself playing in the summer-long experiment.

Or that her confidence in her own ability to stay calm and in control, whatever the situation, would turn out to be totally unjustified.

Chapter Two

The last day of spring term was over, the last lecture given and the campus was virtually deserted when Professor Goss opened his front door to admit a rather nervous Paula.

“Come in, Paula. May I call you that? Good. Would you care for a drink before we get ready to begin?”

While she sipped from a tall crystal glass and Professor Goss outlined what he had in mind, a shiver of excitement rippled through Paula’s slim frame to the realization that he intended to make the experiment as realistic as possible by not only locking her into the cellar under the research facility, but also by putting her into bondage.

It was the first time he had mentioned tying her up and when he explained that a real hostage would invariably be restrained to prevent any possibility of escape, Paula began to wonder quite how far he was going to go in the pursuit of realism.

She had never been bound in her whole life and when it dawned on her that once she was helpless, he would be in total control and she would be unable to resist, she felt a delicious tingle of fear and became embarrassingly aware of a hot wetness between her thighs.

Despite herself, she couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel to be so completely at his mercy and to know that he could do anything he wished to her.

She stole a glance at him and wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or disappointed to see that he appeared to be completely calm and unemotional, as if totally focused on the details of the experiment and unaware of the erotic possibilities of having a young and attractive female tied up and at his disposal for several weeks.

Doing her best to match his professionalism, she tried to suppress her own unwanted feelings of arousal. He set down his glass and asked, “Well, Paula, are you ready to begin our test?”

She took a deep breath and replied as casually as she could, “Yes, of course, Professor. How do you suggest we start?”

With an apologetic smile, he took a typed sheet of paper and offered it to her, “I am afraid the first requirement is your signature,” he said. “This note is confirmation of our agreement, stating that you are a willing participant in our experiment and have not been coerced or otherwise intimidated into accepting your role as hostage. By signing it, you absolve me of any possibility of being charged with kidnap or other offences and declare that you accept full responsibility for your actions and any consequences both before, during, or even after the term of the experiment. Please read it and if you are willing to go on, sign and date at the bottom.”

Paula took the sheet and scanned it briefly, unwilling to embarrass either him or herself by checking every detail as if she didn’t trust him.

As far as she could tell from her cursory reading, it said pretty much what he had told her, that she was willing, he hadn’t forced her, she agreed to become his hostage of her own free will and gave him authority to run tests as he saw fit, the experiment to be completed by the end of summer break, if not concluded earlier.

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