Read Payback Is a Mutha Online

Authors: Wahida Clark

Tags: #Psychological, #Psychological fiction, #Fiction, #Urban Life, #African American women, #Female friendship, #African American, #General, #Short Stories

Payback Is a Mutha (12 page)

BOOK: Payback Is a Mutha
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fter they formulated a plan, Sha and his crew spent the next two hours cleaning up the place and deciding the best way to handle the situation. Finally Shadee took Janay, Kay-Gee, the dope, the money and left. The rest of the crew were left behind to get rid of the bodies and torch the building. The three of them rode in silence all the way to Kay-Gee’s where Shadee dropped him and the dope off.

As he headed for his house he kept glancing over at Janay who sat balled up into a knot. She didn’t utter a sound as she stared out the window.

Janay could not believe what she had just been through in the last seventy-two hours. She banged her head up against the headrest and she replayed the events of the last three days. Her two bodyguards, who were also her cousins, Jeff K and Biz, were just sittin’ around chillin’ and servin’ through the dope slot on the door. She noticed that Biz was a little edgy that evening. When the knock came that got shit
started, Biz answered the door. When he came back he told them that there was some peeps wanting to get served some nice weight. Janay had said no. Jeff K was agreeing with her. Biz was persistent and finally blurted out that he would vouch for them and to go ahead and serve them. Janay finally gave in and when Biz opened the door there were three slimy-looking cats. Soon as they got inside they drew their weapons and the tall one warned, “Y’all know what time it is.” Jeff K, wasting no time, fired first. Janay dove to the floor, crawled to the sofa and got her gun. She automatically went to shooting and didn’t stop until her gun was the only one being heard. When it got quiet and she peeked over the sofa, Jeff K and one of the robbers were down. Biz was yelling because he was hit in the leg. She was so busy releasing fire power she didn’t know when the other two robbers escaped. She then jumped up and locked the door.

“I’m hit Janay! I’m fuckin’ hit Janay!” Biz screamed and tried to get up but Janay kicked him twice in the stomach.

“You fuckin’ snake! You ain’t no good Biz! How could you? We family, you skank motherfucker!” She kicked him again.

“What you talkin’ about Janay? What’s the matter with you?”

She went over to Jeff K and was trying to feel a pulse. “He’s dead Biz. Damn it! Damn it!” She stomped.

“You act like my bullet is what did it!” he screamed out.

“Your punk ass, you could’ve stopped it! It might as well had been your bullet. You let those bastards in! What was your cut? You greedy bastard! How
much was you gonna get?” She was now throwing things at him, she was so furious.

“No fire was supposed to go off!” Biz argued, while trying to duck the objects.

“What was your cut?”

“Jeff fired first Janay!”

“Of course he did! What did you think, he was gonna stand there and let us get robbed! You know what?” she screamed. “Naw, fuck it!” She gave him the hand. “I got somethin’ for your bitch ass. Help me move these bodies!”

“Fuck them! Let’s get the fuck outta here!”

“Boy, you betta get your punk ass up and help me move these bodies.” She warned.

“I’m hit Janay, damn!”

“Big fuckin’ deal! Jeff is dead.” The tears were streaming down her cheeks.

With that said and Biz seeing that there was no way out of it, he forced himself up, limping, and he helped Janay move the tall robber who Biz said was named Winston. Then it was Jeff K’s turn. As they carried his body to the back, Janay started gagging. She let go of his legs and let Biz drag him by himself.

“Place him facedown,” she ordered.

“What difference does it make?”

“Place him facedown, Biz!” He did it but mumbled, “It don’t make no damn difference.”

As he turned him over Janay aimed her gun at him. “It does make a difference.” When he turned around she put two holes in his chest. “This is for family, nigga.”

Immediately afterwards she began calling Shadee. When she couldn’t get him she called her sister Crystal who panicked. Which is the main reason Big
Choppa never put her in charge. It took Janay almost an hour to calm her down. She didn’t really sweat it because she needed to talk to someone. She finally decided on staying put until Shadee made it over because he would know what to do.

She turned and looked over at Shadee who was intensely staring at the road. “Are you sure they’re gonna handle everything?” She was watching him with hopeful eyes and was practically holding her breath.

“Yeah. I’m sure.”

Janay let out a huge sigh of relief. “Thanks babee.” Then blurted out, “I got a new body on my hands.”

“It’s over Janay. Learn to let go.”

When they pulled up in front of Shadee’s crib, Doc was sitting on the porch looking pissed off. Janay was surprised that he wasn’t around when everything went down.

“Where was Doc, your right hand man?”

Shadee sucked his teeth. “I don’t know where that nigga been.”

They stepped out of the car and headed up the walkway. Doc didn’t get up; he just stared at Shadee.

“Hey Doc,” Janay said.

“What’s up?” He stood up.

Shadee didn’t say anything as he unlocked the door and they all went inside.

“You a’ight?” Doc asked Janay.

“I guess so,” she mumbled.

Janay really didn’t want to be left home alone. Plus, she wasn’t ready to go into detail and explain to Shadee all the shit she was into. Not yet. And with Doc there she knew Shadee was getting ready to hit the streets. So she went in the bedroom and grabbed a change of clothes. She was relieved that
she hadn’t drove her car over to the projects but instead rode with Jeff K.

“Shadee, I’m going over Mama’s. Make sure you lock up.”

“I just gotta make a quick run. I need you to stay put until I get back. We gotta talk. You gave me your word that you wasn’t gonna hustle no more. You got some explainin’ to do. I’ll be right back.”

“Sha, don’t start. You know damn well a quick run could mean days. I don’t want to be by myself. Come pick me up whenever you finish and we’ll talk then.” Without waiting for a response she slipped out the door.

“Janay!” Shadee yelled after her. “I’ma fuck that bitch up.”

She ignored him, and jumped in her ride and sped off. She only got two blocks away from her house when she had to pull over. As soon as she shut the engine off, she burst out crying. She still could not believe the chain of events that took place over the last seventy-two hours. She kept mulling over the fact that she foreal, foreal had a new body on her hands and her cousin was gone. Her mother’s oldest brother’s baby son, Jeff K, was dead. She wasn’t up to bearing that bad news and was still undecided as to if she should even tell them. She was resting her head on the steering wheel and was now crying uncontrollably. She almost jumped outta her skin when an elderly woman tapped on the glass. “I’m fine!” Janay blurted out before the woman could ask her what the problem was. Janay didn’t even look at her as she started the car, turned it around and headed back to her house.

Shadee’s Benz and Doc’s Range Rover were still in the driveway. Janay, finding a spot to park, hopped
outta the car and hurried up the walkway. She turned the knob because she knew she hadn’t locked it on her way out. She hoped that Shadee didn’t have to go out after all, because she was now feeling a deep rooted need to unburden everything that had happened. She threw her purse onto the couch and headed straight for the bathroom. A tub full of hot water and chamomile oil was screaming for her smelly, tired, aching body. All she wanted was to soak, smoke a blunt with a glass of wine or two and for Shadee to hold and comfort her. The closer she got to the bathroom, the clearer she could hear sounds of someone getting fucked but she couldn’t put her finger on it. “I know my fuckin’ neighbor don’t got her skank ass up in my house!” She knew that
Sha and his boy where supposed to be in her house. When she got to Sha’s bedroom she placed her ear up against the door.

“Fuck me man,” Doc begged. But Janay wasn’t sure if that’s what he said or not. His voice sounded different. The growls they were making sounded as if they were possessed.

Janay turned the doorknob and quietly cracked the door. “Oooh!” she gasped, her eyes going wide in shock. So surprised was she that her feet had somehow become glued to the floor. All she could do was stare in horrified fascination at the two big niggas buck ass naked. Shadee was leaned up against the dresser with his head back, eyes closed with both hands on Doc’s head. Doc’s head was bobbing up and down as he was on his knees sucking Shadee’s dick as if he was a crack bitch and was promised a rock if she did a good job.

“Oh, my God!” Janay’s mind screamed out as she
watched them enjoy each other, not quite believing what was going on before her eyes.

“Fuck me Sha,” Doc was saying in between slurps. “Fuck me now.”

Shadee acted as if he had an attitude because he sucked his teeth and ordered, “Get up, bitch ass nigga.”

Doc had this slick smirk on his face as he got up off his knees and got on the bed on his hands and knees. “Fuck me Daddy. Give me that big ass dick. You said it belonged to me.”

Janay was getting sick as she saw her man get in position right behind Doc’s ass and ram his dick so hard into his ass hole that she wanted to say ouch. But instead of Doc screaming out as if he was in pain, his eyes closed and he was groaning and throwing that ass back at Shadee, who had sweat dripping off his body, enjoying it just as much as Doc seemed to be.

Janay closed the door back and made a dash for the bathroom, barely making it before she began to vomit. The nasty taste of bile was in her throat and mouth as she frantically began brushing her teeth. Then she abruptly stopped cold, realizing that Shadee was fucking Doc without a condom. She threw the toothbrush down and ran to her room with intentions on getting her gun. But when she got there and closed the door, her mind went blank.
What the fuck? What the fuck am I supposed to do now?
Her heart was pounding so hard she thought her chest was going to burst. “I’ma fuckin’ kill this nigga!” She went into her closet and pulled out a Smith & Wesson that her pops had given her. When she went to open her door, Sha was stepping out of the bed
room talking on his celly as if he just got done taking a shit. He had his boxers on.

“Nigga how you gonna disrespect me like that?” Doc was coming behind him pulling up his pants. He was carrying his shirt, following behind Shadee who was motioning to Doc to shut up because he was interrupting his phone conversation; but Doc kept going off about being disrespected. When Sha finally flipped the cell phone closed. He started going off.

“Man, why the fuck you soundin’ like a bitch? We fuckin’ partnas, we ain’t man and wife!” Shadee pushed Doc backwards. “You got me fucked up!”

“Oh shit!” Janay mumbled. She threw the gun on the bed, now unsure of what to do.

“Nigga how could you do this to me?” Doc was trying to rush Shadee and was yelling at him.

“Get the fuck outta my house dawg!” Shadee was trying to push him towards the door.

“I’m not going no-fuckin’-where! Shadee how could you do this to me?” He yelled, “Y’all have been seeing each other for how long? When did it start?” He was swinging at Shadee as if he was a bitch scorned.

“Get the fuck out man! I’m not going to tell you again,” Shadee warned.

“Nigga, I’ve been nothin’ but true to you. Fuckin’ bitches, I could deal with it. We had that understanding Sha. But Bishop? You fucked him and Demetrick. That fake ass nigga?”

Shadee punched him twice in the face. His nose gushed out blood. “You wanna be a bitch?” Shadee kept pimp slapping him. “I told you we ain’t man and wife.”

“Shadee!” Janay yelled as she ran out of her bed
room. Shadee’s eyes got so big she thought they were gonna pop outta the sockets. But Doc didn’t give a shit. He just kept on bitchin’.

Sha was pushing Doc down the stairs and to the door. “Fuck you Sha!” Doc yelled as the door slammed in his face. He immediately began bangin’ on the door. “Girlfriend, if you want to live a long time, do not give him no pussy!” He screamed like a bitch, then started laughing. “That dick has been up in a little bit of everybody! You gonna get yours, nigga!”
Plop! Plop!
Two bullets soared through the door, one barely missing Shadee’s arm, the other one lodged into Janay’s family photo.

“What the fuck was that Sha?” She wasted no time digging in Shadee’s shit, not caring about the bullets. Her head was spinning and her voice was cracking.

“You heard it all.” He stormed towards her and grabbed her by the neck. “Now we both got a secret: you got a fresh body on your hands and I fuck niggas in the ass! And this better not go no further than this room. You understand?” Janay was gasping for air and tears were running down her cheeks. “Do you understand me?” She shook her head yes hoping he would let her go. “Good.” As soon as he let her go she went to swinging.

“You motherfuckin’ bitch ass hoe!” She screamed as she slapped him in the face. “You fuck every bitch that walks but that isn’t enough. You had to go fuck niggas, too?” She was close enough to get a grip so she dug her fingernails into his face. He slammed his fist up against the bottom of her chin. She let him go and was crying so loud his ears was ringing. She fell to her knees and was looking up at him. “I saw you fuck him, and I heard him Shadee. Loud
and clear. I didn’t want to hear him but I did. You fuckin’ more than one nigga! I heard him. You infected ain’t you?” She howled. “How could you do this to me? You hate me that much?” she cried. “Oh, God, why, Shadee?”

When he picked her up off the floor she was kicking and screaming. It looked as if her eyes were rolling up into her head. He tried to lay her down on the couch but she was going wild. He finally slapped her in the face.

“Janay!” he yelled. “Janay!” He slapped her again.

She stopped kicking and was trying to get a grasp on her crying. “Why, Shadee? Babee, why? We have a son together.”

“Get tested, Janay. You probably don’t even have it. The few times in the past few months that we fucked we used protection.”

He attempted to soothe her.

“Not every time!” she screamed. “Damn, Sha! You are my son’s father,” she cried in disbelief.

BOOK: Payback Is a Mutha
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