Read Payback Is a Mutha Online

Authors: Wahida Clark

Tags: #Psychological, #Psychological fiction, #Fiction, #Urban Life, #African American women, #Female friendship, #African American, #General, #Short Stories

Payback Is a Mutha (6 page)

BOOK: Payback Is a Mutha
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hen Shadee stepped inside his house it dawned on him that they might have left Hook’s car parked on the street. “Born, call Teraney and tell him to make sure that nigga’s car is gone.”

“What was he driving?”

“I don’t know man. Just make sure it ain’t out there,” Shadee snapped.

“Tell him to look for that gray Mustang or Rob’s black Explorer. I’m sure Hook didn’t drive that dark brown Navigator,” Timmy said.

“A’ight,” Born responded as he picked up his cell phone.

Shadee went in the back to shower and change clothes. When he came back into the living room Timmy was asleep in the chair. Born was smoking a blunt and Slim had just got there.

“How you feelin’ nigga?” Slim asked as he stretched out his long narrow legs and popped the cap on a forty.

“Man, I’m a’ight, I’m livin’. But y’all niggas got me fucked up, smokin’ and drinkin’ all up on my Italian leather furniture. Boy, put that shit out!” He threw a towel at Born.

“So what’s the plan?” Slim wanted to know.

Shadee sat down next to Born. “I need a breather. I’ma snatch up Janay and chill out for a few.”

“How long you plan on being gone?” Slim was countin’ them dollars in his head. “We need to re-up. You said you was gonna have that cat from Dyersburg serve you up this time. He got dat shit.”

“On my way back I’ll stop and do that.”

“On your way back?”

“Hell, yeah. On my way back,” Shadee emphasized. “Y’all work with what y’all got. Then get served by your connect. It’s your call. I’m giving you a chance to make some money.”

“A’ight then. But if you need me to meet up with you, just page me.”

Shadee nodded his head. “Wake that nigga up! This ain’t no hotel.”

Born kicked Timmy on his knee. “Wake up man! It’s time to bounce!” Born kicked him again. Timmy woke up grabbing his piece.

“Nigga what you think you gonna do with that?” Born laughed.

“Stop playin’ boy!” Timmy put his piece away, stood up and stretched.

“Boy? I get more pussy than you, punk! Now who the boy?” Born pounded his chest emphasizing that he was indeed the man.

“You better get this stank ass kid before I hurt him,” Timmy told Shadee.

“I don’t have time for y’all’s shit.” Shadee had his
ear glued to the phone. He threw the phone down and mumbled, “Where this hoe at?”

“Man, that hoe Bri got you sprung,” Born teased.

“Fuck you punk. Who said I’m calling her? As a matter of fact, all y’all get the fuck out. And while y’all at it, call Doc and tell him I’m waitin’ on him.”

“You got that Unc,” Born said as he grabbed his phone. “But yo, I know you gonna handle her, right?”

“Oh yeah. I got something real nice planned for that bitch.” She gonna wish that they killed my black ass when it’s all said and done.” Everyone nodded their heads in approval. Shadee stood up and opened the front door. “A’ight niggas. I’ll holla at y’all.” Everybody stood up except for Born. “You too nigga!” He pointed at Born.

“Come on Unc. Let me spend the night. Look at your head. You might faint or something.”

“Lil’ Nigga, get the fuck out. I ain’t babysittin’ tonight.” Everybody started laughing.

Born reluctantly stood up. “A’ight Unc. I’ma remember this.”

“Remember this and get the fuck out!” Everybody walked out except for Born, who stood in the doorway.

“Seriously. You gonna be a’ight?”

“I’m straight Lil’ Nigga. I’ll holla at ya!” He gave Born dap and closed the door.


Two hours later Doc was at the door. His arm was bandaged up and in a sling. Jo Jo was behind him carrying the dope and the money. Shadee took the money and put it up. He checked his dope and then
told Jo Jo to handle it. He then told them that he was going away for a few and that he would be in touch.

The three of them headed out the house together. Jo Jo and Doc on their way to sell some dope and Shadee on his way to Janay’s. The sun was just peeking above the horizon.


Janay was Shadee’s wifey and his baby’s mother. Janay’s father, Big Choppa, used to be the man—that was until all the New Jacks began to spring up, including Shadee. So a stranger to the hustling game Janay was not. When Big Choppa was diagnosed with liver cancer, it was Janay who held his business down. But Shadee and Big Choppa never could get along. Janay had been hustling before she met Shadee. And of course he convinced her to stop, and Big Choppa didn’t like that one bit. Big Choppa was always in and out of the hospital and Janay was always back and forth in the game. Even after she gave birth to Shadee’s son Marquis, she kept on hustling. Finally Shadee said, “Enough is enough!” He was hustling enough for the both of them so he made her stop. When Marquis was coming up on his second birthday, Janay was at it again. When Shadee found out he gave her an ass whipping that earned her a two-day stay in the hospital. But not before she shot Shadee in the arm.

Now three years later and still together Janay feels as if there is no other man for her and that she will forever be wifey and his number one ride-or-die chick. She has been by his side through the ups and downs, the highs and lows. She withstood all of the bitches trying to get with him. She stabbed one and shot another.

Janay and Shadee at one time was thick as thieves. But during the past six months he barely slowed down to spend time with her or their son. They both had to admit that their bond wasn’t as tight anymore. But now, if Shadee had a clue what Janay had been up to for the last couple of months he probably would put a bullet through her skull. Every time he needed to get away he would take her with him except for the one time he took Brianna. When he pulled up in front of her house he started cursing because her car was parked in the driveway; he had been calling her but she wasn’t answering the phone. He parked his car behind hers, got out and rang the doorbell.

After about two and a half minutes Janay was standing in front of him giving off much attitude. “Why do you think you have a key Shadee?” She rolled her eyes at him and left him standing in the doorway. “And what happened to your head?”

“I wasn’t sure if I should use it. You wasn’t answering the phone and I wasn’t sure if you had company,” he replied, ignoring the question about his head.

Janay stopped dead in her tracks and did what the sisters do when they put that hand on a hip and snap that neck back. “Nigga, don’t even try it. That’s something that you would do, not me. If I was to do something like that, trust and believe the locks would be changed and I would have the decency to tell you it’s over. So just because you’re guilty as fuck don’t try to flip the script.”

“I’m not flippin’ the script. I just wanted to know why you wasn’t answering the phone. I don’t feel like fighting with you right now.”

Pissed because he was remaining so calm, Janay walked away. She wanted to start an argument. Fig
uring she would give it one more try she stopped and turned around and asked, “If that’s all you wanted to know, Shadee, then why didn’t you just ask?” She went into the bathroom and started her bath water. When she came back into the living room she said, “Did it even occur to you that I was asleep? Just because you’re out there fuckin’ around doesn’t mean that you have to be so suspicious of me.”

Shadee seeing that she was in an arguing mood said, “I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you but you need to chill the fuck out. I’m going away for a couple of weeks and I want you and Marquis to come with me.” He peeked in Marquis’s room and saw that it was empty.

She sucked her teeth. “I gotta go to work Shadee. I just can’t jump up and leave for weeks at a time. I do have a job.”

“A job? What the fuck you got a job for? You on some bullshit now. I’m not making you work and you know that you don’t have to work. So go ’head with that. As a matter of fact, quit that fuckin’ job! You ain’t doin’ shit but wasting time. Time that you could be spending with our son. He still at your mom’s?”

Janay snapped her neck back so hard it could have popped out its socket. “Our son? I can’t tell it’s our son! And where the fuck have you been? How do you think I feel when our son asks where is his father? Or, when will my daddy come home?”

“I got Marquis. Don’t worry about our relationship.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Janay’s mouth hung open in disbelief. “You know what? No. Forget it. I don’t have the energy.” She waved him off.

He watched her long slender frame and flawless dark complexion walk away. Shadee loved tall women. She resembled supermodel Naomi Campbell. “And make sure you’re ready tomorrow,” he snapped.

She came out the bathroom wrapping a towel around her head. “And you can forget about me quitting this job. I want my own money.”

“Girl, you are not pressed for money. What do you need?” He sat there staring at her. “Know what? I agree. We’ll talk later. My head hurts and I need some sleep. Just make sure you and Marquis are packed and ready tomorrow night. And quit that fuckin’ bullshit job!” He got up and left her standing there but wondered what was up with this new attitude.

When the phone rang, she didn’t answer. Shadee turned around. “Who the fuck calling you this early? And why you ain’t picking it up?” Her heart fell to the floor when he started for the phone.


The room was so silent that she heard the dial tone when the caller hung up. “Janay let me find out you creepin’ with some nigga.” He was eyeballin’ her. “Who was that?”

“Shadee please. I’ve been getting that a lot lately,” she said, turning to go to the kitchen where her cell phone was, while praying it didn’t ring. “Of course you wouldn’t know, you’re never here, right?” She heard the bedroom door slam as she put her cell on vibrate. “What have I gotten myself into?” she mumbled.


riggen was silent as he drove. Shan was still recovering from her two beatdowns and the mace. When she got herself together she said, “I don’t believe this shit.” She grabbed her cell phone and called Brianna. When she didn’t get an answer Shan dialed her house phone. The voice mail picked up. “Hey, it’s me. Your car is still parked at the club. You need to go pick it up as soon as possible. If you would have stayed ten minutes longer your girl here wouldn’t have gotten her ass beat. I knew I should have left when I started to.” She put the cell phone away and looked into the mirror. “Look at my damn face! I have to go to work Monday. I can’t go to work like this. I can’t call out the first damn day!” She was practically screaming. Briggen pulled up in front of her house and before he could park Shan was outta the car and practically running towards her building.

Briggen jumped outta his truck, caught up to her and grabbed her arm. “Shan, hold up.”

She snatched her arm away and headed for her building with Briggen on her heels. “Why are you following me? Go home to all of them crazy ass hoes who
you and obviously put up with your bullshit and leave me the fuck alone! I ain’t the one Briggen.” She was struggling to get the key in the lock but it wouldn’t go in. She could barely see because now she was crying again and mad as hell.

Briggen took the keys from her. “Let me do it.”

“I don’t think so,” she snapped as she went to snatch them back. He held them up in the air so she couldn’t reach them. “Give me my keys. Don’t you think you’ve done enough for one night?” She tried to snatch them again. “Your motherfuckin’ bitches are lucky I didn’t have my gun on me.”

Briggen stuck her key in the lock and stepped inside.

“Are you coming in?” He smirked as he went over to the couch and sat down.

She slammed the door shut, went into the bathroom and started some bath water. She went into the kitchen, grabbed a wineglass and a bottle of White Zinfandel, and took that into the bathroom. She then stripped, filled her glass up and immersed her sore body into the hot steaming water.

Briggen went out to his truck, got her necklace and his little travel bag and came back inside. He got comfortable as he took his time and rolled a blunt.
What a night,
he thought to himself, placing the philly blunt box back into the travel bag.


An hour later Shan was chillin’ in the tub and feeling a little better. She allowed the steaming hot bath to soothe her aching bones and had downed two
glasses of Zinfandel. She was drying off when the phone rang. She ran to it, hoping it was Brianna. “What’s up hoe?”

Whoever it was hung up. Remembering that she had left Briggen in her living room she peeked her head around the corner. “Tell your bitches to stop calling my house and hanging up.”

“I got your necklace.” He ignored her sarcasm.

“Congratu-fuckin’-lations! I believe that’s the least you can do, other than paying me for getting violated on your property. And what about my girl’s car? Is it gonna be all right?”

“What was she driving? I’ll have to call and tell them to keep an eye on it.”

“It’s a champagne colored Lexus. She watched him as he dialed his celly. As soon as he began to talk she got close enough to ear hustle. She heard him give instructions on keeping an eye on Brianna’s Lex, asked what was up with Sharia and Mia—even though he didn’t say their names, she knew what was up. And the last thing she heard was him inquiring about the total of all receipts for the night.

“You can set my necklace on the table and leave.”

“Let me holla at you.”


“I gotta go out of town tomorrow.”

Shan sucked her teeth and threw on her robe. The wine had her feeling real nice. Walking into the living room, Briggen was just sitting in the dark chillin’. She turned on the lamp. “Did you call them and tell them to keep an eye on her car? That quick?”

“Yes ma’am, I did.”

She held her hand out for her necklace.

“You gonna let me apologize for tonight?”

“You can apologize; I’m listening.”

He looked up at her. “Can you at least sit down for a minute? I’m not going to bite you. Please, sit down.” Shan remained standing, crossed her arms and fixed her gaze onto Briggen.

“I’m sorry that everything went down the way it did. If you’ll give me a chance I’ll make it up to you. Are you all right? I am sorry, for real.”

“You call that an apology? That’s not good enough. But I’m not in the mood right now. I want you to leave.”

“I thought you said you wanted me to apologize? What is your definition of an apology? What is it that you want?”

“Why did you fake like you was this serious businessman? You could have been straight with me and told me that you got your hustle on.”

Briggen wiped his face with his hands before looking at Shan. “I am a businessman. All that other shit you accusing me of, that ain’t me. I’m just a businessman trying to stay afloat. I like you Shan. I don’t have to lie to you. All my cards is always on the table.”

“Bullshit Briggen! You said you was Calvin the businessman. A month later I find out you are Briggen the dope dealer. You call that laying everything on the table?”

“Shan, why—”

She cut him off. “As far as laying everything on the table—I saw you practice that when it comes to them hoes. They both seem to be very accepting of the fact that they are not the only one. At least the two I ran into tonight. How many more do you have?”

“It ain’t what you’re thinking Shan. They run my businesses.”

“But you fuckin’ them Briggen, and they are call
ing you their man. So, what? How many more are there?”

“I can’t stop them from calling me what they want to call me.”

Shan gave him the hand. “Cut the bullshit Calvin. Just leave. I’m too tired for this shit.” Plus he was blowing her mind with them hoes being so accepting of the fact that they’re sharing. She had to admit that the dick was good, but damn.

“You said I owe you for getting violated. Let’s negotiate. You want this, don’t you?” He held up her necklace, dangling it back and forth. When she saw her mother’s necklace she let out a sigh of relief.

“A’ight. We can do this.” Briggen pulled out his wallet. “How much we talking?” he wanted to know.

“First, I want a better apology.” She sat down across from him.

“A’ight. I’m sorry for the way things went down tonight. I had no idea shit would happen the way it did. I was glad to see you, that’s why I asked—or rather begged—you to stick around. I just wanted to kick it with you. I—”

Shan cut him off. “Why in the fuck do you want to kick it with me and you got all them other bitches!” She just couldn’t get over that. “No! No!” She put her hand up. “Fuck it! Don’t even answer that. Just give me my damn necklace and all the money you got on you. That’ll make up for all the shit I went through tonight. And you better hope that I don’t sue your ass! And you still didn’t tell me how many hoes you got!”

“I thought you wanted me to apologize? How you gonna cut me off in the middle of the apology?”

“Nigga, cut the bullshit all right?” He could tell that she was really pissed off.

“A’ight. You got that.” Briggen opened his wallet and pulled out all the bills. “I already told you those bitches run my businesses. One runs the club and the other one runs my day care center.”

“Whatever nigga. I know it’s another one running your car shop. Just toss the dough onto the coffee table,” she ordered. “And I know you got a money clip. Pull that out! And you got another hoe trafficking your dope.”

“Anything else, Your Highness?” Briggen asked as he did what he was told, not wanting to touch the fact that she was calling out all of his business.
Hoes talk too damn much

“Now give me my necklace.” When he placed it in her hand, he tried to pull her up. “Don’t even try it nigga. You are now dismissed.”

“What if I told you I didn’t want to go.”

“That’s your problem. Not mines.” She stood up and he put his arms around her waist. “It’s time for you to go. You know all your hoes are waiting on you.”

“I’m here with you. You got me now.” He was easing her back towards the couch.

“Briggen—or Calvin—don’t even try it,” her voice squeaked.

“Remember you told me, ‘Briggen, I had been trying to reach you for days.’ Well, here I am. What did you want? You got me.”

“I was trying to reach Calvin not Briggen. I don’t know who Briggen is.”

“I’ll tell you all about Briggen. Briggen has been feenin’ for some of this pussy.” he whispered as he bent down and kissed her lips. “What else do you want to know about him?” He kissed her again.

“Nothing…right now,” she barely got out.

He sat down on the couch and pulled her between his legs. “You don’t deserve me,” she mumbled.

“I know baby.” He raised one of her legs up and placed it on the couch. She grabbed onto his shoulders and was anticipating what was coming next. She held on tight as Briggen spread those pussy lips, pulled the hood up over that clit and went to sucking.

“You don’t deserve me, nigga.” She moaned as her clit grew harder and bigger. “Nigga, shit!” she yelled as she went to grinding against his tongue. “Brig, Cal, whoever the fuck you are, oh, nooooo, don’t stop!” She screamed as she started to cum, digging her nails into his shoulders. Her juices were squirting out and Briggen was sucking it all up. “Oh, shit! Oh, shit!” She kept screaming as he brought on her second orgasm. She was enjoying his lips and tongue as they tickled her tingling body. He finally came up to her nipples where he sucked and teased them to the point where she was ready for round three. “Nigga go back to where you just came from,” she ordered as she spread her sweaty, sticky thighs.

“Damn your pussy taste good.” Briggen smirked as he slid two fingers inside of her and watched as she began to grind nice and slow. She gently placed both hands on his head, guiding him to where she needed him to be. Briggen, wasting no time, continued to finger fuck her as he began licking her clit.

“Babeeeeee. Oh, my God!” Shan cried out in ecstasy as she was trying to mash her pussy in his face. Oh, this feels sooo good. Right there, baby. Right there. Oh, my!” She tried to stop that tongue action but Briggen wasn’t having it. “Oh, please!” she screamed out as her juices squirted every which way.

“See what you’ve been missing out on,” Briggen sarcastically said as he stood up. When the flow stopped Briggen picked her up. She was limp as a rag doll. She hadn’t cum since the last time they were together.

“Oh, shit!” she kept repeating as she caught her breath. He was moving towards her bedroom. “Hold up. Put me down.” As soon as her feet hit the floor she closed her robe and tied it.

“Why are you tying it? Let’s take it to the bedroom.”

“Bedroom? I know you heard me. I said you didn’t deserve me. Now get the fuck out!” She switched her ass to the door and swung it open. Briggen looked at her as if she was crazy. “That’s right nigga! I said get the fuck out!”

Briggen just shook his head. “So it’s like that?”

“Out, hoe! Nigga get the fuck out!”

When he reached the door he moved her hand off the knob and slammed it shut. “You got me fucked up. I’m not going anywhere. We gonna finish this.”

She ran for her cell phone and dialed 911. “Now nigga, how do you want this to really end? With me or the police? Hello!” She said into the phone while staring at Briggen. “What’s up?”

He smirked at her as he opened the door. “A’ight, you got that off.”

“I did, didn’t I? Bye.”

Briggen shut the door behind him and stood there. When he heard her lock it he smiled at the thought of how he just got played big time.
That pussy was worth it.
He said to himself as he headed for his Denali, jumped in, and pulled off.

BOOK: Payback Is a Mutha
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