PAYBACK (A Bad Boy Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: PAYBACK (A Bad Boy Romance)
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Chapter 9

I should’ve just rolled off and gone to sleep.

But once I was on top…my cock had other plans.

My cock was likely to split in half if it hardened any further.

I wanted to bury myself inside Holly.

I wanted to feel my balls slapping against her generous ass.

I wanted to swallow her cries as I planted myself between her thighs.

But I couldn’t.

I was many things but I wasn’t a rapist.

However, as much as Holly wanted to pretend that she wasn’t aroused, made me that much more interested in calling her out.

Virgin, my ass

The night was relatively young and I’d caught my second wind. I could toy with her for hours.

And that sounded like the best fucking plan ever.

Suddenly, she puckered up and pecked my lips with hers, saying briskly, “There. I kissed you. Now get off.”

“That wasn’t a kiss.”

“Our lips touched.”

“That was…a kiss you give your 95-year-old grandfather who smells like moth balls.”

“Maybe you’re nearly as repulsive,” she replied with a shrug.

“Since I call bullshit on that kiss, I’ll take that as a forfeit on your choice. My turn.” The plan had been to scare her, freak her out a bit, but when I ripped the thin bedding away from her curves, I nearly swallowed my tongue at the luscious pussy before me. Her creamy white skin gleamed in the milky light while a thatch of curls dusted her folds. It was too dark to see the color but I imagined they were only slightly darker than the strawberry blonde on her head.

Holly gasped and quickly covered her face with embarrassment. “What are you doing?” she cried, squeezing her legs together. “Stop it.”

But I couldn’t stop gazing at the sweet vee calling to me. Her hips flared nicely, widening with womanly curves that made my balls ache.

“I told you to pick,” I reminded her darkly as I moved down her belly, inhaling the musky charm of her pussy. She shuddered as I slowly dragged my tongue across the seam of her folds, teasing the damp curls as I burrowed deeper, seeking out that little button that made women scream.

Holly drew a sharp breath and stiffened as if an electrical current had just coursed through her. Her breath came out in tiny pants as her fingers fisted in the blanket.

I loved eating pussy but eating Holly…fuck, there weren’t words.

I gripped her hips and dragged her to my mouth so I could get a better position. I wanted to suck her clit and stick my finger up her ass. I wanted to hear her moan my name as I made her come so hard her toes cramped.

I wanted to brand her brain with the memory of my tongue so she never forgot I was the one who’d rocked her world.

Yeah, I’d started off wanting to mess with her…but I quickly realized, I was messing with something I’d never experienced.


You’ve had your fun, now stop.

But I couldn’t. I was ravenous for her pussy, her taste.

I buried my face between her legs.

Sucking and teasing.




Her cries became tortured moans as she began to shake.

Fuck me, I wanted more.

I wanted her limp with exhaustion, too sated to move.

“Ohhhh!” The sharp intake of breath as Holly stiffened was the hottest sound I’d ever heard. She crashed, crying out as she came, whimpering as aftershocks continued to clench her womb. Her glorious tits were hard as pebbles, pointing proudly to the ceiling as she struggled to breathe.

But I wasn’t finished.

I climbed her body and firmly claimed her mouth, letting her taste her own musk on my tongue. I penetrated her lips as I had her pussy, demanding that she submit, that she soften, which she did with the sweetest yield, accepting my tongue as it tangled with hers. I took her mouth without mercy.

Finally, I pulled away. Holly’s lips glistened in the dim light from my sensual assault.

I gazed at the beauty of all that soft feminine flesh beneath me and said in a low tone that she would never forget, “Now that was a kiss, baby girl..”

She made a small mewling sound as her eyelids fluttered shut and my little captive was out.

I ignored my rock hard cock and closed my eyes, too.

Sleep found me nearly as quick and before long, I was out.

Chapter 10

awoke with a start
, bleary-eyed and disoriented by the foreign surroundings until the memory came crashing back within a heartbeat.

I clutched the blanket to my naked chest and swiveled my gaze to see Cason sacked out, one arm flung over his eyes, his sensual mouth parted as he slept.

Cason had…I swallowed the mortification stuck in my throat…he had kissed me.

Not an ordinary kiss.

He’d…gone down on me.

The only man who’d ever done that to me was the man who’d stolen me.

The man who had no care for my well-being, nor was he shy about his plans to use me against my brother.

Cason had touched my most private of places and I’d been helpless to stop the crushing wave of pleasure that’d nearly drowned me.

I closed my eyes, trying not to dwell.

I may be a virgin, but I wasn’t a nun. I mean, I’d experimented with stuff. I’d never gone so far as to stick a cucumber up my hoo-hah but I’d used a a tiny pocket vibrator a few times.

It was really cute, fit in my purse.

Until I realized I really shouldn’t be packing a vibrator around like I would a tube of lipstick, so I tucked it in a drawer and forgot about it.

Because let’s be honest, what I got from that little vibe had been nothing in comparison to what Cason had given me.

Heat crawled my cheeks at the memory.

Cason’s kiss had been way better than mine.

I chewed my bottom lip, conflicted.

I was almost embarrassed by my puckered up peck.

Honestly, I hadn’t expected him to do what he did!

Cason didn’t even know me but he’d stuck his tongue…

Oh God, Holly, you’re obsessing.

Just stop.

Move on.

Now’s your chance to run.

That stern voice of reason cut through the jabbering nonsense and I realized if there was ever a moment, now would be the time. Unlike before, Cason was out like a light.

Ever so carefully, I slid from the bed, scooped up my clothes and tip-toed out of the bedroom, my heart beating so hard I thought it might jump from my chest.

My fingers trembled as I yanked on my jeans and tossed the shirt over my head. Seconds later I realized, I’d inadvertently grabbed Cason’s shirt instead of my own but there was no way I was going back into that bedroom to find the right one.

Cason would just have to buy another shirt.

I cleared the front door and started running barefoot down the street. If I could get to a phone, I could call my brother. Butcher would kill Cason when he found out what he’d done. Not because I was some prize but because Butcher would take Cason’s actions as an insult.

And my brother had no tolerance for insults.

My toe caught on something sharp and I stumbled to the crumbling asphalt, ripping my jeans and skinning my knee. I bit back a howl as tears burned behind my eyes but I wasn’t going to cry, not here. I climbed to my feet and started again, only this time, I had a slight limp. I scanned the street for signs of life but this place was like a ghost town.

Had Cason brought me to the moon?

This was the creepiest, most abandoned part of the city I could’ve imagined.

Great atmosphere for a serial killer to set up shop.

I rounded the corner and came to a sudden stop, unsure of which way to turn. I had no idea where I was and no way to call anyone for help. What I wouldn’t give for a payphone.

But nothing but busted sidewalks and graffiti surrounded me.

This place was where dreams came to die, I thought dismally.

Right or left, pick a direction.

I turned left and picked up my pace as much as possible.

“Oh thank God,” I breathed as I saw a black woman sitting on her front porch step, smoking a cigarette. I headed toward her, waving frantically. “Help!” I called out. “I need help!”

The woman had almond-shaped dark eyes that narrowed with interest as I half-ran, half-limped into her yard. “Whatcha doin’ white girl? You lost?”

I tried to catch my breath. “I need to use your phone. I was kidnapped last night and I need to call the police.”

“Sure honey,” she said with a slight smile, stubbing out her cigarette. “Come with me.”

I ignored every sound bit of advice that warned of going anywhere with strangers, because, I’d already been kidnapped, surely it couldn’t happen twice in twenty-four hours, and followed the woman into her place.

The stale scent of spilled beer and forgotten pizza was worse than Tito’s place, which I found shocking but I tried to hide my reaction. It didn’t seem smart to make complaints to the people you were asking help from.

A man with a pouchy belly and an oily mess of hair scratched himself as he entered the living room until he stopped short when he saw me. There was a brief, awkward stalemate as we both stared then he asked the woman, “What’s this shit?”

“She needs a phone.”

“For what?”

I answered for myself. “I know this sounds crazy but I was kidnapped last night. I need to call the police.”

“Kidnapped? You look all right to me,” he countered, shaking out a cigarette and sticking it between his cracked lips. He lit up and dragged deep. “Sometimes girls make up stories, you know?”

I stiffened. “I promise you, I don’t make up stories. Can I use your phone or not?”

The man exchanged a look with the woman. “The problem is we don’t have a phone. When we need to make a call, we go down to the Quickie Mart and use the payphone. It’s about two miles down the road.”

“So I can walk it,” I surmised, but my toe was still bleeding and my knee felt as if it’d gone through a grinder. Two miles would suck. Plus I needed to stay off the road in case Cason woke up and found me gone.

“I can take you if you want,” he offered. “Just let me get dressed. Sound good?”

Did the idea of getting into the car with the creepy dude sound good? Hell no, but I supposed by car two miles would take all of five minutes and I was desperate so I agreed.

“Thank you.”

“Juanita, get the girl something to drink. She looks parched.”

I was thirsty.

“Water would be great,” I murmured, antsy to get out of this house. I was starting to get the creepy crawlies.

Juanita shoved off the wall where she’d been stationed and sauntered into the dirty kitchen. On second thought, maybe I didn’t want to drink what came out of their tap.

I turned to glance out the grimy window, watching for Cason or Tito, when Juanita returned to thrust a glass into my hand. “Sorry, no ice.”

“This is fine,” I assured her, trying not to be rude. I took a quick swallow. There was a faint iron taste, which was probably due to the old pipes in this neighborhood, but at least it was wet.

I started to return the half-full glass to Juanita but her pointed look told me I ought to finish what was given. I gulped down the rest of the water, noting the bitterness, and I wondered if Cason would’ve been safer.

“So…is he your husband?” I ventured, trying to make conversation.

“He my man,” Juanita confirmed, watching me closely. “What’s your name, girl?”

“Holly,” I answered, running my tongue across my teeth, feeling slightly odd. I purposefully left off my last name.

“You got nice hair.” She reached out to finger the texture, as if assessing the quality. I subtly pulled away, weirded out by the observation. “Men like that color. Real nice.”

I had no response. What was the appropriate thing to say? Not that I could’ve managed anything. My tongue felt furred. I blinked as my vision blurred. I shook my head, trying to clear whatever was in my eye but it only got worse.

“Feeling okay, sugar?” The man asked as he returned, his hair slicked back, watching me with a faint grin. “You look like you ought to sit down before you fall down.”

I couldn’t think straight. I stumbled into the wall, knocking over a faded picture.

“Bitch, watch yourself,” Juanita shouted. “That was from my grand-mama.”

I tried to make it to the door but it kept getting further and further away. I reached for the door handle but I grasped thin air.
, this couldn’t be happening. I was a damn college student. The dangers of date rape drugs were everywhere. You couldn’t walk ten steps without seeing some kind of flyer or poster filled with helpful tips on how to remain safe.

*Don’t leave your drink unattended.

*Don’t go out alone.

*Don’t accept drinks from strangers

But apparently, I’d totally spaced the warning that I should be leery of accepting drinks from a scary woman who lived in the armpit of Satan with her creeper husband.

“See Juanita…I told you that good things happen to those who wait. This little peach just wandered right into our laps. She going to be popular.”

Juanita smiled and nodded. “You right, baby. You right.”

The horrifying realization that I’d stupidly allowed myself to be drugged was the last coherent thought before I fell to the floor, unconscious.

Well, Universe thanks for fucking with my sense of fair play; you suck.

Chapter 11

y lids popped
open and I knew immediately, my chick had flown the coop.

I swore under my breath. I knew I should’ve tied her down.

I bounced from the bed and yanked on jeans. She couldn’t have gotten far.

Holly had no idea where she was and this was a shit neighborhood to wander around in.

Hell, that’s why I’d picked it.

Obviously, I’d underestimated Holly’s determination to escape. I’d mistakenly thought that the prissy thing would take one look at the surroundings and decide that she was better off with the devil she knew.

Way to go, Cason

I swore at my own stupidity.

My ego had gotten in the way of common sense. Just because I’d made her come didn’t mean she wasn’t going to run the first chance she got.

Which was exactly what she’d done.

While I was dead to the world, Holly had slipped out.

Man, what happened to me?

I don’t usually sleep that hard, thanks to a shitty childhood and a mother whose boyfriends often tried to mess with me when she’d been asleep.

I slept with one eye open. Always have and always would.

But I’d crashed as soon as I heard she was out.

Best sleep I’d had in years, ironically.

I could still taste her juices on my tongue; I could smell her musk lingering on my lips.

I hadn’t even jerked off to relieve the pressure building in my sac. Although, if I had, I might’ve shot a hole in the ceiling. I was primed and ready to blow.

Even now the memory was messing with my ability to focus. I wanted her back.


Quick dialing Tito, he answered with a yawn. “It’s fucking early,” he groused. “Someone better be dead.”

“She’s gone.”


“Holly, you dumbshit,” I answered. “I woke up this morning and she was gone.”

“Fuck, Cason, you can’t keep track of one girl?” he teased, clearly finding the humor that I couldn’t. “Did she kick your ass or something? Maybe whip out some ninja-style Kung Fu? Did she go all Uma Therman on ya?”

“If you don’t shut the fuck up and get your ass over here, I’m going to shove my foot so far up your ass you’ll taste my boots for the rest of your life. I’m fucking serious. I need to find her.”

Tito sobered. “Calm down, Cason. We’ll find her.”

I shoved a hand through my hair. “How soon can you be here?”

“I’ll be there in fifteen.”

The sleepy murmur of a female voice sounded in the background, groaning with disappointment and I clicked off. Whoever Tito was shacking up with, wasn’t going to be happy.

But my heart was thundering and I was pissed as hell that Holly had bolted.

Hadn’t I been considerate?

Far more considerate than I should’ve been.

I should’ve ignored her cries of pain and tied her to the toilet for the night.


My whole plan was going up in smoke because Holly had made me weak.

Wasn’t going to happen twice.

I would find her and when I did…I was going to put her somewhere she couldn’t escape.

Which meant, Tito’s place was no longer an option.

But no worries…I had a place I could go.

Someplace a good girl like Holly wouldn’t be caught dead in.

Now I just had to find her.

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